Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Congrats Shari on getting to the new lower numbers on your scale! Woo Hoo! No movement on my scale today, but I am not giving up hope. I followed my plan well again today and am well within my calorie range. I keep telling myself that I will be seeing progress.....eventually! I am pleased that my motivation remains high. I now have something to look forward to that I hope will keep me motivated. My cousin whose sister died in December is planning a celebration of Lucille's life and that of Lucille's husband who died about 7 years ago. Even though both had very nice funerals, my cousin thinks it well to have this celebration this coming July. It will be outdoors at my cousin's lovely home. John and I expect to be able to attend this if I am feeling good, and I will look forward to seeing many folks (both family and friends) whom I haven't seen since well before the pandemic.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I think a celebration of life that will bring family and friends together sounds very good. We need to have those strong connections of community.

    One of my former co-workers whom I had been close to , and I would call friend is not doing well. She is the one that I mentioned had a cancerous brain tumour removed and hadn't been given a very good prognosis. She never recovered from the surgery and is being kept comfortable until she passes. It is quite tragic. There seems to be so much loss around that started with Covid. My heart goes out to you DW and to so many others.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    So sorry Shari about your former co-worker. Life is so fragile, as I am sure DW, you, and I already know.

    I got my haircut today, and it looks great as usual. My hairstylist is truly any an artist. I had a bit of a scare when I went into the salon using my walker and I fell near the chair when I get my hair washed. The floor was slippery, and I must admit I got a little scared. My stylist had to help me get up, but I think that too was partly because the floor seemed especially slippery. I am so glad John was in the car with Buster so he didn't see me fall. (He got his hair cut first, and we take turns staying in the car with Buster.) I did tell him about the fall afterwards. I didn't hurt myself thank heavens! But this drove home to me how careful I must be and why I prefer to not go to many places.

    I did well again with eating within my ranges and not feeling excessively hungry. No movement again on the scale, but I know I will see some good news at a weigh in soon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I was just thinking that I need to book an appointment to get my haircut. Not sure when I will get around to it. I did dye it last night, I left it quite awhile. I have just started going grey two year ago. I will dye until I have more grey than blonde. I don't really care for the two colours mixed together. I dreamt about dying my hair last night. It turned purple. I was relieved when I woke up lol. Still blonde.

    That is scary about your fall Paula. I hope you are not stiff today.

    I still haven't been logging my food. I will work on getting it done today. Logging could help to explain why the scale isn't moving!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    I think blonde and grey look good together. My hair remains naturally brown, the same color it has been my entire life. At age 65 I do not have one grey hair! How weird is that? I joke that my hair is the only part of me that has stayed young. Both of my parents had grey hair long before age 65 (my mom died at age 62). I have hoped for some grey hair for quite some time, thinking that perhaps it would come in with a certain degree of texture as my hair has always been baby fine and straight. Well, maybe eventually.....just like eventually my scale will show another loss. It is a bit disconcerting that I have been so compliant without any measurable results. I have been reminding myself that even though I am not seeing any loss at the scale, I am eating healthier and doing what I think is right for my body!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Hey Paula- That is fabulous that you don't have any grey hair. Very remarkable and a super special feature about you!

    I have not been compliant and I have no weight loss. Yesterday I had two restaurant meals. We had a goodbye lunch for a colleague and then I had my weekly dinner check in with my friend Larissa. We always share a meal, so that one wasn't too bad. I will have some extra work to do now to burn off the extra calories in. And I still haven't been tracking. I am going to working on making today the day that I do. I always track breakfast, so I will make myself a stick note to remind myself to track lunch.

    Healthy food choices are good for us even when we don't see results on the scale.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    I find tracking really helps me, but it can be challenging. Sometimes I guess and don't measure every portion exactly, but I figure giving it my best shot is at least worth something. I am happy to report that I am down a full pound today. That reinforced my motivation a great deal. I have been compliant in terms of staying in my calorie range and not getting all my calories from carbs. I have been trying to have veggies at every meal, though sometimes breakfast is a challenge. So instead of a veggie I have been adding a fruit at breakfast or else fruit as a mid-morning snack. I think having the fruits and veggies more often during the day helps keep me satisfied. Also, my energy level the past 3 days or so has been pretty good.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Congratulations on losing that pound Paula!!!

    I failed at tracking. I didn't make that sticky note. It would have been easy to track yesterday!!! I will give it a better try today. I always track breakfast. I will plan my lunch early and track it this morning. That could help and it will be progress.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, congrats on the pound lost!! Shari, I've been able to go back a day on the MFP app and track the food if I've forgotten to do it. I'm not sure how far back one can go to enter food but at least a day. I do try to track my meals and usually do pretty well but sometimes I get busy and breakfast is the only meal that is tracked.
    I went to Bible study on Wednesday night and to a dog class on Thursday morning. The dogs were very happy to be back at the class! We hadn't been there since mid December. I am slowly getting back to my usual routines
    My daughter has spent the past three nights at her home. I miss having her here but admire her courage in challenging herself to take steps moving forward.
    My eating remains great during the day and a disaster at night. It would be beneficial if I could find ways to get more exercise. It is so cold right now that walking the dogs isn't an option. Have a good evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Thanks for the congrats ladies! I hope that one pound stays off since today was more challenging than any day in the past week. I seemed to be hungrier than usual. I tried filling up with more veggies and then some popcorn which did help. But later I craved something else and had some Christmas candy. I tracked everything including the candy and of course was over my calorie range. I expect to be back on track tomorrow and to work on more strategies to stay on track and lose another pound.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Good to hear that you are getting back to some routine DW. It is also good to hear that your daughter is taking steps to move forward. It must be so difficult.

    Thankful for the weekend as always. No plans, but I am sure we will manage to fill up our day. I need to clean a bit, but hope to find something fun to do as well.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hope both of you, DW and Shari, had a good Saturday. I got right back on track today and feel good about that. I tackled a few chores which I have been avoiding so progress there too. But today I got some sad news...my organic delivery market is out of business as of today. I am so disappointed by this. I have been with them since they opened 5 years ago. They had the most beautiful produce and other healthy items at what I considered to be reasonable prices. I truly depended on them a great deal. My organic milk delivery service has recently added some produce, meats, and other items so I will increase my purchases with them. I am wondering if the milk service might eventually increase their selection of offerings.

    A blessed Sunday friends!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    That is sad news Paula. It seems like several businesses are struggling to stay open. We drive by many storefronts that are no longer occupied. We haven't personally felt the loss apart from my favorite Vietnamese place. There is still one location operating, but it isn't convenient for me so I haven't been to it.

    I am going to enjoy my day of rest. I plan to read and work on a puzzle. That is all I have planned. I may go for a walk if the weather is milder. I haven't checked the temp outside yet.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Reading and working on a puzzle sounds like a good way to spend your Sunday, Shari. After our online church service John and I worked on the "assignment" (actually readings and some worksheets) for our Monday online Bible study. We are enjoying this class very much. It is nice to have our "homework" done ahead of time. Most weeks we just do it on Monday right before the class starts.

    My scale remains at a standstill. Today was an ok day for my food choices. I was very hungry early in the day but then was ok as the day went on. For supper I made a ground turkey stir fry with some of the last wonderful veggies from my organic delivery. I felt sad that I was using up just about the last of what I got last week. I still have a picture-worthy cauliflower and some nice fruit, but that is it.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I fall into the category of getting the reading and assignments done before the class too. If I do it too early, I don't have good recall of what I read and why I thought what I did. It would probably be better to do it ahead of time and then review the material so it is fresh in my mind.

    I wonder if the organic company closed it's doors because of how much food prices went up. It would be hard to stay afloat with everything getting so expensive.

    Back to work today- which is simply heading to my home office. I am glad for that today. I was really tired all day yesterday and went to bed early. I woke up and set a second alarm as I was still tired. Hopefully once I start moving around I will feel like I have my energy back. If not, it will be another early to bed night. I haven't had stress in a week, so maybe my body is responding to that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Yes the organic delivery was impacted by the inflationary prices. Here is part of what they said in the goodbye email "inflation of prices for product, packaging and fuel has made it so that we can no longer sustain our profit margin without losing our customer base. One of our points of pride was not raising our prices like competitors or taking on excessive customers which would reduce our quality of service so that you could continue to receive quality products at an affordable rate."

    You are wise Shari for getting to bed early. I have been making a little progress in that area and notice the positive difference when I do so. Still no progress at the scale, but I am adhering to my plan pretty well so I know I will see some good news at the scale soon. I am staying the same, so not gaining also counts as a win in my book. I am very pleased with the amount of work I did around the house today. My energy was pretty good, and I was very motivated for a few of my tasks, including cleaning out a small section of a closet in the family room. I filled a garbage bag (a small one, maybe 13 gallon) with things we no longer need/want. None of it was anything we could donate so out it all went.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I went to bed earlier again last night and still didn't want to get up this morning! Maybe one more night. I have no news on the scale either. I am also thankful that I am not going up- I hope that doesn't start up again! I didn't do any housework yesterday apart from watering my plants. That takes awhile as I can't use our well water and reverse osmosis tap is super slow. I almost have too many plants now- so hopefully no more!

    We still have to sort our our basement from our old stuff along with DH's old stuff. It will be wonderful to have less clutter.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    So nice to have so many plants Shari! I pretty much have a black thumb but have been successful growing parsley in a few pots in my kitchen, and also I have a Christmas cactus that is doing well. Hope you are feeling better rested. An early morning text woke me up this morning way before I was planning to get up. I felt very tired today, but at least today I knew why and didn't feel like it was a flare.

    I liked my scale this morning because it said I lost 2 pounds....well, we all know how widely my scale fluctuates, but it motivated me to be extra good today in hopes of holding on to that number. We'll see....not sure if I want to weigh in tomorrow or not. I did a grocery pick up today and will do another tomorrow at my other "go-to" supermarket. I have been comparison shopping online and really trying to focus on clean healthy foods, since my organic service closed.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    This morning I finally feel well rested. I went to bed pretty early again and doing that three nights in a row has finally paid off. Nothing to report with weight loss. I am still stuck. So happy for you Paula!

    I have a full going into the office today. I do look forward to Wednesdays now as I get to meet up with my friend over my supper break. We are reading a book called, "It's not Supposed to be This Way." We are both excited to chat about the first two chapters tonight.

    I am not sure what my next move will be to encourage weight loss! I am so stuck. Right now I would be content if I only lost four pounds and then held that number.