Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, I am far less fussy about logging exact ingredients these days, but I certainly and all too well understand your desire for perfection. If I can't log things exactly I make a "guestimate." I figure it all evens out in the log run, lol!

    I am able to count today as day 2 of latest streak. I was a little worried that I would mess up in the afternoon as I was craving and felt hungry. I satisfied myself with some pretzels, something we rarely have but my friend gave us some. The pretzels seemed to keep me satisfied and on track. The best part was I wasn't hungry till supper time. It was a good day overall. I rested a lot and did a good bit of reading for our church book group which meets tomorrow evening. We now have 2 classes on Monday evenings, a Bible study as usual with my cousin's church in Florida at 6:30 and then at 8 pm a book study class with the church in Ohio. Our Tuesday night class with the Ohio church is finished for now and will likely restart in a few weeks.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I finally can say that I completed a good day and I am day 1 of a streak. I am so thankful that I did it, I knew I could but just didn't have the discipline. I feel like I can do it again today!

    You have a full night tonight Paula. I am sure you will enjoy the discussion and the company.

    I am struggling with a blocked saliva duct. I woke up with it yesterday. I think I may have burned underneath my tongue testing out some borscht I made on Saturday but I am not sure. I will give myself one more day and then I will get my dentist to check it out. I have a white patch under my tongue which could be burn, infection or fungus. It does hurt, so that's not fun.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Hello! I did not drop off the face of the earth but my diet plan did! Paula, congrats on day 2 of your streak! Your studies sound enjoyable! I miss the study I went to that ended recently and haven't even managed to get to church or Facebook church the past 2 Sundays. Shari, congrats on day one of your streak! I hope your mouth feels better!!
    I had a dog event this past weekend. I originally entered my girl and volunteered to work but had to withdraw my entry due to her being in season. I kept my commitment to work, which gave me many steps!! Unfortunately, there was a lot of candy and snacks sitting around and I demonstrated 0 self control. Today I volunteered at the food pantry, which also gave me many extra steps.
    I am reading two books right now-both nonfiction (at least advertised as such) and it suddenly dawned on me how ironic it is! I am reading "Forever Young" and "The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning", and enjoying them both, although I am not feeling younger or cleaner-LOL!! Have a great week! I hope to report Day one of a streak tomorrow!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Woo Hoo Shari! Let's keep these streaks going. Ouch on your mouth! That sounds so very painful. Sounds like a good idea to get it checked out if the problem continues.

    Streak day 2 for me today. I am very happy about this. I have done better with my meal planning the past 2 days which I think helped keep me on track. I had a busy day today, mostly doing paper work, some of it for our inter-church group but also some personal stuff here. I am pleased with how well rested I felt again today (not even a short nap) and with how much I accomplished. We are expecting a little snow overnight, but it should be finished and cleared by the time I have to drive to get our haircuts in the late afternoon tomorrow
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    DW- I will need to look up The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning! An intriguing title. We would love to have you join us on trying to get a streak up to three days. It isn't coming easy for me.

    I took an Advil last night and that helped a lot with the pain in my mouth. I will take Advil again today, but I think I may to book an appointment to get it looked at. I will make a decision before I leave work today. Having been in the dental field as an assistant I feel somewhat silly needing to go in. I don't know if there is much they will do. But since it's painful, I don't want to ignore it.

    Have a great day everyone. I am really hoping that I can celebrate a third day in row of healthy habits.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    DW, you and I must have been posting about the same time on Monday. When I posted I didn't see your post. Your books sound interesting for sure. I am especially interested in the Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. I looked it up on Amazon and might just purchase it eventually. Keep us posted as you read it. Getting in those extra steps is terrific! And you are doing such good volunteering at the dog event and the food pantry!

    I hope you get some relief in your mouth Shari. I always admire people who work in dental offices. I don't think I would have been very good at something like that.

    I guess I can't do simple counting. Monday was day 3 of my streak. I am off to a good start today as well but feeling a little hungrier than I'd like at the moment! I will focus and give myself another pep talk in an effort to have today be day 4.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Well, I blew my 2 day streak at dinner last night. DH asked if I could pick up burgers for dinner. I should have looked up the nutritional information BEFORE I ate one. I should have passed and just got them for him. It was really good and I did enjoy it in the moment. But now I have to start all over. I know today won't be easy for me, so I think I will be starting over on Thursday.

    I will be focusing on my water intake today to flush out the sodium from dinner last night.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, Good idea to flush out that sodium. How is your mouth?

    We had haircut appointments for late Tuesday afternoon but didn't get there because the battery in our van was dead. Thank goodness the van was our garage when I discovered this. The dead battery sort of turned things on Tuesday topsy turvey whileI I was working with AAA roadside assistance to dispatch someone to check/possibly replace the battery or if necessary tow the van to a mechanic shop if the problem wasn't the battery. It ended up that I waited till Wednesday morning to get the service to come to the house. It was frustrating but eventually all worked out when the technician came in the morning and replaced the battery. Not sure when we will be able to reschedule the hair appointments as our stylist works very limited hours.

    I am able to claim Tuesday as day 4 of my streak and Wednesday as day 5. I did better on Wednesday than Tuesday but both days were within my calorie range. So glad the battery was replaced because I did a much-needed grocery pick up Wednesday as well. I have been eating oatmeal every morning for breakfast lately and that seems to help keep my on track. I add cinnamon and fruit which makes it extra filling. I am getting much better at measuring my portions, which is progress for me.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Hello! Shari, I hope your mouth is feeling better!! Paula, congrats on your streak! So glad you were able to get your van fixed! I am doing better with eating and exercise but still trying to get back to where I was before the weekend. It is so frustrating that the weight jumps up so quickly and takes forever to come back off! At some point, I should accept that there is no way to eat sweets all weekend and not gain several pounds. …and then make better choices!! My daughter leaves Saturday to meet her brother and his family in AZ. We will have her dogs here and I will visit the cats at her home. 🙏🙏🙏🙏that her 15 year old dog stays alive while she is gone!! We are expecting snow overnight- not looking forward to that! Have a great Thursday evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    DW, so true that the weight comes on so easily but takes its good ol' time to leave us. Despite my streak of 6 good days (counting today) I am not seeing much movement at the scale. I don't weigh every day and see fluctuations with my weigh-ins but the trend is downward, so I guess I just have to be patient and work harder.

    I hope your daughter enjoys her time with her brother and family. Arizona sounds like a good place to be at this time of year. We are expecting snow Friday into Saturday. I wonder if it is the same system visiting you DW tonight.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I am in the same boat. The weight seems easy to put but takes far too much effort to come off, if it does. I am still stuck at a higher number than I would like to be at. I think I did okay eating yesterday, but I didn't track so I am going to see if I can start a new streak today.

    Safe travels and an enjoyable visit are prayed for your daughter DW. My DH will be heading south at the beginning of April to help his brother build a deck. His brother lives in Arizona.

    My tongue is not better and I have been procrastinating about making an appt. I will do that today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, I hope your tongue is getting better and that you have an appointment if the problem continues.

    I did well today (day 7 of my current streak), and I plan to step on the scale tomorrow or Sunday. I have to be extra careful though because John's birthday is on Wednesday. I ordered him his favorite homemade peanut butter cake from a woman from my old church. She is an amazing baker. I know I will indulge in his birthday cake next week, but will do my best to keep it in moderation. John couldn't come up with any ideas for birthday gifts for me to get him. I got him a shirt which he will like but wanted something else. Even though his birthday is the 15th, not St. Patrick's day, he has always asked for a shamrock or something else related to St. Patrick's day on his cake. So his cake will have a shamrock and a pot of gold. There is a bakery in New York and New Jersey that John and I know of but never had anything from there. I found out they ship nationwide, so for John's birthday I ordered him a "St. Patrick's Day box," which contains Irish soda bread, rye bread a green bagel, green & white cookies, and some other cookies. All of these will be very tempting and challenging for me. I am trying to prepare myself now to enjoy but not over do it with these special treats. They are for John after all, lol!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Hello! My tongue is still not healed but I did make a dental appt for Monday. I am hoping I can find out what it is so my bit of anxiety around it is relieved.

    I have no streak to report on today. Some friends wanted to meet up for dinner, which was nice, but not what I needed this week. Then we came out to the farm and played games. It was fun and a nice night. I have been weighing in, a little gain but it could be worse so I am happy about that.

    When DH is away for a week, I think I can have a very healthy week, at least I hope I can. Today is a new day and I will try to get that first good day accomplished.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, sounds like a great way to spend a Friday evening with your friends.

    I weighed and am down about a half pound. With my crazy scale I am never sure, but for now I will take that number. I logged all my food today and was surprised that I was within my calorie range because I felt like I ate a lot. I questioned if I missed something to log but I think I got it all recorded. I feel good about what I accomplished at home and ran out to mail some bill payments, etc. So overall I guess it was a good Saturday. Tomorrow I hope to read for our Monday Bible study and book study after that.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I had a good day yesterday and Day 1 of a potential streak. We have no plans to go out today so I should have another compliant day. I really hope so. I would like to go snowshoeing today. It looks like a milder day, we haven't had one of those in a very long time.

    We had our time change for daylight savings. Not my favourite time change. I won't feel it until the alarm has to go off for work tomorrow.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Daylight saving time here too Shari. I like it being light later in the day for sure, but I don't appreciate losing that one hour compared to when it get it back in 6 months.

    I thought today wouldn't be a streak day because I thought I had too many supper calories, but when I tracked everything I was within range and I skipped having any snacks for the rest of the evening. I have a huge to do list for Monday, with very few things that I can leave undone. I am already telling myself I can get everything done, but also that I must not use this busy day as an excuse to overeat. Hoping for a good week for all of us!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I kind of have a day 2 of a streak. I did quite well until DH brought me a glass of wine! It was within my calorie range, but I know it is not a good thing to have when you are trying to lose weight. If I can have a really good day I will count it, if I feel like I could have done better, I will start over.

    I head to the dentist this morning to get my blocked duct and what ever else is going on looked at. Other than that, it is a pretty typical Monday.

    You got this Paula. Maybe a busy day will keep you distracted form overeating. You have been doing so well!!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, I hope all goes well with your dentist appointment. I don't think a glass of wine should throw off your streak. One of the things I am trying to do is just to stay in my calorie range and eat as healthy as I can but in a way that I don't feel deprived. I have had pizza and been able to stay in range. I am adding veggies to my meals as much as I can, and I think that helps keep be satisfied so I don't eat as much pizza (or whatever) as I used to. If a glass of wine doesn't throw you out of your range I say enjoy!

    Checking in earlier than usual for me today. I am taking a break from my to do list and having lunch soon. So far so good with what I have accomplished on my list, but still a lot to do. I am determined to add to my streak today because when I weighed in this morning I am down another half pound (thank you crazy scale, lol). If I drop another half pound I will be in a weight range I haven't seen since 2016. Still not as low as my first go round with the 17DD, but I am getting closer.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks Paula. I had a good day yesterday so I am going to say I have a 2 day streak. My weight has been pretty steady, even with the amount of times I ended up eating out the last two weeks. Maybe, just maybe, by eating at home all week I will see a bit of weight drop off. I have also been trying to add veggies and/or fruit to my meals. My downfall always seems to be too much fat, so having veggies and fruit really helps.

    Congrats on the progress Paula! That is inspiring to me. It really can be done. Menopause and stress did a number on weight and I gained just over 10 pounds. I really hope the gaining has levelled off and it will actually start to come back off.

    My dental appt went well. It was what I had expected and should heal in another 10 days. I saw my dentist's new partner as I wanted to get in faster. Oh my gosh- he was quite dreamy!!!! Best looking dentist I have ever seen and super nice.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, Very happy that your dental appointment went well...and a little eye candy bonus with that new dentist....(grin)!

    It looks like I will be in scale avoidance mode for a few days. Will have to start a new streak after John's birthday which is tomorrow. I tracked everything today and went over my range for the first time in quite a while. His St. Patrick's day box from the bakery arrived today, and I indulged in some of the cookies. They are delicious, but I am sure quite high in calories (and sugar). I did my best to record every morsel, estimating the cookie calories as best I could. With his birthday cake (chocolate peanut butter) coming tomorrow, I suspect I will be at or over the upper end of my range. I will still record all food as best as I can as doing so does help keep me rooted in reality.