Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We had one hot day (Saturday) and yesterday it was cloudy all day so it didn't feel near as warm out. I did have a Sabbath, it was so nice to relax. There was a bit of a hiccup in the morning which I wasn't thrilled with. Some people that baled some hay on our property arranged to meet up with some buyers. That ended up happening when we were in the hot tub. We had to put Moe inside which he wasn't thrilled about (me either). No one realized we were in the hot tub so that part was good! We will ensure that this doesn't happen again. Pick up can be Monday through until Saturday.

    I planted peppers but they are no where near ready. I may have to read more about what they like so I can do better with them next year. Have home grown peppers sounds so good. We just started to enjoy our potatoes.

    I hope you have a lovely visit with friend Paula.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I had a lovely day with my friend, and as expected, Buster was a big hit. We spent a lot of time just talking about dogs. The Butter Maid Bakery chocolate walnut roll was also a big hit. I enjoyed a small piece and was thoroughly satisfied. My friend is a master gardener and teaches classes in the area where she lives. It is a skill she picked up after she retired, and she really loves doing this. Not me. I have a black thumb.

    I had an ok day today. Was a bit tired and my schedule was off. My calories are ok, but again I think I had too many carbs. I got the estimate from the new flooring company. It is about twice which it cost me to have the 1st installation done by Craig (product and labor). But I am going ahead with this new company. They are quite reputable. $500 of the cost involves removing and disposing of the flooring Craig installed. It has to be done, so that is that. I haven't heard from the original flooring store, though both Craig and I called there today. I am fairly certain I won;t see any refund from them now. Craig called today and is coming here tomorrow to do a few other small things, including repairing the existing floor till a new one is in. He doesn't know yet that I am going with the new company that sells only flooring they themselves install.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Shari, our peppers aren’t ready either. After we checked them today, we had to go buy some because I wanted them for supper tonight. We’ve been eating garden tomatoes for a week or so and that has been nice!
    Paula, I’m glad you had such a nice visit with your friend!!
    I continue to eat well during the day and struggle at night. I’m trying to figure it out and hope to do better! I’m also experiencing problems with my nails and think I need a really good vitamin- any recommendations?? Have a great Wednesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I used to take Biotin for my nails but don't take it anymore. I am not sure if it really helped me or not. I have seen vitamins presented as "hair and nail" supplements or something similar. That might be worth looking into.

    Our local tomatoes are doing well. I have gotten some of the little cherry size tomatoes (yellow ones) from my friend Sandi and also from another friend as well as from my organic delivery. They are so sweet they taste like candy.

    I am doing ok so far today. I am making pierogie (from my old church) for John for supper along with a substantial salad. I am planning on having the salad and some fish. I am not very hungry today at all. Hoping I stay this way as the day progresses. I am very well rested today which always helps me stay on track. Our heat wave has subsided. Yay! Our humidity has dropped too, so much that I was able to turn off the AC today....anything to save a few pennies!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW- My nails are not as strong as I would like them to be. I started incorporating gelatin into my diet. I have also started drinking milk. I am waiting to see if my nails will grow stronger. That will take awhile as they grow out so slowly. Let me know if you find something that works for you.

    Our tomatoes in the greenhouse are getting ripe, but the ones I have outside are not even close. I have good tomatoes but bad plants in the greenhouse and amazing plants but not very many tomatoes on the ones I planted outside. I am not sure which ones I like better yet. The peppers are loving it inside the green house.

    We have another hot day expected today and I have to go into the office which will be super cool with too much A/C. I will have to take my breaks outside so I can warm up. Today is like my Friday as I took tomorrow off as well as next week. No firm plans yet. I might get out to Vancouver, or it will be a staycation. Not as fun.

    I am working on having a good mindset for losing weight. I can do this.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, So glad you have a day off coming up!!! It is good to get a break. Hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do.

    I saw my family doctor today because I thought I had an infection in my arm. Turns out it is an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting. She thinks it is more likely a sting from a small bee as opposed to a spider bite. She put me on an antibiotic and a steroid (yikes... I think steroids can increase hunger). The good news is that at my weigh-in at her office today I am down 3 pounds from my June visit. It's not a lot, but at least since March my weight is going down (ever so slowly). Today's loss is motivating me to stick with my plan. I am eating healthy foods with a few treats now and then and am doing better with portion control. My next scheduled visit with my family doctor is early September so that gives me over a month to drop a few more pounds. I also talked to my doctor about Covid. She told me that 6 weeks ago our state was seeing about 60 new cases a day. That has now increased to 3500 new cases in PA each day. She feels the media is not reporting the situation accurately because of a desire for things to return to "normal." She also told me she has told her mother to stop going to in-person church services again because of the transmission rate.

    Today is a day for me to do whatever I want. I did not make a "to do" list for today. So it is sort of a "day off" for me. The new flooring store has scheduled my new kitchen floor installation for Aug. 12 and 13. I haven't told Craig yet. He might stop by tomorrow, but I am not sure when I will actually tell him.

    We have new neighbors who live behind us. Today we got to meet the mother/wife while John and I were outside with Buster. Their Yorkie escaped and she was driving around the neighborhood looking for him and waved to us, so I motioned to her to pull in to our driveway. She is a lovely woman, a nurse at a local hospital. She had her son or grandson with her (not sure which, but I think grandson), a little boy about 4 years old. While we were talking her grandson saw the dog in our next door neighbor's garden. The dog came running her when he called his name. It was so much fun to see Buster and the Yorkie interact. They really seemed to like each other.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Thank you both for your ideas on strengthening nails! I’ve started taking my vitamins again and will try to be consistent with it. Shari, enjoy your days off!! Paula, I hope your arm heals quickly!! So glad that your new neighbor found her dog!
    We had a couple of days earlier this week when we could have the air conditioning off, but it’s back on due to the humidity as much as the heat. My only plan for tomorrow is a 7:00 am dog walk with my daughter. She works later in the morning. Saturday I am helping with Canine Good Citizen testing at the kennel club and Sunday I am going to Columbus to help sort items for a raffle that my Bull Terrier dog club will have at a show next weekend .
    I’m getting excited to work at the polls next Tuesday. Things should be slow so it will be a great time to learn the job! Have a great Friday and weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member

    DW, walking your dog at 7 am sounds great and how nice to have that time with your daughter. Thinking of you today as you help with the Good Citizen testing. I am curious what constitutes a good doggy citizen. I doubt that Buster would earn that title!! You sure have a busy weekend with the Sunday dog club work too!

    My "day off" turned out to not be a day off after all. I ended up working on more stuff for the charity that I did the report for a few weeks ago. Doing the report should have ended my involvement for the time being, but two of the other members couldn't take care of their responsibilities at this time, so I decided the best thing was for me to do their jobs too. It was a little stressful for me at first, but all went well eventually.

    My arm is much improved, and I am very grateful to my wonderful family doctor! I am still on the antibiotic and the steroid of course but haven't had any issues, though I think yesterday I was a little hungrier than usual. The bonus of taking the steroid is that my joints feel amazing! I have so much less pain already. I know it won't last when I go off the steroid, but I sure am enjoying the decrease in pain for now. I have absolutely no pain in my wrists, which almost never happens, and my legs are doing great too (well, great for me). My eating is good today again....hoping to keep it that way.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! I hope you are both doing well! The Canine Good Citizen testing went well! My older dog was a perfect testing helper! He was the “neutral dog” for one part of the test, which is a dog who can walk with the owner, approach someone else walking a dog, pause while the owners greet each other and then walk on without reacting to the other dog. The other dog is being evaluated to see if it can do the same thing. The neutral dog should not present any extra interest for the one being assessed. Some of the other test items include walking on a loose leash, walking past other people appropriately, doing a sit and down on command, doing a stay while the owner walks away 20’ and returns. Coming when called from 10’ away, allowing a stranger to pet it, allowing someone to touch its ears and paws and brush it. And behaving appropriately when the leash is held by the tester and the owner goes out of sight for 3 minutes. Surprisingly, my younger dog passed the test but had a different neutral dog because her brother would not have been “neutral” for her-lol!!
    Yesterday I worked at the polls for our 2nd primary election. It was my first time doing that and there is much to learn! I hope I am invited to work in November!
    We are preparing to leave for another dog show weekend. This one is in northeast Ohio. Once again, the eating plan starts over on Monday and I will do my best while traveling (I’m sounding like a broken record!!). I am going to check in here more often!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I LOVE learning about your dog events. Thanks for the info on the Good Canine Citizen testing. I wish John and I were doing more to train Buster. I always say that Buster knows "sit." He just doesn't like "sit." He also knows stay especially when paired with a hand signal. The funny thing is he is much better when told to "sit" when he is on a chair, but if I tell him to sit and he is on the floor, he jumps up on a chair and then sits. Congrats on your working at the polls. That takes quite a bit of dedication from what I understand. A dear friend of mine worked at her local polling site for many years. She found it interesting but grueling too.

    My eating has been off track the past few days. I am blaming some of it on the steroid which I finished today. I cut myself some slack because the past 2 days I was unusually hungry. No excuses for me as of tomorrow as I took the last steroid pill today.

    One of my best friends came today to visit. She used to spend half of each year in the Southwest and the rest here in PA. She and her DH sold their home in the SW this year and now will be here year round. I am sooo happy about that. They returned here a over a month ago, but this was our first visit because both she and her DH have been having some health concerns. This was the first time she met Buster. He was a big hit with her as expected. I will see them again on Monday as her DH and I go to the same rheumatologist who is about 75 miles from my home. I meet them in their area (45 minutes from here), and then we drive to the doctor together. John and Buster will go along for the ride too. It should be a fun day.

    Shari, Thinking of you and hoping all is well!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I didn't realize how long it has been since I last posted. I am way out of routine having taken this week off as a staycation. I have planned outings for each day so I don't spend my time off doing chores around the house. It has been fun to go on walks in new places and do some shopping. We bowled yesterday and tonight we are going to a movie. It is rainy out today- which we need, but now I don't know what we will do. I hope we can figure something out. I told Jim he could sleep in.

    It's so good to hear that you have a good friend living near you year round now Paula. Community is so important.

    I read all of the updates- so good to get caught up! I will try and show up more frequently- I know come Monday, I will back into a routine.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Wonderful that you enjoyed a staycation! What movie did you see?

    My eating has been good the past two days. Thursday was my last dose of Prednisone, and the hunger monster stayed away Friday and today. Some days are so much easier than others for me. I have been trying to relax a little more than usual the past 2 days. I just felt like I owed to myself to take it easy for a couple days. I am looking forward to getting the new kitchen floor installed this coming Friday and Saturday. I told Craig about this. He was ok but not really himself when I told him. I asked him to come here this Thursday to move out some of the stuff in the kitchen to make it easier for the installer. He said he would do so. I sure hope he does.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Shari, your staycation activities sound like so much fun! I hope it was a fun, relaxing week for you! Paula, I’m so happy that your new floor will be in soon!
    We had a busy but fun weekend at the dog show, but no points for our girl. The entry was large, which was great for our club! Our club hosted social activities after the shows on Friday and Saturday, and I helped with those. This coming weekend, both of my dogs are entered in Scent Work Trials in this area and I will work at them when I’m not running my dogs.
    Today is once again Day 1 of sugar detox so I will call it a night before I eat something-LOL!!
    Have a great Tuesday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Back at work for the third day. It is going okay, but I think another week off would have been so nice. Thankful for the week that I did have. We say Top Gun: Maverick. It was very good.

    Working on some good habits, but no results on the scale. This weight loss thing has become quite difficult, even with good effort. I will be patient with my body and hope that the brain-body connection kicks in soon.

    Paula, So exciting that your floors will be redone- so sad that the first install didn't go well. Still hoping that it was a flooring issue not a Craig issue. Maybe you learn a bit more once the current flooring is removed.

    DW- I love the dog show updates. I think it would be so fun to be a part of that community.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I agree with Shari. I think it would be fun to be part of your dog community!

    Shari, John and I saw the first Top Gun (but I want to watch it again). We plan to see the new one via streaming. I am sure we will enjoy it.

    I saw my rheumatologist on Monday. He seems pleased with my situation. I told him how much better I felt taking the Prednisone when I had the allergic reaction to the bee sting. He gave me a prescription for the same med just to have on hand in the event that I have a bad flare coming on. He told me not to take it more often than once every 2 months or so (and I will probably not take it even that often), but I am happy to know that I will have it on hand just in case I need it.

    I did ok eating today but struggled a bit yesterday, again not sure why. I spent almost all day in the family room today....because......my new floor got installed today...2 days early! Last evening the installer, Paul, called to ask if he could come today instead of Friday. I said ok, but I had a concern because I had asked Craig to come here Thursday to help take things out of the kitchen to make it easier for the installer on Friay. Paul said not to worry and he would do the best he can. Well, I called Craig and he was able to come here today at 7:30 am. Paul and his helper got here soon after Craig left, around 9 am. They were finished by 5 pm. Craig will return tomorrow morning to move stuff back into the kitchen for me. John and I love the new floor. I will post pictures soon. It looks a lot like the previous floor, only better. Paul said there was no problem with the previous installation that Craig did. He thinks the problem was just low grade poor quality flooring. That will make Craig feel much better when I tell him tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    So glad that your new floor has been installed Paula!! You had a very long day. I hope that stressor is lifted for good.

    I think that I am doing better emotionally these days. My time off helped and I am trying to focus on having joy.

    I met with my friend that had the affair yesterday. She has a big decision to make in regards to prosecuting her affair partner for breaking the restraining order. He broke it four times. The defence lawyer came forward with an offer of a peace bond. We are not sure what that is, but the prosecutor recommends that she not accept the peace bond. She will do some research as well a few days to think things over. I am so glad about how far she has come.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari,t ime off is sooooo important for our well being. I know that, even though I am retired, I must plan for some "me" time. I have more time for myself in some ways of course, but because it takes me so much longer to do "normal" things, I have less time in some ways. Glad you benefited from your time off. I agree, too, about the importance of focusing on joy. We are all blessed in so many ways. I know sometimes I lose sight of that. I pray that your friend and that she makes a decision that keeps herself safe and strong.

    Made plans for Saturday Aug. 20 to take Buster for a doggy photo session, a fundraiser for the shelter where we got him. There is a fee along with bringing a 30 lb bag of dog food. My friend Kellie (who took us to pick up Buster back in February) will drive us there, as it is a distance away and I doubt that I would do well with that drive. We are so excited for this!

    I did well with healthy eating choices yesterday. Today I am struggling a little, but still mostly on track. I am a little tired today, for no apparent reason. It was a busy few days with the new flooring installation. The kitchen is just about back to normal now. I just hope that this flooring doesn't disappoint us. I think I was traumatized by the bad experience with the previous floor. Here is what the new floor looks like.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Your floor is back to looking amazing Paula! I can see why you would be nervous, but I am sure this install will be fine and of course since you went with a company install, they should back it up better than Craig was able to. Let's hope you still get that money back.

    We are going to finish laying down our pavers today. I am excited for that because Moe keeps brining sand in the house. Plus, it will just be great to have that project completed. That will be today's workouit. Then we are out for dinner to celebrate 34 years of marriage.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Happy anniversary Shari to you and your DH. Nice that you celebrated with a dinner out. Any plans for next year to celebrate your 35th? Maybe a trip somewhere? I bet you got quite a work out with your Saturday project....plus the good feeling of accomplishment.

    I had a fairly relaxing weekend. It was relatively quiet, and the weather was great as the humidity dropped quite a bit. Our neighbor Jane, who lives directly across the street, came yesterday for a little visit. We sat outside, and it was very pleasant. She is such a good neighbor! She and her DH have 2 cats but no dogs as Jane is allergic to some dogs, but she seems ok with Buster, even when he sits on her lap. I tease her that she comes over to see Buster, not us!

    I will not be getting any money back from the original flooring company. The manager of the store sent me an email indicating that they would offer me a "discount" on more flooring if purchased from them. I didn't even dignify his email with a reply.

    I am off to a good start with my eating today with avocado toast for breakfast, a strong favorite of mine and very satisfying. I made a small turkey breast in the crock pot so that will be a ready made easy meal for us for a few days....will just add some healthy veggies.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Paula, I LOVE your new flooring! I'm so happy that it is installed and good to go!! The doggy photo shoot sounds wonderful! There was a photographer (who I have met previously) at our Scentwork Trials and I know that he took photos of my dogs and me while "working". It will be a couple of weeks before he posts the photos from the event on his website-I am very excited to see them! Shari, congrats on your wedding anniversary!! I hope your friend has been able to make an informed decision to keep herself safe!
    My dogs did well at the Scentwork Trials. It is fun for them-they both really enjoy doing it and it also wears them out mentally, so I can count on a good nap after the activities. My next adventure will be to a regular show over Labor Day weekend-still chasing the last 3 points.
    I'm back to the 17DD today. I have been having a lot of discomfort in my hips, knees and feet and am thinking that I need to get it checked out. My nails have also started splitting and breaking inspite of regular manicures-it make me think that there could be something lacking nutritionally?? (any thoughts??) My nail person has me taking a break from gel polish until my nails get stronger. I am using a nail strengthening polish to try to promote that. They are paper-thin, which is a change...
    I suspect that my feet, knees and hips will feel better if I get my weight back to wear it was and then lose even more. I'm up 10 lbs from my lowest weight during the time we've been supporting each other. I hope we all have a great week!!