Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    The chips are finished now so that's good. DH and I ate the last of them last night. I have tracked the last two days and I know I am eating too much fat. That will be why I am not losing weight. I can focus on more carbs and protein and that should really help. I did eat a kiwi before the chips!

    Trying to manage my stress but I seem to be anxious lately. It's spring and the days are longer so that should help.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello! Shari, I'm happy that you had safe travels and honored your friend. I'm sure that your words meant so much to her family and friends!
    Paula, congrats on the weight loss! I'm happy that your video Dr. appointment was successful!
    I was attacked by seasonal allergies during the weekend which led to a nonstop runny nose, sore throat, exhaustion from not sleeping well and then it went to my chest. I've tried different OTC meds and finally had some Nyquil last night and slept and then some Dayquil this morning. That has really helped! I tested for Covid Sunday and Tuesday and both were negative.
    Yesterday was DDs birthday-38. We took her out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant that she picked. It was OK and I ate the half I brought home for breakfast this morning-LOL!!
    I have another busy weekend coming up but one item on the calendar is an overdue hair appointment. My stylist had surgery and has been off -my hair is telling that story to everyone who looks at it-I am in need of a root touch up and trim!! I hope you both have a great rest of the week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    DW, Leftovers, including Mexican, can be a great breakfast treat. I would do the same....and have done so! Allergy season is evident here too. But I tend to be in a permanent state of sniffle and post nasal drip year round!

    Shari, I understand the anxiety stuff. I think I surprised one of our online church studies last week when I mentioned that I tend to be anxious. I guess I present a different appearance most of the time.

    Today was an excellent day for me...ah, how I wish I could have more days like today. I stayed on track, logged all of my food (including chips that cost me 5 points), and accomplished some big tasks on my to do list. My pain level was mostly tolerable and I had no fatigue....a day without naps and not even a desire to nap. I slept well last night which I suspect helped me a lot. I have been taking some extra strength Tylenol at least once a day, and I have started using Voltaren gel on my knees (recommended by my doctor on Monday). Maybe, I am arriving at a good treatment plan. I also had my nails done this afternoon, and chose a color kind of out of my regular palette. I like the look and felt uplifted by having the nail appointment (here at home of course).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    I stayed up way too late night and decided to sleep in. I will have just a quick moment to say hi. Moe is bumping my laptop and hands signalling that he is ready for breakfast lol. He didn't like having to wait for his morning meal.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    Shari, Hope you had a good day after getting a little extra rest. I had a good day today but not quite as good as yesterday. That is positive. I stayed on plan and tracked my meals and snacks. I discovered Breyers carb smart fudge bars, only 50 calories per bar and only 2 WW points. I was concerned that I might react to them because of my lactose intolerance. The first ingredient is skim milk, but when I tried one I didn't have a reaction. So I think I have a new healthy treat. I bought them on sale for 1.99 per box of 6 which is a really good price. But now they are up to 4.59 for a box of 6....too expensive for me to buy regularly. I will keep watch for when they go on sale again. They taste really good too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    It was nice to work from home yesterday. I had a lot of online meetings and the day went by quickly. We have our annual sr high retreat out at a camp. I will be going as I have a group of gr 12 girls that I lead and a number of them will be going. I won't get much sleep, but it will be fun.

    Moe isn't doing well. In the last few days he has grown a new tumour. This one is on his neck. We have noticed that he has slowed down significantly. It might be time to put him to sleep. We can't tell if he is pain, but I guess it's not easy to do with dogs. Jim will keep an eye on him and will need to take him to the vet in the next few days to see what they advise. I cried some, but I am still in denial that we will have to make a decision. It breaks my heart to lose him, but I also hate to let him suffer.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    edited April 13
    Oh Shari, so difficult when our fur babies reach the point where we question the quality of life for them. I pray you get some direction and answers from your vet. John and I will pray for Moe and for you and DH in case you are faced with a difficult decision.

    I had a rather time consuming project to do for our inter church group. I have been avoiding it for about a week or more, not feeling up to tackling it. Today I got it all complete and plan to mail it out tomorrow. Once I got started it went pretty smoothly. I so glad that task is off my plate (until next year). I did ok with food today. I was a little hungrier than usual so I ate when I was hungry without waiting til John was ready to eat. That paid off in helping me stay on track.

    Here's to a good weekend for all of us!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    It was a healthy low WW point day for me today. I made a big pot of veggie chili that will last us for quite a few days. I am so pleased as I have been wanting to make this for quite a while but lacked the determination or energy to do so till today. I also had a small grocery order delivered so we are stocked up with some basics that seem to run out quickly at times. We had a morning church service (a special Lenten service) and our regular Saturday evening vespers service. So it was kind of a full day too. I am looking forward to getting to bed a little earlier than my usual.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    I am back home after our weekend retreat. It went really well.

    But- on Friday we made the decision to put Moe to sleep. He didn't get up with me in the morning, and he didn't get up with Jim when he got up. Once he did get up, he went to his bed on our main floor. I think he was in pain and very lethargic. We were able to rally him to do things, but we could tell he just wanted to please us. Jim took him to the vet (who agreed it was time) since I had to work and he was with Moe to his last heartbeat. I feel deep loss, but at the same time I am so thankful that Moe doesn't have to suffer another single day. He had no way to communicate his pain and it broke my heart to try and guess. I feel great relief and I am carrying the best memories. He was such a good dog.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    So very sorry Shari. Moe will always be in your heart for sure. Our pets are so much more than pets. They are family and so full of love and devotion. Hugs to you and your DH for making such a difficult decision.

    I had a good day today for both accomplishments and food choices. We still have plenty of veggie chili to go around. (I did make a BIG pot of it.) A friend of mine stopped by and brought me some food that he shopped for. He is a great sales shopper and found items he knew we would like. I am very appreciative of his efforts and help. He brought some queso which we added to our veggie chili today....keeps it from getting boring!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks Paula! I know you understand too well the loss of our furry family members. Last night I had a pile of laundry on the floor and for a moment, I thought it was Moe laying there and I almost bent down to pet him. The house feels so quiet. We decided to book a trip away to get some much needed mental rest. We booked a trip to Cabo, Mexico and we leave April 27 for a week. I am thankful that I have the vacation time and that we were able to find a reasonably priced package.

    I did better with my eating yesterday, I missed tracking a few things but I see that I still lean heavy on eating fats. I need to focus on fruits and veggies if I am to fix that.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Shari, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Our pets are such a big part of our day to day lives and it leaves such a big hole when they are gone. I'm glad that the decision became clear for you and your DH and that Moe had a peaceful passing. I'm also happy that you have a trip to look forward to-somewhere warm and sunny!
    Paula, it sounds like you have had several good days in a row-that is awesome!!
    I'm hanging in there with my weight and motivation going up and down. There is a slight downward trend but each loss is then followed by a gain of some sort-no consistent downward movement... Work seems to be going well and tonight I went to a Special Olympics volleyball game that one of the people that I drive invited me to. It was actually several games and I was very impressed with both teams! My congestion problems are hanging on but seem to be getting a little better. I am still very tired all the time and haven't found a good time to consistently take my vitamins. That's all the news from here. Have a good rest of the week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    Shari, I am excited for you for your upcoming trip. April 27 will be here before you know it. So important to take the time you need and will enjoy.

    DW, Nice to support the Special Olympics! It means a lot to the athletes involved. Seasonal allergies are year round for me for sure. I have had some days when I have been very stuffy.

    I had another fairly good day. My demands were few. I got a little frustrated because Craig forgot he was to come today, and it threw my day off. By the time he got here, about 3 hours late, I was too tired to do what I needed to do, especially since we had our 2 online church classes tonight. He apologized, and I didn't let him know how frustrated I was. My frustration didn't ruin my eating however. I am pleased with staying on track, even though I considered straying today.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    I knew you both would understand the loss of Moe. Thank you for your kind responses. It's so weird not having him here, but we both have such good memories and that helps. He had a wonderful life. We went to our old neighbours last night. They loved Moe and wanted to see us. We shared snacks and wine. So my diet that went well during the day got side tracked at night.

    I just declared allergy season for myself yesterday. I started sneezing and my eyes hurt. But it snowed last night, so I will have a day or two of reprieve. It's very cold out today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    Shari, I hope the snow cuts down on the pollen in your area, at least to temporarily subdue it anyway.

    It was a good day here again. My pain level wasn't too high and my energy level was good. My carb intake was higher though than I like. I got lazy about tracking. I think it is a form of avoidance for me when I have a high carb day. Ugh! Tomorrow John and I are going to get haircuts. We are having the home health aide drive us because I am not driving yet. I haven't driven since March 11. It is kind of expensive to have the health aide drive us, so I think I am going to have to space out our haircuts to cut down on the number of times we go in order to save some money. I hope to be able to drive again, but not sure how this will all work out.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    I had a very short break from the pollen. My allergies are quite noticeable and I may need to start taking allergy medication. I try to limit how much I take because the side effect for me is insomnia. I am good for about 5 days and then my sleep is impacted.

    DH leaves for Vancouver tonight and will be gone until Tuesday. I am hoping that I can have a really good eating plan while he is away. Maybe I can lose some of the extra pounds that have crept on since November. I am going to try and track before I eat. If I can do that, I should be able to balance my macros. I hope that it will help me to up my protein and reduce the fatty foods that I have been eating.

    I hope you will be able to drive again soon Paula. I am glad you have a way to get to the hair salon in the meantime.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    Safe travels to your DH Shari. I have tried some allergy meds but haven't had a very favorable response. I hope you get some relief. I know it is more difficult for you because you are an outdoor person. Not me. I am ok staying indoors and keeping the windows closed to keep the pollen out of the house as much as possible.

    As usual, my hair looks good after a visit to my hair stylist. John's cut looks good too. I was exhausted by the time we got home. I made a quick meal for us and then rested for the rest of the evening. A friend stayed with Buster since we couldn't take him with us with the health aide agency policy. This was the first time Buster has stayed here alone with that friend, and both of them did well. I am so proud of both of them!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    Paula- That's great both your haircut and John's turned out. Knowing Buster did well with your friend is good to know, in case you need to do it again at some point.

    DH was quite nervous about this trip which isn't like him. I think he is learning to express and feel his feelings rather than stuff them. That is such good progress. He has travelled short trips like this on his own before, so he didn't have a reason to be nervous. Our time with the counsellor is helping us a lot. I am very thankful for her.

    I will work from home this morning and just go to the office this afternoon. I will pop into a mall to see if their winter coats are still on sale and if there are any left. My current one is starting to fall apart. Three weeks ago there were so many, but I didn't need one at that time. At least I didn't think that I did.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 953 Member
    Will pray for safe travels for your DH Shari. I can strongly relate to nervousness about traveling. Good to know you are seeing positive results from the counseling.

    It was a really good day here today. I was a bit tired but trudged through the day and was able to rest after our 6 pm online church service. My friend Lola came to visit today, one of my closest and dearest and sweetest friends. We had Chinese food, which I have been craving for weeks and weeks. Remarkably, the food wasn't terribly salty. We also had wine, which I also have been craving. It was a lovely afternoon. She is so easy to talk with and relax and laugh. We hadn't seen each other in quite a while. She lives about an hour away but has been quite tied up with her DH and his health issues.

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 821 Member
    DH made it safe to Vancouver. I haven't heard from him that much but I have been super busy. I worked a 12 hour day yesterday. I did my regular work, with help from other admins as I was so busy. I was about to head out but I checked on the kitchen team making Chuchitos for the mission trip fundraiser and they had a lot of work and not many people pitching in. So I rolled up my sleeves to help. I feel like chuchitos are like a Chinese steamed pork bun, but with masa flour. I need to head back to work at around 3 today. I knew it would be a busy weekend.