Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I am also curious to what Movie you saw. We have a pass and really should use it soon. Let us know how your role as liturgist at the church went too DW.

    I hope all goes well between Buster and the hostess for your meeting today Paula! Hopefully Buster wins her heart. :smiley:

    I had another meal out as DH wanted to go on a date and was a bit hurt that I will go out with others but can say no to him. He is correct so we went out and had a glass of wine and some nachos and watched live entertainment. I really enjoyed our time together. DH was able to express that he was hurt rather than just stuffing down his emotion. So that was a win too! We still have work to do in our relationship, I don't think the effort ever stops. Thankful we have a foundation.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    So good to read about your date Shari! And about DH opening up. I would consider that terrific progress and wonderful that you enjoyed it all. Buster was a hit at the meeting. He stayed in his carrier (not a very big one either) during the meeting portion as well as during the meal. The hostess was indifferent at best. After we ate (more about that in a minute) I took Buster out of the carrier and held him in my arms. A few of the folks at the meeting didn't even realize Buster was there....he was so good and quiet. The youngest folks there (in their 30s) were the priest of the hostess's church (my old church) and his wife. They are dog lovers and were so pleased to meet Buster. A few others also good about having him there. That all sort of put the hostess in a spot where she had to be a little less critical about his being there and she warmed up a little. She made a point of telling everyone that when she comes to our home Buster sits on her lap a lot (and that is true!). So I think I will be able to take Buster there again if the need arises.

    We had a really good time at the meeting. I really like the priest and his wife. This was the 2nd time I met him and the first time I met his wife. They are so young and sweet and have been at my old church just about a year now. I hope to get to know them better. They are around John's age.

    Well tomorrow I will have to start a new streak! Today I started off well with breakfast at home and the grilled chicken salad at the meeting. But then out came the desserts...I really over indulged. I also had a glass of white wine. Back on track tomorrow!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Paula, it is good to hear that Buster was well behaved and received!

    I have tracked my meals that last two days and I can see that I have too much fat in my diet. I will need to work on that and see if that will be the key to start losing weight. I hope I can add more protein, reduce my fat intake this week.

    I get to work from home today and I am thankful for that. I really don't care to drive so reducing the number of times that I have to go in is wonderful.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, I’m so happy that Buster was a hit at the gathering! And so well behaved while waiting!! Shari, your date night sounded fun!! The movie we saw was “80 for Brady”. Even though none of us were Tom Brady fans, we were fans of the female stars and enjoyed the movie! Being the Liturgist for our church service involves doing parts of the service-announcements, Call to worship, a scripture reading, introducing a couple of hymns , and the offering prayer. Thankfully I get the script ahead of time and can practice. Today I had a new adventure. I volunteered at the local food pantry. Our church is responsible for one week/month, 2 hours on 3 different days. I will definitely go back! I’m trying to talk my daughter into joining me. Have a great Tuesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, Good that you identified dietary fat as a possible adjustment to your eating plan. I suspect that fat, just like sugar and sodium, sneaks its way into our diets without our even realizing it.

    DW, I saw the trailer for 80 for Brady and immediately said I'd like to see it. I enjoy Lily Tomlin! I also appreciate the other stars in the film. I guess I will have to wait till it hits streaming or TV to see it, but I am going to do my best to get to see it. Thanks for explaining about the liturgist at your church. It sounds like a good thing to be doing. I also applaud you for your volunteer work at the food pantry, such a worthy endeavor.

    I am back on track today and happy about that. My weight was up a half pound this morning, not too bad considering my less-than-healthy food choices on Sunday. Oddly enough, I felt quite energized and up today, not usually how I feel after a day of slips like yesterday. So getting back on track was pretty easy. I got a lot of housework done today and am pleased about that too. My cousin is coming to visit us tomorrow (she is the one whose sister Lucille died in December). We had a very long phone chat today. She is still going through a tough time (as I am sure your DD is too DW). I think her visit will be short, but I am really looking forward to being with her. She is also having some medical issues, and that concerns me. How I wish we lived closer to each other and that I was more mobile to go to her.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Food tracking is such a good tool and provides insightful information. It's the wakeup call and a good accountability partner. I hope I can keep up the tracking, it gets everything out in the open lol!

    I guess I am missing out on hearing about current movies. I hadn't heard of 80 for Brady. Good to hear that you enjoyed it DW. You have been busy with church activities and that is awesome. I haven't volunteered at our shelters for a very long time but each time I have it is very rewarding. Funny how when we go out to serve we get so much out of it ourselves.

    How is your daughter doing DW?

    I am off to a staff retreat today and it is an overnight one. We will be at our sister church camp. I have been there so many times that I must say I am not excited at all. With it being winter there won't be much to do in the evening. I know the food won't be good for me, so I will need to focus on portion control. I am thankful it's only for one night!! I will try and focus on getting to know my fellow staff workers better.

    I will be MIA tomorrow, but back with you all the following day. They don't give us wifi out there and cell service is pretty sketchy too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Wishing you a successful retreat Shari! Hope you are warm!!

    I had another good day today and am well within my calorie range so I guess this is day 2 of my latest streak. I had a nice visit with my cousin. She is such a good and kind person! She is still going through a lot related to her sister's death in December as well as her own health issues. She is quite busy helping take care of her 2 grandsons. I think she is spread far too thin. A bit of a break might help her with her health issues and reduce some stress. She and I talked about aging too. We both find it hard to believe we are 66 (her) and 65 (me). She looks like she is 50 and has always been very active.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    The retreat was good and the food was quite good too but somehow I gained another pound. These days it seems like each and every pound that finds it way onto my body, won't leave. I am so perplexed. I have to be very strict and not stray at all and see if that will be the difference I need to make to any progress at all. Today's weight has to be the biggest that I will ever be.

    Aging is the worst! It is so much more than I ever thought. If only it were about grey hair and wrinkles!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Good that your retreat was beneficial Shari. I haven't weighed for 2 days and probably won't weigh in for another day or 2. I had lunch with a friend at her home today. (The same friend with whom we always have Thanksgiving.) John, Buster, and another friend came too. We picked up lunch from a good restaurant. I ordered a chicken Caesar salad which was good and no dressing (asked for dressing on the side but didn't get it). It was ok, but I was quite hungry as soon as we got home. I ended up gobbling up some of the dessert that we brought home. Ugh! Back to a day 1 streak tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I have a one day in a row streak and tonight we are going out for Thai food. I really don't want to, but it is what it is. I have to look at it as one meal and not go off of the rails for the day or weekend. I have to go in to the office today and I have packed my lunch. I will have to work hard to stick to eating only what I brought!

    I hope to report a two day streak by Monday morning!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    As you might recall Shari, Thai is my absolute favorite kind of food. I had some in December and loved it as usual. You are right Shari by looking at it as one meal and not a reason to toss your entire plan.

    I did well today and stayed in my calorie range, although at the upper end. I got a lot of work done at home today, some of it physically challenging for me, but it had to be done. John helps as much as he can, and I so appreciate every little bit of help. I was totally exhausted by supper time and took a long after supper nap. I really needed it. I have a good amount of work planned for tomorrow and will be pleased with whatever I am able to accomplish, including staying on plan.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I am hoping today is day one of a streak! I am on my own today so that makes it more likely. Jim just left for an out of town funeral. He is driving his parents down and back all in one day. Not sure what I will be up to yet, but I will spend some time reading with a coffee. So nice to be able to enjoy a couple of days off from work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, I hope you enjoyed your day all to yourself! That is such a gift. I love to read and sip coffee or tea....or seltzer. Such a good feeling. I had a very-much-on-track day today. I will count it as day 1 of my streak. Tomorrow will be a challenge so I might give myself a little break but not over the top as we enjoy the Super Bowl. I am making wings for John and will enjoy some myself and will track them. I also have a few other choice snacks for him. So I will do my best to track it all and focus on the game but not the food.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We are looking forward to watching the game too. I haven't thought about the food aspect for the game at all yet. We may need to pop into a grocery store and see if we can put together a little something special together.

    I also want to pop into a sporting store. I heard that the cross country skis are on sale and I would love to get some for the farm. I can't walk on the property in winter when the snow gets so deep. A pair of skis would be wonderful.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! We are also watching the game and my daughter is here. We’ve had some snacks that are not the best choices so I will plan to have day 1 of a streak tomorrow. I’ve been working on and completed proofing for our dog breed annual publication-that has involved quite a bit of sitting in front of the computer. I also completed the minutes for the Board meeting for another dog group.
    I had planned to go to church this morning but had a dizzy spell so did Facebook church. Not sure what the dizziness was from but my bp was ok and it went away after a bit.
    Paula , I hope you are enjoying the game!! Shari, I hope your day to yourself was relaxing! The cross country skis sound interesting! My son and his family were thinking of renting snowshoes to try. I don’t think they’ve done it yet but I’m looking forward to hearing about it. Sending positive thoughts for all of us to have a great week!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We enjoyed the Super Bowl (we were cheering for the Chiefs) and got our happy ending. I didn't string together any kind of streak so like DW, today needs to be day one.

    Glad that your dizzy spell didn't persist DW.

    I connected with a friend via text yesterday. She has some snow shoes that she is going to lend me. I am super excited about that. I will see her on Wednesday so I will be able to test them out on Thursday after work. The days are getting longer so I will still have some sunlight.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, Nice that your friend is sharing her snow shoes. I have noticed too about the days getting longer and am grateful for that. We were disappointed that the Eagles lost but felt it was a good game and are very happy for Andy Reid who coached the Eagles for many years. He was popular here when he coached the Eagles.

    DW, hope your dizzy spell is an isolated case. Keep up with that though just to be safe. Nice that your daughter came to watch the game with you. You certainly have a lot to do with your dog organizations. I think it is great to be involved in such endeavors. I am busy again with post-meeting tasks from our inter-church group. One of our members is sort of driving me crazy with her complaints and negativism. I realize that is just her personality but lately it has been getting on my nerves. She is the type who is never pleased no matter what, a sad way to live in my opinion.

    I didn't track my food on Sunday, a rare day off from tracking for me. But I think I could have some better choices. I did fine today however so this is day one of my latest compliance streak.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I did not get my day one of compliance as DH surprised me with a date to go out for dinner. We got engaged on Feb 13 and we celebrate that date rather than Valentine's Day. I had a terribly noncompliant day and have to try for today.

    It got colder here overnight so I am not that excited to have to drive in for work. I will just have to dress warmly. One of my workmates said that the office is a mess and she will be in to clean it up this morning. I am hoping she didn't make too big of a mess and she won't be disruptive while I work. Oh well, that isn't typical.

    Hoping for a good compliant day and that I can report to you all that I am on day 1 of a streak.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    I say a lovely evening celebrating with your DH is worth a day off from compliance! How sweet of your DH to surprise you.

    I had no such surprise but managed a not-so-compliant day because of poor choices. I logged all of my food and hit the top of my calorie range and had far too many carbs for my liking. It seems my motivation is lacking this week. Also I have been very tired again which almost always drives my poor food choices. I gave myself quite a pep talk and am expecting more of myself starting now. Here we go!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Let's go girls! We know what to do as we have all of the tools. It's our time to shine.