Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, thank you for your prayers.

    I am happy to say that my pain level was less today and I am very grateful. I had a great day for eating and accomplishing things, a combination that hasn't happened in a number of days. I made a pot of veggie chili today which gives us enough for tomorrow too. It is delicious and very healthy. I have been wanting to make this for a few weeks but didn't feel up to it until today. I use "no salt added" ingredients as much as possible when making the chili because I know what a number salt (in the beans for example) can do to me. I also tackled one of my chores that I know can take some time, so I tend to avoid it unless I am "in the mood." Well today I was in the mood, and it is all done! My day was interrupted by 2 phone calls from friends. That can often steer me off course, but not today. I got right back on task after each phone call. As I so often do, I just wonder why every day can't be as successful as today was. Fingers crossed for another good day tomorrow. Thanks again for your prayers Shari!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Good news that your pain level decreased and you had such a successful day!

    Today we host our Bible study group and I need to provide dinner. It's a bit of work and not an easy task when I have to be at work all day. I did a lot of the prep last night. I prepped ribs to be slow cooked, cut up carrots and made a cake. I am hoping once I get home, I can quickly set the table and get everything cooked for 6:30pm.

    Looking forward to a good day in spite of the colder weather that settled in for the coming week.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, I admire you for cooking dinner for your Bible study! I used to enjoy entertaining and serving meals to friends, but those days for me are gone. I understand how difficult it is to work all day and then entertain after work. It sounds like you have a good plan in mind. Hope all went well.

    I had a good day today but did end up at the upper end of my calorie range. I am ok with that but I need to focus on staying more in the mid range in order to see some downward movement at the scale. I am over due for a weigh in but am not sure when I will do so. I had a bit of a frustrating day today. I agreed to do some work for our inter-church group because one of the members asked if she could come here today for me to help her with something that needs to be done. Since I know how to do this (but don't necessarily enjoy doing it) I agreed. She was to come late morning/early afternoon, but didn't come at all. She called at 4:30 pm to say she could come then. I told her "no" because it was too close to supper time and then our online church service in early evening. I felt like she held me up all day from starting anything important that I wanted to do. But now looking back at today I am just telling myself that it gave me a day to take it easy (while waiting for her). So it gave me extra time to rest and relax.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    It seemed like people enjoyed the meal. The slow cooker helped so much and DH stepped it up and helped quite a bit too. That isn't typical of him. I was a bit frustrated with our conversation about the passage we were studying. We were looking at Hebrews 3. It felt like the group (not DH and myself) had lots to say about how people who sin have so many things wrong with themselves. I get it, but not fully. It's like they forget they still sin too. They came across like they don't anymore. Maybe they don't. I know I still have a lot of brokeness that I am working out and I stumble a lot. I was surprised that they didn't identify with those of us who still struggle to live sin free.

    Waiting on someone to show up for an arranged meeting isn't easy. You are right when you say it inhibits you from starting tasks and you are always on alert. You turned a frustration into a positive and you set a good boundary by telling her "no." I struggle with that at times. But I am learning how to set boundaries.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! Happy weekend!! Shari, I’m glad your dinner went well! Your comments reminded me of a poem that I had posted on my bulletin board at work for years. I don’t recall the entire poem but it is “ When I Say I Am a Christian “ by Maya Angelou. It spoke to me throughout all the years and continues to be meaningful. I’m not able to look it up right now because our power is out due to high winds. Paula, great job setting boundaries and turning frustration around!
    I have also been trying to increase fruits and veggies. Thus past week, my weight went up 2 lbs overnight and was finally back down one of those this morning. I have a much more positive outlook and energy when the weather is nice, and it hasn’t been. We’ve had lots of rain. I’ve entered my dog in 3 show weekends in April plus a Scentwork weekend and 2Rally Trials. Luckily only one weekend involves staying at a hotel! Have a good weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, I will have to reread Hebrews 3. Without reading it but just thinking about your observations I can see your concerns. In my view we are all sinners and must focus on correcting our own errors without judging our brothers and sisters, kind of a major Christian theme, right? Not that it is easy to refrain from our thoughts and comments about others however!

    DW, I heard about the winds and icky weather in Ohio. Friends of mine near Akron lost power too. Congrats on increasing your fruits and veggies. It seems to make a positive difference for me.

    I had another good day today, both for eating and for getting things done. No attacks of the hungries today. Tomorrow I will read for my Monday night classes. Other than that I have no plans for Sunday outside of our online church services. I think the woman who sort of stood me up on Friday will call to come by tomorrow....if not she will do so on Monday as I know this work has to be completed soon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DW- I had never heard of that poem and looked it up. It is resonates with what I was expressing yesterday. Thank you so much! I am going to send it to a friend, I know it will be something she will appreciate reading.

    So happy for another day off from work. I am thinking about going to the city and pick up a few more seed packets so I can start a few more things indoors. I am so exited to take things out to my greenhouse. This. year I am going to try and start bedding plants. I will be so thrilled if I can! I will be able to put out so many more that way. My greenhouse is heating up really well during the day, I am just not sure how cool it gets at night yet.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, Make the most of your green thumb! Having a greenhouse is a big plus.

    I got all of my reading done today and enjoyed the material we are reading now. I also had another good day for eating. I think I am on day 9 of my streak. I do allow myself some kind of sweet treat when I want something like that. Today I had 2 chocolate chip cookies that John's Godmother sent him. The difference I note on a good day is that I am satisfied with just 2 cookies and not 5 or 6 or even more. The woman from the inter church group called at 1 pm to say she would come by sometime today and would call again in advance before coming. Well, she just showed up around 5 pm but didn't call in advance. Ugh! At that point I was glad to get the work done so I didn't say anything about her not calling. After she left she did email me to thank me for my help. So I guess she appreciated what I did. It took much longer than I anticipated, but at least it is done.

    Looking forward to a good week for all of us!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    It is very strange to me that the person you helped didn't have the courtesy to follow through with her commitment to call first Paula. Especially since she didn't honor her first scheduled time. I am glad you got the work done and hopefully you won't need to assist in the future.

    I haven't been tracking so I have no idea if I am on any kind of streak. I feel like I have been doing okay. I will start tracking again today and see if I can get an official streak started.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I thinking tracking my food has helped me with my streak. It sure puts things in perspective for me. I finally weighed in this morning and am down about a pound and a half. This boosted my motivation. Today flew by. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do, but I am pleased with the few things I did accomplish. I had to drive John to a meeting in late afternoon and then make sure we were home in time to do our 6:30 pm online Bible class. This schedule has often been a downfall for me because I get hungry while John is at his meeting and then I use this as an excuse to get something from a Dunkin Donuts nearby while I wait for him to come out from the meeting. Today I went to DD and got a piece of avocado toast for 220 calories. I loved it, was satisfied, and was able to stay in my calorie range. It is nice, too, that the calories are posted on the menu at so many places these days.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Congrats on the weigh in Paula!!!! Your weight loss has boosted my motivation. It can be done. I really hope that I can join in on the progress. I wish we had the calories posted at our restaurants. That isn't something that happens here in Canada.

    I seem to be maintaining which is better than the upward trend that I have been experiencing. I didn't track yesterday. No excuse, I am just out of routine. I will see if I can accomplish that task today. I can do this!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! Shari, I’m glad you were able to find the poem! I also looked it up online and reflected on it once again. I know my well worn copy is here somewhere but only God knows where!
    Paula, what you said about sin on 3/26 ( I think that was the date) is what I’ve always been taught and believe! Congrats on the weight loss!!
    Today, when I got an appointment confirmation robotics call, I realized that I scheduled my mammogram at the wrong location. I am going to call tomorrow to cancel the appointment and then call the place I usually go. They are in the same building but I usually go to the Women‘s imaging center and ended up in the general radiology department. Very confusing!! My eating has been going well and I got out for a short walk today. Have a great Wednesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Thanks for the congrats. The weight is coming off very slowly, but at least I am continuing a downward trend, slow though it is. It is definitely an exercise in patience.....about the only exercise I get these days lol.

    I had an ok day today. I am at the top of my calorie range, but I will just try harder tomorrow. I like staying on my streak so that motivates me too. Because I ate more during the day than I usually do (and saw the high calorie count as I tracked everything), I had to be extra careful at supper and in the evening. Portion control still challenges me for sure.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I didn't end up tracking yesterday. I can't believe how consistent I can be at some of my good habits and then out of the blue, just give up on them and struggle to get back in the routine. I know I can do it, I just don't know how to get started again. I really really need to start tracking again!! I am at a standstill with my weight loss, and I can bet it's because I am eating too much and consuming too much fat. I hope I can get back on track soon.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Focus on your consistency Shari. Positives produce more positives in my opinion. You will get back to regular tracking again!

    Today I had my nail appointment and picked up groceries. We had an online church service at 6 pm. Before the service I took a nap. I think being out for nails and groceries tired me out. I had an on track day. I could have made some better choices but managed to stay within my range nevertheless. Looking forward to an "at home" day tomorrow, my favorite kind of day. I am so much happier when I don't have anywhere to go.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Hey Paula- I am very much a homebody too! I do love to go on vacation and there a few activities I enjoy. But typically if I am asked what I want to do, I chose to stay home. I am supposed to go in to the office one more day this week, but I am struggling to do that. I would rather work from home both of the days. I am going to check in with my team and see what they are up to, I may be able to work from home if they won't be around much.

    I didn't track yesterday, I knew it would be tough when we had lunch provided at work and then I ate out out with a friend. We have been splitting meals when we order and that is super helpful!! I will track breakfast this morning and see if I can at least have a little success and inspiration.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Splitting meals is a great idea Shari! Another strategy that I have seen (when I used to go out with a friend) is to order an appetizer or two....again much smaller portions.

    I had a really good day today and am right in the middle of my calorie range, which is what I aim for. I accomplished all of my to do list today. Tomorrow John and I have our semi annual physicals so a dear friend is coming to baby sit Buster. This was planned before the new doggy camp opened. I think we might get a delivery to eat when we get back from the doctor if that is ok with her. I am ok with that and not too worried about over doing it with calories. I won't have a to do list for tomorrow, going to the doctor is enough, plus we have an online church service at 6 pm. I am looking forward to a good weekend.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I finally tracked. Not absolutely everything, but at least I got started. That was my goal. Better to do something rather than let perfection keep you from doing anything at all.

    I am so glad it is the weekend. I really need a break from work. I need to look at taking a day or two off. That would be super helpful.

    Enjoy your delivery meal. It's such a treat when you don't have to cook. I don't know what we will be up to tonight. I should try and get out with DH. Something besides eating out or shopping!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Congrats on tracking Shari! Way to go! Our delivery meal was great. We have enough for tomorrow too. I really enjoyed spending time with my friend. We have been friends for about 35 years (we worked together). She lives about 45 minutes from here. We don't get to see each other much these days because her husband has been having medical problems that require her to drive him to appointments for PT, OT, tests, etc. They have no kids so all of the responsibility falls on her, at least until her DH is able to drive again.

    I ordered a shrimp wrap that came with a vodka sauce that I suspect was quite high in calories. We also split several appetizers, so it was a high calorie and definitely off track day. All went well with the doctor appointments, and Buster was a good boy while we were gone, though he did whimper and cry immediately after John and I left. Eventually he settled down.

    I am looking forward to some quiet relaxing days over the weekend.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I don't know how I missed checking in yesterday. I must have been interrupted during my morning routine. Weird!

    I was able to clean the kitchen a bit more deeply than I typically do. I feel good about that. I will have an easy day which include heading to our mall to wander around with a friend and then we will stop for tea when we are done. It will be wonderful to catch up.

    My weight remains stuck. I don't really want to be stuck in this area so I really hope I can start to make some progress.