Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Sorry to hear you had a bad eating day. I don't know happens to allow for that happen. It certainly happens to me. More often that I would like. I am still trying to undo the trip we took two weeks ago. Let's have a better Tuesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Well, today was a considerably better day for my food choices. Glad Monday is behind me. John and I got our flu shots today. I also managed to take care of some things on my to do list but was a little tired after the flu shot, not necessarily related to the shot, but enough for me to take a short nap in the late afternoon. Tomorrow is my annual mammogram. Nail appointment on Thursday. I am still working on fitting in grocery pick ups this week. Because of different sales available at my two "go to" stores, I might end up going to both Shoprite and Giant this week, something I try to avoid, preferring to shop at only 1 store each week, but this week there are great sales on different items at each store. I will have to decide by tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Good reminder that I need to get my flu shot too! I don't want to leave that much longer. I hope I can fit that in on the weekend. I had a crazy busy day at work yesterday. I wasn't stressed, at least I didn't feel stressed. I think I was more frustrated. Using the new system isn't easy. I have training for the next 6 work days. I hope that brings clarity. I will have another busy day today. I hope I can keep my eating under control!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! We made it to Franklin, TN for our dog breed gathering. The drive was exhausting and included several small traffic jams and one that left us sitting for an hour. My eating today was terrible with nachos being the healthiest choice. I hope to do better the rest of the weekend. Shari, that is puzzling about the couple who declined to come to dinner-perhaps some food allergies or health concerns that they didn’t want to share?? Paula, the Christmas card is so cute!! Have a good week/weekend! We drive home on Monday but I will try to check in before that!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    DW, So glad you made it safely to your dog show. I was in Franklin TN in 2012 I think. It is a lovely area. We also did a little driving through Nashville but didn't have a lot of free time as we were there doing some work with a charity we support. Can't wait to hear about your weekend!

    I hope your training is pleasant enough Shari. So many consecutive days of training can be grueling at times.

    Glad my mammogram is taken care of. Now just need to get the results. I expect to know the results in the next day or two. Standing so much for the mammo was really hard for me. The tech who did it is very nice, and she has done my last 3 mammos or so. I asked her what they do for women who cannot stand at all, and she said they use a chair and pointed out the chair to me. Well, next time if my condition remains as it is now, I will definitely ask for the chair. I am a bit surprised she didn't offer the chair to me to begin with today as she saw and sympathized with the pain I had in my legs from standing so much. I did well with my food choices today. I try to do IF as much as possible and that worked out well for me today.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Franklin TN!!! Once I retire maybe we will be to visit a few more states that we have never been to. When long trips get longer, that is not fun! Enjoy your time there.

    The training videos went well yesterday, not so much the question time. The moderator let people get off topic. Today we watch videos but there isn't a question time until after tomorrow's session.

    A chair would have been helpful for your exam Paula. Too bad she didn't offer it.

    Let's have a great day and see if we can stick to healthy eating. Not easy to do day after day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hoping the Q & A portion of your training will be better than the previous one. Do they provide any goodies for you while in training? I always enjoyed having some munchies when we had training when I worked. As I got closer to retirement, the "goodies" seemed to get healthier and healthier which I appreciated....fresh fruit, veggie trays, etc.

    I had a pretty good day today for food choices. My to do list got sidetracked when a friend came to visit, and I wasn't expecting her. She stayed longer than I expected, and I was almost late for my nail appointment. I made it on time, but barely. They had goodies at the nail salon today as part of a fundraiser for breast cancer. The goodies were free and donations were optional. I made a donation but brought my goodies (2 small cupcakes) home for John. He didn't even eat them yet. He said he will eat them on Friday. I would say I wish I had his willpower, but it really isn't even willpower. He doesn't haven't a weight issue at all. He just isn't tempted by such things I guess.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    The training went better yesterday. This time the host kept us on topic and that was helpful. Our training is online, so no snacks. I got back to making carrot salad. That will be a good go to when I need something to eat between meals.

    Nice to get the nails done Paula. I am still recovering from getting nails in July. My nails grow so slowly and they took a big hit from the gel nail polish. More from trying to get it off. I am hoping that they grow out strong now that I have added the collagen to my diet. I will know in a few more months. Maybe less.

    No weight loss for me. Crazy!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, I didn't realize your training is online. That seems to me like it would be tough to do all day long! But I do see the advantage of being at home! So that to me would make it worth it.

    I struggled most of today with making good food choices. It was a day similar to Monday when I just didn't feel satisfied. I was really tired today which seems to be a factor on these kinds of days for me. I wasn't able to rest when I needed to because there were just some things I had to get done. I struggled more than I strayed overall so I guess it could have been worse. I was able to rest in the early evening a bit and my hunger was all gone by then and stayed that way.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I had such a busy day yesterday and I didn't make wise food choices either! I let myself get too hungry and then just grabbed what was fast. I went to bed quite early and I am up early this morning, I don't mind that. I will get a lot done and then I can have a wonderful rest day tomorrow.

    Thankful I don't have to work today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hope you had a productive day today Shari. I had a great day, getting a lot done, even more than I anticipated and feeling good all day long. I stayed on track without much effort today and didn't feel tired or fatigued. Everything just seemed to go smoothly all day. I am looking forward to a restful day tomorrow too. I love that about Sundays! I have nothing special in mind for tomorrow, just an easy restful day after online church services in the morning.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We had a good day, it didn't go as planned though. I went a funeral service with Jim, not someone I knew, so he didn't have to come back out to the farm to pick me up for church. We had some extra time so we went to IKEA to pick up a few things that we needed (and of course a bit more). I ended up having a fast food burger and fries. So that wasn't good, even though it sure tasted good. I will have some making up to do today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, How nice to have an IKEA near you. The closest one to us is about an hour away. I think I was there only once or twice many years ago. I have ordered from them online, but it isn't the same as being in the store. The blinds in our family room are from IKEA, and I really like them.

    I had an ok day today, not far off track but far from perfect too. It was a pleasant and restful day that seemed to fly by. I made meatloaf with enough left for tomorrow. Definitely got my fruit and veggies in but indulged in some sweets too. This should be a fairly easy week for me with few demands that I know of now. That should help with my compliance....I hope!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I am going to have a very busy week but then I have my trip to Mexico. I leave on Saturday for a week. I am so excited to get away with my friend. DH will stay behind to look after our dog. He was also worried it might snow and he wants to be around just in case since he has some snow removal contracts.

    Our IKEA is about 45 minutes away so we don't get there too often.

    I have my meet and greet with what hopefully be my new family dr. I haven't seen a doctor since the beginning of the pandemic so this is very overdue. If things go well then I will be able to have an exam in November once I am back. I know I am behind on a few medical tests and I won't be too excited about those. Thankful yes, but not excited.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Shari, how cool that your trip to Mexico is coming up already! So nice to be able to get away, enjoy, and relax. No snow in our forecast yet I am happy to say. I understand how important it is for your DH to be available in the event his services are needed. Good luck with your doctor meet and greet. I hope it works out for you. I got the results of my mammogram....all normal again thank God. I should be good for another year.

    I had an absolutely great day today. I stayed completely on track and got so much done today I could just celebrate! I was very well rested and slept a little later than usual, and it paid off. Of course there is always more that I could do, but I accomplished my ambitious to do list and even a few extra tasks. I am looking forward to another good day tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    The dr meet and greet went well. She seems like a very pleasant doctor. I will get some labs done and then go in for my physical. She is having me get a mammogram, so I guess it's my turn now.

    I have another morning of training and I am thankful I get to stay home to do that. Yesterday I encouraged the team to try and create a report- and we did! Our trainer was sick so it was just the trainees. The lady who oversees the admin sent me note saying that she appreciated my attitude and driving us forward.

    I did pretty good with my eating yesterday too. Not enough to off set the damage from Saturday though. Lots of work to do with my food choices.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! I'm back! We got home yesterday around supper time and had picked up fast food on the way home. We both said that we were getting back "in training"today. We don't follow the same eating patterns but at least it will keep the junk food out of the house. My dog did well in the first show of the weekend, receiving "Select B*tch" , which meant the 2nd best girl from a fairly large entry. We were thrilled and she loved the attention! She also received a qualifying score in Rally, a performance event, and that was her first time in a Rally Trial. She showed well the rest of the weekend but the judges didn't pick her. We were very happy that she held up through all the events! Both dogs were happy to be back home and so were we!! I weighed in this morning and am back to sugar detox....starting over again! Shari, I hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico! What an exciting trip!! So glad you liked the Dr!! I meet my new one in November. Paula, so happy that your mammogram results were good and that you had such a good day yesterday! Have a great rest of your Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome back DW! And congrats on such a successful weekend at the dog show. How cool that your girl loved the attention. News like that warms my heart!

    Shari, great that you made a good connection with the new doctor. That means so much. And congrats for taking such initiative with your online training group. It is nice that your efforts were recognized.

    I had another good day today. I need to keep this kind of streak going in order to see some progress. A friend from church visited me today for the first time in a year. It was just a relatively short visit. She had something to give me since last year and finally got here to give it to me today. She has 4 children ranging in age from 5 to 15 so I understand how busy she is and she has been having some health issues too. It was a lovely visit (the 5 year old was with her). She mentioned that she would like to come here now and then for coffee. That would really make my day. She is very nice, and I enjoy her company.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Glad you a had such a good time at the dog show DW. Being at home will be so much easier to make better diet choices.

    So good to string together good days of eating Paula. Having company pop in for coffee sounds very lovely.

    I didn't set my alarm for the right time this morning so I can't pause too long here. Have a great everyone!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,045 Member
    I had a fairly good day except that my carbs were a bit too high. I feel confident that I will pay more attention to my carb choices for Thursday. I enjoyed a shorter "to do" list today which gave me some extra time to read and watch a little TV. Tomorrow's "to do" will be a bit longer but not enough to overwhelm me.