What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    edited September 18
    Oh, thanks for asking. It's a tiny bit better each day... but the mornings still start out with me hobbling around because the heel is achy. But I'm doing what I need to do and I can tell it's helping. Usually after I've been up for an hour or so, the pain is down to a dull ache so I can move without much effort.

    Praying for your breathing issues. I hate not being able to walk much myself.

    Heading to the grocery store because I am almost out of everything. Me to self: "You do not need chocolate, you do not need chocolate..."
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I have lost a little over 4# since logging my food again, but the last 2 times I have weighed, I have gone up 2/10 of a pound. That is the wrong direction! I still have not gotten on an exercise regime. I have been trying to get Bill let me push him around the block, but he hasn't gone for it. Even if it was just the cul-de-sac a couple of times. Yesterday, I was just a few calories under my 1200, but carbs are still running high.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    I have lost a little over 4# since logging my food again, but the last 2 times I have weighed, I have gone up 2/10 of a pound. That is the wrong direction! I still have not gotten on an exercise regime. I have been trying to get Bill let me push him around the block, but he hasn't gone for it. Even if it was just the cul-de-sac a couple of times. Yesterday, I was just a few calories under my 1200, but carbs are still running high.
    Because carbs are delicious! 😂
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh yes, life would not be as sweet without carbs! Oh my pumpkin spice Mini Wheats and Cheerios! Then Wade brings me a pumpkin roll back from the grocery store. I'm going to have to be really careful with that!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Cindy - and Bill can and will eat carbs! It would be much easier if most veggies, didn't go right through him. I'm thinking now, that I am going to have to take out tomatoes. I need to do some experiments without them and see what happens. Corn and carrots are out for sure. I think peas are out, but again, need another experiment with them. Pork and beef are definitely out. He does eat green beans, beans and potatoes. He had gotten where he wouldn't eat salad, but I added it back in this week because I wanted one and he has at least been enjoying that (especially if I put a tomato on it). He has really been enjoying tomatoes and I have given them to him a lot because they are healthy, but .....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    At least he wants healthy stuff! Mom wanted hot dogs and corn dogs and near the end she would only eat fruit. She ended up losing around 70 lbs because she didn't eat at all the last couple of weeks. I didn't know such a thing was out there, but mom kept choking when she drank something - the nurses would thicken her water and it went down much more easily. It's out there for just folks to buy. I have a problem choking now and again and have thought about doing something like that.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Had a pretty good day foods wise today. Also got a tiny bit of walking.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Today, I made a casserole for dinner and just threw stuff in without measuring. I used an old copy of a similar one to track, so I'm sure my numbers are off,.but hopefully not too badly.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Wade gets on me for not sticking with a recipe - what!? They do it all the time on Food Network! I just don't know food like they do and it rarely comes out as good as theirs does - sigh!

    We made a turkey on Saturday and have been enjoying it immensely. A big pot of mashed potatoes, some baby peas, and cranberry sauce - mmmm! Can't say that's super healthy, but it gets me all of the food groups!

    This morning was coffee and a graham cracker, woke with a massive headache. Praise the Lord there aren't very many of those any more.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I fixed a turkey breast the other night. We love roast turkey and I buy the breast's fairly often. This one was awful! It was a Butterball, but it was really stringy and tough. I wound up freezing most of it for cutting small and using in soups. I used some the next night in white chili and it was good.

    I was low on calories today, so I went to Wendy's a few minutes ago and got us the Jr Frosty....mmmm! Tasted so good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    What a great way to make up calories!

    I walked a little bit yesterday and will try again today. After the second lap I start having trouble catching my breath. I also did my arm work yesterday and plan to do it again today. Baby steps I guess!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited September 25
    I kept well in my calories today. They are having a special on Tuesdays at KFC for 8 pc of chicken for $10. Bill loves KFC, and usually really overeats when we get chicken. He did eat a lot :), but he really needs a cheat once in a while, too. I had two thighs with skin and breading taken off (love that that is in the tracker).
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    I wish I could still eat KFC; the gluten allergy has made that a no-no for me now. 😞
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Wade liked to go to KFC on Livers Wednesdays. He'd bring a huge box full home and share them with Jake.

    Not doing great eating wise. I've been enjoying my pumpkin roll this week - mmmm mmmm! One more piece. I have been doing a wee bit of house walking and upper body exercises though. Holding at my weight, no gains.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited September 26
    I haven't gotten on the scales recently. I'm kind of dreading it, since there were gains the last 2 times. Today wasn't bad. If I eat the full snack that I have logged, I will be pretty close to hitting 1200 calories.

    Cindy - I wondered if Bill had a bit of gluten allergies, but it seems like he actually does better with sandwiches, pastas, etc. I just can't figure him out.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    It took me 7 months to figure out my gluten allergy. And another few years to discover that I could eat sourdough bread.

    I'm also a little nervous about getting on the scale when I get back home. I haven't really overeaten on this job, but I did bring some peanut butter m & m's with me and I've been having a few each night... (after I have an apple with peanut butter). I think I'll be happy if I break even and just not have gained any weight while I've been here. Other than Sunday - when I got a little over 6,000 steps, I've been averaging between 3,000 - 4,000 steps. I'm still nursing the bad heel, but it really is getting just slightly better every day.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I did get on the scale and lost 2.4 pounds. That totally surprised me. I haven't even been as diligent with no sugar, just staying in calorie range. I haven't been craving sweets, so staying away from sugar to begin with was definitely the right thing to do. Now the next thing is to try to get back on some type of intermittent fasting schedule. I could easily do a 12 hour, but I used to do 8/16, and I'm not sure I want to change my mealtimes away from when Bill eats, so it would be difficult.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Connie, you might also lose some of your metabolism when you fast for 16 hours.

    Cindy, sure doesn't sound too bad to me. We finished our jelly beans and are not planning on getting any more. We would do five to eight jelly beans in the evening so they lasted a long time, but there is no value in eating them but rather a negative, so I don't think we'll get any more.

    I watched a video this morning on Lipedema and learned quite a bit more than I knew before. I knew that the fat collected under the skin, but I didn't know that scar tissue formed around it and that's why you can't get rid of it by diet or exercise, your body can't get to it! A Keto diet also works very well in helping to lose the normal fat in your body as well as helping with some of the side effects of Lipedema. Lipedema can cause Lymphedema when it swells and then damages the passageways. Carbs are not my friend - wahhhh! I'm going to start out halving my carb intake, and when that is a habit, I'll halve it again until I'm down to maybe 30 carbs a day. I'm going to start tracking to see how many carbs I am actually getting in a day and ways I can lower it. One thing she mentioned was dairy and how in some people having dairy can cause side effects as well. I have very little dairy now (mostly my creamer and a couple nights a week with my cereal (which is going to have to go by the wayside)! Wade is going to make me an omlete in the morning instead of my Aussie Bite, which I just ordered another box of! But, I can plan it in until they are gone. I need to get the extra weight off and this seems like the way to go.

    I hope y'all are feeling well. I'm so glad things are going so much better for you, Connie! Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited September 28
    I was a bit low on calories today, but I did stay within my 12 hours. Tomorrow will be a cheat day big time. We are having a wms picnic at the pastor's wife's house. I am going to enjoy. One of Bill's friends from church came up to me Sunday and told me that he is going to come sit with Bill so I can go. I jumped on the chance. I just hope they don't run into issues!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh, that was so nice. I hope you are having a good time!

    Ugh, my documents on my computer won't open. OneDrive has done something to them. Several of my files were put into the OneDrive garbage can. I restored a bunch, some I had no idea what they were so will let them go. Each of my documents has that folder box on it. Wade knows how to undo it, so I'll wait until he's done mowing to get that done! Sigh.

    I had my usual Aussie bite and coffee for breakfast. I'm cutting out the coffee flavored protein drink, it adds carbs. My creamer probably adds some too, but not nearly as many. I had a spicy chicken thigh for lunch and am going to do a hamburger (no bread) for dinner. I'll probably add a salad. My snack this evening will be an apple. I've lost 1/2 since Thursday!