Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I know that I have cut out some bad foods and not having them in the house is the best way to avoid eating them. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I hope to hit a specific number. That should help to keep me motivated today. Congrats on the weight loss DW! We are praying for your foot pain issue to find resolution.

    I was so happy with the Vegas Knights win last night. I wish Florida hadn't let the score get away on them, but I was impressed that they kept their cool and didn't start fights out of frustration.

    We finally got some rain, but only a quarter inch. I hope it rains more today. Our land needs it so badly. I don't cheer for the rain either DW. But our lawn is so crunchy and we need our pasture to grow.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Hope you are pleased when you weigh in Shari. We had another rainy day here too. Tomorrow is dry but predictions for rain on Friday, Saturday, and most of next week. I guess Mother Nature is self-correcting.

    I did ok again today on WW. I am learning as I go. Another feature I like is the bar code reader on my phone. I just have to scan the bar code on a commercial item and it tells me the points per serving. This can come in very handy. I enjoyed some hummus today and was pleased that the points were reasonable.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I didn't weigh in!!! I wasn't ready. I think I will wait until next week. I have a lot on my plate the next few days and I don't want to carry any disappointment.

    We are getting rain too. So needed so I don't think anyone is complaining.

    Tomorrow is court date for my friend that had her restraining order breached. The guy is supposed to plead guilty. We are so happy she doesn't have to testify. It is going to be a hard day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Praying all goes smoothly for your friend's court date Shari. I cannot imagine the stress involved!

    Today was a bit of a struggle for me. I logged all the food and went over my daily points, but WW gives extra weekly points so I have used some of those. I still have plenty of weekly points left. Today is a good reminder for me about the importance of meal planning and sticking to the plan. I had my meals planned but allowed other excuses to interfere with my plan. Lesson learned, at least for the moment.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Today was a much better day for me. I even have a few extra points left over today, but I might enjoy a little before bed snack. That is kind of a motivation for me to be careful with my points and save some for a light snack later in the day. We had more rain today but it stopped in time for me to take Buster to the groomer and then to pick him up. My big adventure for the day!

    Hoping for a wonderful weekend for all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Back to routine after yesterday's detour. The time in court was stressful, but the outcome was positive. This man was given 6 months house arrest and the retraining order has been extended for one more year. Lots of time for my friend to find her new normal with out the pressure of an impending trial or having that guy stalking her. I am sure she will need time to recover, but I know she can do it.

    We had snacks, a couple of meals out and some wine. I am sure I gained some weight so I am going to give myself a week before I weigh in. I don't want to feel down about one day derailing my progress.

    Have a good day all!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    edited June 2023
    Shari, good news that the court part of your friend's ordeal is over. She is so blessed to have you as a friend to support her. Eating out, snacks, and wine sound like good options to help her cope. I agree to hold off on weighing at times. You know that has been what I tend to do.

    I had another good WW day. I used almost all of my points, but none of my extra weekly points. I had a small to do list for today and got almost all of it taken care of. I also had a short nap after our 5 pm online Vespers service. I will plan to weigh in tomorrow or maybe Monday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We are getting some rain and I am not complaining. Normally I would if it would rain on a weekend because then I would have to stay inside rather than garden. But, we need it so badly. My garden will be much happier.

    My mom and dad are coming over today for a BBQ. We will celebrate their anniversary and Father's day. I forgot about Father's day until yesterday. I don't have a gift for my dad, but I think he will appreciate the time together.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    A Father's Day BBQ sounds lovely Shari. What a nice way to honor your dad! I hope your parents are feeling well these days.

    It was a quiet relaxing day here. I was kind of tired and rested a little more than I expected. It was a good day to do that. I did well eating today. I used all my WW points but didn't go over or use any of my extra weekly points. I have a fairly busy day in mind for tomorrow but will be pleased with whatever I can accomplish.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    It continues to rain and we very pleased. I will have a lot of weeds to pull once the rain stops but I hope to see the vegetable growth as well.

    We had a nice BBQ and a quiet evening. I did well with food choices until the evening when I had some popcorn. Not something I eat very often. I think DH put on a lot of butter. I am back to my food routine today.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello! Paula, I’m happy that WW is going well!! Shari, so glad that the court case went well and that you are having rain! I am wearing a boot on my foot and am taking steroids to knock down inflammation in the tendons around my heel. I am also using voltaren and am icing it 3 times/ day. There is already significantly less pain so I am continuing to walk the dog-just slower and for a shorter distance. I go back to the Dr in July to determine the next steps. Noom is going well but slowly. Let’s have a great week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Popcorn is one of my favorite treats. I find it very filling. I have been buying "simply popped" which has some butter flavor but isn't high in WW points.

    Oh DW, I feel for you with your heel pain! Sounds like you have a good plan in place to deal with it. Glad your Noom is going well. I have heard good things about it.

    I had a pretty good day today. I used all my points again, but was trying to use fewer. The hungries got the best of me however. I didn't tap into my extra points, so I am happy about that. I had a call from a relative in TX tonight. We have always been very close (we are 1st cousins). She is a few years older than I am. She said she, her DH, and her sister would like to come to visit us this autumn and asked if they could stay with us. The last time they visited here was 2016 they all stayed here, and it worked out ok. John and I love spending time with them. And when John and I have gone to TX over the years we always stayed with her and her DH. This was a tough call for me to handle tonight because I am no longer able to accommodate house guests anymore. I just don't have the energy, even for family to stay here. I love them so much, and they are easy guests for sure, but I still am not up to it anymore. I hesitated at first, but eventually I suggested that they consider staying elsewhere like an air bnb. She seemed receptive to this, but I know was disappointed. She asked if they stayed at an air bnb would John and I stay there with them. I said no because I (and John to some extent) need the accessibility of our home. Sharing this here because I know this is a safe place to discuss sensitive issues.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good diet day yesterday. Hoping today will be another one! I have not stepped on the scale yet. It is easier to not to right now. I think it's a good break for me. I was getting pretty disappointed when the numbers were not moving.

    We bought our first toaster oven yesterday. I am not sure that I love it, but I will give it a try. Our toaster broke awhile back and we never replaced it.

    Having company, family or not, is a lot of work. I am sure you and John are a big help to each other in regards to mobility, so it's good that you were able to communicate that you wouldn't be able to help with accommodations. I am learning that we can't put other's needs ahead of our own all of the time. We matter too!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Shari, I love our toaster oven! I haven't had a regular toaster in many many years. Our toaster oven is a Cuisinart. It is also an air fryer and has a grill pan as well. I have really enjoyed the grill pan for grilling salmon and even burgers. I appreciate your words of support regarding my family's potential visit.

    I did well today. I ate well on plan with a few extra points to spare by the end of the day. And the good news is I have enough of our supper to serve tomorrow so a bit of a day off from cooking for me tomorrow. John and I have dentist appointments tomorrow, and Buster will go to doggy day camp for the afternoon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I stepped on the scale and it is holding fast! No loss to report yet. I am thankful that I haven't gained. After a number of meals out last week, it could have been bad! I have to keep working hard.

    We are hosting a leader party at our place tonight. It will be a lot of work but I will focus on cooking. Hopefully my colleagues will help out with the clean up. No day off from cooking for me today. But I shouldn't have to the next few days.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Not gaining, especially after eating out, is a tribute to your hard work Shari! Way to go! Hope your leader party went well. I am sure it is a lot of work. How many people did you have to prepare for? Having some days off from cooking is definitely a bonus!

    Today could have been an eating disaster for me because I was really hungry in the afternoon because I was late getting to have lunch. My late lunch which was higher in points than I aim for filled me up and satisfied me to the extent that my evening meal was light and low in points. I felt good about that. John and I had dentist appointments this afternoon. Buster went to doggy day camp and did well again. I have an old crown that chipped so that will have to be replaced, and I have a tooth that has a crack in it which shows the beginning of decay requiring a filling. It has been ages since I have had to have any dental work, so I am thankful for that. But of course I don't look forward to the added expenses.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Today was an off day for me. I started out tracking my food as usual but got sidetracked and decided to just not track anymore today. Lazy I think, or maybe just needed a day off. I don't like when this happens, but sometimes that's how it goes I guess. Inspired to do better tomorrow!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I took a sick day yesterday as I wasn't coping well with stress. I didn't eat yesterday and I weighed in today. I am down, but I know it will come right back on. Losing weight when you are not feeling well always comes back. I spent most of the day in bed and I wish I could do that again today.

    We have an out of town wedding and will leave after work. It's and 8 hour drive so we will go half way tonight. I will try and check in! My goal is to get through the day. I am already looking forward to sleep and I just got up.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Shari, hope you are feeling better. Traveling is tough enough, and doing so when not feeling well is extra difficult. I understand too how stress does a number on our health. I will pray for you health Shari and for your safe travels to and from the wedding.

    Today didn't go as well as I hoped and planned. I was extra tired and extra hungry...what a terrible combination. It was dreary and gray here most of the day with rain off and on all day. It is likely to rain quite a bit for the next few days. I did only a few little to do list items today. I will be happy if I do just a few tomorrow too.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello Shari and Paula! I hope you are both feeling better!
    Paula, I'm glad that you were able to speak honestly with your family! Good luck with the dental repairs! Will the repairs be able to be completed in one visit? That is awesome that Buster did well at day care!
    Shari, I hope you have safe travels and have fun at the wedding! Prayers that you will feel better !!
    My daughter has accepted a different position at her place of employment. One big benefit will be the hours. Mostly Monday-Friday 7:30-4 and some half days on Saturdays. Currently she works late many days and works weekends. She will be home more for her dogs and cats and home before dark! I also saw my dentist this week because a piece of a filled tooth broke off. I was concerned that another crown would be needed but he just smoothed over the rough edge-I was thrilled!! I'm still doing NOOM but have been at the same weight for several days...... maybe tomorrow. Have a blessed Sunday!