Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I will count yesterday as day 2 of my streak. I did well, no snacking in the evening and I watched my portions. My scale hasn't acknowledged my hard work over the last two days. So I have to try and string a couple more good days and see if that will help.

    No hockey game between the Oilers and Knight this evening so maybe we can catch some of the dog show.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! Congrats to you both on starting new streaks!! My carb/sugar detox will start Thursday or Friday. Not enough time to save the Dr appt on Friday but I can get started! We take our son to the airport on Thursday afternoon.
    Paula, I am also watching Westminster-love it!! Have a great Wednesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Tuesday is day 2 of my streak. It was an easy day for me to stay on track. I did a grocery pick up which worked out well because Craig was here to carry the groceries in for me. What a big help! My day was full of manageable tasks so I felt good about all I got done. But it was just one of those days when I needed more time to do everything I wanted to do. I have a few things on my to do list for tomorrow that I don't want to do, but I know I will be pleased when they are completed. I am counting on Wednesday to be day 3 of my streak.

    DW, good luck with your detox. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I have strung three days together and it has been a long time since I have done that. It is my long day today but I will pack dinner to take to work. I meet a friend for lunch and I am hoping I can eat a chicken wrap or something similar. I will be more active today and I will remember to drink water.

    I hope you enjoy this last bit of time with your son DW!

    Craig has been such a help, that is so wonderful Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Congrats on your streak Shari! Sounds like a nice day even if you have to work late. Lunch with a friend can brighten a day.

    I can count Wednesday as day 3 of my streak. I paid a lot of attention to portion control today. I was a bit hungry in the evening but didn't over indulge. I got all of my tasks completed, even the ones I didn't want to do. One of the tasks I was avoiding went much easier and more quickly than I anticipated. So glad about that. Tomorrow is my nail appointment and a few drive through errands, then an online church service at 6 pm and an online church class at 8. So another full day coming up.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am starting over! I blew it yesterday. I simply forgot all about my progress when I left the house and made poor eating decisions. No reason not to have a successful day today! Not much news otherwise.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Another good day here so Thursday is day 4 of my streak. My calories were higher than my "mid range" target, but not at the top of my range so I am ok with that. I was tired today and took a nap after my nail appointment. I felt refreshed when I woke up from the nap. I think Friday is a completely at home day for me, my favorite kind of day. I hope to sleep in a bit and then tackle my considerable to do list.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Day 1 of streak has been reached and I really hope I can add a second day to it. One day isn't really a streak lol! I do know that I only messed up one day, so I feel like I can claim a streak even with one day.
    No good news on the scale though.

    I would like to ask for your prayers. DH found a lump in his breast and had to go for an ultrasound and then the radiologist asked for a mammogram. I went with a friend earlier this year and she was cleared on the spot. DH was told the results are going to his dr. So I am guessing it needs further investigation. Men do get breast cancer so we wonder if that is what he has. I hope he gets booked for a biopsy ASAP! The waiting isn't good.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello! Shari, prayers for you and your DH!! I hope you will have answers soon!! Paula, congrats on extending your streak!!
    I had my Dr appointment today and there was no avoiding the scale. The Dr suggested that I try Noom so I’m doing the free trial. I’m glad I gave her a 2nd chance because I liked her at this visit. She also suggested that I focus on calories instead of eliminating food groups. So far today I’m below her suggested calorie level.
    My son arrived home safely-we had such a nice visit!
    Have a great weekend!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    edited May 2023
    Shari, I will certainly keep your DH in my prayers. John will add him to his prayer list as well.

    DW, let me know what you think of Noom. A former co-worker of mine did very well with it, but I haven't been in touch with her lately, so I don't know if she kept the weight off. I have thought about Noom too.

    Cheering you on Shari for another streak day! It was a good day for my diet today. I just wasn't very hungry at all. I am well within my calorie range, actually on the low end for a change, so day 5 of my streak. I had a lot to do today and got almost everything done, but again I was fairly tired and a bit grumpy. I took a nap again and then felt much better. My to do list for tomorrow is minimal, but once again I have a project for the inter church group that I need to complete soon. I will take John to coach his game tomorrow, and then the rest of the day is mine I think. I also have a project to do for another group, and this is something that intimidates me. It will require a lot of time and planning. I have been in avoidance mode on this project, just as I have been in avoidance mode at the scale!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am happy with my food choices for yesterday and I am on day 2 of a streak. We hosted Bible study at our place and it went well. I slow cooked a roast and served it with carrots and potatoes. Very simple, but it was very good.

    DH will travel to Phoenix to help his brother build a deck. He leaves tomorrow and will be gone for a week. I wish we knew more about this lump first. It's a bit worrisome.

    I will be curious how you do on Noom DW. I have seen ads but haven't given it much research.

    Congrats on Day 5 of a streak Paula!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Congrats on adding to your streak Shari. Keep that momentum going! Safe travels to your DH.

    I added to my streak today, day 6. It was easy for me today as I wasn't really hungry, and healthy choices worked well. I took it easy today but did a few to do items, just none of the big ones! I made oven baked country style ribs for supper, which John always enjoys. They were rather lean so I consider them a healthy choice. I am looking forward to a relaxing Mother's Day tomorrow.

    Happy Mother's Day friends!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am happy to report Day 3 of my streak. That might end today as I am going to a dinner theatre for Mother's day. It isn't a buffet, so that helps!

    Happy Mother's Day!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! Happy Mother’s Day to you both!! I tried Noom previously but didn’t continue after the 2free weeks. I’m in the 2 free weeks again but I think Noom has improved since I did it before. I also had an emailed code for 50% off the cost for a year if I continue.
    My oldest dog has some weird health stuff going on. He got sick last week, was dx’d with a possible UTI and has been on antibiotics since last Thursday. Last night I noticed that he had swelling under his left eye. Now the entire left side of his face is swollen. He is eating and we’ve given Benadryl twice in case it is a bug bite/sting. I will be on the phone with the veterinarian first thing tomorrow . Other than that, congratulations on the streaks! I hope you have have had a nice day!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    DW, keep us posted on how your dog is doing. Always such a worry when they have medical issues. I am giving Noom serious consideration. I looked it up a bit. Sounds interesting and reasonable.

    Shari, what a nice way to spend Mother's Day! Dinner theatres are fun.

    I loved my Mother's Day today. Usually we get a delivery for this day, but I opted to cook because I wanted to remain compliant, and I wasn't in the mood for a high sodium meal. I added day 7 to my streak. I received many texts and greetings from friends and family and John gave me a special gift, a top I had picked out for him to order. It was a relaxing and lovely day. I didn't give a thought to a to do list today. I will make up for it tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I think I did okay eating yesterday, but I won't count it towards any streak as the meal was high in sodium. I could really taste it in the meal. I will be drinking a lot of water today to see if I can flush it out over the next two days.

    The show was quite fun. Not all super skilled actors, but quite fun.

    DH is in Phoenix this week. That should help with my diet! I won't have to cook big meals.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, I sure understand about the sodium in restaurant food. Drinking your water will likely flush it out. Maybe you can still count Sunday as a streak day too.

    I continue with my streak, with Monday being day 8. I think this is the longest streak I have had in quite a while. I had a productive day and completed part of my project for the inter church group. The remaining part won't take too long (I hope). I must finish it by Saturday. I haven't even started the project for the other group. It is rather complicated, but I have at least been thinking about my approach. I was hoping to complete it this week, but now I think I will have to postpone it for a little while til I figure out the way I want to do it.
    I wasn't as tired today as I am on some days, so that is a plus for all I attempt to do.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am pleased with the food choices I made yesterday so I get to start a streak once again.

    My in-laws invited out for my SIL's birthday dinner but I declined. I feel very good about my decision. I can't be eating out that much and with DH away, I didn't think I would manage well emotionally being alone with his family. They don't want to talk about some unhealthy habits in our relationship with them. They want to pretend everything is fine. Until they are ready, I am maintaining healthy boundaries. That means lower access and vulnerability with them. I feel good about my decision. If I had said yet, I would be stressed about going all day. I do love them as they are my husband's parents and they are good people. I feel like we made mistakes in the past due to our own insecurities.

    It is a very smoky day here. Lots of fires. I really hope we stay safe. Things are really dry and being out in the country feels risky. We need rain!

    I would love to hear more about the projects you work on Paula. I am very intrigued.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    edited May 2023
    Yay for getting your streak going again Shari. I applaud you for keeping your boundaries with your in-laws. I think I would have done the same, especially with DH away.

    I am checking in unusually early for me today. Our Monday evening online Bible study was moved to Tuesday this week, so I had to adjust my schedule accordingly. My projects are interesting at times and challenging too. I am involved with a number of non profit groups with various goals and missions. Most of the volunteer work I do now is writing (newsletters, announcements, and such), making phone calls, etc. which I can do pretty easily. The project that sort of intimidates me involves writing scripts or script outlines for some videos this group wants to make to promote what they do. The videos won't be very long, but the message must be rather powerful and in just a few words. I understand the mission and what they want to convey but feel a little pressure to get this done, and I have successfully avoided doing much so far. A friend of mine is planning to stop by on Friday and might just help me get moving on this. The videos will be essentially simple and homemade, done with an iPhone. For some of them I am to come up with recommendations for background settings for the videos, which must be done indoors due to extraneous outdoor sounds which much be avoided.

    I expect today to be another streak day (#9) as I am off to a good start. My hunger level has been manageable lately which helps a great deal with portion control. I have not been doing much if any snacking after supper and haven't had any serious sweet cravings. I stepped on the scale today and am almost at my lowest pre-Easter weight. That pleases me very much. I need to drop less than 2 pounds to get to where I was before I threw caution to the wind with Easter and the days that followed. This weigh-in has added to my motivation.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! Congratulations to you both on your streaks! I am doing good with Noom so far. They do want you to weigh in daily. The first couple of days I lost weight but have been the same for the past 3 days. They give positive feedback for that!
    Yesterday we saw our vet at 10:30. She sent us to a large animal hospital facility 2hours away. They have lots of specialists and equipment that she thought they would use- we got none of that. The ER Dr said that our dog has a root abscess and needs a specialized X-ray and tooth removal. He referred us to a veterinary dentist down there who couldn’t get us in for a month. I called our regular vet and she gave us the name of an animal hospital in this area ( no dentists around here). They will see us tomorrow and, if needed, do the procedure next Monday. We did get pain meds and he is eating his soft food better since being on those!
    Meanwhile, I called for my bone scan that my Dr ordered, they were open this afternoon and I already saw my results online. I passed so won’t need one for 10 years!
    I hope you both have a great evening!