Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I get to claim a second day of good choices. No movement on the scale though. Day 2!

    I felt very good about my decision to not join the birthday dinner. I would have stressed all day about having to go and then I would not have enjoyed it. I texted my SIL and she seemed happy with that. I don't typically celebrate my birthday with her so it all balances out. We are not close and that is okay!

    I looked up Noom and almost started the trial. I am not sure that I am ready to dive into a new plan, but it isn't off of the table.

    Poor puppy DW! I know not literally a puppy, but having to wait for so long for treatment is hard. Glad he is eating better in the meantime.

    Paula- the update about what you do for the organizations you support is very interesting.Thank you so much for sharing.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    edited May 2023
    DW, So sorry you and your dog are going through so much. When our dogs are having issues, we have them too. Sounds like he was a real trooper going on such a long ride for the medical care, only to have to wait for more care. Thank goodness you got him the pain meds.

    Good job with day 2 Shari. You are building momentum, and that can be a big boost all around.

    I added another day to my streak today (day 10). Woo hoo! I was a bit tired today and was stressing over what to make for dinner because I had little energy and didn't want to give in to something easy but not healthy. God does send me angels!!!! I took Buster outside right before I was going to start cooking, when my neighbor across the street (the one with the 2 daughters) called over to me asking if I wanted some pork that she was bar-b-cuing on her grill. She is from Ecuador and an excellent cook. She brought us an enormously long skewer (like 3 feet long) full of pork! It was lean, delicious, and healthy! On to day 11, I hope!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Just a short check in today. I am super tired. I have to start a streak over. I had fries yesterday and we were served lunch at work. Although I did well with my portion size, the meal itself wasn't very healthy.

    What a great dinner gift Paula!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Today was a marginal day for me....probably the worst kind in some ways because it could go either way, right on the cusp of streak or no streak..right at the top of my calorie range and got there by making some poor choices along with my healthy choices. Ugh! I am inclined to count it as a streak day, however, my friend is coming to visit tomorrow and in all likelihood I will stray far from my plan tomorrow anyway. We will see how things go.

    I picked up groceries today and love having a refrigerator full of healthy foods. I know I will be able to get back on track and have another good long streak (I hope).

    Any special weekend plans Shari, with DH away??

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    edited May 2023
    I had a good day yesterday with eating. I would say I have day 1 of a streak, but I have lunch out and meals out are always a detriment. We are going for Vietnamese. It will be salty. It's one meal so I won't let the whole day get side tracked.

    No plans as of yet. DH is supposed to come tomorrow but one of our airlines is going on strike today. He didn't call me last night, so I have no idea what's up. I don't think he was taking the strike very seriously. Most people were making alternate plans already. Luckily I am doing okay, but the farm is too big for just me. I have Moe to keep me company, but it's still too much.

    ** I just read that the strike was averted
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Whew, glad the strike was averted Shari and that DH will be home with you soon. I bet Moe will be happy to see him again too. I haven't ever had Vietnamese food and am curious about it. I am not aware of any Vietnamese restaurants in our area but there probably are some.

    My friend came to visit today. She is one of my oldest and closest friends and a very kind and giving person. We had a great time today and also talked about my script/video project. Her insights are super helpful, and I feel I have a great start on this project. She will come again 2 weeks. We are hoping that with her help I will be able to complete the project on her next visit. I know I felt I could finish it this week, but after talking with her, I believe it is worth delaying the project to have a better outcome.

    We decided not to get a delivery or take out today, so I actually managed to stay on track, with my calories at the very low end of my range. So since I was in the upper range yesterday and the lower range today, I am counting both days as streak days....Friday is my 12th day of my streak. I weighed in this morning and am down another half pound. My motivation continues. I have a huge to do list for tomorrow, not related to any of my non-profit projects, but all household chores. Wish me luck!!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    What a great day you had yesterday Paula! I hope today is another one for you.

    DH arrives today and Moe will be super happy. I don't spend as much time outside and so Moe hasn't had as much activity during his absence. I did make an effort.

    The smoke here is terrible! It smells like campfire and the hue of the sky is ominous. I know there is blue sky up there somewhere.

    I will be doing household chores today, and perhaps some outdoor ones. I have a lot of space that could use flowers or seeds and I would like to get onto planting some more. We shall see!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! Shari, I hope your DH arrived home without any problems!!! Paula, congrats on your long streak!!!
    Nothing is new here-we’re just anxiously awaiting Monday so get our dog’s surgery done so he can truly be on the mend. He is feeling better and eating better due to his medications. My eating has been within the Noom guidelines, although they seem a little high! No real news. Have a great Sunday !!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shari, My friend Kay who lives in your area describes it lately as having the reddish brown color.sepia everywhere. She said she sees people outside wearing masks. It must be really tough there right now. Hope DS had a safe trip home.

    DW, will be interesting to see if you do well with Noom even if there guidelines are a bit higher. That appeals to me!! Sometimes I think a higher range could be better.

    I had a good day for eating today, but a terrible day otherwise. I had a lot of pain in my right leg overnight and woke up barely able to walk. (and I don't walk all that well to begin with anyway) It seems to be a tight muscle in my knee. The pain is excruciating. I lost my appetite which is why my calories are minimal. Taking Buster outside is a challenge and very painful. John is a good help, but with his limited mobility he can do only so much. And I had so many chores planned for today! A friend of mine came here for another reason but tried to massage my leg and help me as best she could. As the day went on my knee improved a bit, but the pain is still pretty bad. I haven't had a pain like this since well before Covid. And when I had this kind of pain in the past, it didn't last as long as this one is lasting. I am optimistic that I will see more improvement on Sunday as the day progresses.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I am super curious to see how Noom works for you DW. I would be willing to give it a try too. Right now, I am not really doing well, so it's not like some diet I am now isn't working. I am making poor choices and that's what the issue it.

    So sorry to hear about your pain Paula. I will be lifting you up in my prayers.

    I can see why people need to wear masks here. If you have any type of lung issue, this would really be hard on you. My eyes are bothering me today. Could be the pollen or the smoke. It could rain tonight and even though it's the weekend and I would love to be outside, we need the rain desperately. So I hope it will rain. I am going shopping with a friend today. Maybe I will find a new pair of jeans. Mine are all too tight. I will be getting rid of all my tight pants in July. It's been two years and the weight just isn't coming off! If I do lose some weight, I don't think it will be enough to get into most of them anyway.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Shopping with a friend is fun Shari! Hope you found some bargains or at least something you like. Our local news is covering the air issues in your area from time to time during the weather segments of the news.

    Prayers very much appreciated! I am doing better today, almost back to what is normal for me in terms of pain. Oddly, my appetite has not really returned. I ate a little more today than yesterday. But still not really interested in food. I think this is a good thing overall since several low calorie days should do me some good. I am still feeling "off" in general but better than yesterday. It was a quiet peaceful day for me and it flew by!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    No luck shopping, but we had a good time anyway. I think I was outside too long though. From what I read being outside for a day is like smoking a pack of cigarettes. We need the rain and I hope it will today!

    I had day one of a streak. I tracked my food and was just under in calories, but I ate too much fat. I had cheese twice, which isn't typical. DH wanted to eat out, I am so glad we didn't! I would have gone over my calories for certain. So I celebrate one good day and hope I can do the same thing for today.

    Good to hear your pain has subsided Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Celebrating your streak day with you Shari and cheering you on for another.

    I had another streak day too. I think I am up to day 15. It is time to step on the scale again. Will do so as soon as I feel confident with my knees and balance. My calories were low again today. I am still not all that interested in food and not very energetic. John was out all day today working at a fundraiser for one of the non-profits he is highly involved with. They provided lunch and dinner for all of the volunteers. Since I didn't have to cook for John I didn't really cook for myself. I wanted to rest and relax today, but that didn't happen either. I had numerous phone calls and texts requiring my attention for some of the things I am working on right now. It was exhausting, but I think my threshold for exhaustion is pretty low these days.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello! I hope you are both doing well!! My dog had his surgery on Monday and is on the mend!!They removed the large upper molar that was causing the infection and 4 lower teeth. He is bouncing back quickly !
    Noom involves doing a little group of lessons each day. I’ve been doing them over coffee in the morning. My weight continues to go up and down.
    We have friends visiting for a couple of nights. They are staying at a campground a few miles from our home. We ate out tonight and will eat out tomorrow night. My meal tasted very salty but I ate anyway. I did bring home half of the entree and will give it to my daughter. Have a good Wednesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Good news about your dog DW. He is in good hands with you! That means so much to our a.nimals. Congrats on practicing portion control with your dining out. That is a challenging for sure. Are you enjoying your Noom lessons??

    I had another good food day. Once again I wasn't terribly hungry. I didn't track my food today. I wasn't feeling my best, but I know my choices were wise and well within my range. I did a few of my to do items today and seemed to run out of time before I could do more. Tomorrow is another kind of busy day for me again. I am really looking forward to the weekend when I plan to have more "me" time.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Very good news that your dog is on the mend DW! I have almost signed up for Noom, but I haven't taken the plunge yet.

    I had a good eating day yesterday and will count it as day 2 of a streak. I didn't track, but I know I had good self control and did pretty good at work.

    I missed out on checking in yesterday as we were without power. One lightening strike and out it went. Unfortunately we didn't get any rain to go with it. Other parts of the area did and I am thankful for that. I we can actually see the sky again.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    Such an inconvenience when we lose power Shari! Glad you can see the sky again! Hope the air continues to clear for you. Congrats on your continuing streak.

    Not sure what is going on with my appetite, but I had another day of not being hungry at all. This was a very busy day for me, and I really didn't have much time or desire to eat. I got tied up with a lot of my charity stuff again, some of it quite frustrating. I finished what needed to be finished today, but it exhausted me. My eating was very much on track, and my calories are quite low again. I think I am on day 17 of my streak. Still haven't ventured on the scale but definitely hoping for good news when I do. Another busy day on tap for me tomorrow, and then so happy it will be the weekend and some "me" time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Paula, it is amazing how how your streak is! Congratulations. I am starting over once again.

    I am going to take a break from weighing in each morning. I think I am too concerned about my weight and yet I am not doing much about my eating patterns. It's so weird to be obsessed, but then not follow through with what I know I need to do. I am going to try and focus on tracking what I eat. That is the information that will be helpful. I need what you have Paula- no appetite and then to not to eat in spite of not being hungry.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 967 Member
    I don't weigh myself every day. I think it is different for everyone. I think it helps many people to do so, but I am not one of those people. Some plans will suggest weighing once a week (like Weight Watchers, at least when I was a member years ago). But today I did weigh in as my legs felt strong enough for me to do so. I am down about a pound and a half, but I had hoped for more since I did so well for such a long time. My appetite returned somewhat today, and I didn't track my food. So I don't feel like I should count today as a streak day. I think I am going to be careful for the next few days but will take a break from tracking and being too strict, with the weekend ahead. I will see how it goes. Maybe I will just focus on mindful eating.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Hey Paula, that weight loss is fantastic! You are heading in the right direction and doing so well! I had a good day yesterday. I really controlled my appetite. I could have a smaller portion at dinner, but I still did well. I hadn't planned on having wine, but I shared a bottle with my son and his gf. They arrived yesterday. They live in Vancouver BC. We had a very good visit last night and we are taking them out for my son's birthday dinner tomorrow night. It's a French restaurant and I plan to eat light!

    I have a funeral to attend this afternoon. A former co-worker passed away last Wednesday. I was on the hiring team and we worked closely. She ended up with a brain tumour and it was cancer. I am so deeply saddened that her life here was cut short. It seems so unfair to me! She had a passion to care for her family and I know that this is a very hard time for them. I am happy that she isn't suffering anymore. She didn't deserve that. Life can be so hard!