Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Exciting news about your job DW! Keep us posted on how things go. How nice that you an keep up with your scheduled dog events.

    Shari, What are the ages of the kids in your youth group? Is it coed?

    I had another good day today all around, no fatigue, mostly healthy eating (but I think a bit too many carbs), and a lot accomplished. I spent most of my time today working on the reports and organizing the info I need for Sunday's inter church group meeting at my home. I am beginning to think I do more work than another of our other members in the group. I must admit I am getting tired of that. I am already practicing saying "no" for whatever comes up at the meeting if it means too much work for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Congrats on the job offer DW!!!! I have had the same issue at different times when trying to fill that cup. Now I always drink a lot of water before I go for tests and sometimes that doesn't even help. 10 hours is a lot of sleep, you really needed the rest. You can totally trust God!

    Happy Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Spent the day with more prep work for Sunday's meeting. I didn't log any of my food, but I am sure I went way over my points. More prep work tomorrow, mostly getting the house ready. Not sure what I will do food-wise but planning to be realistic and healthy. Will be so happy when the meeting is over. Talked with one of my friends from my old church. She is 80 years old and has Covid again. Wish I could cancel the meeting, but I know I can't. Hoping to keep my distance from everyone as much as I can. I sure don't want to get Covid.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Just two more days to go and that meeting will be behind you Paula. I hope that you don't have to do it again, it's better to serve in your areas of giftedness. You contributed in other ways and I bet there is someone in the group that doesn't mind hosting. Especially if she was give some money to help with off-setting the cost of the food.

    Covid is making it's way back, but I don't the sickness presents like it did. Has anyone gotten their booster lately? I think I need to start looking into that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Part of the problem with my inter church group is that really no one wants to host any meetings, but they all want to enjoy them and the fellowship. There are several other members who used to host meetings fairly regularly, but in recent years (post Covid especially) these folks all have reasons not to host. All are in financial positions (much better than mine) to host the meetings which usually are only 4 times per year.

    Craig earned his angel wings again with all the help he gave us today. The house is well prepared for guests. He even washed some windows for us. I paid him well, and he deserved it. My eating was off track a bit, and I didn't log anything at all. Can't wait till tomorrow evening when I can just put it all behind me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Thinking about you today Paula. You go this!

    We had a good day yesterday and I did well with my diet. Hoping for two more days in a row, which I should be able to do since I will be at home. It's our sabbath and I hope we can do something restful for our bodies and good for our souls.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Thank you so much for allowing me to complain and vent here about the meeting plans (as well as other things). It all went well thanks to the help provided by 2 of the ladies in attendance, including the president who gave me such a hard time when we were planning the meeting. In a way my situation was beneficial to the entire group as it prompted our president to discuss the lack of volunteers to host meetings. There was a brief discussion ending with an agreement that all future meetings would be serving simply dessert and coffee and will be held at the home of the president for the most part. Woo Hoo!

    I didn't eat a lot today, and there was quite a bit of food leftover, most of which I sent home with the president and her husband. She definitely mellowed after she got here and was quite cooperative. I am sooooo ready to get back to my healthier choices and get back on track with logging my food and dropping some pounds. Motivation is back, thank goodness!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Sounds like everything worked out Paula. That is great!

    I have been quite disciplined that last few days. I am sure today will be the same. I really really hope to see the scale reflect my choices. It seems to take a lot of good days in a row to show any progress as compared to just one bad meal to put the weight on.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, I’m so happy that your meeting went well and that people helped! It sounds like meetings should be better moving forward. Shari, congrats on putting together several days of good eating! I need to re-find my motivation-I suppose I’m overeating because of starting the new job tomorrow. Also, my dog that I walk with, who is entered in many upcoming events, started limping today and her rear thigh appears swollen. I took photos and sent them to her breeder but haven’t had a response yet. She is eating fine and is still bouncing around, which we are trying to minimize. DH will have to do the veterinarian appointment if needed. He will try to get out of it. Have a great Tuesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, congrats on starting your new job. Will look forward to learning how it goes. Hope your gal's limp is nothing serious. Please keep us posted on that too.

    Congrats to you Shari on your string of disciplined days. Best wishes to keep it going!

    I did fine today but was a bit tired from Sunday. I did a few things but not my usual to do list routine. I took it easy a bit more and rested. I stayed within my points but should have had more vegetables. I am enjoying tomatoes from a friend's garden however. I am looking forward to a fairly back to normal day for Tuesday, including more accomplishments on my to do list.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    DW -Let us know how your first day at work goes. I don't recall if you told us where you are working or what kind of work it is. Let's hope your dog's limp heals quickly on it's own.

    Back to the office where it seems like I tend to feel hungrier. I will take good food along and hope that I don't feel the need to snack extra. I will need to focus on my water intake when that happens. I am working on fat loss and getting rid of my bloated stomach. It is such a slow process and takes a lot of focus.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Good plan Shari taking good food with you to work. You are right about the slow process and the need for focus. I agree!

    I accomplished a little more today and feel good about that. My to do list for tomorrow has grown with some carry overs from today. I made healthy food choices today and wasn't unusually hungry. I need to plan my meals for Wednesday or I risk falling off plan.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Well- I would have done okay but my supervisor brought in donuts for our team meeting. I almost a whole one. The scale wasn't happy with that decision! Today we are getting staff lunch. I won't stay, I just can't afford to cheat two days in a row. I hope I can keep my resolve once I am in the situation. I just have to remember my weigh in from this morning and know that I can't risk it going up again for one free lunch.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Such challenges you face at work Shari! I would have a hard time saying no to the treats offered.

    Today was a good day for me all around. I napped a for an hour so I must have needed it, but I still managed to accomplish things, including what I always consider a big project and am so pleased when I complete it. I also did a few little things which needed to be done. I had shrimp for supper, a consistent favorite of mine. I didn't log all of my food but mentally I think I did ok. Back to complete tracking tomorrow.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I didn't go to the staff lunch! I stuck to my guns. No loss on the scale. I am hoping that another good day today will show some results. Fingers crossed. I haven't been tracking, I know I am eating better but I should track to make sure.

    Working from home today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Way to go Shari skipping your work luncheon. That took a lot of strength...very admirable.

    I had a mediocre day today. I logged most, but not all, of my food. It seems that now that I have become more careless about it, the more difficult it is to track everything completely. I tried a new grocery store for delivery today. It is considered a rather upscale grocery store in our area. I decided to try it because of my family from Texas coming to visit late next week and one of my relatives is gluten free. (I am already in a panic about meals for them and now the wrinkle of needing gluten free options). I think I can get more gluten free items from this store than in my usual stores if need be. I didn't order any gluten free items this time, but I wanted to try out their delivery process and was very pleased. They are a bit more expensive than my usual 2 stores, but I think I will shop there for delivery from time to time, simply because of the selection of items they offer.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Online grocery shopping is so good. I don't know if I can get that out at the farm here. I still like to shop in person, but it's good to know I could order and then pick up.

    My weight is still stuck. I am getting a bit frustrated. Hopefully tomorrow the scale will show some improvement. Although- I have lunch out and it will be high in sodium. I just can't seem to get the scale moving.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I feel for you with your frustration. If you don't see a pleasing number tomorrow, it will likely be due at least in part to the sodium in your lunch.

    I made a tuna and brown rice dish today. It was low sodium, and I should have added more spice. John said he liked it, but I wonder if he was just being kind. We have leftovers to which I will add more spices before we eat it again. Craig was here working with me for about four hours today. We went through a lot of unneeded kitchen items like old coffee mugs and glasses among other things. He will take most to a local thrift shop to donate. We also tossed quite a bit for either recycle or trash. It is amazing how much unneeded stuff we accumulate. He will come again on Saturday to help me with more cleaning out as I prepare for the visit from my relatives. I think there is enough work here to do to keep Craig going for a while.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had my lunch out and did quite well apart from having a glass of wine at the end my day. Somehow I justified it to myself. I had such a long day! I was out until 11pm and was exhausted. I just wanted to watch a little bit of TV and relax with a glass of wine. I hope that doesn't ruin my efforts. I will drink lots of water today. I feel quite dehydrated.

    Craig is such a great help to you Paula. When ever I am going through things and throwing them out I often think of it as helping my home lose weight.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Such long hours for you Shari on some days! Yikes. Like you, I enjoy a glass of wine on occasion. I think it doesn't hurt weight loss too much and for me, is worth it, even if it does slow it down.

    Craig was here again today, and we cleaned out the unneeded pots and pans in my in my kitchen, among other kitchen items. Most went to the box for the thrift shop, but some went to be recycled. The kitchen cupboards were very overcrowded, but not anymore! Shari, you are right, it does feel like my kitchen lost a lot of weight. After Craig left on Friday, I felt incredibly energized with all we accomplished. Today after he left I was just tired and was able to eventually rest a bit. I did well with food choices until later in the day when I overindulged in some chocolate, something I haven't done in a long time. It was good, but I hope I don't do that again for a long time.