Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, so nice your son and his gf are visiting. Nice that you will be together to celebrate his birthday. Enjoy the French food. Will look forward to learning about your dinner. So sorry about your co-worker. Life is so precious and so short!

    I enjoyed today, taking some time off from my responsibilities with my non-profits. I needed a break from that kind of thing and today was a good day to do so. I might do a little work tomorrow, but I will take the rest of the weekend off from it after that. I didn't track my food today and was a little off plan but I am ok with that for one day. Tomorrow I will be more careful and will only track my food if I want to. I am kind of taking the weekend off from being too focused on dieting but will do my best to be reasonable and careful.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I was out of routine yesterday. I almost forgot to check in MFP and I would have lost my streak. I managed to check in before bed.

    The meal I had was very good. We started with a pate, which I didn't think I would like, but I did. It is very fatty though!!! Then I had chicken stuffed with cream cheese and salmon. Very good. I ate half and finished the rest for dinner yesterday. My son had the duck and said the duck at his old restaurant was better, but he still enjoyed it. I had a bite and thought it was quite good.

    Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. We do need rain as our farmland is super dry. We did yard work most of the day and then I was too tired to drive into the city for church so we watched online. Our hot tub has been leaking for over a year and we have had tech out twice to no avail. I am pleased to share that we found the leak yesterday and we will be able to get it fixed. It is a slower leak but it was super annoying to have to top it up with water as often as we were doing. Especially in the winter.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! Paula, congrats on the weight loss!! That is awesome!! Also, congrats on taking a break from your responsibilities!!
    Shari, I am very sorry for the passing of your friend! Your visit and birthday celebration with your son sounded very nice! I have not eaten at a French restaurant but that sounded delicious!!
    I am continuing on Noom after the 2week free trial which ended 5/26. My weight has been holding steady but I haven’t been monitoring my calorie intake like I should or getting much exercise. I guess I’ve been doing it enough to not gain but not enough to lose. I hope to refocus starting today! Happy Sunday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, your French meal sounds delicious! The last time I was in a French restaurant was 1976 in Florida when traveling with some friends. I remember the decor but not the meal any more.

    DW, I am interested in Noom too. I suspect I wouldn't keep up with the lessons. I know that when I did WW online I didn't read and stay focused enough, though I would be willing to try Noom at some point.

    I had a wonderful and restful day today. I didn't track my food but am fairly sure I didn't over do it. No special plans for tomorrow. I will make hamburgers on my indoor grill (it is an insert, part of my Cuisinart toaster over and is amazing for an indoor grill). I have corn on the cob to serve with it and will make a salad too. We have some kolachi rolls in the freezer in case John wants a dessert for the holiday. They are from Butter Maid Bakery in Youngstown, Ohio, an excellent bakery that ships around the country. DW, are you familiar with it? We love their baked goods and keep them in the freezer for special occasions.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I would give Noom a try too! I am still sitting on the fence wondering if I would stick to it. I haven't been good at maintaining the habits I know are important from being on MFP.

    DS and his gf left this morning. I am a bit off schedule and feeling a little down. I miss them already.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Just a quick post from me tonight. I understand how you miss your DS and his GF already Shari. It is difficult when our loved ones live far away.

    Today we had a surprise visit from a relative (through marriage). She is married to a cousin of mine. They live about 90 minutes from here. I was never ever close to her husband who is several years older than me. He is from a branch of the family on my mom's side that was not the friendliest of folks. Well this was a wonderful afternoon. I felt like I have known her my whole life. Her DH didn't come. She dropped by as she was visiting other relatives on her side who live in my area. I feel like I found a long lost sister. We clicked immediately when she began to email me a few weeks ago. I cannot begin to tell you what a wonderful afternoon we had. I am looking forward to her next visit.

    I did pretty well staying on plan today without trying too hard and without stressing about it. I will be more serious about staying on plan for the rest of the week.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    It is so good to hear that you found a new close friend/relative Paula! I love that and it is such a blessing.

    I didn't track last night and I haven't been weighing in. I think I will start again on June 1. I have one final push before my July deadline to lose some weight before I start getting rid of my old pants. I have to say that I am not very confident as I have been at this for 2 years. This year the reality has set in that this weight is here to stay with me and I will part with the tight clothes. I won't give up trying as I still need to make healthy choices. It just means that a full drawer will be cleared out and I can purchase some pants that feel better to wear. One more month! My goal is small just four pounds would be so nice to drop.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, June is a new beginning and a good time to reevaluate goals and approaches. While you are younger than I am, the post menopausal situation we are in does at varying degrees make an impact on our weight and weight loss. It is not easy ever but much more difficult as we age and our metabolism slows down a bit.

    Your post encouraged me to reevaluate my situation. I am very far from where I wanted to be and planned to be 2 years ago. I am not giving up however and will take whatever little loss comes my way. I am frustrated because even when I think I am strict and compliant, weight loss is minimal. I think it is important to eat wisely and make healthy choices. That is what I have been trying to do and even so with only minimal success. But I am hanging in and will plod along as best I can and will also give myself breaks from time to time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    June to Aug are my favourite months. That is due to the weather and the green landscape we can enjoy. I want to make sure that I am being intentional to enjoy each day and I want to be intentional to make sure I am feeding myself well and that I don't squander what is before me.

    I was feeling anxious last night and I think I need to use up some of my vacation time. Get away from working and being too tired in the evening. I hope to take this Friday off and will plan a few more days or at least a week this summer. This Friday will be a good day to plan out the things I want to do that are not work or house related. I can get out there and do some fun for me things.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Always good to have a break from work Shari. Good that you have time to use to take care of yourself, along with eating healthy and having some fun. Sounds like a great plan.

    I did well with my eating again, mostly because I was too busy to stray and too busy to snack. I was on the phone most of the day helping some friends who needed support for various reasons. Also, my appetite was not very strong again. I ate healthy but not a lot.

    My friend is coming tomorrow to help with the project I am working on with the video scripts, etc. I also worked on that project today and think I have the scripts in good shape. My goal is to have it all done by Saturday at the latest, but if we could finish it all tomorrow I will be delighted. When that is finished I will feel such a release from that pressure!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Today is June 1 and I am going to give this next 30 days my best effort. I have a cup of hot water by my side instead of coffee. I don't have a lemon, but I do have a lime so I substituted with that. I need your controlled appetite Paula. That would be super helpful.

    I hope you get project completed Paula! I will be thinking about you today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    I think I would like lime water. I am kind of a lime girl, especially when it comes to Margaritas lol. I had a great day with the help of my friend. I had all the scripts done by the time she got here, and we decided they were good as I had written them, so we didn't have to change anything. Her vote of confidence in my scripts really meant a lot to me. That helped us move on to the rest of the project which went relatively well. I sent off our finished products to the committee that assigned it to me. I hoping to get some feedback by Monday. My friend was a tremendous help. She has a good eye for some of what we had to come up with, and she is very patient and understanding too. I was exhausted by the time she left but was also very relieved that it was all finished.

    I did well with my food again...too busy to eat while we were working and too tired to cook when we were done. So we got delivery. I had a chicken Caesar wrap which was delicious and very filling. Not sure what my plans will be for Friday, but I am hoping to be able to rest a bit and re-energize.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Great news about your project Paula. Must feel very good to have it completed. Friday should be a good day to recover.

    I have the day off (apart from a one hour meeting) and then I will fill the day with getting a few things done inside, and then many more outdoors. The sun is shining so that is wonderful.

    I had a good day of eating yesterday to start of the month right. Today should be another one.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    I got feedback today from the head of the committee regarding my script project. He called it "brilliant," which made me so happy. I forward his email to my friend who helped me yesterday, and she said it made her day too.

    Hope you enjoyed your day off Shari. Make June your month!! I did ok today. I didn't track (I am getting lazy about that I think), but I know my choices were in line with what I consider my good days. I didn't do much today which is what I was aiming for. Not sure about tomorrow. It is my name day (St. Paula, a 3rd century saint). I am not sure if we will do anything special for my name day, though John thinks we should. There will be a bar-b-cue food truck in our neighborhood tomorrow, and they will have smoked brisket (an all time favorite of mine), but I am not sure I will be up to driving to get the food. I really cannot walk up to the food truck, but once before I drove to it and simply asked a stranger walking toward it to purchase what I wanted and he did so. The food from this truck is excellent, and the owner is very nice. So I guess I will just have to see how I feel and what happens tomorrow.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning! Just a quick note because I am working at a dog show all weekend. I am not entered because I am on the Board of the club that is hosting the show.
    I continue with Noom but have found something to motivate me get moving. There is an AKC program called Fit Dog and I am going to start tomorrow logging walks with my younger dog. She needs the walks too and somehow I am better at doing things that she needs than things that I need . Luckily this will be good for both!
    Paula congratulations on your successful project! And how wonderful to connect with your relative!!
    Shari, I hope your day off was wonderful! I am happy that you are having nice spring weather!!
    I will join the challenge to have a great month of June!! Have a super Saturday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DW- I miss walking Moe, something I did daily when we lived in the city. Even though we have lots of land, it's not really conducive for walking. We get steps in, but not enough. I often wonder if not walking is having an impact on my weight loss effort. I do have the treadmill and should get back on it.

    Paula- that is great news about your project. Wonderful! I hope you can get to the food truck and enjoy some brisket.

    I have more garden and cleaning plans for the day. Yesterday went well, mostly catching up on getting some things done around here. The day went by too fast.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    DW, Your walking plan sounds like a good one for you and your dog! Nice.

    Shari, Days do go by too fast it seems to me! But getting things done and the feeling of accomplishment means a great deal.

    Well I didn't go for the brisket today. I felt pretty good and decided I should make the most of it and do some cooking. I think John appreciated that, and I felt good that I cooked as dinner was made up of several of his favorites (pork loin, roasted garlic potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower. I couldn't believe how much he ate! My appetite is still less than before. I hope eventually I see good results at the scale!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Wow Paula. I think your decision was great, I am not sure I would have been able to resist. The dinner you made sounds delicious. And for your appetite to be less for so long in impressive. That really helps with portion control. I don't see why the scale would not show a loss for you.

    I had a good day of eating yesterday. I think if I can keep this going, I should see the scale show me some favour too. I think I have managed to lower the amount of my portions and not feel hungry. I am battling the desire to eat out of desire when I am clearly not even hungry. If I can keep focused on that, it will be super helpful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, Sounds like you are headed is the right direction. Portion control is crucial to me. Usually I have to make a distinct effort to manage my portions. I typically do not do well with that because I despise feeling hungry! Not sure why my appetite has been less lately. I hope I can sustain eating less when my normal appetite returns.

    I did fine today, not very hungry, but also not a lot of energy. I generally take Sunday as a day of rest so I was ok not doing much. Tomorrow, however, I have a lot of household chores to take care of, and I don't have the luxury of ignoring them tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I can keep up with what I need to do.

    Here's to a successful week and a successful month!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I was able to add another good day of eating even with a baby shower that I attended in the evening. I really hope that I can keep this going! I know if I do that I can lose some weight.

    I don't do that well at doing nothing. My day of rest is difficult. It helps to read and I enjoy that. I was aware of chores that I wanted to get done, but I refrained. I hope you have the energy to get yours done Paula.

    I think we are all having a good start to June. I hope it's the month that sees us drop some pounds,