Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We are getting a bit of a reminder of winter today. We have rain and snow expected to fall all day. I will need to go into the office today and I hope the drive will be okay and not slippery.

    Good that you had better a day of eating and let's hope that fatigue does not stick around Paula.

    I have managed to get two days on the elliptical in. I am so glad for that. I need to keep up with the movement and try to combine that with some better eating. I didn't track yesterday, but in my head, I did okay. I will work on tracking today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Congrats on doing the elliptical Shari. I think tracking in your head is a good thing. There are foods that I can do that with too. It does help.

    My fatigue was just about all gone today. Yay! I got all of my to do list done, but my eating still left much to be desired. I can't say I was terribly off track, but it was a day when I kind of grazed all day long. Sometimes that works for me but other times, not so much. I would like to get in 4 good on track days starting tomorrow because I know I won't be overly compliant on Easter and the next few days after that. Tomorrow is a "going out" day for me, for my nail appointment and a grocery pick up. Then church at 6 pm in the evening. So for me, it will be a busy day, but I think I am up to it!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am tired today. I did sleep really well though. Lots of things going on in my head I guess. I am up earlier than usual so that I can get on the elliptical before I start work. I think it is something that is super important for me to do and I am glad that I have been able to work it back into my routine.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Yay for getting up to exercise Shari! It is great this into your day!

    I had another OK day, but still not great and definitely not at the level I know I am capable of. I will be careful for the next few days, aiming to get back to what I know I have done before. With Easter coming on Sunday and so much emphasis on our traditional foods on Easter and the following days (we refer it it as Bright week), I don't want to stress too much over my choices, but at the same time I don't want to erase all of the progress I have made.

    Another week is flying by!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had an okay day yesterday even with eating out. I got full before I was done and brought. home the left overs for lunch today. That isn't something I have done with that specific meal before. I am glad that for the last few days i have been feeling full. That will help with my portion size.
    Great attitude Paula. Enjoy the meals over Bright week but be aware that you don't have to let loose and undo the progress that you have made.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 312 Member
    Good Morning! I’m happy that things are going pretty well for you both! I’ve been struggling to recover from my scentwork trial weekend . My dogs both did really well and had fun!! My weight has been back up and I haven’t been sleeping well this week but I’ve been making good food choices so I’m not sure what isn’t working…..
    Our weather has been beautiful this week and I’ve enjoyed having the windows open!
    Yesterday we purchased a small utility wagon for yard work and I am going to attempt to put it together today while my husband is gone for the day. Putting things together is not something I’m good at but will at least get it started! Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Shari, success with portion control means sooo much. It is an ongoing struggle for me for sure.

    DW, Congrats on the performance of your dogs! How did your assembly of the utility wagon go? Brave lady tackling that!

    I think the Prednisone might be mostly out of my system because my hunger was much more controllable today. Unfortunately the humming in my ears did not go away. I am not sure what I will do next about this. My family doctor didn't seem too concerned and didn't ask me to follow up with her. I will give it more time I guess. It doesn't really bother me, except that I think it shouldn't be happening.

    We are having unseasonably warm weather. The high today was about 87 degrees. Tomorrow will be in the low to mid 80s, and then we will be back to more seasonable temps for Saturday and Sunday I think.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I have a utility wagon (that I didn't have to put together) and love it. Is super helpful around the farm.

    Paula, I hope the humming in your ears goes away. I will be praying for you! My dad has a very loud ringing in his ears, I don't how it doesn't drive him crazy. Nothing has helped him over the years, it is most likely from his time being a diver. His ears endured a lot of pressure when he was a young diver in the navy.

    I will be away the next two days. It is our annual youth retreat and I will be attending this year. I have some girls from my small group going so I wanted to be there with them. I know I won't sleep well, but I will be more active. I am looking forward to that part. I sat all day yesterday as I had so much work to get done on the computer. The next three days will look much different.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    edited April 2023
    Shari, I greatly appreciate your prayers. I am not sure where this humming comes from with me. Enjoy your weekend away with your youth group. They are blessed to have you there to support them.

    I had another pretty good day. Glad the grazing and hungries are gone, at least for a while! I started my Easter food prep today and feel like I have things fairly well under control. I am not over doing it with the food. Keeping it traditional yet as simple as possible too. Our online church services today for Good Friday were very beautiful and moving.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello! Happy Easter Paula!! I join Shari in praying that the humming in your ears will go away! Shari, I hope that your youth retreat went well!! I was the liturgist again for the church service today and kept feeling like my voice was going to go due to seasonal allergies. On Thursday I did get the utility wagon together! The steps were simple and easy. My husband tightened up the screws with tools when he got home but I had it all together and have been quite proud of that! After that I went out and picked up sticks in 2/3rds of the front yard but couldn't finish it. I planned to do it this afternoon but the rain and wind got here before I could get to it. ON Friday my younger dog did very well at the Rally Trials and then I worked at the Obedience Trials on Saturday. My daughter has a day off tomorrow so we will run some errands together including a grocery shopping stop. I have a healthy list ready! Have a wonderful week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    DW, congrats on assembling that cart. You will be burning more calories and putting the cart to good use too.Thank you for your prayers. The ear humming is a mystery to me. It is most noticeable when I am in a very quiet setting. Usually if there is some noise in the room I don't hear the humming. And sometimes it is louder while at other times it is fainter. A relative of mine had something similar and eventually it went away for her. I keep praying about this humming, hoping it isn't any reason to be seriously concerned.

    Thank you for the Easter wishes. We had a very glorious celebration with many church services and rejoicing. I managed well with my food choices and portion control. I haven't been overly hungry the past few days which helps a great deal. I am looking forward to continuing our celebration during this beautiful Bright Week!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DW- I am sure you will get a lot use from the cart. You beat me to the punch starting to pick up sticks. We have so many on the ground too and they will need to be picked before we will be able to use the lawn mower. We still have snow patches, so it will be awhile yet. That is so interesting to me that are a liturgist. A very unique talent!

    I don't know much about ears humming, it is helpful to know of someone who has experienced it and that is should go away. Hopefully soon!

    Camp went well th.is past weekend. I didn't get enough sleep, but I did get a good rest last night being back in my old bed. I am not going to weigh this week. I didn't eat well so I need time to regroup and build some kind of healthy plan. I know that I didn't drink enough water so I will start there.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome back Shari! I am with you in not weighing this week. I will regroup eventually. I am enjoying our traditional Easter foods, with focusing on moderation but not being overly strict this week. A friend of mine dropped off some homemade macaroni salad for us, which goes so very well with ham, kielbasa, Pascha bread, etc. but I find it most challenging to limit my portions of macaroni salad.

    I enjoyed today without a real to do list. Instead I caught up with friends who called. The day went by quickly. We had one of our 2 regular Monday on line classes tonight, which was good as usual. The 2nd class was cancelled because of a death in the church requiring the priest to elsewhere.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DH has gone skiing for a couple of days and that makes cooking simpler. I am taking advantage of preparing a smaller meal for one. I did really well yesterday until the evening. Then I snacked. Which wasn't good because I wasn't hungry. I will see if I can do better tonight.

    I have to head into the office today. I will go for just a half day. I am so glad there is that option now. That means Moe only has a half day on his own. I will take for him a walk before I head in. I worked longer yesterday so it will be fine if I don't work a full day today.

    Being alone in this big house has motivated me to start to going through our stuff and purge. We have so many things that we don't need. I need to lose weight and so does my home.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Enjoy the time while DH is away Shari, hoping you have some "me time." I like your line about losing weight for you and your home. I am in the same situation....a great reminder....thanks!

    It was a healthy and productive day for me. I made an ambitious to do list for the day because I took it so easy on Monday. I am a delighted with how much I accomplished today...and how healthy I think I ate. I didn't track yet and must admit I've enjoyed the days off from tracking, but will get back to tracking next week too. I am planning an ambitious to do list for Wednesday as well.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I have been tracking breakfast and lunch, but not dinner. I will be adding that back in soon! I have increased my water intake, but I need to add in more. I am getting back to healthier habits, but it's not enough yet. No weight loss taking place, but I need to this month or I will need to go shopping for summer clothes. My clothes from last year were tight and I don't think they will fit this year.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Shari, you are moving right along. Woo hoo for tracking breakfast and lunch! That's how good habits develop. Keep your positive attitude and you might not have to buy new clothes right away! You have enough time before summer....then maybe get to treat yourself to some new clothes in the same or smaller size!

    I made more healthy choices today, including watching my portion sizes, which is such a challenge for me. It was another very productive day for me, but I did run out of steam a little bit as early evening approached. I rested and then felt better again. I am considering a grocery pick up for Thursday, not because we need much but because of some good sales at the store....will have to decide soon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day yesterday apart from my food choices. I ate too much. Today needs to better. The positives from yesterday would be my movement and I drank a lot of water. I am trying to keep a positive mindset!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Good for you Shari! Drinking water is important. It seems no matter what I read about healthy eating and weight loss, drinking water is mentioned as a critical component. If there is anything that I am good at, it is drinking my water every day. Of course movement is major too. That is an area where I am quite limited. Today I did a grocery pick up. Getting the groceries from our garage into the house is a major project for me and is somewhat tiring too. Whenever I am successful at that I feel pleased with myself. I have a cart that I use to load the grocery bags on in order to bring what I need into the house. It works but is a challenge too.

    Here comes Friday and the weekend! I have no special weekend plans, other than church services online Saturday morning, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. I really hope to read a lot this weekend. I have lapsed in that area this week.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good for eating, I could improve on my fruit intake. I had planned on eating some yesterday and then didn't. My plan is to have fruit with my breakfast today. Like you, I hope to read a lot this weekend Paula. Our weather is back to being quite cool and it's not nice to be outdoors. The wind has a terrible bite to it.

    I hope to focus on another good day of eating. If I do, I can safely say I have started a streak. I need to be on one so badly!