Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I am so thankful for this weekend. I slept in more than I typically do, but I made a coffee and I am sitting on the deck. It is a beautiful morning and I am thankful I can be out here in the sunshine. There all sort of birds singing. A few that are squawking. I can enjoy robins, sparrows, yellow finches, woodpeckers, and chickadees.

    Last night I took out four young high school girls for dinner and then we played mini-golf. We had a lot of fun. Two girls attend our church regularly, two didn't come out at all last year so I wanted to connect with them and let them know they were missed and are welcome to come back.

    I hope your visit with Kellie and her DH went well Paula.

    i am hoping to spend my day outdoors in my garden. I haven't been able to as I have been busy after work or it's been raining. I hope things are growing!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello! So far I am up a couple of pounds on the new eating plan. I need to continue reading and figuring it out more. The main idea is to have 25g of protein at each meal and at least 5 g of fiber per meal. Also lots of varying colored veggies and fruits. There are 3 meals and two snacks with nutrition requirements for the snacks also. It talks about maintaining muscles by having protein throughout the day instead of loading up on it at supper.
    My DH is an artist and won 2nd place at last nights’show.
    I’m starting to get anxious about the dog show this coming weekend .
    Have a great weekend!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    DW- having protein throughout the day makes sense to me. It helps regulate blood sugar and will help maintain our muscle mass as we age. I am very bad at getting enough fiber every day. Congrats on your DH willing 2nd place. That's is so good! Enjoy the dog show, I hope your anxiety settles.

    Toady is my day of rest, it looks like it will be quite nice out. I look forward to enjoying be outside as much as I can. I didn't weigh in yesterday or today. I did take my temp. It's is normal. My blood pressure and heart rate are still low. That is a good indication my metabolism still needs some repair.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I had a good breakfast yesterday and then dinner at my parents. They have such a beautiful backyard and it is truly inspiring. Once I retire, I look forward to spending time replicating what they have done in my own backyard.

    I put on some weight so I will be diligent with my eating plan for today. Hopefully I go back down by tomorrow.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    Shari, So nice that you were able to sleep a bit more over the weekend. You know I am a big fan of sleep! I truly think it is extremely crucial to our overall well being and success. Coffee on your deck sounds wonderful. I would love to have coffee on our patio but carrying anything extra while walking with my cane or walker makes that difficult. But you inspire me....I think I could manage to do that by using a travel cup with a non-spill lid and carrying it in a bag of some kind. It is wonderful that you have such good relationships with the girls you mentioned. I am sure you are making a positive impact on their lives. You are a blessing to them.

    DW, Congrats to your DH. I admire people with talent so much. It is truly a gift from God, but I know it also requires a great deal of dedication and hard work to develop the talent given to us. I think it is so cool that you have your dog shows and your DH has his art! You are an interesting couple! I hope you enjoy your upcoming dog show! Dogs can bring out the best in us!

    I enjoyed Saturday night with Kellie and her DH. We are never at a loss for words. We have much in common. We met when our boys were in Boy Scouts together, but later found out that Kellie's DH went to the same college I did....he is younger than me and started there the semester after I graduated. I also knew his parents through church stuff as we go to sister churches, but I didn't know him. Such a small world. And of course we share our love of dogs. The pizza was very good, but we were more focused on our conversations. Kellie and I had wine with the pizza while the guys enjoyed a beer (I don't like beer at all). It was a fun evening.

    I have done well with making wise choices again over the last few days. I had 2 slices of pizza on Saturday evening but was careful all day long before that. Yesterday I wasn't too hungry so my good choices seemed to come naturally. I need to do that more often and more consistently.

    Looking for a good week for all of us!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you both had good weekends and are off to a great Monday!! I enjoyed church on Sunday morning followed by a dog class followed by a zoom yoga class. I spent time helping my daughter today because she had the day off- we took another load to the landfill and to Goodwill. She is doing an awesome job going through everything in her home and getting rid of stuff!! I should get back to that here!
    I’ve gone back to 17dd starting today. I’ve gained 6 lbs trying to follow the other plan. I think that my body doesn’t do well with a normal amount of carbs.
    Have a great rest of the week!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I took today off from work as we have flex days and they expire at the end of June. I like to use my benefits now, I didn't so much when I was younger. I have already cleaned out the freezer to make way for some beef that we are getting. I know what I have in the freezer now, so that's good.

    We haven't worked on DH's accounting for his business in a long time. I am going to work on that with him for an hour once he gets up. It is long overdue.

    I am looking forward to checking out my garden today. I didn't make time the last two days. I think my radishes are ready to enjoy. I will be having my previous supervisor over for dinner tonight. He was let go a year and a half ago and moved to Ontario. He is back visiting with his family and I am looking forward to spending time catching up with them.

    My weight went up some more overnight. Totally the wrong direction. I am putting in some extra effort today so I hope I start seeing some downward trends soon. I exercised yesterday, I hope that will become a part of my routine once again.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello! Shari, it sounds like you are accomplishing so much on your bonus day!! Paula, I hope you are having a good week so far!! Day 2 of the 17dd has gone well as long as I get to bed without snacking. I’m dropping much of the extra water weight that I’d picked up and am feeling much better! Tomorrow I’m going to visit my sister because my nephew from CA is there. It’s just a day trip and I’m trying not to think about how much the gas will cost! Have a great Wednesday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I had a pretty good day. The meal turned out so well and we had such a good visit! Can't believe that today I have to go in to the office! I really hope my team mates show up. I would rather work at home alone than alone at the office.

    I am down .2 of a pound today. It's not much, but I am hoping that it is the start of a trend.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    DW, Yay for you for going back to the 17DD. I have considered doing so but am not ready....at least not yet. I know it has worked well for me, especially my first couple rounds about 6 years ago. And I have kept most, but not all, of that weight off. I think I have incorporated some parts of the diet into my lifestyle, but I also know that the closer I adhered to Dr. Mike's plan, but better I did. I'll be here to cheer you on DW!

    Shari, I remember when your supervisor was let go. How nice that you were able to get together with him and his family. Hope your day back in the office worked out well.

    I have been doing pretty well with my healthy choices. I haven't been following the IF much but because my daily schedule has been off a bit. I have been giving myself a pass on the IF.

    I am feeling a bit stressed lately because we are having problems with our new kitchen floor! I am sick to my stomach over this but am focused on the fact that there are more important things in life. A floor is just an object. The floor is cupping (curling up on the edges of some of the planks). Craig knows about this and can't figure out why this is happening. At first it was just about 2 planks. Now I am noticing some mild cupping on some other of the planks. Craig looked at the problem a few times last week. He has done other floors like this and never had this happen. He said he would be back on Friday the 17th but didn't show, and I haven't heard from him since. He has 2 cell phones and always seems to have cell phone problems. I waited till yesterday to call him. I left a message on the phone he had been using. Today I tried to leave him another message but that phone wouldn't accept any calls. So I called his other phone and left a message there. Still no reply. If need be, I will track him down through his mother. It is possible that he went out of town to help his brother with a job. I am not blaming Craig for the problem. I just want him to see if he can remediate it. I am already however getting myself prepared to have to put in another new floor...by a local flooring company that has its own installers. I am not looking forward to the expense involved, but I have to do something. Sorry for going on about this here.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    Hey Paula- I hope you get in touch with Craig soon. I am wondering if there was a defect in the product. If that is the case perhaps there is a warranty that you can take advantage of. DH and I have installed so many plank flooring and have never heard of the cuppling of boards. I would think that could happen with water damage, but it would have to be with a fair amount of water sitting. Don't give up hope for a no cost to you repair just yet.

    No weight loss overnight, but no gains. I hope to see some progress at my weigh in tomorrow.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks Shari. Craig called this morning. He is away with his brother working on a job about 130 miles from here. I am feeling a bit better about things with the floor. Craig has been in contact with the place where we purchased the plank flooring. He is hoping (and so am I) that the store will stand by the product and that he will be able to do whatever it takes to correct the problem, even if that means putting in an entirely new floor as long as I don't have to pay for the flooring again. Craig said he will keep calling the store until he gets some satisfaction and will go there in person when he gets back as needed.

    I am off to a good start today. I am still not unduly hungry which is a big plus for me. I have some delicious watermelon thanks to my friend Sandi who dropped some off for us. Her DH sliced it so nicely as they know that my wrists and hands are generally too weak to cut something tough like watermelon. I am picking up a grocery order this afternoon. I am shopping at a second store now, another regional chain called Giant. I am doing price comparisons between Giant and Shoprite these days in an effort to save a few pennies given the rise in food prices. I have made healthy choices on the order and am doing my best to stay away from "trigger" foods.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    Paula- I am so glad that you were able to connect with Craig. It is helpful to know that he will fight to get the flooring issue resolved.

    I had a really good walk yesterday, but my eating was way off. I have plans to do much better today. It looks like a nice day, so I will make sure to fit in another walk. I have the day off work since it is Canada Day. Excited to enjoy a long, slow day with memorable moments.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    Hope you enjoyed Canada Day Shari! A long slow day sounds wonderful and very much deserved by you.

    I had a very good eating day yesterday. I got information on the GOLO diet in which you eat a food from each food group at each meal with portion sizes specified. I did well with it yesterday. I am thinking of purchasing the GOLO supplement just to see if it helps me with appetite and portion control and of course weight loss. For example, each meal includes 2 protein servings, 1 carb, 1 to 2 non starchy veggies, and a healthy fat. The message is to eat "balanced and nutritious meals and avoid grazing and snacking between meals. This will optimize insulin and energy levels and rest your organs and digestive system between meals and during the night." Fruits fall into the carb category along with the typical pasta, bread, potatoes, oatmeal, etc. So, I will see how it goes.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I had a very good day yesterday and I am thankful. We picked up two lounge chairs for our deck- it took going to two costco stores, but we got them. Then we drove about an hour and a half out of town to help a young couple whose car broke down. That trip gave me some time to pop in on a friend who moved out of town (she lives on the way to where the car broke down). DH dropped me off on his way out and picked me up again after the car was fixed. Then we enjoyed some live music over dinner.

    I am eating more balanced meals now too Paula. For me, I am trying to heal my metabolism so eating foods that are balanced and have more nutrients in them is my plan for the time being. I think I have been feeling better, but the weight loss is still lagging behind. I have walked three days in a row now, and I will again today. I really hope that helps me out. I have ten pounds that I would like to lose. My first mini goal will be to lose one pound this week.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you have both been doing well! Paula, I hope your flooring problems will be resolved!! I’ve survived the 3 days of dog showing. Although the judges didn’t like my dog, she showed well at an outdoor show all 3 days! That has been a problem in the past and now I feel like I can enter her in other outdoor shows this summer and fall.
    This week my focus is on cleaning. If the airlines cooperate, my son will arrive on Friday for a short visit. From listening to the news, I feel like it will take a miracle for him to get here as planned. Other than that, I’m still doing well with the 17dd and either walking outside or doing an indoor walking video on YouTube when it’s too hot to be out, which has been quite a bit lately! Have a great week!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    My weight jumped overnight! Yikes. I was fully expecting to be lower this morning. I am not sure what to do!

    So glad that you know you can enter your dog in more outdoor shows DW. I hope you will come across different judges! I imagine it would be hard to push past biases that get formed.

    My focus will need to be on consistency so I can see how to best make changes that will help this steady weight gain I am experiencing.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    Shari, Sounds like you are getting all set to enjoy your outdoors on your deck. Now...remember to lounge and relax! Drat on that upward scale movement.....water wt. perhaps?

    DW, I often wonder about the dynamics involved in the dog show judgings. It seems to me that a great deal of it is subjective, though I really don't know all that much in this area. I am pulling for your dog to get some deserved recognition.

    Shari & DW, both of you are getting in your walking, which is so important. I think you enjoy it too! I had a couple good eating days again. My hunger level seems to be more reasonable, and I am doing better with portion control. Yesterday I made turkey burgers for John and myself for Independence Day. We remembered that Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird. We also kept our tradition of watching the movie 1776 as we do every year. The turkey burgers turned out great and with a nice salad were quite sufficient. Today I made chicken and broccoli with corn as my carb. Soon I will feel confident enough to step on the scale. Tomorrow will be a little more challenging because I have my nail appointment and then a Shoprite pick up. But I will work on not letting myself get too hungry. I felt VERY well rested today, and I think that really helps me stay on track. I had good energy and was able to accomplish many items on my to do list today.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    If only it water weight. I think I am recovering from all of my stress, but I have to convince my body that we are doing better now and don't need to be preparing for disaster.

    I do enjoy walking and I am glad I have fit it back into my morning routine. It's harder to walk outdoors on the farm first thing in the morning, so I am using my elliptical for when I start my day with a walk. I don't have too many options of where to walk and I don't want to run into any coyotes. If I don't fit my walk into the morning and it's nice out, I have one route that I can take. The main point is to get outside and walk.

    I will be working to stay on track with everyone! We can still get this done.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 956 Member
    In our immediate neighborhood there are no sidewalks, and traffic that makes walking along the streets a bit risky. So even when I could walk, it wasn't a good idea to walk in the neighborhood. Some people do so, but I think it is dangerous. Not that traffic is all that heavy but because some vehicles tend to speed! Yesterday I got in a few extra steps because I had an appointment with the PA in my dermatologist's office. It is a bit of a walk from parking lot to the office, even if parking in the handicapped parking spots. I did ok, but it was a bit rough. I now get VERY anxious when I know I have an appointment that requires considerable (for me) walking. I managed ok but am glad I don't have to go back for 6 months...and my pattern is to skip the winter appointment anyway.

    Yesterday I was craving hot dogs. We eat so healthy and organically most of the time, I decided to splurge and stopped on the way home from my appointment and got hot dogs for me and John at our favorite drive through little hot dog shack. They were soooo good but salty of course. I drank even more water than usual yesterday but enjoyed the junk food and now have that out of my system...I hope. Interestingly too, after I indulged in the hot dogs (on buns with chili sauce) I wasn't hungry for the rest of the day and night....so all things considered I don't think I did too much damage calorie-wise.

    Craig has been in contact with the store where I bought the flooring. He and I are optimistic that they will refund the money for the flooring. I told Craig that I don't want to buy any more flooring from that store. I have gotten some names and recommendations for other flooring retailers from friends. I will eventually contact these options to see what works best for me. I know this will cost me more money, but I cannot continue with the current floor, which is getting worse by the day!

    Happy Weekend friends!