Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody!! Happy weekend!! Our son arrived from AK safely and on time but exhausted. Our daughter came for dinner and it was nice to be together but now she is home and the guys are both asleep. Tomorrow the four of us travel a few hours away for my aunt’s memorial service. It will be a long day but good to see family! I suspect my good eating will be on hold until Monday. Have a great weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, So nice to have your family together to attend your aunt's memorial service. And great that your DS arrived safely. Traveling these days can be so stressful!

    I had an weird day today. I felt fine when I woke up and had fruit and low fat plain organic yogurt for breakfast. I later felt very queasy in my stomach and felt a strong need for starchy carbs. I ended up have some of John's bar b q Pringles chips...spicy in a way but I did feel better after that. My dear neighbor Jane and her DH surprised us tonight by bringing us hamburgers and corn they grilled. I was delighted as I am not able to grill outside anymore, though I do have a grill.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Paula- I wish I had only indulged in one poor meal. I have met with a number of different people since Wednesday and all meetings involved meals out. So I am up even more weight. That is all behind me now so I can get back to healthy eating. Part of me wants to fast, but I know that isn't the wisest thing to do right now, so I will do my best to stick to my healthy eating plan.

    Good news about the flooring being refunded. What a nightmare!

    It looks we will have a sunny day and I am very thankful about that. I hope to be outside for most of the day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    We have had several days of lovely weather here too. Yesterday John, Buster, and I went to a friend's house for what we thought was a picnic, but we ended up just visiting and eating with her in her home. She is turning 80 years old this fall but is very vibrant, active, and interesting. She is one of my best friends and is from my old church. I was delighted that she said it was fine to bring Buster along. We wouldn't have gone if we had to leave him home alone. She grilled a pork loin which was delicious and served several summer salads with it (macaroni salad, a bean salad, and a sweet fruit/marshmallow salad). The salads were delicious but not all that healthy really. She served ice cream with strawberry sauce for dessert but I skipped that because of my lactose intolerance. We had a great time together, and Buster was a good boy. I tried not to eat too much of the salads.

    Today John and I went to our lawyer's office to sign our updated wills, powers of attorney, etc. Craig dog sat Buster for us because we couldn't take Buster the lawyer who is almost an hour away from here. When I got home I was too hungry because I didn't eat much before we went. I cooked a healthy meal but think I ate too much anyway. Craig and I talked about the floor again today. He remains optimistic that the company will refund the cost of the flooring. I sure hope so.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    So wonderful to be able to visit a friend with Buster Paula. We didn't think we would need to update our wills again, but now that we are at the farm, this is something we need to do very soon. We need to see if any of our kids want to live out here. Once we know, we can make the necessary changes.

    My weight is still high, but it did come back down a bit. That was a great relief. Now to keep it going in that direction. Since I didn't make my summer goal, I have made a new fall goal. I really hope some of my new strategies will work!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everyone!! It sounds like you both have had some fun food adventures! We did, too, while our son was here! I am sitting outside an urgent care waiting for my daughter. She has had a runny nose or congestion for 2weeks and has been running a low fever for 3 days. She has done 3 Covid tests that were all negative. Hopefully they will find something and put her on the road to recovery!
    Covid seems to be picking up around here! After attending church with my son on Sunday, I received an email that a few folks had tested positive a day or 2 after the service. He was not pleased to receive that news! I’m starting to think that I should wear a mask to my high school reunion activities.
    We’ve had water concerns off and on recently, both water pressure coming in and slow drainage going out. I finally called them and they came out yesterday and found that tree roots are the problem. They fixed the immediate problem but will be back next week to dig up the front yard and take out more roots. Should be interesting…. Have a great rest of the week! I plan to get back on track with eating when we return from the reunion
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, celebrate the drop in your weight....woo hoo! Every step in the right direction helps.

    DW, Hope all turns out well for your daughter! Tree roots can sure cause problems. We have had problems related to tree roots twice in the 28 years I have lived in this home.

    Covid is on the rise in my area too. An article in our local newspaper today said that
    the BA.2 variant is perhaps one of the most transmissible viruses experienced or seen in modern clinical medicine and the newest variants BA.4 and BA.5 outdid that in a remarkable fashion.
    BA.5 is now the dominant strain nationally, accounting for about 65% of viral circulation as of Saturday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Like other omicron subvariants, an infection with BA.5 typically results in less severe illness than earlier strains did. Even the loss of taste and smell, which was prevalent in earlier infections, has become less common. Instead, the most common symptoms are runny nose, sore throat, fever in the low 100s, muscle soreness and fatigue.

    Here is the part that alarms me: Those most vulnerable to severe COVID illness are still getting very sick, even if they are vaccinated. These include the elderly, especially those over 75, as well as those with compromised immune systems and/or preexisting conditions. One of the experts quoted said that anyone at higher risk of severe COVID illness is recommended to wear masks, make sure they are up to date on their shots, and take other precautions to protect themselves. And this also scares me: Because of how incredibly transmissible BA.5 is, being outside doesn’t offer the same protection against spread as it did earlier in the pandemic.

    I was not very well on track today....not over the top but had too many carbs at lunchtime. I am planning to go to a flooring store tomorrow. I called and told them about my floor problems. They are mostly booked for installations until October! But after I told the man my sad floor story he said he might be able to get a new kitchen floor installed for me sometime in August. The floor has now become a safety hazard for both John and me. I suspect Craig will not be happy that I am doing this, but this place has an outstanding reputation for many years in our area. I am not blaming Craig at all for the floor problems, but I must get something done asap and then whatever happens with the refund on the original flooring will be a plus.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I haven't been keeping up on the latest news in regards to Covid. A co-worker got it last week, but fortunately I didn't get it again. I will have to take a look at the Covid news for our area. Let us know how your daughter did at emergency. I hope she got some answers and some assistance DW.

    I hope you can get a new floor in place very soon Paula. The tripping hazard will be very high and not good for you or John.

    I trying to get in a better head space with my life. Some stress has increased and that never helps with the health of my body. I am far more sensitive to when it happens, but I am still not good at squelching it. Lots to work on. Mind, body and soul.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Working on mind, body, and soul is an on-going process for sure, and sometimes it is much more difficult than others. I agree that stress is a key factor in how we treat our bodies. I believe that the spiritual side of me helps cope with stress. This was especially true when I was going through so many health concerns.

    I went to a flooring store today to select a new floor for the kitchen (not the place where the defective floor was purchased). This store uses only its own installers so Craig won't be able to do the installation. The prices they show already include the installation costs. I know this might hurt Craig's feelings but this seems to be my best option under the circumstances. They plan to come next week to measure the kitchen and then to install the new floor sometime in August. Initially they said the next installation date would be October, but when I told them about my situation they found some dates in August that might work out for the installation. The installer they use lives just a few miles from my home. Also, I spoke with the manager of the store where the original flooring was purchased. He said he thinks it is an installation problem, which I sort of expected him to say. But he also said that he submitted a claim to the flooring manufacturer. I am now not optimistic that I will receive a refund on the flooring. But I have to have the problem corrected and will just have to deal with the costs.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula- I am glad that you have plans for a new floor to be installed, but I am so sorry to hear that it could be an installation problem. Having installed so much of the flooring in our own home, with no prior experience, I am surprised to hear that. We are so happy with all of the floors that we have put in! One more room to go. I hope you can recoup some funds, for either the flooring or for the labour.

    I felt some stress when I woke up, so I am trying to be sensitive to the feelings and calm them down. I am happy that I have been eating a well balanced breakfast and have incorporated eating a carrot salad almost daily. Small steps that I will keep adding to in order to help heal my body from stress. I am also listening to a Christian devotional in the morning. Trying to get my days to start out strong. I was walking every day, but that slipped the last couple of days. I should be able to fit a walk in today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Congrats on your healthy breakfast routine! I would appreciate the recipe for your carrot salad. I love the idea of your morning devotional. Every morning I receive an email sent daily from the church where my cousin is a retired pastor. I usually read the message after saying my morning prayers. Amazing how the right message seems to arrive at the right time!

    I started out eating healthy this morning, but I struggled a bit mid day, and then did better later on. So overall I had a mildly successful day. I received an email from the manager of the flooring store where I got the bad flooring. He asked me to send him more photos of the floor from a few different angles because the woman handling the claim asked for more photos. That has raised my hopes a bit in terms of receiving a refund.

    I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend, though I have a small project to work on for one of the charities I still support. My goal is to do the project tomorrow so I can cross it off my to do list. I have to be in the right mood to do it....I will be very happy when it is finished.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    It is a very simple carrot salad. I grate two carrots, add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp of honey. Sometimes I add some salt and pepper. That's pretty much it. You could some olive oil, but I haven't been doing that.

    I agree with you Paula about how we so often get sent the message we need when we do devotionals. I hope I can keep up my habit.

    I really hope that you can get a refund for your flooring Paula.

    I have not had much success with any weight loss. It is frustrating at times. I am trying hard to let it bring me down. I have to keep on trying. I had a lot of stress on the weekend, so maybe that was a contributing factor.

    An update on my friend that was having an affair: the man was arrested yesterday for violating the restraining order. I am glad he is facing consequences, I am a bit nervous too. I will be looking over my shoulder- maybe the rest of my life. He may hold me responsible for the order. He has a lot of money and with that comes a lot of power.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I am back from the reunion weekend. It was more fun than I thought it would be and, Lord willing, I will go again in 5 years!
    Shari, how scary! Prayers for your safety and your friend's! It always amazes me how interconnected our mind, body, and soul are! And when we do good for ourselves in one area, it helps in all areas! I have always found it challenging to try to promote wellbeing in all three areas at once. You would think that it wouldn't be so difficult since I am retired.
    Paula, I hope and pray that all will work out for your floors! I'm glad that they are able to install new floors in August instead of October!
    I weighed in this morning and then walked the dog with my daughter and her dog. When I returned home, there were trucks and large equipment pulling into my driveway-the water folks! They dug things up and now we have a mound of dirt in the front yard. Apparently, it needs to sit so they will be back in a month to level it out and plant grass. I was able to start my laundry from the trip later this afternoon
    after they left. My daughter got antibiotics from her Dr. visit but ran a fever for a few more days and has been having pain in her legs ever since. She was able to go back to work on Saturday but still has the leg pain, which she says isn't typical muscle aches....I am encouraging her to follow up with a medical professional but she might not take my advice.
    Have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Thanks for the recipe. I plan to make it soon. It sounds like something that John and I will enjoy. Glad that guy got arrested! Hope he pays the price for his antics! Pray that you and your friend will be safe. I agree with DW, this is a very scary situation for all involved.

    DW, So glad you enjoyed your reunion weekend and are looking forward to the next one! Good luck with the water/root problem! Sure does seem like it's always something these days.

    I am pleased to report that I completed the report I needed to do for my charity. I completed it in one sitting and am pleased with the outcome. Such a good feeling to have that all done and off my list.

    I have had a few good days of healthy eating and portion control. I am finding that by eating more earlier in the day (actually mid day), I then eat much less as the day progresses. I seem to have made really good progress in dealing with night time eating temptations. I am also allowing myself a little more fat (mostly but not always healthy fats), which seems to keep me more satisfied. I guess my next weigh in will tell me if I am on the right track or not.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Please do try the carrot salad. You can look up what the health benefit are- although it seems like the internet can support or deny most claims we search.

    The guy was turned himself in on Sunday, had a bail hearing on Monday and will appear in court on Aug 8 with his plea. We are sure he will plead innocent. He has a lot of money and I am sure a good lawyer will get him off. As long as he has learned his lesson and stays away going forward! His wife is being extremely support of him. I think she is very manipulated and that is sad. She is staying devoted to a man who less than 2 weeks ago was stalking his ex affair partner.

    I am sure your front yard is a mess DW! Good to have things working again even with a pile of dirt for a month. I pray your daughter will seek medical help if things don't get better in the next day. We really have to advocate for our own health these days.

    I booked a trip to Mexico with a friend for Oct 30. We are so excited. That is my new weight loss goal date. None of my other goals were met with any success but I really hope knowing I will be in a public in a swimsuit will be what it takes to lose the ten pounds I put on!!! I have a lot of work to do to get there based on my past results.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I sure hope the guy gets the punishment he deserves, but courts can be quite unpredictable.

    I will probably make the carrot salad today. John is very big on anything with honey. Will let you know after I make it. I am still pretty much on a healthy eating track with few, if any, attacks from the hunger monster. I had avocado toast today for brunch, for the 1st time in quite a while. I LOVE avocado toast and find it very filling and satisfying. Avocados were on sale this week at Giant where I picked up a small grocery order yesterday. I am using Sara Lee wheat bread for the toast at only 45 calories per slice. I still haven't weighed in but feel as if I am losing again.

    The new flooring company is coming later today to measure and determine the cost of my new installation. I am bracing for whatever the cost because the current floor is deteriorating rapidly and is becoming more and more of a serious safety hazard for John and me. Still no word from the original flooring company on the claim made. I plan to call there tomorrow. I think it will be necessary to have Craig do something to hold us over till the new flooring is installed. I am sure Craig will be upset that he won't be doing the new installation. He hasn't called to check if we need him for anything, so I suspect he is upset with me, even though he doesn't even know I will be using the new company to install the new floor.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a very small weight loss on the scale. Nothing to indicate I am progressing yet. If I can lose a full pound I can keep going forward with the food plan. I had added a lot more fruit to my diet in hopes of getting some nutrients that I had not been getting prior. It isn't a crazy amount by any means.

    Paula- good you are seeing some progress for your flooring installation. Craig may be more embarrassed than he will be upset. It would be great if he could offer to take out the old flooring. I feel like walking on a subfloor would so much safer for you and John.

    I decided to work from home today. No one else in my office area will be on-site so it seems silly to waste the gas to drive in and still be working alone. We are supposed to be on-site 60% of our work week, but I feel like not many others follow the rules. I have always been a rule follower, but I am trying to not be so strict with myself. I allowed myself to sleep in a bit since I won't have a commute.

    It is going to be a beautiful day! I am thankful for that.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! It sounds as if you are both doing great with healthy eating! I had 2 days of night time sweet attacks. The withdrawal from sugar is always challenging for 3 days and I’m ok after that. Last night I told myself to snack on anything but sugar to make it through the 3 days. I had some almonds and am at 1 1/2 days. Shari, your vacation sounds so exciting!! Paula, I hope the flooring visit went well! Have a great Thursday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Yesterday we strung some patio lights and then I sat outdoors after dark. The only thing that would have made it better was if it had warmer. Quite chilly so I needed a blanket. Not sure where those hot summer days are. Hoping for one today! I am working on a rock garden, if I can get it done today I will post photos tomorrow. The rocks are heavy and I am moving them from a pile that I found on the property. They are not that close to the house so it makes for a good workout.

    Not sure what the plan is for my diet today. But I picked up some fresh fruit, so that will be good.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Congrats on your weight loss....every bit of progress helps and can boost motivation. Would be happy to send you some of our summer heat! We have had several days of heat advisories! Our central air keeps the house cool and comfortable, but it has been quite hot and humid outdoors. I made the carrot salad. As expected, it was a big hit with John. And I enjoyed it too. It is a good salad to have ready and on hand.....and so much healthier than potato salad or some other high carb salads that tempt me terribly.

    DW, Sugar seems to be in so many foods these days! I have become more attuned to that when reading ingredient lists. I like to keep almonds and also cashews on hand for snacking, even sometimes in the car for those on the road tempting moments in an effort to avoid drive thrus.

    Today was an ok day for me. I wasn't terribly hungry at all. My friend Sandi made filled peppers (with peppers from her garden) and brought us some. John ate 4, and I ate one which was plenty for me. I was delighted that I didn't have to cook. A good friend of mine is coming to visit tomorrow. We went to college together. She is a retired nurse practitioner. She lives about 2 hours away and hasn't met Buster yet. She is a dog lover so I am excited for her visit. I took a nut roll from the freezer to serve her with coffee. By the way DW, the nut roll is from Butter Maid Bakery in Youngstown Ohio. I order from them a few times a year to have baked goodies on hand. Their baked goods are excellent, come vacuum packed, and last quite a while in the freezer.