Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Congrats on your cinnamon bun portion control Shari! In time I think you will see success at the scale.

    It was a surprisingly productive and good day for me today. I didn't have high expectations in terms of a to do list, but I knew I would have some time to take care of some tasks, including work for the inter church group I support. So happy I got that work done, and I think I am all caught up for that group for the time being. My food choices were very good again today, no snacking and no cravings. Woo Hoo! I made cheeseburgers for supper tonight, using ground beef, not turkey burgers. John found this to be a special treat, as we don't eat very much red meat and just had the London broil too.

    We are having friends visit tomorrow for supper. We plan to get delivery or take out. These are friends we haven't seen since before covid. We haven't discussed what kind of food we will get. I would love Chinese but think they won't want that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Had a wonderful visit with our friends, one was John's 3rd grade teacher, while the other was the secretary at his elementary school while he was there. We have been friends with both of these lovely ladies since John's days in elementary school. His 3rd grade teacher is now retired, while the secretary is of retirement age but continues to work for the school district, just in another position. We got delivery from our usual nearby restaurant. I got a grilled shrimp salad that was terrific. This was the first time I had that salad from this place, but I would definitely get it again. Every time I have had shrimp from this place it has been excellent, but I usually get their shrimp wrap.

    It was another productive day for me before our friends arrived too. I felt good about all I accomplished and was able to relax and enjoy the visit with our friends.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Yesterday I missed our check in because I forgot my laptop at work. I left my computer glasses there too. I am happy to have those items back at home!

    I love shrimp too Paula. I can't combine shrimp with wine because it make violently sick for a few days. It's one or the other lol!

    I took vacation days for today and tomorrow. Of course the nicest day of the week seems to have been yesterday. I hope the sun will be out at some point. I would love to sit in the heat out on the deck. I am going to spend a part of my day picking up and delivering some surprise gifts to a few friends. I want to make them feel seen and valued. I think I will be the one end up blessed, but I am really looking forward to surprising them. DH said he will accompany me. I didn't want a vacation day to look like a regular Saturday and this idea came to mind.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Great to have some days off Shari! I hope you enjoy yourself, doing whatever you want to do.

    I struggled a bit today, feeling more hungry than usual. My schedule was off today because Craig was here much longer than I expected, and by the time he left I was ravenous. I made something quick but in higher calories (and points) than I wanted. I managed to be more cautious with my food choices for the rest of the day, so that is at least a bit of progress for me. I didn't give in to the "all or nothing" mentality I used to use as an excuse. My regular routine will be off tomorrow too I think. I will have to pay close attention to my food choices.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. It was a lot of fun to pick out some items, write a note, wrap the gift and deliver. I think people felt blessed and I think I will do it again next year or maybe even sooner.

    I am not going to weigh in until Tuesday. I think it helps when I take some days off from stepping on the scale. I get pretty obsessive and then think about food and my weight all day.

    I hope to see some progress by Tuesday, but I just never know! I am hoping for a one pound loss, so a small goal but still so hard for me to achieve. It will take a miracle.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Your friends are so blessed to have you! What a nice thing to do by surprising them with gifts. I haven't ever heard of someone doing that, but I love that idea.

    I haven't stepped on the scale in ages. I am not in a hurry to do so, obviously! I will get there eventually. I had a so-so day today. I was hungry at times, but food didn't appeal to me. I think I need to add some new food items to my standard menus. Or maybe come up with something different for delivery, just as a treat. Tomorrow evening our friends are coming for pizza, so that will not be anything unusual. I will enjoy having a glass of wine with Kellie however. They will bring the pizza. Their son got married 2 weeks ago. John and I of course didn't get to the wedding. It was at a place about 2 or 3 hours from here, but we wouldn't likely have gone even if it were held here in town because of my mobility/health issues. Kellie says she has lots of wedding stories to tell me, so I am sure it will be a fun evening.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    A pizza dinner with wine sounds like a great evening is in store. The best part will be about hearing how the wedding went. Have a lovely evening Paula.

    Today we will try and remove trees along one of our fence lines. They sprouted there and should have been taken out when they were small. But we were not here yet. So, will get them removed. DH wants to replant them somewhere, I don't. There are so many and the harder part will be replanting. I will let you know what ends up. happening.

    I took some pork chops out for dinner. I would make beets from my garden. I see that I have some, but I didn't get a good look to see if they are ready yet. I am not sure how long they need to get big enough to eat.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, You were so right, we had a wonderful evening! And the wedding stories were great. Sorry we couldn't be at the wedding, but hearing the stories and seeing the pictures (just phone picture, professional photos aren't ready yet) was such fun. I had only one piece of pizza and 2 small glasses of white wine. I was totally satisfied with just one piece of pizza. My diet wasn't derailed by the evening, so that is an extra win.

    Sounds like really hard working removing the trees, and, oh my, replanting them really tough too. You are burning calories Shari! Did you cook the beets from your garden? I LOVE beets, and they are very good for controlling blood pressure as I understand it. And fresh garden beets are the best. This morning we had a visit from one of my 80 year old friends. She brought us fresh lettuce from her garden, such a beautiful color of green! We will have it with our meals on Sunday. More motivation for me to stay on track.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    A sleepy rainy quiet day here. Much flooding again due to heavy rains. I rested quite a bit and stayed well on plan. I made delicious turkey burgers for supper, something we haven't had in a while. Today I did get involved (against my wishes) in an issue with our inter church group which required a number of phone calls and problem solving on my part. I think the whole issue will be settled by Monday, but sheesh, when working with some folks, it can be a real challenge.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I forgot to get my beets! I will need to check on them this week for sure. I did pull out some swiss chard from my greenhouse. The greenhouse is much more accessible. It was good with a bit of salt and butter.

    Sorry to hear that you had some issues with an inter church group. Relational upsets are very difficult on the soul! I am so glad that you can help bring clarity and unity back to the group.

    I had a good diet day yesterday and I am thankful for that. I have been feeling a lot of stress and that has been difficult. I haven't made a dr. appt yet, but I think I need to go in and start to get things sorted.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, congrats on your good diet day, especially when coping with stress. I so understand what a number stress can play on us. I know I gained most of my weight during the most stressful years of my life.

    This was a good diet day for me. I feel so good when I make healthy choices and stay on plan, and today was one of those days. Yet, there are other days when I cave and let other factors (including stress) take over. I finished up the issues related to the latest inter church group drama today. This issue is now all settled and all those involved are pleased....and I am relieved!

    I accomplished quite a bit of today's to do list, but not all of it. I will try to tackle more tomorrow!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! So sorry for my lengthy absence!! I worked in Michigan last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday stewarding for a dog show. I drove back and forth each day. I am still feeling exhausted! My weight went up a couple of pounds over the weekend-hopefully just water weight that will go away in a few days 🤞🤞🤞.
    I’m happy to read that you are both doing well!!
    My excitement today will be a dog walk (hopefully not very exciting!!😂😂😂) and a nail appointment. Also a trip to the grocery because there aren’t many healthy food choices here. Have a great Tuesday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Good to hear from you DW! It's not fair how quick our weight can go up but not down. I hope yours will!

    I slept in by accident this morning. I set my alarm for pm not am. I know I needed the sleep, but now I have to rush through my routine so I can get to work.

    My weight is shifting up a bit as I haven't been as strict. I will go back to what I was doing so I can get it back to where it was and hopefully get it down a bit more. It's soooo hard! I haven't been walking daily, but I have been a bit active each day. I really want to walk more. Glad you are geting to DW.

    Great news about the drama Paula! Nice you got things settled.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I have been thinking of you and wondering how things are going for you. Driving a distance like you did each day over the weekend would certainly be exhausting, especially since you were so engaged in the activities there each day! Hope you are able to rest up and rejuvenate this week.

    Shari, good going keeping active every day, even if it isn't walking. Movement is so important to our health in so many ways.

    I had a good diet day today. My hunger was well under control. My energy was pretty good most of the day so I accomplished some things I had on my list, but there remains plenty to do tomorrow. The days just seem to go by too fast lately!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We got our newly painted doors put back on. I like them a lot but when they were white they seemed to reflect the light into the entrance better. I know I will adjust and enjoy the splash of colour. I will see if I can post them from my phone.

    My eating was mostly under control yesterday. I had a few chips and that was not a good choice but I hope to have that out of my system now. I am doing pretty good sticking to small portions. I hope the scale will show a drop for me any day now.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I hope you are able to post the pictures of your doors. I would enjoy seeing them! I enjoy a few chips on occasion. John likes Pringles so that is what we usually have on hand. I find them very satisfying, and they are one treat I am able to control.

    Today was a so so day for me. I made healthy choices but my motivation was on the low side. That has been happening to me now and then, not sure why. So much easier when my motivation is high. I was pleased with the progress I made on today's to do list. I have only 2 items to carry over to tomorrow, and one of them is not all that important (yet).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I forgot about trying to post the photos. I will see if my short term memory is better today.

    I had an okay food day yesterday. I am dealing with some anxiety as I head to the dentist in a few hours to get a crown. The last time I went I got lock jaw so I am worried that it will happen again. It isn't too traumatic, but it is a concern. Hoping for the best.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, your doors look great! You are so very talented. The view from you doors is pretty. Hope you did ok with your dental appointment. I never heard of getting lock jaw in the dental chair. I have an appointment on Monday for a filling discovered on an xray when I had my 6 month check up in June. The dentist said there is a crack in the tooth and that is how the cavity developed. I also had a crown get a chip. The crown was done a long time ago and that dentist is no longer working. So I will need a new crown also. That will get scheduled after Monday's filling. I don't like going to the dentist at all, but lately my biggest issue with this is simply doing the walking to get in and out of the office.

    I did ok with my food choices today. I was pretty busy all day (including a grocery pick up that I had to bring in to the house without help), and I got very tired. But this time the fatigue didn't prompt bad food choices. It simply caused me to rest and not overeat. That is progress for me. Tomorrow is another busy day for me. I will try to control my hunger again.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I survived the dental appt. My dentist is so good. I wish I didn’t have such high anxiety. My jaw was quite sore during the procedure but didn’t lock. I have a beautiful new tooth.

    I went to McDonalds for comfort. I had a cheeseburger, fries and a pie. Not good choices, but then I had a very small dinner. I didn’t date weigh in today.

    Photos are super easy to add if I use my phone. I’ll be able to add photos more often. 😊