Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Our cold snap was supposed to be over today, but it isn't. I am not super happy about that as I need to pick up pop for the vending machine at work. I will pick much less than what I initially planned on picking up.

    I had an okay day. I didn't end up tracking, but I feel like I did okay. I won't count it as day one of a streak, but I know it was a better day. That day could be today if I don't lose focus!

    Congrats on your week-long streak Paula!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, good that you did ok even without tracking. That is progress in and of itself. I think we all are getting to the point where we are making positive changes and developing healthy habits and choices, even when we aren't "perfect." I am working very hard to focus on positives in what I am doing. I am sending positive messages to myself, which I think does help me. I did ok today and am well within my calorie range and that includes logging 2 Girl Scout cookies. I had a delicious piece of baked cod today, which really satisfied me. Tomorrow my neighbors are coming for an early evening visit. Jane said they would be eating before they come here, but I think I will serve just some cheese and crackers or something simple. Cheese is a big temptation for me so I will have to be very careful or come up with another idea....maybe salsa and chips....but even with that I have to be careful!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    We are making healthy changes, for me, it's hard to sustain the changes for the long term. It seems like over time my commitment fades. I will need to be far more determined. My goal for today is it to fit in a 20 minute exercise routine. Not that I won't focus on the other healthy habits, but I let my exercise routine lapse and I want to work on that.

    I hope you have a lovely visit with your neighbors or as in Canada, neigbours lol.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    I admire you, Shari and DW, for including exercise in your plan. I really do not attend to that at all, other than being pleased with whatever limited movement I accomplish. I really must work on some chair exercises and make a commitment to that. I will plan to start out with 5 minutes to day and work upward.

    I had another good day today for food choices. We had a great time tonight with our neighbors/neighbours (love it!) visiting. They are such a blessing to us. I could tell that they had a good time too. I served veggies with hummus, mozzarella sticks with pasta sauce, and cheese and crackers. I had a little bit of each and did not go overboard at all. Today was not a "hungry" day for me at all. I think filling up with the veggies helped a lot. If I weigh tomorrow I will expect a nice number. My energy level was solid today. I spent the afternoon cleaning in preparation for our visitors. I am very pleased with what I accomplished and how clean the living room/dining and kitchen look. Now to keep it all as clean and neat as it is currently!

    A blessed Sunday to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Sunday Blessings!

    DH and I painted our stairwell and I did not end up getting in any exercise. I wanted to run a couple of errands before church. One stop included ordering new lenses for my glasses. The protective coating is coming off before a year and they are still under warranty. It does impact my vision a little bit so it will wonderful to get them replaced.

    Good to hear that you had great visit with your neighbours Paula. I miss my neighbour so much. We do connect still, but not as often as I would like. Maybe we should pop over today. I know she would love that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, I think painting counts as exercise. It is not an easy thing to do in my opinion!

    I did not follow my plan at all today, and I didn't track any food at all. I just felt like I wanted a day off so I took it. I will aim to start a new streak tomorrow and will likely stay away from my scale for a few days so I don't get discouraged. It was a very restful and relaxing day for me which I believe I really needed. Other than 2 online church services I did nothing of note at all...and I enjoyed it.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Relaxing days are so good. It seems like it should be an easy kind of day to do, but definitely takes a different kind of effort.

    We ended up going bowling and out for dinner with some friends. I had shrimp tacos and hope that the meal wasn't too high in calories. I decided to take a couple of days off from weighing in too. The price of restaurant food has really gone up. That will help us to eat out less, and that is not a bad thing at all.

    Thankful to be able to work from home today! No commuting.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    I had a big change of plans since I last posted. My sister got sick and wasn’t able to come on Thursday so we rescheduled for Saturday. We had a warmish sunny day on Friday and I had some energy plus could see how bad my floors were in the sunlight, so they did get mopped before my sister’s visit. Also on Saturday, my daughter’s college friends came to visit her. She hadn’t seen them in about 7 years but she said it was like no time had passed. She said that she was able to genuinely laugh with them. That did my heart good!! On Sunday my daughter went with my sister and me to breakfast and then to a huge antique mall where we did a scavenger hunt of sorts-we were there for several hours. I’ve been having progress with my night time eating and when I don’t engage in late night eating it can make a 12:12 or 10:14 IF. That’s my “progress not perfection “ moment!! Paula, congrats on being down a pound and also for taking a break when needed! Shari, between painting and bowling, you are definitely getting exercise! Have a great Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, Shrimp tacos sound good and healthy to me. Seems like a winning choice. I am not surprised that restaurant prices have gone up. I notice considerable price increases just with regular grocery items.

    DW, Such a blessing that your daughter's college friends are giving her support! They must be a special group of ladies. And what a nice time your visit to the antique mall sounds like.

    We are having a little snow storm now. It started around 5 pm and will continue into tomorrow with sleet and freezing rain mixing in off and on. It will continue probably till mid day Tuesday. This is the first real measurable snow we have had all winter. I got right back on track today after having Sunday "off." Actually my calories today were under my range, totally unintentionally. I had a busy and productive day and really wasn't all that hungry. For lunch I made a sheet pan of roasted veggies for John and me. That was really filling and satisfying. I am so pleased with how much I got done today, I am lightening up my to do list for tomorrow. But I must get started on my income taxes. It doesn't usually take me very long, but I tend to procrastinate on that task.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I am counting yesterday as Day 1 of a streak. I kept my portions small and I fit in a 20 minute exercise routine. I am noticing that I can't quite keep up like I used to a year ago. Exercise will be something that I will continue to strive to do in order to slow down the old age muscle loss for as long as possible.

    DW- It must be very heartwarming to know that your daughter was able to laugh in the midst of her grief. We can pray for more opportunities for her to experience more of that. I am a sucker for antiques. I think that is because I am a pretty sentimental person. My sister is quite the opposite which is so interesting to me. We are so different to each other, which is fine, but in some ways I would love to have more in common with her.

    I hope you can get to your income taxes Paula. I don't do ours, DH looks after getting things ready to go to the accountant. I always hope for a refund!!!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Congrats on your new streak Shari! You are so right about the importance of exercise. It seems like every day I come across at least one article on that subject.

    This is day 2 for my current streak. It was an easy eating day. I didn't have any time for taxes though because a friend from our inter church group called and asked me to help her with a job that she was struggling with (for our group). I was happy to help her, but it did take some time. I did manage to work on my little to do list. Tomorrow I have plans to take Craig to a friend's house so he can rewire a lamp for her. I also will pick up groceries since Craig will be with me to help get the groceries in the house. Maybe I can work on the taxes on Friday as we are expecting more bad weather at the end of the week.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    An easy days sounds like a good day and helping others seems to help us feel better too. I do find that it isn't easy to ask for help, but knowing how much I like to help others, it shouldn't be so difficult. That will be a good thing for me to watch out for. I do have a bit of a stubborn streak.

    I am not sure if I should call a day 2 streak or not. I didn't track so I am not sure if I went over my calories. I think I ate too many carbs, so I don't think I will call it a success.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    I did feel good helping my friend yesterday. Today I also felt good helping another friend by taking Craig to her to rewire her lamp. This friend is an 80 yr old widow and recently is having some health problems. Craig was very glad to help her, and I was happy to be a small part of it. That is the good part of my day. My not-so-good part of my day was getting too hungry and straying way far from my plan when I got home. Ugh! Back to starting a new streak tomorrow. So frustrating that I allow this to happen on some days.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I hear you Paula. It's not easy to stay the course. I know we won't give up and it's time to aim for a streak of 3 days in a row. It is achievable. I just can't lose focus when the day's events get the best of me.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, You inspire me to aim for a 3 day streak. I agree with you, it's time! Like you, I must keep focused even when the day's events get the best of me. Today was much better for me, but not quite "streak level," even with my progress not perfection philosophy. I suspect tomorrow will be day 1 of my streak. I am ready.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I didn't have a day one yesterday and that is because I met up with a young adult for dinner. I had a chicken wrap, but it came with some fries too. I didn't eat all of them so that was good! I think I can give today a really try to hit that day 1 so we can do it together!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good going with the portion control on the fries Shari. I would consider that a victory. Today was not "streak worthy" for me, even though I started out strong. My friend stopped by totally unexpectedly at supper time and brought us a ton homemade potato pancakes. I was planning to cook my cod as she arrived. Ugh! If I would have practiced portion control with the potato pancakes I would count today as day 1 of a streak, but I ate way too many and didn't track them, rationalizing that they aren't as good when left over. Well since the cod is thawed I will cook that tomorrow and make sure I have a streak day. I gave myself a pretty serious pep talk too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    You are in good company (or is it bad lol) Paula. I was doing well all day but DH decided have to drink, I made a Sangria. If I hadn't of done that, I would have been right on track. We get to try again today!

    We should be able to finish our stairs today. That will be so good as they have been tricky to navigate.

    I am not sure what I will make for supper yet. We will need to pop into a grocery store to pick up some food so I have ingredients to work with.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, Did you log your sangria? I wonder if you did if it would have kept you within your range and resulted in a compliant day for you. I love sangria but haven't had it in ages.

    I am celebrating today as day 1 of my streak. It was an easy day, and I feel successful. I also accomplished a lot today, most notably my tax info all organized and ready to go to my accountant. I will email him on Monday to see when he can drop by to pick up the info he needs. I also took care of a lot of little tasks without any problem and with not fatigue setting in. I am telling myself that a good night's rest coupled with healthy portion controlled food choices can get me where I want to be. Must keep telling myself this and working hard to stay strong.

    Here's to a blessed Sunday for all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Paula- I didn't log my Sangria, I should. have just used a food listed in MFP. I think that trips me up, if I don't add exactly what I ate knowing exactly what the ingredients are, I don't complete my food diary. I would be better off not needing to achieve perfection.

    Congrats on a successful day Paula! Mine wasn't quite there, but I did do better. I have let too many days pile up without enough effort. That is the first step that I need to achieve. A day one streak! I need to put something out as a reminder so I don't get side tracked and not think about what I am eating until it is too late.

    I hope that I can report a compliant day tomorrow morning.