Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Dark Chocolate is the only treat that I allow myself. I will be very sad if I have to take that off my diet plan. I have been slowly cutting things out over the last few years. Today is a rest day, although it started off by getting a couple of stray cows into our gated yard. They wandered over in the night and we will need to figure out who they belong to.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I wish I had your discipline and commitment to limit my treats to dark chocolate only! I love dark chocolate but indulge in many other treats as well. You have inspired me to limit my choices. What a great photo of the cows! The setting is beautiful, and I think the look on the faces of the cows is priceless. I would consider that a frame-worthy photo.

    I did ok with my food choices today and didn't indulge in any chocolate or other treats. The day was not as restful as my typical Sunday. Craig came by again because there was still plenty here to do, so I was busy for a couple hours with him. Today we cleaned out a ton of my old cookbooks. I held on to some favorites and some with sentimental value, but donated quite a few. With the availability of recipes on the internet, I don't depend on my cookbooks the way I did 25 years ago. Craig also set up our new smart tv in the living room. We didn't have a tv in there because John and I watch tv in our family room. But that room is not set up for us and four additional visitors (i.e. Texas family) to watch tv comfortably. So I caved and got a tv for the living room. John is delighted by this addition!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    We found out who owns the cows so that's good. They journeyed across the highway and up a mile or so to our place. We have them until Tuesday as the owner's cattle trailer is being fixed. They should be safe until then. Not sure how happy they will be locked up in the yard though. They really want to join our herd, but it would be too hard to single them out when it's time to go home.

    I had a good food day, but had wine again. We were invited to our neighbours for one last visit on their deck. They will be preparing for winter and put everything away. They are away and worried that it could snow when they get back. I hope not! But we had a very nice visit.

    My goal for the next 14 days is stay away from the red wine. That is very doable now that the visit with our old neighbours is complete. I think she would be disappointed if I didn't share a glass with her. Today is day 1 and I know I can do it. I am going to report here daily to be accountable.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Once again, I am so sorry for disappearing for so long! I ended up starting work on Wednesday instead of Tuesday last week (their request) but it worked out for me because I was able to get my dog to the vet. Nothing is broken and she is on two meds. She started to get better and then tweeked it again Friday evening. It has been not good since then inspite of the continued meds. I had to withdraw her from the events she was entered in this past weekend (no refunds) and spent some time today trying to get into an orthopedic veterinarian with no luck. My veterinarian will extend the medications if needed and we will continue to keep her as quiet as possible. It is some type of soft tissue injury.
    Work is going well so far. I had hours of training on the computer last week and this week I am shadowing people and have another day of training on Wednesday. I had to drive a large van and be evaluated and I passed that. I must keep my work hours below a specific level to protect my retirement benefits.
    Paula, I have started to think about getting rid of stuff once again and am inspired by your reports of success! I had paused my previous efforts because I wanted to try to sell some items but now I just need the excess to be gone!
    Shari, the cow photo was awesome! How nice of you to take care of them and keep them safe!
    My eating has not been good lately-still hoping to recover my motivation! Let's all have a healthy Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, Sure hoping your girl bounces back to her full healthy self. Rough that there are no refunds when withdrawing from her events. Sounds like you are off to a great start with your new job. Woo Hoo!

    Shari, Our seasons are noticeably changing here too. I have managed to not turn on our heat yet, but soon I will have to. We have had several days of heavy rain which makes it so damp inside and out. Autumn is here, and the temps have been a bit chillier than usual for early autumn.

    I stayed on track today but again at the top of my points. No Craig today because I had to drive John to a Miracle League meeting, but I did manage to do a little work here on my own today and also ran a few errands while John was at his meeting. I was very tired by the time we got home. We had our Monday night Zoom Bible study, after which I took an evening nap. It was too early for me to go to bed, but I needed some rest.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Hoping your dog is able to be quiet and heal DW. Glad you were able to get some training under your belt for your new job. Part time sounds really good.

    I had a good day of eating yesterday. I am back to work and hoping that I can take some of my will power with me so that I can stay on track with my eating. Day 2 of no wine. Tomorrow will be the temptation since I will be meeting my friend for dinner. I know she will be supportive, I jut have to be strong lol!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Hope your dinner with your friend was a good time. Sometimes having a drink in a restaurant is so expensive it is a double win if you skip the wine Shari.

    It was another productive day here for me as I continue to prep for my visitors. I did it with John's help as Craig wasn't able to come today. I was quite on task and busy all day which left little time for snacking (yay!). The dreary rainy weather here continued through today. I think it will brighten up here tomorrow. Craig is coming tomorrow as is my friend to change our sheets for us again. I am quite pleased with how much has been accomplished this week.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I have stayed on track yesterday. Today is my dinner out. It's true that having a drink at a restaurant is expensive, it far more affordable on Wednesdays as the place we typically meet at has wine at half price on Wednesdays. I am feeling strong this morning, so I think I will be able to pass on the wine with our meal. I am still bloated the same amount after a week and a half of watching the kinds of food I eat. I am hoping that in one more week I see a difference. I was expecting to see a change much sooner. I am wondering if I am still eating something that causes me to bloat. I really need to pass on the wine in case that is the culprit.

    Good that you are still getting things accomplished Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, You have a nice on-track streak going...great! I cannot say the same about me. I went to my nail appointment and Craig went with me so I could park closer to the door and then he came back when I was finished and I drove home. (Can't remember if I mentioned this before but it is much easier for me to get in and out of the driver's seat in the van than in and out of other seats so I drive the van instread of being driven in another vehicle.) There is a pizza place in the same plaza where I get my nails done. Craig wanted pizza so he got enough for all of us. Yep. I indulged and was just so happy to not have to cook when I got home. The pizza was ok, but the convenience meant a lot to me today. I think I am loosening up a bit too much with my eating but probably will not get back to my stricter eating plan till after our visitors leave on Tuesday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    My confession is that I had wine with my meal last night. Now I am back to day one. I think if I had a few more days built up since my previous glass, I wouldn't have been tempted to have a glass. So here I try again! Other than that, I did well. We shared a meal so that means half of the calories.

    Good that you are still able to get your nails done Paula. I know you mentioned that it might be getting too difficult to get to the salon. I think it's great to go as long as you can. It's good for your mental health to get pampered and the movement is probably good too. Great Craig can help. You can enjoy your company and get back to full compliance once they leave.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Sharing a meal is a great strategy Shari. Some restaurants give pretty good sized portions. I enjoy having nice nails. My nails on their own are very soft and tear easily and hence look terrible. I started getting my nails done in 1997 after my father died. It lifted me up a little and for the most part I have kept with it. But it is getting so difficult to get to the salon. Craig knows a woman who is a nail tech, and he put me in touch with her after yesterday's salon appointment. This woman is considering coming to my home to do my nails. It would cost a little more but would be worth it if we can work it out. I asked my current nail tech if she would consider coming to my home to do my nails but she isn't interested.

    I did well with my food choices today....chicken for supper, an old standby. John and I worked hard during the day doing more house prep as Craig was delayed and couldn't get here till about 5:30. He did what we couldn't do and finished in about 2 hours. Little by little things here are shaping up for the arrival of our family tomorrow. I will do my best to check in while they are here....we'll see how it goes.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I hope it works out that Craig's contact is able to come to you so you can keep your nails done. That would be wonderful for you Paula. Have a great time visiting with family!

    I get to work from home today and that is wonderful. We have our Bible study group tonight and it starts with dinner. I will be able to eat lightly during the day and hopefully enjoy a small portion of what is served. It would be nice to see the scale inch one number down this weekend! I am super thankful that my dinner out on Wednesday didn't push me back up. That is progress.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari I hope all went smoothly with your Bible study and that the food was within a reasonable range for your eating plan.

    Our family arrived safely and we had a great evening with them. So good for us to be all together. We had delivery from one of our favorite Italian restaurants. I had my usual shrimp wrap so no diet damage there. We talked and laughed and had a great time. More of the same tomorrow. My friend is bringing us home made halupki (filled cabbage) so that will be easy again. Still working on a meal plan for Sunday for when our upstate relatives come here as well. They are bringing a fruit salad. I am still not sure about what else I will serve. All 4 of our relatives have been very helpful and kind and understanding about my condition. This is the first time they have seen me in 4 years and my decline is obvious. But I know they care and understand.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    The study went very well. We were served burgers, they were so big! There was pie for dessert, I had two bites and then DH came and took my plate (we had pre-arranged that). I could have done with a smaller burger but there was no significant damage on the scale- at least this morning. If I do well today, I am hoping that I maintain. A loss would be welcome of course. I have been dancing up and down the same 2 pounds for awhile now.

    Sounds like your family visit is going well Paula. That is wonderful.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had a good day being on track. I did have a decaf latte in the evening. I have quit drinking coffee for a season to see if that will help reduce my bloating. So far it hasn't. The reason I had a latte is that DH and I have volunteered to serve in the coffee shop at church and the latte was part of watching training. I haven't made anything myself yet. We enjoyed our evening and look forward to doing it again.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Working at the coffee shop at church sounds like fun, but I am such a coffee lover I couldn't do it without drinking the coffee. A latte sounds good too Shari!

    Our family weekend continues till the Texas crew goes back on Tuesday. The upstate cousins came today, and it was really great to see the 30-something year old cousins catching up with each other in person. We also face timed with another cousin (age 15 years) who is currently living in France with his dad (parents are divorced). Lots of food, but I didn't over do it. I did have a glass of wine but none of the desserts. I think I was too tired to eat much! Our plans are not certain for tomorrow, but of course will include more meal planning!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Sounds like your family visit is going very well Paula. That's great!

    I had a very quiet day yesterday. I was pretty low key and worked on a puzzle for most of the day. I did make some hot pepper jelly, which didn't take long to do or much effort. I made tomato soup for dinner.I need to get using up the tomatoes. They won't last much longer. Neither will the few cucumbers that I have left. I need to start back with no wine! Today is day 1. I forgot about my plan and since my day was so lazy and it was so cold and windy outside, felt like sipping on some wine when we watched TV before bed. No snacks though!

    If I can keep up these habits I think I will see a downward trend soon. I am not going up as much when my weight is at the upper end. It sure does bounce around!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, home made tomato soup sounds perfect for a cold windy day! Yay on no snacks! You are on a roll!

    We said good bye to our Texas family tonight. Their plane leaves tomorrow. John is already missing them. I will miss them too, but right now I am just tired. I really didn't have to do much but stay awake and give some directions. My 2 female cousins (ages 76 and 72) just made themselves right at home and did mostly everything that needed to be done. So did the others who came too. We are so blessed. My food choices were not bad but I didn't log any meals. WW is sending me notices to get back to logging. I will plan to resume tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    No loss yet but I think it's coming in the next day or two if I can stay on track. I really hope so. It will be so motivating!

    I am so glad that your family visit went well Paula. Company is wonderful but it is tiring too. You will be back to logging and catching up on rest now.

    Hope everyone's day goes well. Can't wait to hear how your job is going DW.