Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am back from vacation and back to work this morning. I am also back to my routines. I won't weigh in until next week. I need to give myself some time! I did do a lot of walking, but I also didn't eat well. But, that is okay as I feel ready to eat better food and I am motivated.

    I didn't check my messages in time to register for the webinar. How was it?

    It was so hot in Vegas and it is definitely not hot here. Windy and rainy. I guess that makes going to work easier. I am excited to check out my garden after work and see how everything faired while I was away. Moe seems well and was super excited to have us home. A very joyful welcome home from him.

    I decided to start walking in the morning again. So this morning, I need to go find my running shoes and jump up on the elliptical. I need good habits right of the gate for this round of attempts of losing weight. I am motivated after wearing a swimsuit everyday on vacation. That was a very good wake up call lol! No where to hide anything.

    Hoping for discipline today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Welcome back Shari! Glad you enjoyed the Vegas weather and your time away. Our weather has been erratic again. There was another F1 tornado just a few miles from here. There was a lot of storm damage within a few miles all around us but once again, thank God, our neighborhood was spared. I haven't watched all of the menopause webinar yet. It is about an hour long. I started it but got interrupted while watching. The part I heard so far was interesting about our hormone changes with specific mentions of increased gherlin which increases appetite and increase insulin which can increase calorie storage and thus increase weight. I hope to get back to watching the rest of the webinar over the weekend.

    Today was a VERY restful day to me, and I needed it very much. My cousin planned to visit today but changed her plans this morning because of taking care of her grandsons. So that freed up the day for me. Then tonight's online book study was cancelled as well, so that freed up my evening. I so needed some rest and was happy to have the day to take it easy. Tomorrow I have a nail appointment and then will likely do a grocery pick up. That will be enough for me. I did ok with eating today but at the upper level of points because of afternoon snacking. I made salmon for supper, and it was delicious as usual.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Welcome back Shari! It sounds like you had a great vacation! Paula, were you able to attend the webinar? I also saw the message too late to register. My girl did well in the show on Sunday. It was a tad exciting because she was in close competition with another girl and mine was chosen. It was exciting for me because I was handling her with a much more experienced person handling the other girl. Monday was my husband's birthday and Tuesday I worked the election from 5:30am-8:45pm. There was one hotly contested issue on the ballot and a large turnout for a one-issue ballot! I was exhausted!! Wednesday I rested and today was the MRI. I hope to get out for a walk with my dog early tomorrow and then go volunteer at the food pantry, which I totally forgot about on Wednesday due to being exhausted. Nothing else new here. Have a great Friday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW, congrats on the good showing on the weekend! You have had a full week by the sounds of things. And I am glad you found a day to rest Paula.

    My first day back to work after vacation went well. I wasn't too buy catching up on things like I usually am so that was nice. I have to go into the office today and I am not looking forward to the traffic. There is construction everywhere. But then it's the weekend! I hope the weather forecast changes for the better. It seems too cool for me when it should still be quite warm out. We have had lots of rain and that means lots of mosquitos. Getting into my garden will require a lot of bug spray and thick clothing to avoid bites.

    I did well with my first day back to healthy eating. I tracked breakfast and walked for 15 minutes. I need to keep that up.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    DW, Awesome news about your gal at the show on Sunday and woo hoo for you too! Shari is right, you certainly had a full week! I understand the exhaustion. I am interested in the results of your MRI.

    Shari, It is the season for road construction here too. The joke in our area is that the state flower of PA is the orange traffic cone. Congrats to you and DW for your commitment to walking.

    I struggled to stay on track today and slipped up on logging my food on WW. Craig stopped by so he helped me with my groceries. That was a big help for me. I have my to do list ready for tomorrow. It is manageable but not overwhelming. I am hoping to build in some rest tomorrow too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I have two good diet days under my belt. I will weigh in on Wednesday and hope to have not gained anything while I was away. I think that if I keep steady, there is a good chance that I will be the same weight as when I left.

    It's sunny out, but windy and cool. I am going to spend some time outside and catch up on some harvesting and weeding. Not sure where my garden stands, but I will have a better idea in a few hours.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Shari, Congrats on two good days! It is so nice to have weekend days to catch up on things that matter!

    I am off to a good start today but feel a little tired. That's ok because Sunday is my true day of rest. I made shrimp salad to have later today. I am so hooked on shrimp these days. My cousin gave me this 1 pound bag of little baby shrimp for making shrimp salad. I have been saving them till today. I am thinking of buying a bag of regular size shrimp as they are on sale this week at Shoprite. John isn't fond of shrimp so they will be all mine!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    It wasn't a very exciting Sunday for me. Lots of rest. On Saturday I made sweet pickles. I don't think they will be as good as my batch last year as I used a different recipe for the brine. I couldn't remember what I had done last year. I need to write things down! I may have enough cucumbers to make a second round. I might try making dill pickles next time.

    I am thankful to be working from home today. I eat better at home and I can avoid the construction traffic. I am about to hop on the treadmill. I am really trying hard to keep up some good habits. Walking in the morning being first one of the day. It wasn't easy getting out of bed earlier so that I could fit it in. But I have stubborn weight that just won't budge and I am hoping the walking will help.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you have both been doing well! My Dr’s office called this morning and saw me this afternoon for MRI results. Thankfully there is no tear, but there is chronic inflammation, swelling, and an area of bursitis. He ordered PT and prescribed another round of steroids. He said that it will take a while for the inflammation to heal. I’m glad that I don’t have any dog events for a month. I have continued to walk the dog because we both need the exercise. It turns out that she doesn’t just act ridiculously for bikes but this morning it was a man and his dog also walking on the bike trail. She is great with other dogs/people at classes and shows but it seems that anything else on that trail overstimulates her. I wish we had other walking options but there aren’t even neighborhood sidewalks in our area. Have a great Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    DW, Thanks for sharing your MRI results. Sounds like you are in good hands with your doctor. I understand about your situation without sidewalks in your neighborhood. Same here. Even when I could walk I could never walk in the neighborhood, although some folks do. I never felt safe walking on the roads.

    Shari, You are fortunate to have the days when you can work from home. I hear more and more on the news about some places requiring a return to in-office work.

    I had a very good diet day today...well within my point range and no temptations or attacks from the hungries. I had a pretty good energy level most of the day and made a Greek dish consisting of green beans, potatoes, tomato sauce, garlic. It was delicious and very healthy. We have some left over but not enough for a full meal for both of us. It will be a good side dish too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW- So good that you will have PT. Hoping that along with the meds will bring down your inflammation. I have heard that tears can take a long time to heal, so it's good that you don't have that. Moe used to be quite difficult on trails for me. Being a big dog, I had to be persistent to get him to walk well past other dogs. It is possible. Mostly it was because of my nervousness. I would be too nervous to walk in town now. It's been too long since I have had to walk Moe around other dogs or people. It is pretty nice to be leash free out at the farm.

    I did pretty well with my food choices yesterday. Tomorrow I will weigh in and then set some goals. I haven't been able to reach a single one over the last three years. I really hope I can between now and December.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Cheering for you Shari for good news at the scale.

    I did fine today with my food choices and points again. Unfortunately I was really tired most of the day so I didn't accomplish much. My to do list was minimal so I feel ok about the way the day went. I appreciated being able to rest in the afternoon and again in the evening. I am hoping Wednesday will be more productive and that my food choices remain consistent.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Well, the scale wasn't super kind. I am at the high end of my weight. I am hoping that means the first few pounds will come off this week with a concerted effort on my part. I have some good habits starting up and I think that will make some type of impact. I am walking, I did a work out and I ate well. I made good food choices and I had good portion sizes. I haven't started tracking yet. That is something that I need to bring back!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Shari, it sounds like you are off to a good start with the plan you have. I applaud you for walking and doing a workout! Wow!

    I had a very good "back to normal" day today. I am low in my WW points and accomplished quite a bit around the house. I didn't have the fatigue that I had been having lately. And no naps needed today. Woo Hoo! Now to just repeat this type of day tomorrow...and the next...and so on!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Consistency doesn't come easy at all. And menopause coupled with stress does not make for easy weight loss. I am not feeling confident today that I can do this but I won't give up. It's only day two of my official start.

    I have a work at home day today and I am thankful for that. I am meeting a friend over the dinner hour. I will need to check out the nutritional information and plan ahead. I don't want to eat out, but these situations happen. I hope less frequently.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Paula, I hope that your "back to normal" will continue! Congrats on doing well with WW! Shari, you are so right about menopause and stress, and the two seem to go hand in hand, but everything you do to be healthy and active now will be a huge benefit to you in the long run!
    Unfortunately, I found a quick but not easy way to lose 4.5 lbs in 24 hours and am still recovering. Since I resumed food and liquid intake slowly today, I'm sure that the scale will be back up in the morning. I have no idea what made me ill -I haven't been sick like that in 40 years!
    I hope to get up early and walk the dog in the morning-I'm always trying to get out there before the bicyclists! Have a great Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Oh DW, hope you are over whatever illness hit you! Make sure you stay hydrated which I am sure you already know. Be careful to make sure you recover fully!

    Shari, with so many variables in our daily lives consistency is indeed a challenge. DW said it well noting that all we do that is healthy now surely benefits us in the long run. I have to remember to keep that in mind.

    I had another good low point WW day today. No attacks of the hungries once again. I managed to complete one of my big to do list items (and even some little items), even though I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. I just sort of made up my mind to go for it all, and I am very glad I did. With John's help we got things done and felt happy afterwards. Our Thursday evening church book class is now on vacation till after Labor Day. That frees up some time for us. We enjoy the class of course but are looking forward to a few weeks of break. It releases us from some of the pressure to keep up with the reading too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Losing weight while be sick is the only perk, but then it always seems to creep back on. So glad you are recovering DW! We are hearing reports of a new outbreak of an Omicron variant in Canada. Your illness sounds like you had some sort of food poisoning DW. Not fun! I get violently ill if I eat shrimp along with a glass of wine. It took me a bit to figure out that combination, but I will never consume those two food items on the same day.

    Now that September is so close, things will start to get busy for all of those fall start ups. I am trying to enjoy as much of August as possible. Our mosquito situation is crazy. There are so many and that makes being outdoors miserable. My poor garden has been a bit neglected these past three weeks. I am hoping the veggies can do okay in spite of the weeds. I hope to do some harvesting this weekend.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    We haven't had too much of a mosquito issue here, but I have heard others in our region mention this. We had a yellow jacket nest in the ground in our backyard so I had our regular exterminator come to take care of it. I have had quarterly service from this company for years, ever since our basement mice problem. If any issues inside or out crop up in between the quarterly visits, they take care of the issues for free (all part of the quarterly service agreement). The exterminator told me that when he took care of the nest, between 50 and 100 yellow jackets flew out. Yikes!

    Good news today. After not stepping on the scale since sometime in June, I braved the scale today. To my amazement, I am down 7 pounds since my June weigh in. This is so motivating to me! I must credit WW and the support of you Shari and DW with my progress. Because of my mobility and health issues, I have a primarily sedentary life, so this loss means a great deal to me. I had an excellent day today for both eating and taking care of all my to do items. Since Craig has been busy lately and I didn't want to trouble him with coming here to carry in groceries, I decided to have groceries delivered tomorrow. I made sure my order is filled with my favorite healthy foods and some not-so-healthy sweets that John enjoys. He has no problem with moderation, so no problem there.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Yellowjackets are not fun to have around! Good thing you got rid of them.

    CONGRATULATIONS PAULA!!! Seven pounds downs is such an accomplishment. I may have to join up to some kind of program if I can't make any pounds fall off. I did set up a weekly goal to and I want to lost 10 pounds in 14 weeks. As long as I can meet my targets I will keep doing what I have set out to do with daily routines. If I fall behind, I will really need to join a program. What do you think the biggest contributing factor to losing weight with WW Paula?