Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Count me in!! I’m ready to start over AGAIN!! My day has been very busy doing nothing but also with no time for healthy eating. I drove my daughter to do errands but spent most of the time in the car, except the bank where it took an hour to open the estate checking account. I got too hungry and made poor choices of what was available for dining in a vehicle. We can do this!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well today was a good one for me.....streak day 1. My motivation is back. I am pleased with my food choices, and I am well within my calorie range. I was not tired at all and didn't have even a short nap today. I accomplished all of my to do list. Buster had his "spa" appointment and of course was a very good boy. I also did a grocery pick up so am well stocked again with healthy foods, even organic blueberries again....they are among my favorites. Tomorrow Buster goes to his vet for his shots and check up so my to do list is a shortened version since we will be away from home for some time.
    Hope it was a good day for all and the same on Thursday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I didn't have a streak start yesterday. It was a full day and I forgot that we would be served lunch and I had a dinner date. So... today should be my day to shine. I really want to be able to check in tomorrow morning and announce I have day 1 of my streak and that I am motivated to add another one on.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Since I was at the top of my calorie range today, I am not counting today as a streak day so I will start all over tomorrow. I try to aim for the lower to middle end of my range, and today was not one of those days. I was very tired today when we got home from Buster's vet appointment. (He did fine, by the way.) It is a 35 minute drive each way, but well worth it because we love this vet and his practice. I was overly hungry when we got home. I snacked and logged every last bite. I then slept for almost 2 hours. I was fine when I woke up and cooked a late supper, but this tiredness isn't good. I think I am fighting off another flare of sorts. I expect to be able to be home all day for the next 4 days. That should give me time to rest more and perhaps feel better over all...and also do better with my food choices.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I finally had a good day where I drank water, stayed under my calorie target, had some exercise and didn't overdo it on my fat intake. I didn't get enough protein and that is something I need to work on. Having this one successful day should motivate me to not blow it today. It has been way too long that I have had any kind of streak.

    I will be working from home most of the day which will help me stay on track.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hoping you had a second good day today Shari!

    I easily managed to stay compliant and thus can count today as day 1 of my streak. I did well with all of my choices for meals and snacks and am at the lower end of my calorie range. I was not at all excessively hungry today. And I was very well rested....no naps today. Onward to day 2 of my streak tomorrow! My to do list today was also manageable. I will have an even smaller to do list for tomorrow...I think.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I finally strung two days together. That is a success. I think I can add a third today. I am going to work towards that goal.

    Not sure what we will do today, but I am thankful for a day off from work and we have a long weekend which is wonderful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hope you enjoyed your day off today Shari and will have a good relaxing long weekend!

    Streak Day 2 for me today. It was touch and go for a while this afternoon because I was craving sweets, which at times can cause me to give up for the day. Today I had a small piece of pound cake (home made, given to me by a friend) and drank more seltzer with it. That was enough to satisfy me and my craving. I logged every bite again and moved on, staying within my calorie range again. I hope tomorrow is a bit easier!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I am counting today as my third day of this streak. I wasn't perfect, but I was in calorie range, but heavier in how much fat I ate. My biggest downfall is going over in my macros for fat and then too low in protein.

    We enjoyed a Black Gospel Choir concert last night. Some amazing talent in the city and I am thankful to have enjoyed it with DH.

    I am going to read this morning and continue to enjoy a cup of coffee. For some reason it tastes really good today- not sure why lol.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you have both been doing well ! I’ve been doing ok, too, although late night eating remains a challenge. I’ve been getting extra exercise with my daughter but that ends tomorrow because she is going back to work. I will be stopping at her home mid day to let her dogs out when she is working. Cleaning is my plan for this week because my sister is coming on Thursday for an overnight visit. Wishing us all a successful week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    DW, you will burn calories cleaning I am sure! I always see that as a win-win activity.

    Shari, I bet the Black Gospel Choir was good. When friends of mine got married over 30 years ago, they had a Black Gospel Choir at their wedding. It was really spectacular!

    Today is day 3 of my streak. It was a pretty easy day for me, restful and not too food-challenging. I did crave sweets mid afternoon but managed a small portion of the cake from my friend and logged it. I was satisfied, and think I made a wide choice by having just a small portion and moving on. I rested a lot today again so I guess I needed it. I already have tomorrow's to do list ready....not to demanding, but I know I will feel good if I get the chores all done.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I lost my streak yesterday so I am back to starting one. It shouldn't be as hard to get back track after having three good days.

    I plan to visit my parents, make DH cinnamon buns (which I make for him every long weekend), and I will work on our stairs that go up to our bedrooms. We ripped out the carpet and need to prep them vinyl planking. DH will install that in the next week or two. We let the carpet get quite filthy so it is nice to have it ripped out.

    Starting over... again.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    How thoughtful of you Shari to make cinnamon buns for your DH! I bet they are delicious. You certainly have an ambitious day planned!

    Today was another very good day for me, day 4 of my streak. I am well rested again, which means a great deal to my daily functioning. I am well within my calorie range today and pleased that I had no cravings. I have been filling up with broccoli which has been very delicious lately....hmmmm....maybe my tastes are changing for the better!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I didn't make yesterday a start to a new streak. My mom made dinner for us. It was very good, but I went over my calorie allowance. I didn't eat dessert, so I had a small win!

    I have a bit of a rushed morning, so I will hope to check in with a bit more length tomorrow. Moe is asking for attention lol. He needs breakfast.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Congrats on passing up dessert Shari. That is never easy, especially in the home of a relative!!

    I logged all of my food today and am within my calorie range, but my carbs are way higher than I like. Even with 2 Girl Scout cookies I stayed within calorie range, but overall I am not pleased with most of my choices. I opted for easy instead of healthy because it was a busy day (for me) as I had a nail appointment that got moved up 30 minutes earlier than originally scheduled and I had to pick up groceries and do a few of those things that I do when I go out. I allowed myself to get too hungry again. So I will still consider today part of my streak due to being within my calorie range, but I need to be back on my truly healthy choices for meals and snacks. It is clear to me that that is when I drop some pounds. I think for me it more than calories. It is making sure I consume a healthy amount of non starch veggies every day and have fruit or non fat yogurt for a snack.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    I am similar to you Paula. I stayed in my calorie range but I made a few unhealthy choices. I don't think I will count yesterday as a successful day 1. I did do better than I did on Monday.

    We ended up with really cold temperatures today. I am not sure if that means youth will be cancelled or not. I guess we will see. I have to go in to the office, so it's fine with me if youth happens. Winter isn't over just yet.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 332 Member
    Hello! We have had a cold rainy day today which I’ve used as an excuse to not mop floors before my sister comes. With the dogs tracking in, it is a waste until the ground is dry. I’ve been doing a walking video on YouTube for the past 3 days and that has lifted my spirits! Tomorrow will probably be the end of my streak because my sister and I will eat out at her choice of restaurant.
    Shari, those cinnamon rolls sound delicious! Paula, I admire your ability to stop at 2 cookies!
    Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Shari, as I often have to remind myself, aim for progress, not perfection. Sounds like Tuesday was progress from Monday for you. Yay!!!

    DW, congrats on doing those walking videos. I need to pay much more attention to something like chair videos which I haven't done in years. Enjoy your sister's visit. The sodium in the restaurant food could be trouble, but I am hoping you can find something somewhat healthy to select from the menu. It is not easy I know.

    Our weather has remained quite mild. While it was a little chilly today (in the 40sF) tomorrow's high temp is likely to be in the 50s, with a return to the 40s after that. My friend who lives in South Dakota texted to say they were expecting 15 degrees below zero F and 50 mph winds.

    Today was day 6 of my streak. I weighed in this morning and am down a full pound, if my wacky scale is accurate. I will weigh tomorrow if I can and see if that weight holds. I am proud of how much I accomplished today on my to do list. I felt very well rested once again. This makes me so happy. Tomorrow we take Buster back to the vet for his last 2 shots (last week he wasn't able to get all 4 shots he was due for because he is so small).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 900 Member
    Not a perfect day yesterday, but similar to Tuesday so that is okay! I like your phrase to aim for progress Paula. That is super helpful.

    We have another very cold day and I am thankful to be able to stay home. I just need to let my boss know! He is usually okay that I work from home, but I know he will be in the office today and with our other youth staff on vacation, he will be all on his own.

    Congrats on being that whole pond down Paula!!!! How awesome.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hope all went ok for you to work from home Shari. We had really lovely weather today, warm enough to sit outside with Buster for a little while with just a sweater on.

    I am happy to report that my scale was friendly today and the pound has stayed off. Will be interesting to see if I can keep it off and drop more. Today is day 7, wow a full week of progress! It is motivating to me. I am focused on the family get together planned for July. I want to be able to enjoy it, feel good, and look better if I am able to attend.