Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! Shari, your doors look amazing!! I love the color!! Paula, that sounds exhausting to carry in all the groceries! I’m glad you were able to rest and stick with your plan!!
    I have a two day scentwork trial this weekend. Thankfully it is only 30 minutes from home. I am only taking my younger dog. My old guy has had an allergy flare up this week and I don’t know why or even what he’s allergic to. He’s had problems for years but never this bad. He is now on prescription food, specific treats, and Benadryl around the clock. Farmers were cutting wheat this week and the dust goes everywhere, so maybe that’s it???
    My weight has dropped a tad since last week but not back to where it was before last weekend. Time to hit the sack- early morning tomorrow!! Have a great weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Enjoy that new tooth! I am looking forward to my new crown, but that appointment isn't scheduled yet. Not looking forward to the filling, hate the sound and all associated with the drilling! Yum on the McD's treats. We all deserve that on occasion and congrats for staying on plan for the rest of your day. That's the way to do it!

    Congrats DW on seeing good news at the scale! Every little bit in the right direction is a victory. So sorry about your dog's allergies. Poor baby! Sounds like you are doing all you can for him.

    I had a very full day today and am pleased with all I accomplished. I had a great diet day. I got a call from my electro-physiology cardiologist's office today telling me I was overdue for a check up with him. I thought so too, but they usually send a letter about scheduling, and I never got a letter. They explained that the error was on their part and scheduled me for September. So, miraculously my motivation has returned, and I am planning to be on my best diet behavior in preparation for that appointment.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I have a very new resolve to lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I hope that I am not so stuck that it can't be done. I wrote a list of daily goals to help me get there. Things like- did I drink water, eat fruit, walk. I have told my husband that I need an accountability partner for help. I hope he steps up. We have booked a trip to Vegas so I would like to be down a bit before we go.

    I hope I can see a drop on the scale like you have DW. I am glad the scale moved in the right direction. Do you still have smoke from the fires in your area? That could affecting your dog's allergies. We have it quite bad here again.

    Sounds like we are all motivated for some weight loss!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    We had a wonderful day today. It was the picnic celebrating the lives of my cousin who passed in Dec. 2022 and her DH who passed in Jan. 2016. Her sister had a family picnic with well over 50 people there. It was such a beautiful day. I am exhausted, but loved every minute of being together with family from near and far (California, Texas, Massachusetts, and more). John and I feel so blessed to be a part of this dear family. We took Buster of course, and he was so very social and friendly with all. We hardly saw him because he was busy visiting with everyone there, including 3 Boxers and one Golden Retriever, as well as children as young as 3 years old or so. Buster even made it into the group family photo. The food was excellent. I probably ate more than I should have, but not that much more. Back on track tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    The picnic sounds like a great time for family connection and remembrance. Buster included. We had a similar day as we travelled about an hour away for a memorial for DH's aunt and uncle that passed during Covid. This summer the headstone was put on the gravesite and so there was a gathering. Lots of DH's family were in attendance. His aunt and uncle were very kind and I believe lived such an amazing life. Just wonderful.

    Today we are getting new tires for DH's car and then later in the day our neighbours from our last home are coming by for a visit. There will be snacks and wine. I am not excited about that part, but the visit will be wonderful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Sounds like this was a good weekend for connecting with friends and family. So good that you and DH were able to attend the memorial for his aunt and uncle. I appreciate the importance of family, especially occasions like you and I had this weekend. I like the idea of snacks and wine with friends on a Sunday. Today was my phone day with some friends, though it wasn't what I had planned. I had other plans but kept getting phone calls all unrelated to each other. I guess folks just wanted to catch up today. I did better today with eating, but still not as strong as I am on other days. Tomorrow is my filling appointment with my dentist. I dread the walking involved more than I dread the filling!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Lots of visiting this weekend and not much weeding. I hope to be able to tend to my garden at some point today. Other than that, I just have work. I do like my job, but I wish that I could spend the day doing everything but that.

    I hope your appt goes well and that you can manage the walking that you need to do Paula.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you both had wonderful weekends!! It also sounds as if you both have found new motivation for healthy eating!! I had a fun but busy weekend. When I go to the dog events, I almost always volunteer to help and I did this weekend. By helping, the day goes more quickly and I learn a great deal! My dog did pretty well and seemed to enjoy it. I was surprised to run into someone with a dog of my dog’s breed. I knew who she was and introduced myself. I will see them again at our national gathering in October.
    The wildfire smoke is very bad here today but is supposed to be better tomorrow. I didn’t walk the dog today because of it but hope to get out early tomorrow.
    My weight jumped up a tad over the weekend but was down some this morning. I think the weekend gains are due not only to the food at these events, but also because of not getting enough sleep. Sleep is so important to our wellbeing-I wish I realized that before my 60’s-LOL!! Have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Your dog shows sound like such fun. And I think it is wonderful to meet new interesting people. That is a bonus of the events in my book. I agree with you DW about the importance of sleep. It impacts so many areas of our daily life.

    Shari I understand how you feel about work. I loved my job very much and did the same job in the same place for over 30 years. I enjoyed many aspects of my job, but I was not at all reluctant to retire because of my health issues. I had no difficulty adjusting to retirement and finding ways to fill my days in meaningful ways.

    My dentist appointment went well. The walking was tough, especially after the appointment. I walked very slowly but made it ok. I was totally exhausted when I got home. Luckily we had leftovers so cooking wasn't an issue. The sky looked fine here today, but I did see an air quality alert on my phone, not sure why. I didn't detect any issues when I was out. The flooding in PA has been bad as you might have seen on the national news. The area where the family of 5 was killed is just about 40 miles southeast of here. We had flooding in our county again too, but none in the immediate area where we live.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Sleep is important. Two days I decided to try get 8 hours a night. I don't get that much as I just head up to bed at 10pm and by the time I fall asleep it's well after 10:30. I got up at 6am this morning and it felt like I could have slept for another hour or so. I will keep at it and see if I can adjust.

    I pulled quite a few weeds last night and my hand is sore this morning. I still have so many more to pull. I didn't realize how bad it got out in the field. I need a better plan for next year. I hope to get some produce, but it won't be worth it going forward if it is going to take so much time to weed. Easier to go to the market. I should specify that is only the garden plot out in the field. I have other garden areas that don't seem to get so many weeds and they are easier to maintain.

    We finally got some much needed rain. It's a gloomy day, but it sure will be good for the fields. The weather never ceases to be a topic of interest!

    I could have had a better diet day. I will strive to do better today.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Weeding is hard work. I haven't weeded in years. Craig is really good about weeding and does so when he is around, but he hasn't been around much lately and my yard shows it.

    I had a great day all around today. I was completely on track and in control of eating all day long. And I had a long to do list today, filled with many items I have been avoiding, including some paperwork and phone calls. Today I completed the entire to do list and even did a few more things. I felt so good about all I got done. All of the phone calls worked out well too. That coupled with my good food choices really made a difference in my outlook and attitude today. Will plan on more successes tomorrow. My friend is coming for a short visit tomorrow and is dropping off more lamps for Craig to rewire. After her visit, John and I will go to get our hair cuts. My plan is to just take it easy for the evening.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am sore today from weeding. My back and my hands. Guess that means I don't have to weed until I am recovered lol.

    I have a haircut booked for Friday and I am so glad. I waited too long. I am also letting my natural colour grow out. At least for right now. My gray is coming in and I am not sure what shade that will be yet. I started colouring a year ago, but because I am blonde, the blonde was getting too blonde. I guess I could try a darker shade, but I will let things be for a few more months so I get a good sense of where I am at now. My hair lightens up in the sun so I always have darker roots. I need to grow out long enough to see what colour I am beyond the roots. It's not easy, I keep getting tempted to colour but so far I haven't caved in.

    I didn't have a good food day yesterday. I don't know what happened. I will have to try harder today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    It feels so good to have my haircut. John's hair looks good too. Coloring hair sounds so complicated to me. I imagine it is expensive too. I still have no gray hair at all, none! I will be 66 next month and remain with my straight, thin, brown hair. Most people think I color my hair, but I don't. I think I have said this here before....my hair is the only part of me that remains youthful!

    I did pretty well today. I ate leftover salmon for supper while John had pizza. That is definitely a non scale victory for me that I hope will eventually show up at the scale...if I ever decide to weigh in, lol! I enjoyed my friend's visit today. She was kind enough to stop at her local small grocery store and pick up a few things for me that we needed. I appreciated that more than she could know. She also helped us to the van when it was time to go to get our haircuts. That was a big help too. I didn't really get to take it easy for the evening because I was on the phone for 2 1/2 hours with a friend in Louisiana. He is very much all alone, no close family and not many friends. He has moved a lot in his life and is quite lonely. I care about him so I gave him the time. He loves to talk with me, but I have to learn to cut his calls shorter than tonight's call.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Having hair that never turned gray is amazing! That is worth celebrating Paula. I feel like I have been lucky to make it to 56 and just starting to turn gray. Good news from you all around Paula and that is wonderful.

    I had salmon for dinner too!

    Today is like my Friday as I have tomorrow off. I am so excited to spend some time in my garden. My hand is still a bit stiff from pulling weeds the other night so I will have to be mindful not to overdo it.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Glad you are having a day off Shari! So healthy to be doing that and taking care of yourself. My friend Nan is 80 years old has always been an amazing gardener. She says working in the garden helped keep her young-ish and healthy.

    I enjoyed today. I had one major item on my to do list, which I got done with the encouragement and a little help from John. The rest of the day went by quickly as usual and ended with a great discussion this evening in our Ohio church book club zoom meeting. Earlier in the day our sweet neighbor Jane came over for little outside visit and then used her blower to clean off our breezeway and patio. We are so blessed to have such kind people in our lives. It was a good eating day for me too. I exercised portion control while enjoying a sandwich with sliced beef my friend brought us yesterday from the deli in the grocery store near her home. We so seldom eat red meat, John was delighted. He asked me to put in a standing order for this beef every time my friend comes to visit. I was delighted to not have to cook tonight too!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I was out of routine this morning and almost forgot to check in. Checking in here is a bright spot to my day! I watered and weeded today. I have produce growing. How well things will do is yet to be seen. I am learning and I do know that buying fruit and veggies is much easier than tending a garden. I do know I will enjoy what I grow and it should be tastier, but it isn't cheaper in terms of time and dedication.

    I got my haircut and I am very pleased with how it turned out. I hope I can recreate the style myself. I should have paid more attention to how she was blow drying it.

    Tonight, I will not have a compliant meal as we are going out with some friends. I have had wonderful self control all day and that should help. I love that John found a deli sandwich he can count on to enjoy.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Sounds like a good day off for you Shari. I agree with you, checking in here means a lot to me too. My friends who have gardens have also commented on how keeping a garden is so work intense and how in the long run it isn't really cheaper. But one thing is for sure homegrown veggies taste great.

    I am ok now, but I had a kind of rough day. It likely was a flare of sorts...my combination of extreme fatigue and hunger. Ugh! I waited all afternoon for the tech from our AC company to come to service our AC. He was due between 12 and 5 and didn't get here till well after 4pm. He was a really nice guy, and all is well with our system. We ended up getting delivery because I wasn't up to cooking. I got my favorite shrimp wrap. I ended up sleeping most of the evening. I know I needed it! I will sleep just fine tonight too. I expect to be fine on Saturday.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! Happy weekend! I am home ( no dog activities) for the next 2 weekends and am looking forward to it! I’m especially looking forward to going to church the next 2 Sundays! My weight was down for a couple of days this week but went up this morning.
    I’m hoping to make good food choices and get back down! I got up early ( before bicyclists were out) and took the dog for a short walk, then ran errands with my daughter. Now on to my house choirs.
    Paula, that is amazing that your hair hasn’t changed color! At 68, I’ve been getting my hair highlighted or colored for years. When the gray started, it wasn’t a pretty color like some people get.
    Shari, it sounds like you have a few garden areas. What veggies did you plant?
    Have a fun Saturday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Checking in earlier than usual today. I feel much better today compared to yesterday...much less fatigue and no crazy hunger pangs. I had one big item on my to do list today and finished it this afternoon. Very pleased about that as it is something that I haven't been able to get to in quite a while. I hope to spend some time reading this evening.

    DW, I think it is good that you enjoy your dog weekends, but it is also nice to have some time at home on the weekends...Enjoy! Those good food choices you will make will get rid of the pound(s) that came back! Consistency is so important and is an area where I have been struggling, especially lately.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a full day yesterday and have struggled with routine. I have it back this morning and that is great! I am going to have a cup of coffee and read until DH wakes up.

    I spent quite a bit of time in my garden. Some of it is ready to harvest and I may have some extra work ahead. I have grown, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers (some for pickling), swiss chard, beets, carrots, lettuce, pumpkins, peppers. I think that' it. I could be missing something though.

    My hand is sore from pulling weeds. I will need to rest it for a few days. Hoping it gets better on it's own quickly.

    A day of rest is order today.