Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Hey Paula! I have had so many new streaks lately. You starting over is after having a really good rhythm so I am sure you will back on track in a day or two. I am sure John will appreciate you celebrating with him.

    I managed to string three days together, but today may be the end to that. We have staff lunch and then I am meeting a friend after work. I will track everything I eat the best that I can as well. My biggest challenge will be the lunch. If I can focus on portion control I might do okay. I have no idea what will be served, but our staff cook comes from the restaurant business. The food is really good, but not anything like simple home cooking that is lower in salt and fat and etc. :(

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! Happy Birthday to John!! Paula, I hope that you and John have had a nice celebration today! Congrats on your success on the scale! Very inspiring!! Shari, I'm glad that you were able to get a dx for your dental concern! I need to call the dentist's office because my newest crown came off on Saturday. It feels better to have it off, so I keep forgetting to call.
    I've been dealing with all the dogs and some medical concerns with 2 of them. The German Shepherd had a lump removed on Friday morning and then came here on Saturday. The area looked good and had one stitch on Saturday, was a little reddish with a small gap on Sunday, and on Monday, I took a photo and texted it to the vet. The dog is now on antibiotics and prednisone and the wound has totally opened up and will have to heal from the inside out. Meanwhile, the 15 year old is having potty accidents all over the house, and takes hormones to prevent accidents, so I was concerned that she had developed a UTI but, after lots of $$, no infection. My daughter returns on Friday evening and on Saturday I will be thoroughly mopping the floors! We are also on Daylight savings time. I struggle to get to bed at a decent hour and struggle to get up in the morning.
    Eating has been going OK. The scale is going up and down but seems to be trending in the right direction. Have a good Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    DW, Hoping and praying all goes well with the dogs and medical problems. It is extra tough when they get older. They are always so innocent, it makes my heart ache when they have issues. Like you DW, I struggle to get to bed at a decent hour and am always sleepy when it is wake up time. Once I get going in the morning I am ok, but often it catches up with me later in the day.

    Shari, nice that they serve you yummy food at your workplace! You have a plan with portion control which helps a lot. Realistically (I tell myself) that my goal is to fit these kinds of situations in to my life and not over do things....so much easier said than done.

    John had a wonderful birthday. I will post a picture of his most delicious and decadent birthday cake. I had only a very small piece as it is very rich, and by that time of day I was overloaded with carbs. I am actually looking forward to getting back on track on Thursday and eating within my healthy food plan. We got delivery from the restaurant near us. Both of us ordered the tuna plate (a wise and healthy choice which should have been enough for me),but then supplemented it with jalapeno poppers, fried ravioli appetizers, and toasted shrimp and cheese wrap (my favorite).


  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    The cake looks wonderful Paula!

    So good to hear about how things are going with you DW. Lots of concerns with the dogs! I trust that you will get that tooth looked after. Maybe the crown can be adjusted so that it feels better once it is back on.

    I have a mammogram this morning. Fun times!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    I worked toward getting back on track today but am not counting today as day 1 of my streak. I didn't focus on logging everything so I will wait till Friday to get more serious about my plan. I don't think I did too poorly today however. I was pretty tired and ended napping and resting a little more than usual (even for me). I hope to have more stamina tomorrow as I have a bunch of things I want to accomplish.

    Hard to believe we are already at the end of another week. Time is going by so quickly.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a pretty good day yesterday and was going to count today as Day 4 of a streak but I realized I missed logging a few things too. So I will start over today. DH is going to spend the day watching basketball at a friend's place so I have a pretty quiet day. I will work from home in the morning, I booked a haircut for 1:15pm and then I will finish out my day at the office. The evening will be quiet and I am glad about that. I don't have to cook dinner and can eat light.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Good Morning! I’m checking in early today because life should get busy later this afternoon. Our daughter is scheduled to arrive back this evening and we will pick her up at the airport. 🤞that her flight goes as scheduled!
    Paula, John’s birthday cake looks amazing!!
    Shari, after reading your post, I scheduled the dentist appointment AND a mammogram. I’ve had the mammogram order since November, so it was definitely time to get it done!
    I’m off to the grocery this morning with a large list. It is supposed to get colder and windy as the day progresses, plus, I seem to make better choices in the morning 😂😂😂. Have a great Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    DW, Hoping your daughter had an uneventful trip back home and that she is home safely.

    Shari, Nice to have some "me" time with DH otherwise occupied! Make the most of it, especially being on your own for dinner.

    I logged all my food today, including the sweets that are still around. I stayed within my calorie range but am at the very top of the range. Not feeling good about that but technically a good day. So I will count it as day 1 of my streak. I didn't accomplish as much as I had planned for today, but I am happy with what I did finish. Not a lot on my to do list for Saturday, other than picking up groceries and taking Buster for a meet and greet at a newly opened doggy day care just a few miles from where we live. If it works out I will have a place to take him when John and I have somewhere to go without getting Craig or someone else to doggy sit Buster. Will let you know how things go.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    It will be nice to have your daughter back DW. I hope she is doing well!

    I enjoyed a quiet night. I worked on a puzzle, tidied up a bit, watched a show and then played a game on the computer. I was in bed early and had a good sleep. I woke up a few times feeling thirsty and thinking back on my day, I didn't drink much at all.

    I had a good day and could count a day 1 streak for yesterday. I will review my day once more as I think i need to add some cashews. If that does not put me over, I will count it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    edited March 2023
    Shari, what a nice evening you had. And congrats on getting to bed early. I try but don't quite accomplish that goal very often. I am just naturally a night owl and have been all of my life

    Today is day 2 of my streak which amazes me since our neighbor sent us a bunch of food from her 10 year old daughter's birthday party. The mom cooked everything herself and it was both healthy and delicious. They grilled shish kabobs on the grill (lean beef, pineapple, peppers), and also sent over salad, potatoes, and corn on the cob. I logged everything and am well within my calorie range. They are relatively new to the neighborhood and are very kind. I was delighted that I didn't have to cook, and we even have a bit leftover for tomorrow.

    Also very happy to report that Buster did extremely well at his meet and greet at doggy day care (they call it doggy day camp). John and I are so proud of him. We didn't go in with him because of our mobility limitations and parking there was tight, so one of the workers came to the car to take Buster in and then brought him out to us after the visit. He just raved about what a good sweet boy Buster is and how well he did meeting the trainer and her very large sheep dog! The worker even took a few pictures and texted them to me. I am so pleased to have an option for Buster when we need to go somewhere and can't take him with us. The are open Monday through Saturday which is great.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    My DH is a night owl and I turned into a morning person once we got a dog. I covered the morning shift and DH covered the late shift and now that Moe requires much less exercise to be calm, we still keep the same sleep patterns.

    The meal you were served Paula, sounds so good!!!! I love pineapple that has been grilled. Good news, although not surprising, that Buster did well at meet and greet. You have never spoken of him being anything but a sweetheart. It good to have an option for those times when you just can't have a dog with you and it's for an extended period of time.

    I had a good food day yesterday and will say I am also on Day 2 of a streak. Hoping this streak will last longer than 3 days. I would be thrilled to put 5 in a row together!!!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Great going with your streak Shari! Like you, I am keeping my eye on the goal of having a longer streak than I have had recently. Sunday is my 3rd day of this current streak. It turned out to be a pretty easy day for me in terms of food choices. I seem to be back on track and back in control again. I sure hope to hold on to this resolve.

    My dear accountant stopped by today to pick up my tax info. He is so kind to come to the house to pick up the paperwork. He always stays a relatively long time and chats, not about taxes at all but just catching up. John and I always enjoy his visits! Tomorrow John and I plan to get our hair cuts that we had to reschedule from the day we had the battery problem with the van. Both of us really need haircuts!

    Let's have a great week!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 314 Member
    Good Morning and Happy 1st day of Spring!! Congrats to you both on your streaks!!
    My daughter arrived home safely but was confronted by her empty house😢 We invited her to spend the night with us but she declined. Since it was late when she got back, we kept the dogs another night- the reunion in the morning was so joyous! Her 15 year old was screaming with happiness and bouncing around. The other two were also thrilled!
    My eating has been ok but I haven’t been getting the exercise I need so the scale is holding steady. We are expecting warmer weather this week so I hope to get the youngest dog out for walks.
    Paula, so happy that Buster’s visit at “camp” went well!! That is a nice option to have!
    Shari, your evening alone sounded wonderful! I treasure those times when I have the house to myself! Have a great Monday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Happy Monday all! I had a pretty good day yesterday. I didn't track my food as the dinner I made wasn't something I have made before and I didn't want to create a recipe. I feel like I did okay though! I got outdoors in the sunshine for a walk with my snowshoes. They were definitely needed. I was a bit ambitious so I was pretty tired when I made it back to the house.

    Dog reunions are the best aren't they? I love watching Moe welcome home our youngest (he was the one convinced DH to get a dog).
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Way to go Shari. I am sure you burned quite a few calories on your walk in the sunshine!

    So happy to have finally gotten my hair cut today. I feel like a new person of sorts. John's haircut looks great and was much needed too. My usual schedule was off today because of the haircut appointments and an unexpected visit from Craig. I was glad to see him because I had some work for him, but I just wasn't expecting him today. Even with my schedule being off and having our two online classes tonight, I managed to stay on track. So I am pleased with today. My to do list tomorrow is enough to keep me busy most of the day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day at work. I really enjoyed working from home. Today I do need to go into the office, but I think I will work at home in the morning. I have a team meeting at 1:30pm so will head over just before then.

    I had a pretty good day calorie-wise. Since I plan to stay home over lunch, I should manage another good day. I just need to make sure that I get enough water.

    A good haircut does help! I had one on Friday and I was way past due. I looked it up and my last haircut had been in September. I have a lot of wave with this cut and love it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    edited March 2023
    Shari, so nice to have a wave in your hair. My hair is as straight and fine as can be. It is also quite thin, about the only part of me that has been consistently thin all of my life, lol!

    I had a high calorie day today, at the upper end of my range, but since I am still in range I will count it as another streak day (day 5). I managed to get the top items on my to do list finished, and that was about it for the day as I was having a bit more pain than usual. I hope to do a grocery pick up tomorrow if I am up to it. The rest of the week looks easy and calm for me which makes me happy.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Your comment made me giggle Paula! I haven't always had a wave, I don't know if that is due to menopause and the structure of my hair changing. But I will take it.

    I always seem to be at the top range of my calories! I also struggle to keep my fat macro in check. I do keep on eye on the percentages and try to lower the percentage of fat and up the protein. That isn't easy as most items that have protein seem to come with fat.

    It's my long day today but I am going into the day with lots of positivity and I hope to be able to lift others around me up.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 971 Member
    Shari, I appreciate your approach of positivity and lifting up those around you....very inspiring for sure!

    I did my grocery pick up today and did ok even though my pain level was still elevated. I stayed well within my calorie range today and didn't have any attacks of the hungries. The longer I do this, the more I realize how important it is for me to eat lots of veggies and some fruit every day. That seems to keep me satisfied and helps me stay within my range overall. I did indulge in 2 chocolate chip cookies, but logged them and still was in range. I keep reminding myself that I can do this! We all can!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Paula- praying that your pain dissipates for you today.Veggies and fruit carry the nutrients we need to repair our bodies and function well. It is so easy to skip them in our diet, but I agree, we need to make sure we are getting them in everyday. We can do this, but it does take work and focus.

    I had an okay day, I had one bad meal and that was my lunch out. I am super proud that I gave myself a pep talk about my putting the one meal into perspective. It was one meal, not the whole day. I did well with the rest of my day and I even compensated. I didn't throw in the towel. I am up in weight today, but I know the meal was salty. So I am going drink lots of water the next two days and make sure I eat well. I am really hoping that the number comes back down to what I weighed yesterday.