Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I remembered to track yesterday. And as per my typical results, my intake of fat is too high. Maybe if I can get that under control I will some weight loss. I will try to remember to track today! I love using the recipe feature in MFP. I have a lot of my regulars entered. It's a bit time consuming to enter things but once it's in the system it super handy!

    I had less of a restful day than I would have liked. We picked up a few items from a friend's place. She offered me a few items as she is moving and didn't want to take them with her. Then we stopped in at Costco as we were out of a few things. Once that was done we were able to relax. We sat around a fire for a few hours which was really nice. Back to work today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Yay for your tracking Shari! It does help to see it all, at last it does for me. It is a reality check for me on some days, even when I don't like the reality! Nice to get some treasures from your friend! Enjoy them.

    I did ok today with my food, but at the top of my points again, mostly because I was too busy to cook as healthy as I would have liked. I am quite pleased with all that I accomplished today. John was a huge help to me, thank goodness. Later, as John was leaving his meeting today he ran into a friend of his from college, a nice guy whom he sort of lost touch with during Covid. I was spoke with him briefly too. It was so nice to see him again.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Two days of tracking in. I do need that reality check and I see that I need to increase protein and decrease the fat intake. I have been putting in some solid effort and hope to see some results soon.

    Off to the office today. I am not too happy about that because today is going to be hot and I am going to have to sit in air conditioning all day. Makes choosing what to wear difficult. I have to dress warm to be inside, but once I leave the office, it will be beautiful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Way to go Shari with another day of tracking! Eating more protein and less fat sounds good. I tracked again today too. It was a good day for me all around, with a reasonable point total and a lot of accomplishments from my list. Will try to repeat this for Wednesday. Wednesday is haircut day once again for John and me. I haven't planned supper yet but I plan to aim for something healthy and simple.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Tracking is happening now, but my macros are still not in a good place. Too much fat and not enough protein. The carbs are where they should be. If I can make the shift to more protein, maybe I will start to see some success.

    It was a beautiful day outside and I enjoyed the evening being outdoors. I went for a little bikeride on my new to me bike. It is so much better than my old one.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Nice to enjoy a bike ride Shari, yet another healthy way to burn some calories! I did fine today with tracking and my points. My wonderful cucumber tomato salad was very filling and satisfying today. Thursday could be a challenge as my cousin and her daughter are coming for the day. They will either bring something with them, or we will order out after they arrive. I will do my best with whatever happens food-wise. I plan to really enjoy their visit. This is the cousin whose sister died in December. She is bringing with her some boxes of old photos and perhaps documents from her late sister's house. I think we will enjoy going through these things together.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Today is like my Friday as I am taking tomorrow off. I hope to spend some time in my vegetable garden. I haven't been able to get out there that much. I think my tomatoes are getting close to being able to eat them. With all of the smoke we had this summer, they were delayed in maturing.

    I hope you enjoy looking through all of photos and paperwork Paula. I like doing that sort of thing from time to time too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    So nice to have a long weekend Shari! Enjoy those tomatoes when they are ready, definitely a favorite of mine.

    Today turned out to not be an eating challenge afterall. At the last minute this morning my cousin had to cancel her visit. Her daughter was going to drive her here but had to change her plans so then our plans had to change as well. My cousin wanted to drive here alone, but her we talked her out of that idea because she is recovering from a concussion from a fall late last week. She has still been experiencing headaches, and it just didn't seem safe to us for her to drive on some busy highways alone. Eventually (and reluctantly) she agreed. So I tracked all my food and made healthy choices for all meals, keeping my points well within my range.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Concussions can take so long to heal for some people. I think I would be super frustrated. I feel for your cousin but I am glad that she relented and will hopefully be able to reschedule her visit soon.

    I am about to make a to-do list for today. Tonight we are going to a friend's house for dinner. I am looking forward to not having to cook. It won't be easy to keep the calories in check, but I will try.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Alwaysgood in my book to have a break from cooking! Hope you had a good time with your friend Shari.

    It was a rather uneventful day here, even more uneventful than usual, lol. My to do list was minimal so it was easy to accomplish. My hunger was manageable, and I ate when I was hungry for supper, even though it was much earlier than when John was ready to eat. As a rule, I haven't wanted to do that, but I find that if I eat when I am ready I don't have as many portion control issues. Of course I still sit with John while he eats, and we have a pleasant time together anyway.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I have been trying out listening to my body cues about when to eat rather than what time it is. I do better with that on days that I am at home. When I am at work and I have meetings booked, I need to eat around when they happen.

    I got a lot done on my to-do list yesterday but I had to add a big item to it. Well, for DH. My kitchen sink is leaking. He didn't get it repaired yesterday so that will be the first thing that needs to get done today. I hope!

    We will work on planting a couple of trees and shrubs that we bought for a new rock garden/berm. I just had to look that word up so learn how to spell it. It will give the front yard a bit more beauty. DH's parents did nothing at all with the landscaping out here. They were happy with just yard and grass. I am glad DH and I both like to create more features. The comment his dad gave was that we are just making more work for ourselves. I am okay with that. I feel like God is a creator and that we carry that desire to create too. The issue is the weeds lol!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Oh, I hope that leaky sink gets fixed for you Shari, such an inconvenience! Sounds like you have very interesting plans for your landscaping. I admire that. I believe creativity is a true gift!

    It was a busy productive day here. Craig was here for the first time in close to a month. I had quite a list of items for him to do, and he did just about everything on his list and carried in the groceries when I came back from the store. There is always something he can do around here. My eating was good today, as I didn't really have time to snack a lot, even though I was a little hungrier than usual. When I did snack I made healthy choices. Very ready for a healthy and restful pleasant Sunday tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    No fix to the sink yet. We were so busy outside that our indoors got neglected. DH will need to take a look at it today. We got our landscaping done. It was a lot of work and doesn't look like that much yet. But a few more big rocks and once the trees and shrubs grow, it should look really good. We are happy with what we got done yesterday.

    I should admit that my body is telling me that I did a lot of work. A bit stiff this morning! Today looks like a rainy day and we should be able to take it easy. I would like to grab a squash from the garden though. I think I planted butternut squash. That is a first and I would love to check.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Shari, that yard work must have been quite a workout!! You will be able to enjoy your landscaping for years!! Paula, I'm sorry that your company wasn't able to come! I hope you've been able to have the healthy and restful Sunday that you hoped for!
    I continue with PT three times/week and see the Dr on Tuesday afternoon. I think I'm making progress and hope the Dr agrees! I'm still doing NOOM and am doing most of my tracking on that site. They group foods into three colors-green, yellow, orange, with calorie goals assigned to each level. I am always heavy on the orange calories and ok on the green, but often have no yellow foods. Those are things like some meats, low calorie salad dressings, and low carb tortillas. I need to explore the app a little more to see if I can find food lists.
    Today would have been my SIL's 36th birthday. I'm so proud of my daughter for making an effort to make the day positive. She made a cake and shared it with us and her best friend. She also made a point of learning to use his grill today and successfully made hot dogs (a good place to start with grilling!) Also this weekend she has been working on painting the outside of her porch and chose a medium blue color that I really like. DH has been joining her early each morning to help. It was super hot and humid today but they were done before it got too bad. It is supposed to be hot again tomorrow.
    I continue to search job listings but haven't found much that is appropriate for someone my age. Have a great Monday and a great week!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    DW, God bless your DD for how well she is coping with the loss of her DH. I am sure having you and your DH as part of her support system is helping her a great deal. The NOOM system sounds interesting. Will look forward to learn how your Tuesday doctor appointment goes. Good that you are noticing progress.

    Shari, I am a big fan of butternut squash. My friend Nancy grows some and sometimes shares one or two with me. She is kind enough to cut it for me because I don't have the strength to cut through the squash. But they sure are delicious. Hope your stiffness loosened up a bit as your day progressed

    This was a very lazy easy day here. I made turkey burgers on my Cuisinart grill (in the toaster oven) for supper and served them with fresh seedless cucumbers which were delicious. I plan to make more turkey burgers tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be another somewhat restful day. I am not making a to do list for Monday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW- Your daughter is very strong. She is making such powerful decisions in the midst of her grief. It is good to hear that PT is helping you to heal. Let's hope that keeps up.

    I can't wait to check on my squash. I should really pull some today. I haven't yet as I have been processing the donations that I have been getting from others. Yesterday I received zucchini from our neighbour. I don't care for that veggie, but I will shred it and freeze it. I can make a very moist chocolate cake with it.

    It is another cool day here but we may get outside for a fire. No list or chores for me today. I had a full day yesterday, so today will be my day of rest. Back to work tomorrow. It's fall start up so I will be quite busy.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day. It has gotten very hot and humid here again, much hotter and more humid than it was in July and August. The feeling outside now is "air you can wear!" I think it will be this way for the next week or so. We even broke a high temp record for this date set way back in 1894!

    I did ok with food today, but my points are at the upper end again due to afternoon snacking. I have been feeling quite anxious lately due to (I think) the inter church group meeting I am hosting on Sept. 17, the upcoming visit from our Texas family, and several medical appointments on my calendar for Sept. and October. The medical stuff always stresses me out, but the hosting stuff is really rough because of my limitations. I realize I have to get better at saying no. I agreed to the church group meeting months ago because I thought I could do it, and I was sort of pressured into it by the president. She is now being rather difficult about what I planned to serve as I was looking to simplify things and make it easy on myself. She said, "go ahead, I just won't eat anything." Ugh!!! (I was to keep it simple with cheese, crackers, and 2 kielbasi trays, as well as a cake (cake being brought by another member). My plan would also keep it more affordable for me. The president wants me to order sandwiches too, so I guess I will do that against my better judgement so she can have a sandwich!!! Sorry for venting here, but I know it is a safe place to do so.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a pretty good day yesterday. I didn't track and need to make sure that I do today. We are not having hot weather and in fact, it almost got to freezing last night. My tomatoes are still outside, so I guess I will pick them and let them ripen indoors. I don't want to chance it and have them freeze. I think there were safe since they are near the house.

    Hosting isn't one of my gifts. I find that I focus on the tasks on hand and not the people. My DH is simply the other way. Not helpful unless asked and just sits and talks and talks. I sense that the president from your church is quite passive aggressive Paula. I think that your meal plan was just fine, and if the church is paying for the food, they should be quite happy without the sandwiches. So if you decide not to order sandwiches, it will be just fine. It's hard not to be concerned about other people's reactions and judgements. I wish this lady had a thankful and supportive heart.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Hope you are able to save those tomatoes Shari. Lots of good eating in home grown tomatoes.

    I find the situation with the president of our inter church group very frustrating. The meeting host generally pays for the food served with members who attend bringing along a little something like dessert, a veggie tray, etc. It is especially frustrating to me because for years the president has been saying we need to simplify the meals and just have snack foods without feeling the need to serve a full meal. One couple always brings a small container of cookies. I am thinking of asking them to pick up a pizza or 2 and serve that along with what I had planned. The president can eat pizza.

    I had a pretty good day with my food choices. I was quite busy and didn't have time to snack. Craig helped me get to my nail appointment today. I drove right up to the door of the salon and then he took the van and came back for me when I was done. That cut down my walking in the parking lot and really helped me a lot. I am so grateful to him for that help. I am getting close to no longer getting my nails done because of the walking challenges involved. But if Craig helps me then I should be able to continue a while longer.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I was so tired after work that once dinner was done and the kitchen was cleaned, I didn't feel like picking the tomatoes. It started to rain too, so that helped me with my decision to leave them until Thursday.

    I know what meetings at church are like. I don't quite understand why every meeting has to have food. We are holding a training session from 7-9pm tonight. Thankfully I don't have to have a meal served, but I have to get snacks. I am planning to pick up some candies and put them in bowls around the room.

    I am glad you can still get your nails done Paula. Craig is a big help.

    My diet plan isn't helping me lose any weight. I do know I eat too much fat and not enough protein. Maybe if I can balance that this week, I will see some progress.