Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Shari, I hope your team(s) are victorious! Hockey has grown in popularity here it seems. There are quite a few minor league teams in Pennsylvania that I know of including the Phantoms which are a minor league team for the Flyers, the Hershey Bears affiliated with the Washington Capitals, and the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins affiliated with the Pittsburgh Penguins. From what I understand these minor league teams are very well supported in their respective areas.

    It was an extremely rainy day here with flood warnings in many areas. We live in an area that doesn't flood but there are areas within about 1 or 2 miles of us that experience flooding.

    I cooked a healthy meal today with enough for lunch and supper. I was able to stay on track today and had no cravings or hungry attacks, but I didn't make an effort to log my food. It was a very relaxing day for me, reading and watching some tv with John.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day for eating too. I didn't track either, so I could be wrong. A very lazy day with just a quick trip to pick up some milk. It ended up being very windy so I didn't venture out much apart from checking on the couple of plants that I moved to the greenhouse. I am slowly moving them outdoors, some will stay in the greenhouse, others will get planted at the end of the month. I hope I have more time for gardening than I did last year.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello! I just caught up on reading the posts- I really got behind! I apologize and will try to do better!!
    The judges this past weekend didn’t pick my girl but that’s ok. There were so many of them entered! It was good to see people who I hadn’t seen in quite a while! On the drive home we had a wonderful surprise! Our son called to say that he is coming to visit to help his sister with things and asked if he could stay at our home. We will pick him up Wednesday and he is staying a week! It will be so good to spend time with him!!
    Naturally I have much to do to prepare and am still unpacking from the trip. I hope we all have a great week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    DW, sounds like your son is a great guy! How nice that he will spend time with you and also will help his sister. I am sure you all will have a great week!

    Shari, a few of my friends also love to garden. I think it also provides good movement and exercise. I hope your weather cooperates with you this spring and summer.

    John and I got hair cuts today. I feel good as it seemed to have gotten longer than usual since my last cut. While out for the haircut I took care of a couple drive through errands (bank, post office, gas): Paula's day out!!! Once again I didn't log my food today but ate foods I am familiar with and believe I managed to stay within my calorie range. I am pleased that I didn't feel tempted for a fast food drive through! Tomorrow's to do list is manageable. I think I need to add "log food" on it to get myself back in that routine!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DW, it will be nice to have your son for a visit for a week. I miss seeing my kids and two live in the same area. Living at the farm is just far enough that they don't pop over.

    I get to work from home today which will really help with making good eating choices. One teammate is taking the day off and the other is in a day long meeting. There is no point for me to drive into the office to work all on my own. Saves me gas money too.

    It looks like a beautiful day. When I go to open up the vent for my greenhouse, and probably the door since it will hot out today, I will take another tray of plants down with me. I read the cucumbers like to grow in a greenhouse so I am going to try that this year. My crop didn't do well where I had them last year.

    Have a good day all!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Sounds like a good day for you Shari, increased likelihood of healthy eating and saving money on gas too. Win-wins are great!

    I returned to logging my food today and did very well. I feel quite comfortable calling today day 1 of my new streak. It seems unseasonably chilly here to me lately. I think next week will be warmer. I plan to grocery shop tomorrow and expect Craig will be here to help me with bringing in the groceries. I am looking forward to restocking up on my favorite go-to healthy choices.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I planted some cucumbers in my greenhouse after work yesterday. I read that they are a veggie that can do well in a greenhouse. I put them in large containers. I will still put a few outside and then I can see which ones do better.

    I haven't been recording my food intake, I will start again and join you Paula.

    The Robin flying into my window was cute for a few days, now it is just annoying. It reminds me of water dripping. It is starting to drive me nuts.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Home grown veggies are definitely the best Shari. Wishing you a hearty cucumber harvest!! I am surprised the robin issue continues...I thought he/she might be gone by now.

    I am happy to report day 2 of my latest streak. It was a really good day for me in many ways. Once again my hunger was under control (never quite sure why) and my meals were healthy and balanced. I made a pasta tuna salad for supper with olives, tomatoes, and pepperoncini. It was easy and healthy and John loved it. We have enough left for another meal. Craig was a huge help today too. He hadn't been here for well over a month as he was working out of state. I had quite a list of things for him to do. And he did a great job with everything. He will be back tomorrow to do some outside work. It is still a little cold for May in my view, but tomorrow might be a little warmer.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 312 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good morning! It looks like we will have a nice day today weather-wise. Yesterday wasn’t terrible-just chilly and cloudy. Before that we had 6 days of cold rain but on 5/2, the Orioles arrived at our feeder. So far we’ve seen 2males! Our son arrived yesterday evening. We picked him up at the Detroit airport-such a joy to spend time with him!!
    It sounds like you have both been getting a lot accomplished! Shari, I am interested in the results of your cucumber experiment! We’ve never had a big success trying to grow them. Paula, your pasta salad sounds delicious!
    I have dog shows on Friday and Saturday and our son is going at least one of those days. On Sunday my husband has an art show opening ( he had one painting accepted into the show)and we will go to that. My eating hasn’t been the best lately but I will try to keep logging it. I have a Dr appointment on 5/12 and had hoped to lose a few pounds by then. At this point I am avoiding the scale!! Happy Thursday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Today is like my Friday as I am taking the day off tomorrow. I am so excited about that. I didn't have a great eating day in the end, but I am home today and that always helps me to stay on track. I would have been okay but DH brought a bag of chips into the house, and I have no will power for chips.

    Hoping for a wonderful day for you both!

    ps -The Robin is sill at it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Always great to have a long weekend Shari! Enjoy!

    DW, So glad your son arrived safely. Nice that he will go with you to a dog show. So wonderful that your DH has a painting accepted in a show. Are you able to share any of his work with us here? I so admire people with artistic talent. Such a gift from God!

    Like DW, I am in scale avoidance mode. I think I will be brave enough to step on the scale on Saturday...maybe. I had another very good day today so day 3 of this streak. I am making a conscious effort to increase my fruits and veggies again. I think that is making a good difference. Today I am right in what I call my "target" calorie zone. I am focusing on avoiding sugar too, not easy for me with my tendency to crave sweets at times. I felt like I was busy today, but looking back it seems like I really didn't accomplish too much. I will aim to do more tomorrow.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am so excited for today. I am going to do things out of my regular routine so today doesn't have that Saturday feel. The thing that I am looking forward to the most is walk in the river valley.

    I had such a good sleep last night and I am starting the day out well rested and the sun is shining.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Shari, woo hoo for your day off! And for resting so well last night. That means so much in my book!

    It was a very good day for me and hence, day 4 of my streak. It was easy for me to stay on track and log my food, including 4 oz of chardonnay left over from Saturday night when Kellie was here. There is still at least another 4 oz remaining for another splurge of sorts. Even with the wine I am at the lower end of my calorie range. I sure hope I can keep this up. I surprised myself with how much of my to do list I accomplished too. I will not have a formal to do list for Saturday, but there are things I could do if I am so inclined. We will be out tomorrow as John has to coach so I will drive him, and then I have to pick up somethings from a friend for our inter church group. I will have the rest of my day to do whatever I want. Looking forward to that!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a great day yesterday. I went to an Italian market and picked up a few things for an afternoon snack. I had a latte, went for a walk in the river valley, made risotto for the first time and had a good visit with DH and a good friend. I was wiped out by 9pm and was in bed early. I think I am starting to destress and I typically respond with being tired. I should perk up if I keep the cortisol down.

    Enjoy Saturday and I hope you make it day 5 of your streak Paula.

    I hope you have a good time at the dog show and the time with your son is going well DW.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello! I’m writing a quick note while my husband and son are watching baseball. They are fans of different teams and their teams are playing each other for a couple of nights in a row.
    We had a terrible day at the dog show on Friday but a much better day today. On Friday my dog became very concerned and distracted by the unhappy sounds that another dog was making outside the ring and was looking backwards when we were moving around the ring. We did not make a great impression-lol!! Today she showed well and received recognition.
    Eating has not been great. My husband has been making a fattening main dish for supper and for breakfast. I’ve been trying to add healthier side dishes. We’ve also had sweets and every kind of chip or pretzel on the store shelves- when it is here, I eat it 😢 I will need to do a carb detox period after our company has returned home.
    I hope you have both had a great Saturday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    What a wonderful Friday for you Shari. So glad you enjoyed your extra day.

    DW, Congrats on receiving recognition for your gal at the show! Her distraction the day before suggests to me that perhaps she is just a very sensitive lady. Sounds like a real sweetie!

    I tracked all of my food and am the top of my range, but since I didn't go over, I will count it as day 5. I don't like to be that high in my cal range since I am so sedentary. So tomorrow and at least the next day I have to make an extra effort to stay at the lower end to try to even things out. This morning when we were going out to John's game my next door neighbor was out walking her dog. She has never been overly friendly (and her kids and husband are essentially unfriendly). But today she was quite friendly and our 2 dogs interacted on their leashes together. Her dog is a medium size mixed breed female, much bigger than Buster. I enjoyed seeing them together. We discovered today that both of us got our dogs from the same rescue shelter. I think that formed an additional bond of sorts for us. She even said she would like to come to sit outside with us when the weather is nice. This made me very happy. I am looking forward to getting to know her better.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Sounds like things are going well for all of us! That is so good to hear.

    I am hoping to start a streak today and then try to keep it up for 10 days! That is my goal. I haven't been eating too poorly, but not good enough to say that I started a streak. I just have to remember my goal, I don't think it is too hard to accomplish at all. I just forget and settle into habits that have been developed over the years. Too bad the new healthy habits don't seem to stick as well lol!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Messed up my streak today! Ugh! Will aim to get back on track tomorrow, but it is possible that it will take me till Tuesday to really get back in gear. Tomorrow is John's "name day," the day on which his patron saint, St. John the Evangelist, is commemorated. We will likely enjoy a special delivery meal as part of this celebration. I am planning to make a wise choice, but my challenge will be portion control!!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Enjoy your special delivery Paula and a chance to celebrate your son!

    I finally had a good day with food choices. I could have been a bit better, but I am going to count yesterday as day 1 of what I hope will turn into a streak.

    I ended up driving to Old Navy and picked up some shorts and a pair of black pants. I needed something to fit! I didn't buy anything too costly in hopes that I can still lose weight and not need them permanently. I still chose things that I like, so it's not a waste. I think my weight has stabilized and if it has, then I just need to make sure I hold it here or lose. This week my plan is to keep adding days to yesterday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 969 Member
    Congrats Shari on your Sunday day 1 and hoping you had a day 2 of your streak on Monday! Nice to buy new clothes. I live in black pants. I must have 15 pair or more of black pants in different fabrics, weights, and styles. I also wear a few dark navy pants.

    I am able to count Monday as my day 1 of my streak. We ordered delivery for supper, and I managed to eat reasonably and stay well within my calorie range. I was not very hungry today. I had a healthy breakfast and a small healthy lunch. We ate supper earlier than usual, and I stayed on track. No evening snack either. So pleased about this!

    DW, I am thinking of you as we watch the Westminster Dog Show on Fox Sports 1. We just love seeing, admiring, and learning about all of the breeds. We will plan to watch it again Tuesday night. And we are recording the shows too.