Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, I think your focus on living in the moment is quite wise. It also aligns favorably with mindful eating and mindfulness in general as you mention living in the moment. I can relate to this need all to well.

    DW, I am glad your daughter lives near you. I am sure she needs so much support that proximity can make a difference. Glad you caught the tire problem in time. And thank goodness for those tire pressure warnings! I bet you burned off a decent bit of calories with all that walking at the zoo!

    We didn't get together with our neighbors after all. Jane let me know this morning that she has a sinus infection and didn't want to bring any germs to us. I appreciate that. It seems like there is a lot of sickness all around again. One of my TX relatives (age 75) is hospitalized with pneumonia. She spent 2 days in the ER just waiting for an open bed at the hospital in Ft. Worth. Her doctor referred to "community pneumonia" as the current situation! And all of our upstate relatives here in PA are down with the flu except for the 3 year old. He was supposed to have his adenoids removed yesterday, but the surgery had to be postponed because both of his parents and 2 grandparents were too ill to take him to the surgery and take care of him post op. We were going to try to visit them on Jan 7 (rescheduled from Dec. 26), but I am already having second thoughts about that already.

    My eating was off today too. It was a day when my hunger won out over my will power. I expect to be better with the pork and sauerkraut tomorrow, focusing on portion control. And sauerkraut can be pretty filling.

    Happy New Year friends. So glad we each other here! Special love to your daughter DW.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy 2023
    A day to start off with good choices and to have the mindset that when we make a poor choice, it's just one choice and we don't have to wait for another New anything to get back on track. I have to make sure one slip, doesn't derail me for the day, week, month or year.

    DW- Glad you had a fun time at the zoo. I can't imagine the pain that your daughter is experiencing. It's good she lives so close.

    We have a lot of people getting sick here top Paula. Some with Covid and others with the flu. I am so glad that we learned how to stay home when we are sick. That has to help reduce how many could be getting sick.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, One of my bigger downfalls is my occasional "all or nothing" mentality. I have a tendency to use a slip up as an excuse to give up my resolve for the rest of the day. That is definitely something I have been working on and will continue to work on.

    It was a lovely day today. Our crock pot pork and sauerkraut turned out great with enough for tomorrow if not more days. After our online church service, I relaxed and did some binge watching of The West Wing on TV. It doesn't matter how many times I have seen these episodes I enjoy watching them. I find them so well written and entertaining all the time. I might just watch a few more episodes tomorrow. But I am sure we will also watch the Tournament of Roses Parade and later in the day the Rose Bowl football game. Penn State is playing in the Rose Bowl....sure hope they win. It will just delight John as he is a Penn State graduate and has been a Penn State football fan since we was very young.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Yesterday we had some milder weather and I went out on our property in snow shoes. I was out much longer than I thought I would be because the route I chose turned out to be much further than I thought. A nice change from walking indoors.

    I am back to work after a 10 day break. I get to work from home today which will be nice. Tomorrow I need to go in, but I am actually looking forward to that too.

    I am not sure what supper will be yet, I haven't had to cook much lately as we enjoyed leftovers. I will need to make a trip to the freezer downstairs and see what i can find!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! It sounds like we are all off to a good start in 2023! I also struggle with an all or nothing mindset and need to work on that! Yesterday I took the boys for a walk with my daughter and 2 of her dogs. Unfortunately we didn’t get far because her bulldog mix doesn’t walk vey far (but she totally enjoys it!!). We will try again today and my daughter will just bring her German shepherd so we should be able to walk until the boys are worn out! Tomorrow it is off to the airport to pickup my son and DIL. It will be good to have them back!! Have a great Monday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, Good luck going back to work after such a nice break! I, too, enjoyed having leftovers recently which meant a lot less cooking.

    DW, Walking your dogs is such good exercise just like Shari outside with her snowshoes! You ladies are burning those holiday calories!!

    We are pleased that Penn State won in the Rose Bowl today over Utah (35-21). I got John a Penn State Rose Bowl t shirt for Christmas, and of course he wore it for the game. I guess now I'll have to buy him a Penn State Rose Bowl Champions shirt....maybe I could save that for his birthday in March.

    I did very well staying on track today and tracking all my food. Everything was much more balanced for me so my carbs weren't as high as they are some days. I was satisfied and am focusing on having fruit as a snack instead of Christmas cookies or other goodies. I didn't do much of anything today and didn't have a to do list at all so tomorrow and Wednesday will be busy days for me. I am going to try to weigh in more often, though it is difficult for me to step on a scale and balance without holding on. I still don't trust my digital scale and wish it was as consistent as the scale at the doctor's office, but for now I will make do with what I have. I might look into buying another scale eventually. I see way too much variation with my scale...as much as 5 pounds when I step on it 3 consecutive times within the same 5 minute period or so. Very frustrating.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I hear your frustration with the scale Paula. Mine is pretty consistent when I weigh a few times in a row. I always hope it will be lower when I move it a bit and step back on. I still step on three times in hopes!

    I am going in to the office today. I have a counselling appt at 3pm and then I am meeting a friend at 5 for dinner. We are having Vietnamese. I will order a small bowl and brace for the higher weigh in which will be mainly due to the high salt content. That should be my worst meal of the week. I can control the rest.

    One good thing about going into the office is that I have much more movement throughout the day. At home, I tend to sit for much longer stretches of time.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, You get a lot more movement than I do! But I do understand your desire for more movement. I do the best I can, but have pretty severe limitations. When I worked I had a mostly sedentary job, but when I was healthy enough I did walk as much as I could while working. Towards the end one of my career, one of the factors that helped me decide to retire was how difficult it was for me to walk for example from my office to another part of the building.

    Today was about the best on track day I have had in quite a while...really didn't stray at all and tracked all of my food. My calories are even a little low for today. I didn't feel well today, just tired and lacking ambition. I did a few things on my list but have quite a bit to do tomorrow. Our neighbors plan to come tomorrow evening for a little visit. I will have plenty of veggies and hummus and other healthy foods. I don't plan to overeat at all.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I am glad to hear that you had a good day with your diet Paula. I didn't and made some poor choices. I do so much better at home. For some reason I don't get as hungry when I am at home. I ate out yesterday and that didn't help. I had a vermicelli bowl and I know it was full of salt. I hope the extra pound on the scale this morning is from water retention and the weight will come back off in the next day or two. I hope the scale increase will be motivation for me to eat properly now.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, a vermicelli bowl sounds sooooo good to me...but yes, probably high in salt. I think you are right about the scale promoting motivation. I have been weighing every day lately even though I don't trust my scale. Since it said I was down a half pound today, I decided today it was accurate LOL.

    We had a lovely evening with our neighbors. Jane and her DH brought shrimp. I served a really pretty veggie tray with 2 different kinds of hummus. I also served cheese (cheddar and cranberry brie) and crackers. Jane liked the hummus so much she took the leftover humus home. I am pleased because now I know something I can buy for her to thank her for all she does for us. The hummus is from my organic delivery service and is very good. Now I have a lot of leftover fresh veggies already cut so no excuses for not eating more veggies for the next few days. The veggies are also from the organic delivery service.

    I stayed very much on track today and logged all of my food, even the cheese and crackers. I was within my calorie and carb ranges so I should see some good progress at the scale soon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    I laughed when I read your line about trusting the scale since it said you were down half of a pound Paula. Glad you are down that half pound and gave me a chuckle.

    I haven't been tracking, mostly because I haven't had foods that I was able to really track. I will be back to tracking today. Maybe I can join you seeing progress on the scale.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited January 2023
    I have read so many articles stressing the importance of tracking our food. I agree that some foods are very difficult to track. That deters me from doing tracking at times. I think that is tied to my perfectionism side. On a positive note, the perfectionist in me (maybe OCD is more accurate) sometimes pushes me to track anyway because I like to keep a streak going.

    I get emails from WebMD. Today I got one dealing with losing weight after age 40. There really isn't anything new in it, but reading it reinforces my desire to drop some pounds. Here is a link to the article just in case anyone wants to read it

    Remarkably, I had a really good day today. Even though my scale didn't move today, my motivation was pretty high and my hunger was pretty low....a good combination overall. It helped having lots of all ready cut up veggies left over from the prior evening with our neighbors. Craig was here today and helped me with some things which I really appreciated. He has been having some medical issues (can't recall if I mentioned this before or not) but seems to be doing ok at the moment.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Thank you for saying not to let perfectionism stand in the way of tracking. I needed to hear that. I read through the article- all things we know, but such a good reminder.

    Glad to hear the Craig is doing okay right now. I know he can be a real help for you.

    Thankful it's Friay. I am ready for a couple of days off from work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. I have no special plans for this weekend since we aren't going to visit our family tomorrow, and I am fine with that. I have many things to accomplish here at home but feel like I want a day off tomorrow. Or perhaps make a very small to do list.

    I did ok today, tracked my food, and am within my calorie range. I was down about a half pound again on the scale this morning. I really need to see a consistent downward trend to feel like I am making progress, so finally I am faithful about weighing every morning. This is a big change for me. Knowing that I had a fairly good day before, makes stepping on the scale a little less intimidating. But I will see what happens when I must weigh in following a not-so-good day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We went and watched University basketball last night. It was really good and something we haven't done in a long time. My plan for the day is to tidy up things. DH vacuumed yesterday so I don't have to do that which is nice.

    Stepping on the scale isn't much fun unless you are losing weight. I am stepping on daily and most days I am not happy, but I need the reality check. Happy for your loss of another half pound Paula!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Reality check is a good way to look at these weigh ins. Thanks, that helps my perspective Shari. I stayed the same today but truly expected a loss. I ate healthy foods today but might have overeaten a bit. I made a delicious ground turkey veggie stir fry. I started out with a reasonable portion but then had more (ugh!). I used low sodium soy sauce but it still has sodium. I am hoping the veggies in the meal helps make up for the portion size a bit. I did tackle one rather large (for me) task today, and it went smoothly and easily which pleased me. Tomorrow will be a day of rest for me. I will do online church in the morning and then read for my Tuesday church book club later in the day. Still have to figure out an easy but healthy meal plan for Sunday.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    We had a good day, but that included a night out with friends at a Brazilian steakhouse. I overate, but it was so good. I am going to really press in and not eat out again for a long time. The food was quite salted, so I am sure that's why my weight it up today. I am not panicking and confident it will come back down in a day or two.

    I have a Dr. appointment on Thursday with my new doctor. I am a bit nervous. I haven't been in such a long time.

    I will be watching church online today too. The rest of my day will one of rest, unless I venture outdoors to go snowshoeing like I did last week. I enjoyed it, I just won't go quite as far. I will wear my step counter too. I am curious to see how many steps I can tally up.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Sorry I’ve been out touch for so long! We had my SIL’s visitation on 1/4. There was a very nice turnout. My daughter has been sleeping here but is extending her time in her home during the day.
    My son and family made it back home safely. I’ve been eating pretty well during the day but losing control at night.
    I also attended online church today and hope to be back in person next week. I’m also hoping to get back to dog classes. I hope you will both have a great week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,046 Member
    Shari, I have been to Brazilian steakhouses in our area and also when visiting our Texas family some years ago and loved it. I found that each steakhouse like this that I have been to has a very party and fun atmosphere which I enjoyed tremendously and which I found encouraged a great deal of eating. My thought was always once in a rare while it was ok to indulge and have a good time all around.

    DW, happy to see your post. Have been thinking about your and your daughter. I am sure she appreciated the good turn out for Joe's visitation. Comfort and support from friends and family is so important at such a time.

    I had a peaceful and restful Sunday. The day went by quickly. I made a healthy dinner for us but probably ate too much of it. I have been giving myself credit for not eating any high sugar treats like the Christmas goodies we still have here. That is huge progress for me. I have been focusing on having a piece of fruit when I previously would have had candy or some other goodie. The scale stayed the same again today. I am just waiting and waiting to see a drop!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 893 Member
    Hey DW- it is good to hear from you. This must be a very difficult season and it will be good to have establish new routines and get back to some old ones too. My heart goes out to your daughter and to you all.

    I still have some Christmas treats on hand and I am limiting myself to one item per day. I will be glad when they are gone and the only option will be to have something healthy. I didn't bake much this year, but I was given some baking from a friend and I just can't bring myself to throw it out. Luckily the scale came back down sooner than I anticipated. Now to get to some new lower numbers.