Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    I have put a small dent in my Christmas shopping, just a few things I purchased online for John. I, of course, will do all of my shopping online. I need to get some updated sizes for John's Godson and his little brother.

    I am not familiar with the MIND diet but plan to look into it. It sounds quite healthy as a combo of Mediterranean Diet and DASH diet. Those diets I am familiar with. Nutrient dense foods are a strong component in weight loss as I recall. I know I had a book about that some time ago. Again, a diet that makes sense. I recall from that book that carbs like rice and potatoes were limited to about a half a cup per serving.

    Shari, so sorry for the illnesses and losses at your church. It is difficult to deal with such losses especially when several occur close in time together. You are wise to be mindful of joy!

    I am fine now, but had a rough RA day. I would consider it a mini flare I guess. My pain level was really high, even though I took extra meds. I had a nail appointment and a grocery pick up which were challenging but I did ok. Usually this is when I have staying on track, but not today. I wasn't very hungry at all. After I took care of the groceries and nail appointment and attended an online church service, I rested and slept most of the evening. Now I feel well rested and with much less pain, so I think what I really needed was extra sleep. And so it goes with RA I guess.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    No progress with my weight loss efforts. I think I will try and fast today and see if that will help at all. I get to work from home and that should help reduce the temptations that always seem to be available at work. The scale is heading in the wrong direction for me.

    I am off to the dentist for a cleaning this morning. In the evening I hope to finish my part of painting the bricks in the family room. That will feel so good.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, hope all went well with your dental appointment and your painting. Being able to work from home certainly has advantages.

    Today was an excellent day for me. It was an at home day so not a lot of demands, but I got a lot of chores taken care of in the morning. In the afternoon the "cable guy" came to disconnect our cable tv. John and I decided to go with streaming instead. We started with YouTube tv today and love it. It is considerably less expensive than our cable service, and we actually get more choices of what to watch than we had with our "minimal" cable package. I stayed on track again today. My hunger monster has been under control, and thank goodness my energy level returned to just about normal today.

    Let's welcome the weekend with success!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I got my part of the brick painting done. DH will take over from here. It already looks so much better and brighter. I just had a cleaning at my dental appt and all did go well.

    We don't have cable at the moment and do quite well. I watch a lot of YouTube videos but I don't have YouTube TV. I should look into that. We still have Netflix and find lots to watch on that platform.

    I hope to see some success this weekend and join you in welcoming it here.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    What a good feeling to have more painting done Shari! And to be able to enjoy a brighter room.

    Craig was here today and helped me with some minor chores. I am so grateful for his help. He is having some serious medical issues, and I am concerned for him. He is scheduled for a series of medical tests, including a stress test, ultra sounds of his legs to address potential circulation problems, colonoscopy (just because he has never had one), etc. He has high blood pressure and an aneurysm in his aorta which was discovered a few years ago, and Craig says he wasn't told about it till recently. How could he not be told about this? I wonder if he just thought if he ignored it, it would go away. His cardiologist doesn't seem concerned (yet) because it hasn't gotten much bigger since it was initially discovered, but his doctor has restricted him to what he can lift, etc. He has always had asthma and is still a smoker (ugh!), but he says is has cut way back on smoking in his attempt to quit completely.

    I am on track again today. So happy to have the hunger monster under control. I am doing IF on some days too, and I think that helps. I have a few things to do tomorrow but expect to have a pretty relaxing weekend.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Here are some photos of our family room's brick wall.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Today we plan to paint the walls and then onto doing the flooring installation. Still a ways to go, but we are getting there.

    Craig has a lot to take care of physically. Praying he can take all things seriously and find a pathway to get healthier. Change doesn't come easy.

    My weight remains stuck at my highest. I had hoped to see the scale budge a little bit. Maybe it will for Monday if I can be consistent with my meal plans and movement.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Wow Shari, I love seeing your pictures. I so admire the work you and your DH are doing. I know it is hard work. Thank you for your prayers for Craig.

    I sort of took a day off from dieting today. I didn't go overboard, and I wasn't extremely hungry, but I did have more carbs than usual, including some chocolate. I got my to do list taken care of pretty early in the day and enjoyed the rest of the day watching some tv with John and gabbing with his God mother in western PA. I aim to be back on plan tomorrow, to attend a morning and evening online service, and to take care of myself with relaxation too.

    A blessed Sunday to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We go the first coat of paint on the walls and will do the second coat Monday night. The room is looking better and better. Feels a lot less like MIL's and more like our space.

    DH brought my treadmill in from the garage so I can walk during the winter. I don't feel safe walking out doors in the dark in the country. I had to give up the treadmill because the sun room isn't heated so that wasn't working for me either. I hope that a daily walk will help me move along with some weight loss. Many books encourage a daily walk.

    We plan to enjoy a day of rest, hope you all have a great day as well.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, Great that your hard work is making your home YOUR home! I love seeing that. I agree with you about the importance of walking. It is highly recommended just about all the time in the context of weight loss and overall wellness!

    I enjoyed today very much and got back on track. Happy that yesterday didn't derail me or cause me to have another off plan day. I enjoyed relaxing with John and cooked a little but nothing too taxing or too fancy, but on track so that pleased me. I have some chores planned for tomorrow, but it doesn't seem to be a very demanding day for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Back at work today and thankful I can do that from home.I am going to walk for 20 minutes before I hit the home office. I have been tracking my temperature and heart rate first thing in the morning and today I am off my normal numbers. Not sure why that would be! Hopefully it's a one off. I know that a low body temperature and heart rate indicate a sluggish metabolism. I will see what numbers show up tomorrow. It may be that I have put too much physical exertion on myself with the painting. Only one more day and that will be completed. The floor installation will be quite simple and we can tackle that next Saturday.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Good point Shari about metabolism's role in all of this. Do you think walking will help increase your heart rate and perhaps speed up metabolism? What kind of floor are you installing?

    Today turned out to be a pretty good day for me. I just looked at my to do list and am happy that all of the important "to dos" are taken care of. I always add a few "extras" in case I am motivated to do more. Today I was motivated but got a little side tracked so only one or two extras were addressed. I did fine with my eating. I made a really nice veggie stir fry. I added some "Right Rice" which is made from veggies (lentil flour, chick pea flour, etc.). It comes in various flavors. The Right Rice we had today is seasoned with garlic which really enhanced the flavor. The sodium is a bit high but not as bad as some other options.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I think walking will be a big help. It's gentle exercise and that should be good for the body and my mind. I am going to give it a try and hope that it helps. My body temp and heart rate are still too low this morning.

    We are putting in more laminate flooring. We bought enough to put the same kind we put in our sun room. DH will paint the walls today as I finished cutting in last night. Then we get to be at the flooring installation phase.

    I have never heard of Right Rice. I will look it up online. I have no idea if we carry that item here, I haven't looked so it is possible.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    This is a picture of Right Rice. It comes in a variety of flavors.

    I had a full day today but did ok. It was a little "iffy" when I felt overly hungry after running a few little errands and getting my haircut. I resisted doing a drive through for a "quick" supper and waited till I got home to make a quick but much healthier meal. John was with me as he got his hair cut today too. He was very supportive of holding out till we got home and ate what was quick and relatively healthy. Tomorrow I will start to prepare a few side dishes to take to Thanksgiving dinner with our friends. I am also taking an appetizer but this year I took the easy way out and bought some cranberry brie spread to serve with crackers. I bought it last year too, and it was a big hit.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I looked up Right Rice and I don't see it in the grocery stores I shop in. I guess it hasn't made it's way here yet.

    Thanksgiving dinner will be wonderful. We just get a full work week lol. Enjoy!

    I am still not losing weight and really hope I start to go down and don't get stuck here- which at another high point. It is a battle each day. Not giving up.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, so frustrating to not see the numbers you hope for at the scale! You are so right, it is a battle each day for us. Like you, I am not giving up either.

    I had another busy day. I am well pleased with what I accomplished and feel good about that....but I am feeling like I seldom/never have a "me" day anymore or at least lately. One of the charities I support through my old church has asked me to do some work on Friday evening, Sunday afternoon, and Monday morning with a food drive for a local rescue mission that helps homeless men. I strongly believe in this cause but am not sure I am up to 3 days of commitment, even though each day is only for a few hours tops. I agreed to do this so I will, but I realize I need to be a little more cautious in what I agree to do in the future. I know that there are others who are in better physical health who could do this much more easily than I could, but these folks don't seem to want to help at the moment. So I will do it. On Friday I am also having 1-800-Got-Junk come here to get so remove a bunch of old stuff including our old not-smart TVs. Craig is also coming here Friday to help me with Christmas decorating. I won't do a lot of decorating (I was never one to over do decorating), but I sure can get tired with so much going on. Friday will be a long day. On Saturday some relatives are coming to visit, so that will be a long day for me too. I have no idea how my eating will be on these days, but I will strive to stay with healthy eating, if not completely on track...I hope!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    It sounds like you have some busy days ahead Paula. I hope you can build in some balance and stay on track with your eating.

    I did not stay on plan yesterday so today I will really really need to do that. I haven't been drinking water over the last several days and I am feeling quite dehydrated. I need to get back to drinking water throughout the day. I am not sure what changed in my routines that I stopped that habit. So many things to juggle.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, Drinking water is important. For me, that is about the easiest part of being on a healthy eating plan. I love to drink water, good cold water or seltzer water. I still prefer the fizz of the carbonated waters!

    We are back from Thanksgiving dinner with our friends. I am glad we are home earlier than usual. We took Buster, and he was a very good boy. These friends are not dog lovers by any means, but they have spent time with Buster in the past and understood that we needed to bring him along. I kind of feel sorry for people who don't experience the joy of having a faithful dog. John and I were very proud of how well behaved Buster was today. I am sure he will be welcome to go there again as he was not a problem at all. The food was delicious. My side dishes were well received too. I enjoyed the food but didn't over eat. For dessert I had 2 very small pieces of pie because our hostess insisted everyone taste both of the pies she made. One was pumpkin pie, very good. She asked us to guess what kind of pie the second one was...everyone guessed apple. WRONG! It was a green tomato pie. She found a recipe and because she had many green tomatoes a the end of the growing season, she made a few of these pies. Everyone believed it was apple pie because she seasoned it with cinnamon, nutmeg, etc., just like in an apple pie. It was really good.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello Paula and Shari! Paula, Happy Thanksgiving! Shari, I enjoyed seeing the photos of your home project! You and your husband really accomplish a lot! I have had a busy week, with a surprise opportunity on Monday. Friday-Sunday, we drove 2 hours each way back and forth from the dog show. It was better than staying in a hotel for us and our dog. On 2 of the days, our girl was "Select", which gave her more grandchampion points. On Sunday, after we were back home, I received a call from a friend in a neighboring state asking if I could drive there on Monday and pick up a dog who is in rescue, keep her at my house overnight and then drive about 45 minutes south to meet the person who was driving the next leg of her journey to her furever home. We were happy to help and I was glad that my schedule was clear to be able to do it. The dog was so sweet and just the perfect houseguest! Everything went smoothly and we heard later that day that she made it safely to her new family.
    Yesterday and today we decorated the outside of the house with Christmas lights. We haven't decorated much for many years but this year our son and his family will be here for Christmas for the first time ever. We wanted it to look exciting for the boys, although the first new thing I got was an outdoor manager scene and we ordered an outdoor angel to go with it. For some reason, I felt such a sense of joy and peace making that purchase and now that it is set up, it looks amazing!
    I started reading the MIND diet book. It has quite a bit of scientific information citing studies in it but also many recipes. A lot of the food do's and don'ts we already know. One change from what I've been doing is that whole grains are encouraged. I'm also trying to increase my veggie intake but tomorrow will be a day off. I am cooking and my daughter and SIL are coming. I made a list of the foods I need to prepare tomorrow and they are almost all carbs.
    I have another weekend of dog activities coming up. I'm working at an Obedience Trial on Friday and am working and have both dogs entered in Scentwork Trials on Saturday and Sunday. Blessings to you both!!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Ps I wrote the above post on Wednesday and found that I didn’t post it.