Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, sometimes switching just a few little things can make a difference in weight loss. Of course figuring out what to switch can be a challenge! Hope you are able to tweak your plan to make a difference for you.

    I think I have arrived at a favorable compromise with our group president regarding the menu for our next meeting. She called me today and was suggesting some options that I didn't agree with. So finally we settled on my original plan along with a few finger sandwiches. That is an easy route for me to take. A dear friend of mine came to visit today. We planned this only yesterday. She is such a good friend (and former co worker). Before she came John and I stripped our beds and then my friend put on the clean sheets for us. Another blessing for sure! Changing sheets takes me and John forever and often exhausts me. My friend also brought us Chinese food from a restaurant near her home (about 45 minutes from here). So, a double treat....clean sheets and a day off from cooking! I didn't track my food today, but all I had was the shrimp and broccoli (without white rice) and some strawberries all day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I am glad that you have a plan for the meeting's food Paula. I figure she lets the host decide what to serve, or bring the food in herself. Friends are awesome! Sounds like you have a very dear one Paula.

    I really need to try have restraint today with my eating. I am not losing weight and quite disheartened. I will track and I think I have to really cut back hard the next few days to see if I can see some weight loss. It is getting hard to stay motivated without the scale showing better numbers.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, it is hard enough to stay motivated when the scale doesn't move, let alone when the scale is stubborn. It is important to keep up and not give up. Easier said than done! I had a great day today. I wasn't overly hungry and kept my points well in check. The challenge is repeating days like this over and over. I ate a lot of zero point foods today which I knew helped keep me satisfied. Fresh veggies and fresh fruits were on my menus today along with chicken breasts. Thinking of shrimp for tomorrow's protein. Tonight we had hours of very strong and violent thunder storms in the evening and late evening. Many areas lost electricity, but we were fortunate and ours stayed on.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had a really good day of restraint but I guess I need many more days just like it before the scale will move. I am hoping to have enough determination to repeat yesterday. I agree that it isn't so easy.

    Made it to Friday! I hope to harvest my garden this weekend. Next year I need to plan better as I have too much of some foods and not enough of others. Too bad that spring doesn't come around more often in. a year. Our growing season is so short.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! I must say, hosting isn't one of my gifts either! I even try to avoid hosting the coffee hour after church because I get so stressed about it and end up spending too much $$ on the treats to go with coffee. Some people set the bar so high with what they serve that I just don't sign up anymore. Paula, I'm thinking that it seems a tad rude of someone to tell you what to serve when you are hosting. Shari, were you able to get the tomatoes picked?
    I had a job interview yesterday-that was STRANGE!! I haven't been in that position in over 35 years-LOL!!
    Now I wait to hear something......
    The Dr appointment went well and I continue with therapy and don't go back to the Dr for a month. He said that I could start phasing out of the boot-not a problem! I haven't worn it since! That's all the news...Have a great weekend!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, Congrats on your progress in going boot-less! Wishing you good news with the job interview.

    Shari, way to go with your day of restraint! I like that word and will keep it in mind for myself. Will be interested in how your harvesting goes.

    I faithfully logged all of my points today. I used 2 extra points which WW calls weeklies. These are limited extra points that we get each week to use on days like today when I use up all of my points and need a few extra. I was quite tired today and took a rather long afternoon nap. I knew I needed it and felt much better afterwards. I have days like that, don't like them, but I have them on occasion. No special plans for this weekend and happy about that.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    My garden hasn't been harvested yet but that is my plan for today. The mornings are pretty chilly so I need to get at it.

    DW-good news about the boot, now for good news about a job. It will come.

    I had an okay eating day yesterday although I blew it some in the evening. I can do better today!

    One of Jim's cousins cows got stuck in the mud yesterday. It was quite the ordeal to get it out but they managed. Moe joined in for some of the excitement. I send some photos separately. Needless to say it ended up being a bath night for him.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I love the picture of Moe and his muddy paws! He is so cute, and I bet he enjoyed getting muddy. The land on the photo looks great too, a lovely view.

    No tiredness or fatigue for me today. I felt great and got things done. Didn't have to take nap either. I discovered today that a Greek Orthodox church in our area is having a food fest this weekend and for the first time, to my knowledge, was offering delivery of their Greek delicacies via Door Dash. So we ordered and loved it. Then I logged the points for the gyro.....ouch....it used up all of the rest of my daily points, but remarkably didn't tap into my weeklies. So I was satisfied and pleased. We love Greek food and are considering ordering tomorrow again, but I am not sure if we will.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Living on a farm, even though it is more of a hobby farm is a lot work at times. I do love the garden veggies we get to enjoy. I picked the tomatoes even though they were not ripe. It is getting pretty chilly at night. I had way too many spaghetti squash and will need give them away. Too easy to grow! We had a few parsnips and I picked crab apples. The crab apples will be turned into jelly today or tomorrow. I prepped the juice so it won't be too hard to finish that task.

    I did well with my eating plan and I am very pleased with that!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Shari, I love the photos of Moe!! It looks like he had so much fun!! Paula, that is really something that the church offered Door Dash!! I hope it increased their success!!
    Yesterday we went to our hometown (about 3 hrs one way) and back because DH's stepbrother was playing in a rock band at a bar/restaurant there. Their sets started at 4pm so we were able to stay for all of them before heading home. My brother-in-law is 70 and still playing drums-he is really good!! DH's sister and her husband met us there so it was a small family reunion of sorts-did my heart good to spend time with all of them!! We didn't eat there but had to do fast food on the way home because we were starving-not a great plan as it turns out that fast food late at night is a challenge at my age..I didn't get sick but did have a belly ache the rest of the night. Today is my 69th birthday and we are going out to eat. My 1st choice restaurant isn't open on Sundays so I need a back up plan. Have a great Sunday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Happy Birthday DW! So nice that you will celebrate and also got to spend some time with family this weekend. How cool about your brother-in-law and his talent!

    Shari, congrats on your good eating day. More to come as you continue your harvesting!

    It was a quiet relaxing day here. John and I watched the Eagles/New England football game. The Eagles (our team) won in a close game. Sometimes I am not in the mood for football, but today I stayed awake and watched it with John and didn't even open a book to read while it was on. I did ok with eating today as I wasn't overly hungry. Need more days like that!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Birthday DW! Sounds like you had a good weekend!

    I didn't have the best eating day yesterday as we spend the afternoon at our old neighbours. I am planning to have a better day today. I was able to drop off some of our homegrown produce for her. I think she will love the little habanero peppers.

    I was so tired last night that I fell asleep watching TV. I had a good sleep and decided to sleep in a little. I get to work from home today so that doesn't ruin the start to my day too much. I hope to get out and walk during all of my breaks.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    There definitely are benefits from working at home Shari, including a few extra minutes of sleep. It is so important to feel well rested!

    John and I did some cleaning out (more like rearranging things) in his closet today. I felt good that we accomplished something, at least making it look a little neater. So much work to be done, but I am grateful for every little bit of progress. I did ok with eating today but got lazy about logging my food so I have to go back to make sure I didn't miss anything. Tomorrow I get my permanent crown. Going anywhere now really stresses me out as I worry about my walking. It is getting more difficult it seems lately.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I think my Sunday eating showed up on the scale today. I only blew it one day lately so it seems unfair. I did well yesterday and should be able to the same today. I do find that I get more hungry when I am at the church. I don't know what changes, but I have been getting better.

    Good you are getting your permanent crown Paula. It will feel so much better. Hopefully you can manage the walking that you will need to do.

    I will be taking spaghetti squash to work today. I have far too many for us to eat. I don't even like it that much. Next year I think I will try a pumpkin patch.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Ah Shari, if I lived closer I'd take your spaghetti squash off your hands in a heartbeat. I agree about the frustration with weight gain after one off day. My guess is that by keeping up with your water you will see that weight go away pretty quickly.

    My dentist appointment went well. I am pleased with the new crown but ouch on the price of course. I did relatively well with the walking, once again parking as close as I could to the entrance and with the receptionist walking me to the van to help me with my walker. I logged my food today and was surprised how high my points were and how weak my willpower was today. ugh! I was pretty tired today both before and after my appointment. I hope to accomplish more on Wednesday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I will see about keeping up with my water! Hopefully that will help. I have been trying to drink before eating and that has helped to curb any hunger pains that are not necessary.

    Dental work isn't cheap! I am glad you made it through the appt Paula. Keeping healthy teeth is important.

    Here is to us all being successful on a Wednesday. Our youth program starts up tonight so I am back to having late nights.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, hope your youth program is off to a good start. I don't envy you having to put in some evening time! I am sure, however, that you are great with your young folks.

    Today was a terrific day for me all around, one of those days that I wish would repeat again and again. I had plenty of energy, no fatigue, stayed on track with my WW points, wasn't overly hungry at all, and accomplished a great deal mostly with Craig's help. He is a very kind and patient man who works so well for me and John. He was here about 3 hours today doing some things on his own and then some things with us. I am delighted with what we got done. And I know he needs the money I pay him, so I am glad I can help him when I do. Hoping tomorrow will be another good day, though Craig probably won't be here till Saturday when he comes to help me set up for Sunday's (dreaded) meeting!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    We had a really good night last night. Lots of kids and lot of good conversation. I am super glad to be able to work from home today. I eat so much better on the days I am at home. I think I am going to try and give up sparkling water and see if that will get rid of reduce my bloating. It won't be easy but I really want to see if that will make a difference.

    Glad you had a great day all around too Paula.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, I’m happy to hear about your good day with much accomplished and on-plan eating!! Also happy to hear that your crown is completed!! Shari, I’m glad that your youth group went well and that you can work from home today!!
    I received a call on Monday offering me the job I interviewed for provided I pass the physical, drug testing and background check. Yesterday I had to go do all three of those things. It was traumatic ( I took me 2 hours and 3 tries to be able to “produce “ for the drug test) and I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept 10 hours. This morning I was late getting out for a walk with the dog and there were too many people on the trail for us to have a good walk.
    If everything works out testing wise ( no reason it shouldn’t but one never knows), I will have orientation next Tuesday and training the rest of the week. I will still be able to take off for the dog events that I had already scheduled. This will just be part time work- I can’t go over a certain amount of hours due to my retirement. 🤞🤞🤞That everything works out but my birthday Bible verses all said “Trust God”!! Have a great Thursday!!