Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Thank you for praying Paula. That means a lot and I know makes a difference. Tony was admitted to hospital. DH went and visited him yesterday and then he stopped in to his partner, Walter. Walter is 93. They live together, but we are not sure what their relationship is. Jim had thought they were gay, but he isn't so sure anymore. It had been an assumption.

    My Father-in-law is Alec. He bounced back yesterday and is feeling better. It truly is amazing.

    DH was in emerg last night getting his wasp bite checked out. The swelling is covering his whole arm and we thought it got infected. The dr. said is wasn't infected, just a sting. I can't believe it. It is so bad! It's not an allergic reaction either. DH is still sleeping, I am anxious to check it out when he wakes up. I hope it is subsiding in intensity and the area it is covering.

    Happy to work from home today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, I sure hope your DH's arm improves. It seems to me that you will have to keep a close check on it. From what you said it certainly sounds like an allergic reaction or infection to me too. Good news about your FIL. I will pray for him to continue to grow in strength. Will also keep Tony and Walter in my prayers too. At such an advanced age they are fortunate to have each other. So many elderly are all alone these days.

    I was very productive today and am also pleased with my food choices again. When I am in the "mood" for grilled chicken and broccoli my appetite is fully satisfied as was the case today. However, when I am not in the mood for those healthy options, I tend to graze way too much. I had a grocery order delivered today and was amazed at the great sales and how much money I saved. We should be well stocked with just about everything for quite some time. Grocery prices here are as high as I can ever remember. I always did shop the sales and plan our meals around what is on sale, but it is more important to now than ever before. I often say that shopping to me is a sport. I feel like I won the game today with all of my wise money saving purchases.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    DH's arm has improved and I am quite surprised. The redness has faded a bit and so has the swelling. Tony remains in the hospital for more tests and Walter is quite worried about him. I am sure that it is difficult for them both. DH is doing what he can to help. He will go visit Tony today which is very kind of him. It's unfortunate that Tony wasn't brought to the closest hospital, but there isn't much we can do about that.

    I agree that the cost of groceries is so unreasonable these days. I know many people are struggling with the cost. I am glad you had a victorious shopping day. That is great! I processed more tomatoes and some celery that I got from from Walter. I have a lot of tomatoes waiting to ripen so I will have a lot of canning to do yet. I don't like celery, but DH does. We have far too much so I will see if anyone at work wants some. I feel like the people I work with will turn their noses up. We shall see.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Great news about your DH's arm improving. Things like that tend to concern me a great deal. It is sweet that he is helping out Tony and Walter. Nice that you are getting some fresh veggies from them. I love celery but sometimes I get a bitter stalk that tastes bad.

    I got only a few of my to do items completed today so they will be carried over to tomorrow. My day was interrupted twice today, once by a planned visitor and later by an unexpected visit from a friend. I am amazed at how quickly these days seem to fly by anymore....I think it is a hallmark of aging. I was a little hungrier than usual today and had to fight off some cravings. I reached for healthy snacks but really never felt satisfied today. Will be a challenging evening ahead.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    DH's arm continues to improve, so that is good. Tony is still in hospital and we are not 100% sure when he will get to go home. He has two more tests to get done. They are checking his heart, but the cardiologist isn't sure it is heart that is causing the issues. I am not sure what else would cause Tony's blood pressure to drop. I hope they figure it out.

    Days do fly by quicker and quicker the older we get. That is so strange to me. I heard a quote that said breakfast comes every hour when you are old. It took me a minute to realize that was implying how fast the days go.

    I have been feeling chilled and hope I am not catching an illness. I slept in some so I could get a bit more rest. It will be a bit of a rushed morning.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    So happy that your DH's arm is improving. Good that Tony is still getting medical attention while his condition is being better defined. Health issues can be so tricky and complicated. Our prayers will continue for him and Walter too of course. I hope you aren't coming down with an illness Shari. Good idea to sleep a little extra. I am always a proponent of getting more rest!

    I had a super busy day today and was exhausted so I took an early evening nap and then felt refreshed. I am very pleased with the major accomplishments I achieved today with my to do list. I did a lot of work for our inter church group so I got to check off a lot of to do items in that category. The remaining work I have for this group can be done next week or so. I had to help a friend by phone at the last minute when he needed something. It took up almost an hour of my morning but I couldn't say no to him and I know he appreciated my help. My to do list for tomorrow is relatively light. I made mostly good food choices today but craved sweets and gave in to the cravings twice. Ugh!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Hello! Just another quick check in since it is quite late for me on a work night. Shari, I hope your DH's arm is continuing to improve! I'm so sorry about the loss your DH experienced. Prayers for the young man's family! I also hope that Tony will improve and be able to come home! It sounds like your DH is being such a good friend!
    Paula, it sounds like you have been so busy but making good choices in spite of that-that is awesome!!
    My scale problem has resolved itself-DH quit weighing himself. I guess the quest to fit into his vests is over-LOL!! We leave for TN on Tuesday for our national dog gathering. I made my initial list of things that need to be done and have started working on it. My weight loss remains stalled so I intend to get back on track when we return including getting back to the gym! I hope you both have a great Friday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    DH's arm is quite a bit better. The redness is almost all gone and the swelling it subsiding too. It's still itchy. He is keeping busy with things here at the farm. The cows escaped yesterday so he had to chase them back in to the fenced pasture. Not fun! And then we spent some time with Walter. Today he will go in and check on Tony.

    Glad your scale issue is resolved DW. But- you never know when your DH will be up for a weigh in next lol! Have a great time at the dog gathering.

    You are keeping busy and achieving a lot Paula. I am sure the work you are doing for the church is very much appreciated! I am not worrying about giving in to the sweet cravings any more. I do try to choose sweets that are on the healthier side where possible. Fruits are best of course. But I also made some chocolate balls that are made with protein, dates and cocoa (a few other things) and that helps with my chocolate craving. I also made marshmallows for the first time. They work to settle cravings too! Just one will do it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Safe travels to you DW! Where will you be in Tennessee? We were in Nashville over 10 years ago for a short visit. It was a nice trip. Good luck to your dogs!

    Shari, I did not remember that you have cows. Are they yours or someone elses? I very much appreciate your insight regarding sweet cravings. I was doing well with fruit choices but got away from that recently. I have some very delicious frozen fruit to rely on. I can't imagine making marshmallows. Is that hard to do??

    Craig was here today for the 1st time in about 2 months! It was good to see him. He did less than an hour of work but did things that I was really concerned about. We have a few projects planned with him for the next few weeks. He said he wasn't around much due to car problems....mostly he didn't have a car and was using his friend's car and didn't want to take advantage of his friend. Now he has his car again so that is promising. Tomorrow is our day to watch college football. I won't do much in terms of a to do list, but I will tackle a few small items as my time and energy permit.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    We are pasturing some of our cousins cows. They arrive in late spring and stick around until our dug out is about to freeze (their water source).

    I thought marshmallows would be difficult to make, but it is so easy! It is like making meringue. Just let the mixer do the work. I love them and will continue to have them on hand.

    Glad you are able to have Craig come out and help Paula. Enjoy the football game.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Now I recall about your cows Shari. Thanks for reminding me. Today was an excellent diet day for me. I tell myself if I could do this well today I could it everyday. A day like today encourages me. My sweet craving today was satisfied by some no sugar added chunky applesauce that my friend brought me on Wednesday evening. I will remember to enjoy more when future sweet cravings hit. I was fairly tired today. Resting was easy since our plan was to enjoy college football most of the day. I actually napped a bit in the afternoon and again in the evening. Not sure why I was so tired, but at least it was on a day when I had few demands and was able to rest.