Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, I hope Jim bounces back quickly and completely from this cold. Good to know it is not Covid. Will ad him to my prayer list for those who are ill. Good news about your nails. I have a nail appointment today. I am liking my new salon and the young woman who does my nails. Other pluses include it is closer to my home (less gas, yay), it is less expensive, and it requires less walking for me from the parking lot to the salon. I am not as comfortable there yet as I was at my other salon (of course after being there for 18 years), but I am doing ok at the new place.

    I did better with my eating yesterday and am on track so far for a good day today. I have been having fresh fruit and plain yogurt for breakfast on some days, and that has been quite satisfying. I don't anticipate any challenges tomorrow, but Sunday will be a bit of a challenge. The group that John and I belong to, which consists of members from several Orthodox churches in our area, will meet on Sunday at my friend Sandi's home. It is our first in-person meeting since before Covid. There will be food of course which will be my challenge. I am taking a shrimp ring which will probably be the healthiest option there. I am going into this with the notion of "moderation" and enjoying seeing our group all together after such a long time.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Shari, I hope your husband gets well soon! Paula, I hope you have a wonderful time with your church group! I had to chuckle about the discussion about nails because I am still battling that situation. I am down to just 2 super weak nails and they should be grown out soon. This week I received a supplement that I ordered for my dog. It was recommended to help her coat get thicker after thinning out this summer. It is a human hair, nails and skin supplement so I started taking it too-LOL!! The dog gets a smaller dosage than the human one. I will let you know if it seems to be working for me. I am getting my nails done on 10/14 and trying gel nails, once again. Fingers crossed that it will stay on and my nails won't immediately split, break and chip. I am getting it because we are going to the national breed gathering in TN, leaving 10/19 and returning 10/25. My girl will be in 3 shows and I will be the one handling her. I'm very excited because I've gone to these shows for years (the location varies), and our club hosted the event last year, but I've never shown a dog in the conformation shows-only Obedience and Rally.
    I've figured out that my PT exercises make me feel better and, if I do them in the morning, my discomfort is better throughout the day. I'm stretching some parts and tightening/strengthening others, and it seems to be helping!
    Have a blessed Sunday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    DW, I am SOOOO excited for your upcoming dog show activities! Wishing the best for you and your girl! I can't wait to hear about your experiences afterwards. Do let us know how you make out with the nail supplement. I am interested in that too. I never had gel on my nails, just always the traditional polishes. I hear good things about the gels, but I am so "traditional" that I haven't ever seriously considered gel.

    I enjoyed our Sunday meeting. It was good to see everyone who came. I didn't over do it with food and had only a half glass of wine. I passed on the sweets as nothing appealed to me anyway. John stayed home with Buster so I gave his treasurer's report. We really wanted to take Buster so both of us could go to the meeting, but the hostess of the meeting, my friend Sandi, was really strongly against that. She is not fond of dogs but always seemed to like or at least tolerate Buster. (she is kind of moody at times) I offered to keep Buster in his carrier, but she was still very negative about the idea of bringing him. John was pretty disappointed that he couldn't be there, and everyone asked about him and said they missed him. Maybe because of that we will be able to get Buster into Sandi's house for the next meeting (she is hosting the next meeting too I think).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    DW- My nails too a beating with the gel nail polish. Great while it was on, but when I had it removed, they took it off with a file and I lost all of the strength that I had. I am back on taking collagen and hope that I get more strength as my nails grow out. I love the gel nail polish, but I limit it to once a year.

    Paula- you showed great control at the church meeting. Not an easy thing to do. Let's hope Sandi is willing to have Buster attend the next meeting so both you and John can attend.

    It is Canadian Thanksgiving today so I have the day off. I am going to cook a turkey, but just feed two of my kids. Small and simple. I didn't plan ahead so that is what ended up happening.

    DH is still sick. Coughing a lot. He took another Covid test, still negative. He will be sick a full week now and heading into week 2.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Shari! A small and simple celebration sure sounds good to me. I still have your DH on my prayer list. Thanks for the update. Wish it was better news. Is he able to take anything to alleviate some of his symptoms?

    I had an off day today....not so much with food choices, but more so that I was just out of sorts and somewhat overly tired again. I rested a little now and then and just felt like I wasn't accomplishing much. Luckily it was a day with few demands on me to begin with. I am glad that my blood work in September was all good, otherwise I would be worried that something (besides the RA) was working on me. I will take it easy for the rest of the evening and hope for a better, more productive day tomorrow. On a brighter note, my should is doing much better! Woo Hoo!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Our dinner was quite nice. Everything turned out well. I didn't over eat and I didn't make a pie so no straying off course as far as foods. DH is still coughed all day yesterday but does feel like he is towards the end of his illness. He does take Advil Cold and that seems to help.

    Hopefully you can bounce back from being off yesterday Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, Yay for you for staying on track with your holiday meal! Good to see that your DH is making a little progress with his cold.

    I had a wonderful day today....no crazy fatigue, though it did take me a little time to get moving but that is consistent with my morning aches and pains. I kept going doing little things till I felt well enough to do the bigger things, and this worked well. I had an item on my "to do" list that I have been avoiding for several weeks. Today I felt well enough and motivated enough to tackle it. It went well and relatively quickly which absolutely delighted me. I felt like I accomplished so much. My food choices were totally on track, and I felt satisfied and not tempted to stray. Quite a day for me!!

    We resumed our Tuesday evening Zoom book discussion tonight with the church in Ohio where my friend is a priest and leads the discussion. We didn't meet since the beginning of the summer. It felt so good to be back with our group again tonight. John participates in this and loves it too. We will continue to meet every Tuesday till the beginning of summer 2023. We learn and grow so much and enjoy the fellowship as well.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Paula- so good to reflect back on a day that is deemed successful! Having that fellowship online sounds to be a very positive thing too. We celebrate that with you.

    My weight is stuck at a high number. I am struggling to drop a single pound but I am doing my best to focus on the things that I am doing right. Surely in time I will see success. My stress is lower these days so I am hoping my body will respond to the care I am trying to provide.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, I agree that you will see success. So good that you are experiencing less stress lately. Certainly that should make a difference.

    I had another good day for both food and getting things done. I deviated a little from my to do list but still managed to feel good about what I did. It was a beautiful day here and just right for spending a little more time sitting outside with John and Buster. We are expecting rain and high winds on Thursday so I will be inside for most of the day. I will be ready to take on the tasks that I skipped today.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Good Morning! Shari, belated Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like your celebration went well! I hope your husband is feeling better!! Paula, so glad you have had good days and good weather to get out and enjoy!! I hope the hostess will let sweet Buster join your meeting next month!!
    Back to the topic of nails...I wore gel polish regularly for over a year, having it redone every two weeks. It seemed to be helping my nails and making them stronger and then all of a sudden it went the other way. I am going to try the gel for my special event and see how that goes. I might need to go back to my healing protocols once the event is done. I'm still taking the supplement but know it takes weeks to see results from that-for me and the dog-LOL!!
    I have been making healthy choices in my foods but am proving the thought that too much of a good thing will still cause weight gain. I am doing stress eating due to all of the things I have crammed into the next 7 days and, inspite of healthy food and moderate exercise, the scale is going up. I am going to try to be more aware of my over consumption and do better! Have a great Thursday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Just a quick check as I decided to sleep in today. I have to have a quick breakfast and get to work. I will be back to my regular morning routine tomorrow.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    DW, Yay for your good food choices! I am right there with you needing to remember that too much of a good thing is counterproductive. I enjoy veggies and need to remember to fill up more on healthy veggies and less on on carbs and even some proteins.

    Shari, Glad you caught some extra sleep today. I am a big fan of sleep, as you probably already know about me.

    I had another good day today. I made healthy choices and enjoyed chicken. rice, and green beans for supper. I had more than a half cup of rice...that is where I need to cut back, but sheesh, a half cup isn't very much!! I will work on this as best as I can. It was very very rainy here with some flooding here in areas that are prone to flooding. We live in an area that isn't prone to flooding, but the flooded areas are just a few miles from here.

    Here comes Friday! Hard to believe again how fast the week went by.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    So glad it's Friday!!! I have some things that I want to look after and my week has just been so busy. Our bible study group is starting up tonight. I am hosting tonight. I have mixed emotions about it, but I am sure once we get started I will be okay. One couple is away and won't make it. A second couple stated that would attend but not for the dinner portion. That would leave four of us, so I message the other couple if it was okay to just start later and they said sure. Now I won't be cooking dinner, I will just provide coffee and dessert. I love that the workload is lighter, but the message didn't explain why they were going to miss the meal portion of the night. To me, it seems rude. It make a 30 minute difference. If I had been offered a reason, I would feel better about it. I thought I was being too sensitive, but DH felt quite offended too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, I hope your Bible study went well. I, too, would have been concerned that the one couple didn't explain about skipping the meal. I am thinking that maybe they wanted to provide an explanation in person. I like the idea of serving coffee and dessert instead of dinner. There is a group from my church that meets every other Friday for Bible study and dinner. It is a younger crowd. They meet at the same home all the time. I think think the main course is provided by the host while others bring side dishes, dessert, etc. John was invited to join this group several years ago but decided not to since the home where they were meeting wasn't the most handicapped accessible. The couple has moved since then but he says he isn't interested in joining them now.

    I had another very good day, even though again my carbs are on the high side. I was not exceedingly hungryand my energy level was fairly strong....so those 2 things alone can make my day a good one. On top of that I accomplished a lot of what I intended to do for the day. Also, I ordered my Christmas cards already because Hallmark.com has a buy one get one free offer for several days. I was just going to browse through their cards and order whenever, however I found a box of cards that looks so much like Buster I just had to order them today. I am going to post a picture of the front of the Christmas card.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Paula- those cards are adorable! Good find. You are thinking ahead and that inspires me to get planning.

    The Bible study went okay. The couple never mentioned a word about why they chose to only come for dinner. I chose not to ask because my last conversation with the wife was me telling her she hurt my feelings. I don't want that to be a trend every time we meet. It will be good to note if this becomes a pattern. The last time we spoke she accused me of sharing a secret of hers. Which I did not. She did it when we were just leaving Bible study and I was literally just about out the door so I was caught off guard. On the way home I decided to text her. I simply said that I was surprised that she thought I would break her confidence. That's all I said. She apologized saying she should have chosen better words and a better time to ask. I did forgive her and I was super proud of myself for sharing in that way. I don't want to come across like I always get hurt so I will let this one go.

    Another lady was super quiet and would't participate with the group. That was strange, but I get that people have off days. I offered to go out with her next weekend for Sushi. That will be fun.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Dealing with others can be a challenge to say the least. You know I have that with my moody but dear friend Sandi. I can see that challenges can face you with your Bible study friends. Sounds to me like you handled the situations in an adult and reasonable manner. I have never been brave enough to try Sushi. It doesn't appeal to me even though I enjoy seafood. I am curious, but I guess not curious enough to venture a bite of it.

    Our plans for today changed so I ended up with some "found time" that I enjoyed. I stayed pretty much on track again, even with carbs today. I had to go out to do a few errands like mail letters and get gas and was tempted to do a drive through to escape cooking later in the day, but I persevered and didn't cave. I was pleased that I didn't waste the money or the calories on fast food. I am looking forward to a peaceful and spiritual day tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Paula- my first encounter with sushi was California rolls. Everything is cooked so it is a good first step. Once I had a number of times eating the California rolls, I was able to try a piece with tuna it in and was surprised that I loved it. It didn't take long before I was able to be a bit adventurous. Good to hear about your day allowing you to do a few errands and resist take out.

    We removed all of the items we had in our family room and will start renovations. I will post a photo from my phone so it will be in a separate post. You will be able to see the before. I have no idea how long it will take to get things done. But at least we started. I am so glad that we will be getting rid of the last bit of carpet (apart from the basement) as they were all very badly stained with urine and the scent of urine too.

    I made ketchup yesterday and I love it. I haven't tried it with anything yet, but I am excited to try it out with eggs or hash browns the next time that I make them. It wasn't that difficult and I wanted to use up the rest of the tomatoes that I had from my garden. I was so tired of tomatoes! I am glad for a break. Next year I will plant half as many.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Thanks for the Sushi info Shari. If the opportunity presents itself, I might just try it...the cooked kind. Will look forward to seeing your before and after photos of your family room. I had our family room redone quite a few years ago. It is our favorite room in the house. I never heard of homemade ketchup, but I bet it is delicious. I love ketchup, and by making your own you can keep the sugar content low I would imagine.

    It was a lovely day here. I had several relatively long phone calls, which is kind of typical for my Sundays. My friend Carol from church calls me just about every Sunday to tell me what I missed at church and coffee hour. She and I grew up in the same church, though she is a few years older than me and we weren't really close growing up, but I remember her late mother very well. If it wasn't for Carol, I wouldn't know much about what is happening at church, as our parish leadership isn't too concerned about communication. I had a very good day for healthy eating again, mostly because I spent the better part of the day talking or resting. I find that when I start my day with a substantial breakfast like eggs and English muffin, I can do pretty well feeling satisfied for the rest of the day. Onward to Monday!!!!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    My day started fairly well yesterday but things unravelled. I didn't handle things well so I hope that today goes better.

    Glad you had a good day Paula. Having good friends is definitely key. I agree that a good breakfast is key to helping make better food choices for the rest of the day. It's not good to let yourself get hungry, that's when I make poor choices out of hunger rather than nutrition.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    I didn't have such a good eating day. For some unknown reason, I was pretty hungry most of the day. I fought off some temptations, but as the day progressed my willpower slipped. I get annoyed with myself when this happens as it seems that I can undo in one day all of my good efforts from several consecutive on track days. Ugh! I did manage accomplish just about all of my to do list items. You'd think that would have helped keep me on track, but not so today. Looking forward for a better day on Tuesday.