Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    DW, glad your daughter's schedule is working out so well for her and for you! My dental work will be done in more than one visit. First, he will fill the cracked tooth where the x-ray showed a little decay. From there we will schedule the crown work, which is the most expensive of course. Do you have to weight daily on Noom? I weigh in very sporadically, as you know!

    I am feeling much better today. I think the past 2 days were minor RA flares, now when I look back at Thursday and Friday. Today I had a great day for food choices, and I really wasn't very hungry. I made a beautiful salad for supper with almost all zero point foods. I had more energy today and actually accomplished more than I planned to do. Happy about all of that. Ready for a restful Sunday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I thought I would be able to check in while we were away but being so off schedule, I didn't remember to log in on my phone. I have been making small improvements each day towards feeling better but I still feel under stress. I do need to see my doctor and my counsellor. I am not ready yet though.

    The trip went well for the most part. We did get a flat tire as DH ran over something on the road. We had a full spare and made it home safely which was wonderful. The wedding was quite traditional and simple.

    No weight change. I don't know if it is possible!!! I will keep trying. I hope to see a drop one of these days. I have been trying.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member

    Glad you are home from the wedding safely. Good that your DH was able to change your tire! I feel for your stress Shari and continue to pray for you.

    We had terrible weather most of the day, including a tornado warning (not just a watch) in an area very close to where we live, but not exactly in our township. After the warning passed we had severe thunderstorms, heavy rain, and flood warnings for hours and hours. Fortunately we didn't lose electricity. I have experienced such severe thunder like this only a few times in my life. To make a quick supper for us (in case we lost electricity) I made grilled cheese sandwiches, something John loves but I never eat. I loved it too, but it didn't love me. My lactose intolerance kicked in and I spent the next hour or so on the potty! Big lesson learned....no more cheese for me, at least not grilled cheese!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Thank you for the prayers! I can feel them.

    The severe weather sounds like it was very intense. I am glad you got through it. I didn't realize that you were lactose intolerant Paula. I can imagine that your experience will deter you from eating cheese for quite some time (unless you find the pills helpful). I do love cheese, but it's not exactly calorie wise.

    I had a good day yesterday, but I found myself fighting anxiety in the evening. No particular reason. I am finding the evenings and mornings difficult. I still need to make appts so that I can work through it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Prayers continue for you and DH too Shari. I relate to the morning and evening anxiety. For me, because I am home so much, I at times get very anxious in advance of the times I must go out for appointments. Eventually it passes, but it is very unpleasant. I still turn to the Psalms quite a bit.

    The National Weather Service confirmed a tornado did touch down in our county yesterday, just east of where we live. It was an F-0 which is the lowest kind and generally produces light damage. So glad it wasn't stronger.

    I felt better today than I did yesterday. I became lactose intolerant in 2009. I am usually pretty good about watching out for lactose, but sometimes I throw caution to the wind, lol. No more grilled cheese for me! I can do ok with a piece of string cheese every now and then and maybe a slice of cheese on a sandwich with meat or something. I am not much of a milk drinker, but on occasion I buy lactose free milk for John and then I am ok if I take a sip once in a while. I seem to do ok with non fat Greek yogurt in small amounts, and I love that and I add fruit to it. I followed my WW plan today and used all of my points but didn't go over.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I think that anxiety is a hinderance to weight loss. Each time it happens our cortisol levels go up and our bodies hold on to our body fat to save us from that period of danger. I have had so much stress and anxiety since we moved to the farm, that could part of the reason I am finding it so difficult to lose weight. I think that is something I understand correctly from some reading I have done. Last night I had a boost of stress as a truck drove onto our property after midnight. Thankfully it turned around and left but it worried me. Needless to say, no weight loss on the scale.

    I have lunch out with a friend today. I look forward to the visit, but not the food. I feel like I have my eating under control. I hope one meal out won't derail any progress I have in the works. I plan to eat slowly and bring half home for lunch or dinner tomorrow.

    Not fun weather reporting from your area Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    edited June 2023
    I sometimes forget about cortisol Shari, but you are absolutely correct about its role in hindering weight loss. There is a health talk show that I listen to on the radio on weekends, and one of the show's doctors I respect often supports this idea. I have been anxious my whole life and have struggled with weight for most of my life. Makes sense.

    It was a good day for me for my food choices. I accomplished many (but not all) of my to do list items. I had pretty good energy for most of the day. We had an online church service tonight at 6 pm. I read for a while after that, but then felt tired and took a short nap. It helped, and I felt energized again afterward.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I missed my reading time this past weekend since we were away. I am looking forward to getting into my books this weekend!

    I had my lunch out and I stuck to eating half! I was super proud that I had some self control. I skimped out on dinner and my weight didn't go up. That is so good! Typically one meal out is an automatic 1-2 pound weight gain.

    Looks like a beautiful day! Too bad I will be inside at the church office all day. I am excited to work from home on Friday. That will be wonderful.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello! Noom had a lesson on stress and cortisol-I’ll have to see if I can look back and see what it said. I feel like I always have an underlying level of stress-like a constant low level and then, at times, things come up that increase it. I think I recall that belly fat is especially related to stress, and I have a lot of that! Paula, Noom does want a daily weigh in.
    For the past 3 days we have had high levels of smoke from the forest fires and this time it is close to the ground. It looks like fog and impacts visibility. I’ve skipped a couple of days of dog walking because of it. I have entered dog shows this weekend. Since they are only an hour away, they won’t take up the entire day. I will need to prepare for extreme heat and possibly showing in the rain. Have a good rest of today and Friday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    I spoke with a friend who lives in NE Ohio today, and he mentioned the forest fires smoke too. We did have an air quality alert here, but the air didn't seem all that bad to me today. I was out for my nail appointment and did a curb side grocery pick up. John says he could smell the fire in the air. I didn't smell it at all. Good luck with your dog shows DW! Hope you have some good weather!

    Shari, congrats on the portion control! That is a super non scale victory that actually showed up at the scale!

    I did ok today but was lazy and didn't track my food. My hunger was manageable, and it was a pretty busy day for me. I am happy that we are stocked up with healthy groceries again. That should help keep me on track this weekend.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We have some smoke in the air too! I hope the fires get under control and the land can start to heal.

    So thankful that the weekend is at hand and that it is a long weekend too! Yay!!!! And hoping we can all stay on track with our eating. I am noticing that I am not that hungry anymore and I am trying to listen to my hunger pains instead of eating according to the clock. I can see that I was eating too much before. I am doing just fine on smaller portions and I have really reduced snacking. Come on scale! Show me some lower numbers this week.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Shari, Do you have Monday off as well as July 4? What is the Canadian celebration for this holiday? A long weekend is always welcome!

    I had a long to do list today and got just about all of it done, definitely accomplished the most important stuff. We decided to get delivery today because I was tired when it came time for supper and I wanted to reward John with something special as he was a great help to me today (and always, really). I got a shrimp wrap from our favorite local delivery place. I didn't track it but felt it was ok since I ate very little during the rest of the day. Another busy day is in store for me for Saturday. Will be looking forward to a more restful Sunday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We celebrate Canada Day on July1 but we do not celebrate July 4. July 1 is the day we became a confederate Country. All of our territories joined to become the one nation it is today.

    Waiting for DH to wake up so we can plan out our day. I would like to get some outdoor things done but I think we have to get a few things done for other people first. My mom needs us to come and get a dryer out of her basement. She got a new one.

    Hoping to be able to stick to my diet all weekend and see if by Tuesday any weight has fallen off. It just won't seem to budge.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member

    I had to post this picture because it reminds me of myself on some days!

    Today was that kind of day in a way. I had a long list but didn't get much done. I was more tired than I expected! I did manage to stay pretty much on track but again was lazy about tracking my food. I used to be so good about that, but I seem to have lost my zeal for doing so lately. Craig was here today for the first time in quite a while. He was working out of town, about 130 miles away. That was good for him, but not so good for us when we need him. Was so good to have him here today to help a bit.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Bahahaha! Me too. I live by lists.

    Yesterday I helped DH carry my mom's dryer up from her basement. I was amazed at myself!!! She gave us money for dinner out, but I don't want to eat out lol.

    My weight is steady, but I have high hopes for my Tuesday weigh in. I have just got to see some movement on that scale soon. I have been working so diligently.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    Carrying a dryer sounds extremely difficult! Nice of your mom to give you money for a treat. I'd say you earned it for sure! I bet you burned some calories doing that too.

    I did well today and am happy about my choices. I made a wonderful London broil that will be enough for several days of meals. We very seldom eat red meat, so this was extra special for John. I rested a bit today as planned and wasn't very hungry at all. So portion control was easy for me today. Hope this trend continues.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Another rainy day. I am making our traditional long weekend Cinnamon buns. I hope to let DH indulge while I try really hard to eat only one! Maybe with a cup of tea.

    I am going to look up what a London broil is. I have never heard of that term.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello! I am also a list person! If I'm having my perfect morning routine (doesn't happen often), I start with a cup of coffee and make my list. Often I let the dogs out and feed them and then get to my coffee and list-LOL!! Shari, those cinnamon buns sound wonderful! I'm sure they brighten a rainy day!! Paula, I'm glad that Craig is back! Is it for good or just a holiday break in his job?
    After two days at the dog show with no love for my dog from the judges (one thought she was a male), yesterday she was "Select" over 2 other champions and that finished her Grand Champion title. Now I will only show her when I want to and for fun, plus we can focus on the activities that we both enjoy, such as the Scentwork Trials coming up the 15th and 16th of this month.
    I had a disappointment today. I had ordered a new pair of sneakers from TJ Maxx online and when the package was delivered today, it was obvious that the contents were not shoes. It was a size 6 blazer with someone else's name and address on the inside label. I called the customer service number and they were very nice and have supposedly taken care of everything but they need to reissue me the gift card that I paid for the order with and I will need to re-order the shoes. Hopefully they will still have my size when the giftcard arrives! I am hanging in there with Noom but am still at a plateau. Have a good Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 966 Member
    I love your tradition of cinnamon buns Shari! Such a delicious treat! Enjoy!!!

    DW, I usually make my to do list the day/night before. Sometimes I add to it in the morning however. Craig is back for now. He could end up working at the out of town job again at any time. It pays him fairly well, and he is usually provided with a place to stay while working away. It is a good opportunity for him. Congrats to your gal for rating Select. She is always a winner in your book, and that is what really counts! What a mix up with your TJ Maxx package! And how disappointing when you were waiting for new shoes! Do you have to return the blazer to them?

    I did well with my food choices today again but am still slacking off on the tracking though. Lately I have been eating when I am hungry and not waiting to cook until John is hungry. He can go longer than I can between meals. We usually eat the same food, so I just reheat the meal for him and sit with him while he eats. I find that eating when I am hungry helps me with portion control and staying on track. It worked well for me today.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I stuck to one cinnamon bun yesterday! That is a big deal. My weight is still stuck and that is a bit frustrating. I am not giving in though. I have to keep fighting until something finally works.

    Congrats on your dog making it DW. It will be great to focus on the parts of the dog shows that you love the most. Let's hope your shoe purchase works out quickly.

    I am trying to only eat when I am hungry too Paula. I think that has been good for me. I eat too much if I get too hungry too. So I am trying to pay attention to my hunger cues and then exercise portion control. I just wish that I would see some success on the scale.