Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Yay Shari for you for seeing movement on the scale and for doing the elliptical! Wonderful! Nice to have those trips to motivate you and to look forward to.

    I had a lovely evening with my cousins. Patty and I had our little time to chat, and then John and Greg had the "guy" talk time too....mostly football, books they read, etc. It was good to catch up also on what their kids and grandkids are up to. We had pizza and wine and yet another birthday cake for me. It was such a very relaxing and fun evening. Of course Buster was a big hit. I am looking forward to getting together with them again.

    I will be back on track Thursday...no excuses. I have to go for blood work next Wednesday. I am hoping for good results. I worry about diabetes as it runs in my family and being overweight is an additional risk factor.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula- good to hear that your visit went so well. I am sure Buster was a big hit! Lots of celebrating this year.

    This morning I was up a pound on the scale, but I am not deterred. I know there will be fluctuations on the journey. I hope I can be back down to where I was yesterday and then keep on going!

    I have noticed a few people that I know are getting Covid again. I have booked a booster for next Thursday. I hope I don't succumb to the sickness again and I don't really want to start wearing a mask. I think if I hear of any more cases, I just might have to. Now that school is back in session, we could see another rise in cases.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I, too, am hearing of a folks with Covid again. In the cases I became aware of close contact with others seemed to be a factor (for example folks who were on a bus trip together). Several friends of mine were on this multi-day trip and contracted Covid. The source of the bus trip Covid seemed to be a couple who claimed they were having sinus problems yet they wore masks on the bus trip. Most likely they had Covid whether they knew it or not. At least 4 others on the bus trip contracted the virus. What booster will you get Shari? The news here is reporting a new booster recently approved by our FDA, but some people are questioning if there is sufficient data to support the approval. I see my family doctor in less than 2 weeks and will plan to discuss this with her.

    I did very well getting back on track today. Eating was easy. Staying awake was not! I was very very tired today and didn't accomplish much of anything. I rested quite a bit because I just couldn't get my energy level up very high. I eventually felt much better, but it was late in the day. Maybe all of the birthday celebrations caught up with me.

    Here's to a wonderful long weekend. No special plans here yet. Will probably make turkey burgers for Labor Day on Monday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I have booked to get the Pfizer vaccine. I heard about a newer one coming out, but with our trip at the end of the month, for me it's more about timing. We don't have the new booster approved in Canada yet so I don't have to make any decisions about that. It looks like DH wants to wait. I pressured him to get the vaccine before, but I am not going to this time. I do find his complacency frustrating.

    I am trending upwards on the scale again. I think eating out two days in a row wasn't ideal for me. Last night I still ate way less than I would have while out with friends, but it was still much more food than I have been eating previously. I don't have any meals planned away from home until Sunday evening. I think I will be okay since it's a night sitting at a fire. I can take water to sip on and I doubt people will notice if I don't eat. So glad it's not for dinner. Hoping to get back to my weight from two days ago!

    Not much planned for the weekend yet.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    A friend of mine who lives in Pittsburgh (western PA, about 300 miles west of here) recently expressed concern to me about Covid. She is working on dropping weight and is interested in going to a gym, but is not going to do so because of her concerns about Covid. So I gather that Covid is rather prominent there again. Eating out is tough when we are working on our weight. I have been thinking (probably because of my birthday celebrations) how much our social activities involve food. Enjoying friends sitting by a fire and sipping water sounds like a good way to socialize Shari!

    I had a good day. I was not extremely tired like I was yesterday. So I was able to get some things done. I picked up our grocery order and also had a visit from my friend Sandi who brought us homemade potato pancakes. John ate most of them, but I had 3 also. They are so good and definitely a comfort food for me. I was pleased that I had only 3 and supplemented them with a nice salad for supper. I have several important items on tomorrow's to do list and am optimistic I will get them taken care of.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am super thankful that the eating out weight gain is back off. Now for some progress! I agree that social occasions seem to center around food. I feel like I have had some mindset changes when it comes to thinking about food. I am not constantly thinking about my diet plan- the when and what I will be eating next. I am not 100% there yet but I am doing better.

    I will spend some time cleaning and doing chores around here this morning, then head to my eldest's to help with few home projects. I think we will try and make it to church tonight: in person. I know that it is quite quiet on Saturday nights and I don't think we will even see anyone we know.

    So thankful for this weekend and the break from work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Mindset changes are so important to our success. Way to go Shari! It will pay off for you. Enjoy your time with your son. Nice that you can help him with some projects. Nice too that you might get to church. I do miss church in person so much, but I know I can't take a chance going there yet because of my mobility concerns. I am truly concerned that I will fall or get knocked down by the unruly (and poorly parented) children who populate our services.

    An outstanding day for me! It was one of those days that tells me if I did this every day the weight would melt away. I stayed very much on track with no visits from the hunger monster and no temptations from sources, so to speak. I managed to accomplish way more than I anticipated, and a few of my "to do" items were quite challenging for me physically, but I managed to do them. I am really pleased about this. I think I do see/feel some improvements in my physical abilities....let's hope this lasts.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We didn't make it to church. Changing the faucet, one of the projects, turned out to be a quite a bit more tricky than we anticipated. We opted to stay downtown and watch the sunset and then headed home. I had a good eating day, but nothing showed up on the scale to show my success. Perhaps tomorrow.

    I hope we all experience physical health improvements! And it won't hurt to see some looser fitting clothing.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Sounds like your change in plans worked out nicely Shari. With autumn approaching I know our sunsets here will be very beautiful.

    I did well again today. I am now paying considerably more attention to starchy carbs but not eliminating them completely. I made rice for John with supper tonight but didn't have any rice at all. I know I could have had about 1/2 cup, but I was concerned I might not stop at 1/2 cup so I skipped the rice completely. It was a pleasant relaxing day for me today. I am expecting another good d
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    good day tomorrow... don't know why that got cut off from my post above.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am thankful for the extra day off from work. I might zip in to Costco, which I imagine will be quite busy- unless they are closed today. Other than that, we plan to do a few things around the yard. I will spend some time reading too.

    Not a great food day yesterday, but not terrible. Back on track today.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! I’m back from a long weekend in KY! It sounds as if you are both doing well food-wise and having fun!! We left Thursday for KY and our 1st day of showing was Friday. My girl did well and got the last 3 points needed to finish her championship. On Saturday, she was Best-of Variety so we went on to show in the Terrier Group and Owner Handled Terrier Group. We didn’t place in the groups but it was quite an experience to show there!
    Although my eating wasn’t great, I was up less than a pound after the weekend - probably due to my activity level. Now I need to have another talk with myself. I have shows at the end of the month and our National in October. I need to get rid of my heel, knee and foot pain! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Any good bargains at Costco Shari? The nearest Costco to me is not all that near, so even when I walked in stores, it wasn't really an option. I did shop at a Costco many years ago in Florida and thought it was great.

    Congrats DW on your successes at the show and on the scale. I bet your high level of activity helped keep the scale in check.

    I had another very good diet day. As I have said many times before, my diet switch is once again in the "on" position which means I am feeling in control. I kept my carbs quite low again today. I am striving for a good weigh in when I see my doctor next Monday. That is motivating me at the moment. After I completed a relatively easy to do list today, I relaxed the rest of the day and enjoyed it tremendously....even without eating a lot.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I didn't end up going to Costco yesterday. I may stop on my to the farm after work. I just need a couple of items.

    DW- Congratulations on getting those points you needed for your dog to be a champion and getting more experience at the show as a result. It sounds so intriguing!

    My weight is not moving much despite all of my hard work. I don't know if it is stress related or not. Having issues with my in-laws is a great point of stress and I am not sure that there is a resolution to be had. I am going to make another appointment with my counsellor, that seems to help for a few months. I should acknowledge that I have made progress- i think the bigger problem is that DH has not. He is definitely a stuffer of emotions and not ready to deal with the hurt his parents have caused in my life. Relationships can be so hard, but we need them so much.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I think stress contributes a great deal to weight loss struggles. I know I gained the bulk of my weight while going through stressful times. Relationships certainly are hard, and yes, needed as you say Shari.

    It was a fairly busy day for me and surprisingly I didn't get overly tired or exhausted. I take that to be a good sign about the state of my health. I had more non-starchy veggies today than I have been having lately. It satisfied me quite a bit. I made them in a skillet meal with ground white turkey, seasonings, and a little grated cheese to finish it off. John loved it so I will probably make it again. It felt good to eat healthy and be satisfied at the same time. It was another low carb meal for sure.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I feel like I am working so hard with my food choices and yet I am so stuck. The weight just won't stay down. I lose a few pounds but then it creeps back up. This seems to be a losing battle. This is the hardest I have worked on losing weight and to not see results is super discouraging. I am not sure what other lifestyle changes that I can make. I have 18 days until we head to Las Vegas so I will press onward. The goal I set looks out of reach as the progress I had planned for just isn't happening. Sorry for the rant today. I will try to turn my pessimism around!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Rants are permitted here Shari! It is a safe place to vent and share. Just wish I could say that I have some ideas for you (and for me). I seem to run out of ideas for myself and/or fail to overcome certain challenges. I know you want to drop those pounds...but if your BMI is in a good range, it just might take you a whole lot longer than for folks like me with a much higher BMI. And trust me, my weight loss is still v-e-r-y s-l-o-w! I didn't do myself any favors today straying from my plan more than I have in quite some time. Not sure why... because I started the day out strong. But already now I am over in carbs and in the upper range for calories. Ugh!!

    On a brighter note, I got the results of my lab work already. My doctor's office called today to say that the results are all normal. I looked online at the results and see that they are fairly consistent with last year's results, with some numbers improving and some getting a little worse, but not in a range requiring concern.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Paula! So good to hear that your lab work came back with consistency. That is great news.

    Thanks for listening to my rant and giving me the permission to do that here. I think it is helpful to get things out of my head and onto paper.

    I am heading into the office to work today. I wasn't sure if Jim's dad was coming over today and I left my work items at the church. I found out he isn't coming and I could have worked from home. I am not as frustrated as I could be so that's good.

    I get my Covid booster after work today. Thankful to be ale to do that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Hope all goes smoothly with your booster shot. I will discuss the plans for mine with my doctor on Monday.

    This week has flown by for me. Tonight was my high school classmate Zoom, the virtual meeting about eight of us do every 6 to 8 weeks. I wasn't in the mood for it tonight because I was kind of tired but decided I would participate anyway. It turned out to be one of the best Zooms we have had since we started them around the time Covid came around. It was a lively discussion and very enjoyable. We are all 65 or turning 65 soon, so one of our topics was aging. I had fun, a glass of wine, and also enjoyed reminiscing as we do as well. It is good to catch up with these folks.

    My food choices today were not the greatest. But I didn't go too far over my plan. Also, I went to a new nail salon today because the gal who did my nails for 17 or 18 years and was going to come to my home to do them hasn't been able to fit me into her new schedule. I like the new salon (it is where my friend Sandi goes). It is much easier to access in terms of mobility than my previous salon. It is so nice to have my nails professionally manicured again. I tried to do them on my own, but having them done at a salon makes a big difference. Also the new place is less expensive than my previous salon, so I am saving a few dollars too.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula- I am so impressed that you still have friends from high school. I don't see anyone from my school years. I didn't really have close friends past grade 6 so it makes sense. I know it takes effort to stay in touch with people and I am not that intentional. It's not too late to start though.

    It is nice to have salon nails! They look so good. I am in the middle of growing out some shellac polish and it taking forever. My nails are quite weak and breaking, chipping, and splitting. I will be happy once they are back to normal. I don't keep up with going to the salon.

    I am happy for Friday. I would like to get a little extra sleep the two days. I have struggled emotionally and my body is feeling the need for rest.

    We are definitely getting chillier temperatures. We get a couple more summer days to enjoy this weekend and then it looks like fall will arrive. It will be time to pack up the summer yard decorations and chairs. I will also need to harvest the rest of my garden. Mostly tomatoes.