Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Our weather is putting a lot of people's travel plans in upheaval. We have some closed airports and I am not sure that the airlines will be able accommodate getting everyone to where they hope to be. Glad we planned to stay home this year. A few more days of the horrible cold. I know it's not easy on pets that do their business outdoors. Moe is in and very quickly and I am thankful that I don't have to escort him outdoors. He will be happy when the weather warms up and he can do a bit more running around.

    We had a nice dinner last night. I brought home some of my meal and will eat it for lunch today.

    I will work from home again for most of the day, but I will head into the building in the afternoon to look after some on-site duties. We will stay for the Christmas Eve service even though it is the day before Christmas Eve. That frees us up tomorrow to spend the evening at my sister's place.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, enjoy the time with your sister, a lovely way to spend holiday time. Does your sister live nearby you? Hope you did ok venturing out in the cold to go to work.

    The bitter cold and high winds are here. We lost electricity briefly in the morning. But then we lost it later in the day for about 4 hours from 5 pm to 9 pm or so. We settled in in our family room with Buster and some warm blankets so it wasn't so bad. It was relaxing to an extent but I was concerned about how long we would be without power. The original estimate from the power company was that we would be without power for well over 24 hours so getting the power back after about 4 hours was excellent. However, I lost time doing some of my Christmas prep because of not having electricity. I wasn't about to tackle anything after 9 pm. I will have to work extra tomorrow to get caught up. I am very proud of Buster as he did well each time I took him outside today. It is about 7 degrees F with wind chills of 20 below 0 F. He was pretty quick taking care of business and getting in and out in his little coat.

    My eating was ok today....but.....Sandi stopped by and brought us some cookies she made, so I had a few. I didn't over do it so that is a good thing.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    My sister doesn't live too far away. I don't talk about here much as we have never been close. We are six years apart which meant growing up we never had things in common. I went to grade 1 and she switched schools to go to grade 7. Once I made it to grade 7 she had graduated. She married young and moved out. Also, our husbands don't seem to get along. She is family, but I have many friends that are so much closer.

    I would be so lost without power in the winter. Especially for 24 hours. I am glad it didn't last that long for!!! If we were to have power issues, I would make my DH change our gas fireplace back into a wood burning one. I hope you can get caught up on the things you were not able to get to yesterday.

    I am so excited to be off work for a week. Today is day 1 and it should be a good day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, like you I have many friends with whom I am much closer than I am to some family members. As an only child, I always longed for a sibling but ended up quite close to a few cousins including Lucille who recently passed away and her sister who is just 7 months older than I am. We have a gas fireplace that works even when the electricity is out, but it is more for ambiance and doesn't really give us much warmth. We have used it when we lost power for extended periods and were pretty desperate but usually we don't depend on it for any warmth. If ever I find myself with money I don't know what to do with, maybe I will replace the current gas fireplace fixture with one that truly warms...only if it wouldn't require electricity to work.

    I had a healthy Dec 24, even including our traditional Holy Supper. I cut back a little on the amount of food I make for this meal, and yet we still had too much for just the 2 of us. I will cut back even further next year. I managed my portions today but then much later at night enjoyed a few sweets.

    As we say in our church...Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

    Merry Christmas to all!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Merry Christmas! My son and his family should be arriving in Detroit at 6:30am and we plan to be there to meet them! Santa came to our house last night for the boys! On the down side, I’m at the ICU supporting my daughter. She called sobbing earlier yesterday because a Dr told her that her husband’s organs are failing and there is nothing else to do. She is devastated of course. I’ll be leaving here in a bit to head for the airport and his parents are coming here later this morning. Thank you both for your prayers!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    DW- This is terrible news! I hope you can find comfort and strength in each other. Praying for you all.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    DW, so sorry that Joe isn't doing well. John and I will continue to pray for him and for all of you. It is good that Joes's parents and your son & family are making it home. Having family together can be a blessing.

    We had a lovely and quiet Christmas day. I am quite tired from all the cooking and especially the clean up, but I am pleased with the way things turned out. We have a lot of leftovers, some of which I am freezing, so that will make cooking easier down the road. In the evening we watched a virtual church music concert that lasted about 2 hours and was wonderful. It was a great way to end our Christmas day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Merry Christmas to you both.

    We had a lovely day as well. Lots of cooking and cleaning. I am so thankful that I won't have to cook the rest of the week (that's my hope) and we can enjoy the variety of leftovers that we have. I sent my mom and dad home with meals for today too.

    I won't do too much today, I would like to venture out shopping tomorrow for a new pair of pants or two. Mine are too tight and I think I need something more comfortable. I would love a new Christmas tree, but I am sure they will picked over by the end of the day today. I just don't feel like having a busy day, I need one where I can chill out spend time reading and maybe go on my treadmill for a walk.

    DW- I hope you and your family were able to spend some moments that were joy filled. Not an easy Christmas, but I do hope some warm memories where shared together.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, It is always nice to have something new in our closets. And an added bonus is the pants will feel more comfy. Chilling and reading is a great way to pamper yourself a bit (so is buying something new in my estimation!).

    Today was a pleasant and relaxing day for me. We had a 9 am online church service (and have one again tomorrow morning also). In our Church (Orthodox) we celebrate feasts beyond the day of the feast itself. So it is often/usually3 days of celebration after a major feast day (through church services). It helps keep the spirit of the feast going strong with a focus on the spiritual. I love it and am thankful so does John. After the church service we had a leisurely breakfast. My latest treat is enjoying cinnamon flavored coffee. I also like peppermint mocha coffee but lately have been favoring the cinnamon. Our plans to visit our upstate family have been put on hold because the 5 year old is ill. Yesterday their grandma called to tell us and of course she doesn't want us to pick up any viruses, etc. As you might recall, I was concerned about driving there in the cold and worried about fatigue especially after all the Christmas cooking, clean up and so on. While I am sorry that the little one is ill, I appreciate having the break to be home today.

    My motivation to stay on track has returned....at least a little bit. After a long lull, I am back to tracking my food with a more serious approach. I am looking at this as a jump start on a new year's recommitment. I feel like I need it now, and I have to get serious with all the sweets and goodies around the house.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We had a good day yesterday. We popped in to see eldest. He missed celebrating because of a sore throat. He said he was feeling okay, but asked me to see if his throat was red. It was really quite red so I am glad he didn't come over and get expose my parents. Now I hope I didn't pick anything up! I am glad you made the decision to stay home and could keep safe on all accounts Paula.

    Today we don't have any plans. I am making some coffee and will put my feet up to read. I may tackle the storage room for a bit. It is a disaster. I need to sort things out and hopefully get rid of some stuff so there is room to put things where they can be found again. Maybe DH can help!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, I am so happy that you are having a restful and relaxing day. Heaven knows you deserve some days like that!! I love to relax with my coffee. Have I mentioned that my latest indulgence is cinnamon flavored coffee and also peppermint mocha coffee? I treated myself (and John) to some of each flavor lately. I think I overbought as I tend to do sometimes....so we should have enough to last us for quite a while. I hope your DS gets better quickly and that you and your DH remain healthy after that visit!

    Today we received a gift box of cara cara oranges from some Texas relatives. There are 14 beautiful oranges in the package. I will share some with my friend/neighbor Sandi. But having these beautiful oranges on hand helps me with my motivation to stay on track. Speaking of on track, today was a bit more challenging for me. I am continuing to faithfully track my food which meant logging the 3 chocolate covered pretzels I enjoyed today (we got a gift of fabulous chocolate covered pretzels from our neighbor Jane and her DH).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Flavoured coffees are delicious but I don't tend to have them very often. I think I have some peppermint syrup on hand, but I have never tried it in my coffee. I am looking forward to a cup of coffee soon and finish off a book before DH wakes up.

    I haven't been tracking my food, but I will start doing that again. I feel like I haven't been eating too much, but unless I track, it is very hard to gauge. I will start tracking again today. I also need to drink more water.

    I am going to venture out today. I have a visit with one of my friends and I am super excited to see her. We always have such good conversations.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    I am sure you enjoyed your get together with your friend Shari. There are some people in our lives who definitely enrich us just by being with us! Those friends are true blessings.

    Tonight I had my classmates Zoom. This was the first one we've had since September due to scheduling conflicts. It was really good to be with everyone on the Zoom tonight. Seven of the 8 of us in this group were there tonight. It is good to catch up with each other, and we hope to do so again in another month or so. One of the gals in our Zoom group is probably my oldest friend. She lived across the street from my maternal grandparents, with whom I spent a lot of time growing up. We started playing together when we were 3 years old...and we have never lost touch with each other. I think very highly of her.

    I had a pretty good day for eating and tracking my food. I still have to track the glass of wine I drank during tonight's Zoom. I am feeling good about my food choices and the work I accomplished today. It wasn't a very demanding to do list, but I did well with meeting today's tasks. Tomorrow I plan to do a grocery pick up and get my manicure. The weather is warming up so that is a plus.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everybody! It has been a mixed up holiday! Such joy at being with my grandsons vs spending hours and hours at the ICU with my daughter. They told her to gather family and friends on 12/26 because it wouldn’t be long. I’d been there all night and had just returned home to shower. We all went back up and everyone said their tearful goodbyes. My daughter and I were the only ones still there when Joe left us a little after 7pm on 12/26. There will be a visitation time on 1/4, but no service at that time. There will be an interment service later in the spring or summer. He was only 35 and passed 1month after being diagnosed.
    My son and daughter in law left for their vacation on 12/28 and will return 1/t3. The boys are here and are behaving very well. I am having a time remembering to feed them 3 good meals/day. I’m just not used to thinking about it. Have a great Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Oh DW, I am so very sorry about Joe, so young and gone so quickly. My hugs and sympathy to you and your daughter. I will add Joe to my "departed list" and remember him in prayer. "His soul shall dwell with the blessed!" Enjoy your sweet grandsons...they are surely a blessing always but especially at a time like this.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    DW- I am so sorry for your loss. It seems so surreal. One month and so young. I will be praying for healing through grief. Life can be so cruel.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you both for the prayers!! Very much needed and appreciated!!
    I stepped on the scale this morning 😳. I’ve started back trying to eat healthier today vs next week when our company goes home-if I wait that long I will need new clothes. We are taking the boys to the lights at the zoo this evening. That should be a fun outing with a bonus of exercise as part of it. Have a good weekend and a Happy New Year!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    DW, Our local zoo (rather small) also does a lights at the zoo at Christmas time. It is a big hit here with the kids and even the grown ups in our area. I am sure you and your grandsons will have a nice time. I continue to think about you and your daughter. Does she live near you? Is she staying with you? Such a loss for her to experience!

    I started back with motivation and focus on my plan the day after Christmas. I did ok, but today was a little iffy and a bit more challenging, partly because my schedule was off a bit. I don't think I did too much damage, but I guess time will tell. Tomorrow could be a challenge as well as 2 of our neighbors are coming in the early evening for a new year's eve visit. I am serving my favorite cranberry brie with crackers along with 3 different kinds of hummus with veggies. I will focus on the veggies and hummus more so than on the cheese and crackers. We are keeping it simple. I am sure Jane will bring something when they come but I don't know what. Sunday for New Year's Day I will make our traditional pork and sauerkraut (along with potatoes). It is not really an unhealthy meal, but I like it so much that portion control becomes my issue.

    Happy New Year to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Here we are once again at the doorway of the New Year. I have a new theme for 2023 rather than a New Year's resolution. I want to live in the moment and be present. I have a terrible habit of not being present, but anticipating my next activity or captured by a thought for something that is in the future. I miss out on what is in front of me. I believe it is good to spend time planning, but then I am always working towards getting the plan done. It might take me a whole year to change my mindset, but I think it will be good for me. I also want to lose the weight I put on this year. I look forward to this journey with you both. I haven't weighed in the last two days, I don't expect my weight has changed, and hopefully it didn't go up. I will weigh tomorrow and work towards bringing back good habits, removing the bad ones I picked up and see where that goes. If that does not work, I think I will go see a professional for extra assistance. The online weight loss groups are too far out of reach with their prices.

    Happy New Year!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! We ended up going to the zoo tonight. When we got in the car, a tire warning light came on and stayed on even with air added. I ended up going to the auto repair shop where they found a screw in the tire. Thankfully they could repair it so it didn’t cost much. We hadn’t told the boys what our “adventure “ was so they weren’t disappointed. I think they enjoyed it but it was a lot of walking! My eating was terrible today. I plan to weigh in tomorrow and stick to the 17 DD.
    My daughter lives a mile from us and has been sleeping here since Joe passed. She went to the zoo with us. She goes home during the day for a couple of hours at a time.
    We will also have pork and sauerkraut tomorrow. Happy 2023!!