Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I understand your good feeling of accomplishment on cleaning your kitchen Shari. That means a lot! I believe you will see some accomplishment at the scale soon too!

    Saturday was still an off day for me, but Sunday is day 1 of my new streak. I feel good about my Sunday choices and have moved on from my Friday and Saturday indiscretions. My motivation has returned, so I am trying to make the most of it. I relaxed quite a bit on both Saturday and Sunday, without feeling guilty like I sometimes do when I take it easy. Back to more of my routine on Monday. It will still be an easier day than some days, but overall not a high demand day. I'm ready!

    Let's do this together!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. One of my sons came over for a bit before I headed out for my shopping date. I was looking for a new pair of pants but didn't see any that I wanted. I did find a fall jacket on sale and picked it up. It will be nice for next fall, maybe a few days this spring. I still need to go find a pair of dress pants that fit. Losing 10 pounds would save me from that, but I haven't been heading in that direction. I am not giving up my dream to do that, but I need some better fitting clothes.

    I have been able to eat a later breakfast most days and then just dinner. That might help me with how many calories I am eating. That's my plan for days I work from home- so only 2 weekdays and then 2 on the weekend.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I always enjoy finding a bargain Shari. Enjoy that new jacket! There are days when I eat a late breakfast and then have dinner without lunch in between. This happens mostly when I sleep rather late in the morning. It works for me sometimes.

    I did ok today, so day 2 of my current streak. My plans got changed unexpectedly because I had to go out to take my laptop to my computer guy as the laptop had some malware (or whatever it is called). Thank goodness no harm was done and thank goodness for my wonderful computer guy who took care of the problem immediately. I was pretty tired today too, so I didn't really accomplish much else, but I did manage to stay on track. Our 8 pm online church class was exceptionally wonderful and uplifting tonight. Both John and I feel so blessed to be a part of this class.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    edited April 2023
    It's not often that I sleep late. I wish! Maybe when I retire. It would be nice to have a similar sleep schedule to my DH. Or at least have them line up a bit more. I do enjoy my mornings once I am up.

    I will see if I can start some kind of streak today. I need to! I didn't track yesterday and I had no excuse. I will see if I can join you a streak Paula.

    Computer support is super important! I wish I knew more than I do.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I don't know much about computers and their problems. I don't know what I would do without our computer guy. He is very trustworthy/honest, which means so much these days, especially when dealing with our personal computer stuff.

    Today I made another big pot of veggie chili. We will have it for a few days, which takes away my pressure to cook healthy every day. Much easier to just reheat. I had a very much on track day today (day 3 of this current streak). But my afternoon got eaten up once again by work for the inter church group, work that I had no idea I would have to do. The woman who is the secretary of this group is very sweet but does not use a computer at all. She probably shouldn't be secretary, but we keep her in that position because she is so sweet and always means well. Her husband has some computer knowledge but is having major medical problems and is not able to help her these days. She called me desperate with a problem...so I ended up doing what needed to be done. I like her a lot and didn't mind helping her, but there went everything I had planned to do. Oh well, maybe Friday, since tomorrow John and I have eye doctor appointments, Buster has his first official afternoon at doggy day camp, and John and I will take care of other "going out" errands.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I forgot to track my food after breakfast. I am good at tracking my first meal, not to get back to tracking the rest of the day. I will get there!

    I had a longer day at work due to a meeting and I really didn't want to cook. But, I resisted stopping to pick up dinner and made the fish that I had planned on cooking. That felt good! A win.

    Yesterday morning I had a very scary experience. I let Moe out and the timing was such that he spotted a coyote on our lane. He took after it- right towards the highway. I screamed and called for him to come. Luckily he did hear me and paused, for a moment I thought he was going to back to the chase, but he came back. He did stop halfway to poop. While he was the coyote was screaming at him. I wouldn't call it a bark. Anyway I called and called again and said "treat" and Moe came back in. I watched the coyote come back towards our house- right up our lane and slowly make his or her way behind our buildings I would think into the bush at some point. I am not happy about this. I have no idea how we will be able to get rid of this coyote. I don't feel super safe! At least not at dark or in the dusk. I think our cat has street smarts and won't end up caught. I am thankful for that.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! Shari, how frightening!! Thank goodness Moe came back! I've seen the occasional coyote from a distance over the past few years but nothing close to home. When I worked, I drove all over our county doing home visits. My youngest colleague, who did the same job, returned to the office one day and shared this story....she was going to a visit and noticed a very thin dog by the road. She pulled over to help it and just before she opened her car door, she realized that it wasn't a dog....a coyote. Needless to say, she was on her way very quickly!
    Paula, I am envious of your computer connection! Years ago we had a nice young man who would help with our computer while he was still in college. Once he graduated, he was done with computer repairs. We haven't needed anything since but ours is very old and outdated and I think we are on borrowed time!
    I was at dog shows Saturday and Sunday. The judge on Saturday didn't like her but the one on Sunday gave her "Select". ON Saturday morning we saw tornado damage as we drove to the show. It was damage to businesses-parts of the roof, siding, etc. The town where the dog show was did not have power from storms the previous night but the hotel where the show was had generators. I was thankful that we were coming and going from home and hadn't had the severe storms. We were under lots of weather advisories today but again, thankfully, nothing materialized.
    I am finding it impossible to find anything healthy when we are traveling and eating from fast food restaurants. I will need to figure out a way to plan ahead and pack food and beverage. I keep tracking but my results are a disaster-one fast food meal is easily more than my day's calorie allotment! I am feeling extra discouraged because I unpacked clothes for warmer weather and shirts that fit last year are too snug around the middle. Meanwhile, I seem unable to part with anything (so much for my "death cleaning" mindset-LOL!! ) I will work on it!! AND the weight!! Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, so glad that Moe obeyed you and came back. Cool that the word "treat" helped in getting him to you. I don't know much about coyotes, but I have heard people in our area claim to have seen one here and there. We live in a suburb where there is much (way too much) development going on. Other animals like deer are rapidly losing their natural habitat. Some say this is why some folks are seeing coyotes too. I never even remember hearing about coyotes in this area or the area where I grew up many years ago. By the way, I love your characterization of your cat as having street smarts!

    DW, eating healthy when traveling is not easy at all. All of my theories and plans used to go right out the window when I traveled. John and I traveled on "road trips" with one of our groups up until about 2013. We got to see many places we wouldn't have seen had we not traveled with this group. But we don't miss the food issues of those trips. Lots of fast food and carbs seem to go along with traveling. Congrats on the "select" rating your girl got. So sad about all the weather damage happening lately. We had an online church service with our Ohio church this evening, and they lost power temporarily. Eventually the service began streaming again, but we could hear the heavy rain even over the livestream.

    I had another good day (streak day 4), thanks to my big pot of veggie chili. We had great visits with our eye doctor. John's eyesight actually got better. Mine stayed the same (good for me). I have to have special eye tests every year because of one of the meds I take for my RA. Those tests were good too. And Buster did fine at his first day of doggy camp. We are very proud of him. There were 3 other dogs there, so a small group and all dogs are under 40 pounds. (Buster is 12 pounds.) They told me they did some "mental stimulation" activities with him. I don't know what that means, but I will look into that and ask more about it in the future. We are thinking of enrolling in private training classes on Saturdays with the trainer there. They offer a 10% discount for the next 6 or 7 weeks or so. I think Buster is smart but definitely he (and John and I) could use some training!!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DW- That is great you are able to participate in the dog shows. I keep thinking that it must be a wonderful community. Eating out is always my downfall too. I don't think any restaurant meals aim at helping one staying within calorie limitations or salt, fat and sugar. I try and make up for it on days that I eat at home. Good to hear that your home is missing the impact of the current weather in your area!

    Your comment about you and John needing the training made me laugh Paula. After watching so many seasons of Caesar, it rings in my head. When Moe isn't doing things how I would like it is because of the owners, not the dog. Luckily we did a decent job when he was young.

    I will work from home today and I am super thankful about that. I can eat healthier and I will try to get out and walk around a couple of times. I think our weather is finally turning to be warmer. This spring has been quite chilly. Snowflakes were still in the air yesterday.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    John and I are fans of Caesar too. Good that you got to work from home today Shari. Our weather warmed up a bit today too.

    Today was not a streak day by any means for me. I started on a low dose of Prednisone on Tuesday, prescribed by my family doctor because both of my ears were filled up with fluid, and she said it could lead to an infection. I had been hearing a sort of humming beat in my left ear for a few weeks, thinking it was tinnitus, but my doctor thinks the sound could be from the fluid in my ears. The good news is the Prednisone also helps my joints. The bad news is, it made me ravenously hungry. My day deteriorated with food choices as it went on. I still have about 10 more days to stay on the Prednisone, using tapered dosage. The next days will be challenging for sure. I suspect I will stay away from the scale for a while. Ugh!! But I know my doctor knows what she is doing, and I certainly don't want an ear infection. I also started taking an antihistamine because of my multitude of allergies. I haven't taken an antihistamine in many years, so perhaps this will help me avoid the fluid in my ears in the future.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    John and I are fans of Caesar too. Good that you got to work from home today Shari. Our weather warmed up a bit today too.

    Today was not a streak day by any means for me. I started on a low dose of Prednisone on Tuesday, prescribed by my family doctor because both of my ears were filled up with fluid, and she said it could lead to an infection. I had been hearing a sort of humming beat in my left ear for a few weeks, thinking it was tinnitus, but my doctor thinks the sound could be from the fluid in my ears. The good news is the Prednisone also helps my joints. The bad news is, it made me ravenously hungry. My day deteriorated with food choices as it went on. I still have about 10 more days to stay on the Prednisone, using tapered dosage. The next days will be challenging for sure. I suspect I will stay away from the scale for a while. Ugh!! But I know my doctor knows what she is doing, and I certainly don't want an ear infection. I also started taking an antihistamine because of my multitude of allergies. I haven't taken an antihistamine in many years, so perhaps this will help me avoid the fluid in my ears in the future.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I have tracked two days in a row. Not a streak, as it is quite easy to see why the weight is sticking around. My calorie intake could be worse, but my fat intake is what the issue is. Seeing the percent of fat that I eat is helpful information. I will need to check on my macronutrients more frequently during the day and adjust what I eat so I can balance out the fat intake. The one thing that I won't change and does start the day off balance is eating an egg. I have ready so many articles on the pros and on the cons of eating eggs. I will continue to eat them, but they are not the only fat contributing food item that I eat.

    Glad your ear issue is getting sorted out Paula. 10 days to try and stay strong. Glad that you did not succumb to an ear infection,
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! I am winding down after a busy day with an early morning tomorrow. Shari, I also like to start my day with 1-2 eggs. I feel like they keep me satisfied throughout the morning and don’t set me up to crave sugar all day. Paula, I’m glad your Dr was being proactive to avoid an ear infection! Sending positive thoughts for a smooth recovery!!
    Today I helped set up for our club’s scentwork trial that starts tomorrow. Even though I moved slowly while helping, I did get in over 10,000 steps. Tomorrow I will go work at the Trials but also have both of my dogs entered. When I get home, I will prep an Easter meal and make Hershey pie for my daughter’s birthday. I can’t find the recipe I’ve used so will be winging it, but how can you go wrong with Hershey bars and cool whip?? Happy Easter!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Add me to the morning egg lovers club! I find that I am very satisfied when I start my day with eggs. Hershey pie sounds so yummy. We live about 80 miles from Hershey and have been there many times but not recently. You could actually smell the chocolate in the town, though I know most of their chocolate is made elsewhere these days. The town has gotten quite touristy over the years, but is still quaint in its own way.

    My hunger was a bit more manageable today. I was pretty busy and away from home for a while, which oddly enough seemed to help with my food choices. Buster had a "spa" visit in preparation for our visit to our family on Sunday to celebrate Easter with them. They are not Orthodox. (Our Orthodox Easter this year is one week after your Easter.) While out today I drove by a flower tent selling Easter flowers. I knew I wouldn't be able to walk through the tent to select flowers, but since it was outdoors I was able to drive the van up close to the tent and one of the workers there brought the plants I wanted to the van. It was kind of a curb side flower pick up, and I am delighted. I got a beautiful pink tulip plant for me, one for our neighbor Jane, and one for another friend. Since my walking is so limited, this was a really big deal for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I can put myself in a town that smells of chocolate. That would be so amazing lol! I have never traveled to the Eastern States, which makes sense since we live in the West. We have done our touring in Washington, Idaho, the Dakotas, California, and Nevada. We can throw Montana in there too.

    We had Chinese food for dinner last night. I overate and I am up in weight today. Hopefully it drops off in a couple of days. I will be careful the next two days and drink lots of water in hopes the weight gain is retained water. The food didn't taste salty, but I hope that is all that has happened.

    Not sure what our plans are for the day, but it looks sunny and promises to be warmer than yesterday. I am excited for that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I have been to California, New Mexico, and Texas, mostly because of having family in those places, but I haven't been to the other states you mentioned Shari. When I was growing up I traveled with my parents to Quebec (I think I was about 12 years old). I also recall a trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. John and I also had a trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls a number of years ago, but I have never made it to your part of Canada.

    I forced myself to accomplish things today and am glad I did. It should make Monday easier for me. We had a morning and an evening church service today. This will be the pattern for the rest of the week, generally 2 different online services each day of our Holy Week. My eating today was about the same as yesterday, not horrible but not great. I didn't even bother to track today....too tired and too busy.

    Wishing you all a blessed Easter and Joy in the Resurrection as you celebrate on Sunday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Thank you Paula. A blessed Easter to you and John too!

    I am not sure what my day will look like, but the sky is sunny and it's going to beautiful weather. A wonderful day to sabbath and perhaps have a lovely meal with two of my children.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Such a blessing to have good weather on Easter for you Shari! I hope your day brought you love and joy!

    We are back home safely from our visit with our family. It was truly a wonderful day. It was an easy drive there and back with no traffic issues, and the weather was just about perfect. My cousin (whose sister died in December) is an incredible hostess. I didn't over do anything with eating, watching my portion control, but I did have a piece of cake for dessert. It was a good day for us to be together as everyone misses Lucille, whose son was there too. He is single with no kids and is kind of all alone. Was good to see him. John's 5 year old Godson and his little brother were there with their parents. I think it was a much needed day for all of us. John and I are amazed how blessed we are with such wonderful family. Back on track tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am starting off my morning a bit late. I decided to rest a bit after my alarm, but fell back to sleep. I work from home today, so it isn't too big of a deal. I need to make sure that I get back to jumping out of bed when my alarm goes off. I had plans to start walking on my elliptical in the morning. I had been good at doing that until the weather got cold, as the room I have my elliptical in is cold too. Then I moved to walking in the basement on the treadmill, but slowly I gave that good habit up. I am determined to get back to a morning routine of movement.

    Good to hear that you had a lovely Easter dinner Paula. We just had one son turn up, and we had a nice meal and visit. Not sure what the the one was doing. He said he had plans, which was fine. I was glad to not fuss and not have to clean up the house for formal company.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    No fuss entertaining is my favorite way to do it Shari. Glad you got to spend some time with your son.

    I was surprised at how tired I was today, probably from my long day yesterday. Last night I felt pretty much normal (for me), and I really didn't feel the fatigue element until it was time to get up this morning. So I was slow moving for most of the day but did manage to complete some tasks and to make another big pot of veggie chili. It will last a few days again, and John really enjoys it. My eating was much better today, but not enough to consider it "streak-worthy."