Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    A great way to start your day Shari, coffee and reading, 2 of my favorite things! What a nice selection in your garden! Hope you had a restful Sunday.

    I had an ok day today. I had the hungries mid day but didn't go over board and was back in control by evening. Once again the day flew by with not much to show for it. I received several phone calls which took up time, but they were all social calls, not calls related to the non profits I support. I enjoyed catching up with my cousin George from California, my good friend Carol from church, my friend/neighbor Sandi from my old church, and even another guy friend from the church where I grew up. Sheesh, typing all this out I see where the day went!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. My parents stopped in for a short visit and my mom brought cut flowers from her garden. They add such nice colour to the house.

    I am excited that we are getting a quote on our front window. We are expecting it to cost a lot, but we won't know until we get this quote done. Then we can decide if we can afford it. I hope so!

    Back to the office today. I sure enjoyed the weekend. I am hoping to stay on track today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Will be interesting about the quote you get for your window Shari, usually an expensive undertaking, but also usually worth it if it doesn't set you back too much. I replaced all of the windows in our home, including a huge window in our living room and 3 very odd sized kitchen windows about 9 years ago. I got a very good price at the time because Craig's brother is in that business several hours from here. He came to do our windows after their dad died because his dad had always promised me that they would do that for me. I can only imagine what that would have cost me if I didn't have them him give me such a discount.

    I had a pretty good diet day and a great day for getting things done on my to do list. I am finding it helpful to eat when I am hungry as I noted recently and not let my hunger get out of control if John isn't ready to eat yet. Since I accomplished so much work here today I am giving myself a break tomorrow and only doing things I want to do, but that could include housework if motivation strikes!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    We got the quote for the window and it is expensive. Prices have gone up a lot since Covid and most likely not going to come down. We will get one more quote and I believe we will proceed. The window will need to get done and I would rather sooner so we can enjoy it.

    I think I ate okay yesterday. I could have done better! I had a few snacks that I didn't need. I will try again today.

    We have had three loud wind, thunder and lightening storms in a row. I was hoping to get a good sleep last night, but to no avail. It was pretty loud. I had to get up to close windows and Moe isn't a fan of the storms so I end up comforting him through it all.

    I am off to the office today. I never get as much work done when I am in the office. But- only four more days of work and then we are on a short vacation. I am so excited.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Thunder storms for us too. But they weren't as bad as some of the more recent ones. Nice that you have your upcoming vacation to look forward to. Is this your Vegas trip?

    I had a wonderful diet day and am so pleased. I am encouraged to repeat it on Wednesday. I ate a little more lean protein than usual, but I think that helped keep me satisfied. I did enjoy my easy day as I planned too. And I didn't even feel guilty for not working on a lengthy to do list. I am having a grocery delivery tomorrow. I don't feel up to getting all the groceries into the house on my own, and I didn't want to trouble Craig with coming here to help. The cost of the delivery is about equivalent to what I pay Craig when he comes to help me with the groceries ($20) so I am ok with this.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    A rainy day today. That makes it easier to go to work! I have a lot to do in getting ready to be away. It is my trip to Vegas. I am so thankful for a week of relaxation and no agenda.

    I ended up going out for lunch with a friend. She wanted to take me out. I was full all day and I just had popcorn for supper. DH made it. He ended up eating lunch at A&W. I am hoping for a better diet day today. My lunch is packed and I will plan on a light dinner. I just need to exercise some control and not snack.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! We have also had rain and some storms, but the storms in our area weren't nearly as strong as in other areas. Shari, your garden sounds amazing! You will have so much great food to enjoy!! Speaking of food, Paula, I'm happy to hear that you had groceries delivered and the price was reasonable!
    My sister and her husband and three of her grandchildren came to our area today to visit an old fort and museum. We met them for supper and had a nice visit! When I got home, a friend of mine had posted photos of her van(on Facebook) that a tree had fallen on while she was driving. Thankfully her dogs weren't with her because the crates she had in the back were damaged. She was ok, and judging by the photos, that is a miracle!
    I think I made a good choice at the restaurant, but the scale will tell tomorrow. We also went to a nearby bookstore after supper. I think we all enjoyed looking around the store.
    My weekend that was free has filled up and we leave next Thursday, 8/3, for a dog show weekend. Our club is supporting the breed entry at the show and we are going to support the club activities-pizza on Friday after showing and a dinner at a restaurant on Saturday with a raffle and an auction as a fundraiser. I entered my girl on Friday and Sunday to support the entry but no pressure since she doesn't need any points. Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    edited July 2023
    DW, So glad your friend wasn't injured by that tree and that her dogs weren't with her. I cannot imagine how scary that must have been! I admire how involved you are with your dogs, the shows,etc. and how while it keeps you busy, it is a good kind of busy. It sounds like so many good times.

    Shari, yum on the popcorn for supper. I have done that on occasion, and popcorn is a good way to get in some fiber which is filling and healthy.

    I had a pretty good day today, stayed within my WW points and got some things done today. It was another low pressure day in terms of my to do list. That is the kind of day I like and generally feel like that is what it should be like to be retired! Thursday I take the van to get its state inspection and an oil change. I drive so little now that the oil hasn't been changed in a year, at the last inspection. Our van is 14 years old and in relatively good shape. I just hope it stays that way!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    I can't imagine having a tree fall on your van while driving! What a close call.

    I am also intrigued with the dog show community. I think it would be so fun to be a part of.

    I had an okay day yesterday. Only four more sleeps until our vacation and only two more days of work. I feel like I have worked ahead enough that I don't have to worry while I am away. I get to work from home today which is wonderful. I am also glad we leave on Monday, that gives me the weekend to tidy the house and pack. I need to send DH on some errands in preparation today. Hopefully he does not mind.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Excited for you Shari as your vacation approaches! And having 2 days to get ready to go is very wise!

    I had another pretty good day. I was at the top of my WW points but made all healthy choices. The van passed the state inspection without any issues. Woo Hoo! I was surprised to learn that I drove less than 2000 miles over the last year. I knew I didn't drive much, but seeing the figures was even more of an eye opener. At this rate, the van should last us a good while longer even though it has over 100,000 miles on it. And I got the senior citizen discount at the shop that did the inspection...another bonus! They take very good care of me there.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Having a very good day today. We got some amazingly delicious organic blueberries this week. Had them for breakfast with plain non fat Greek yogurt which translates to zero WW points. Delicious, filling, and healthy!! I am making turkey sausage for supper with broccoli. I might add a carb for John I worked a little on my to do list today but wish I would have done more. It was another day that seemed to fly by very quickly.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    DH got up early on Saturday and my morning routine didn't happen. I never got back to it! Looks like he will sleep in today. That means that I can do some reading. I love to read on Sunday mornings.

    Sounds like you are doing very well with WW Paula. That is awesome.

    I am trying to add a new habit to my morning and that is going on the deck to get some natural sunshine. I have read in a few different places that it is good for our health. I don't recall the details and will need to reread about the exact benefits. I figured it would be an easy thing to add to my day. It will be more of a challenge in the winter when the sun doesn't rise until 8:50. I will see how it goes.

    I am packed and ready to go for tomorrow. Just a few things to tidy up around the house in preparation for our youngest to come and look after our place and Moe.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Safe travels and enjoy your time away Shari! So nice to get away for a bit, a well deserved break for you! Wow, I had no idea that your sun doesn't rise till so late in the winter. I would have an extra hard time waking up when it is still dark. I had another really good day today. I was again well within my WW points and didn't struggle with any temptations. Oh, if only every day would be like that! It was a perfect summer day here, warm but not too hot and not really humid. I enjoyed being outside with Buster on such a lovely day.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! Shari, I hope you have a fun and relaxing vacation!! How nice that your son can take care of everything while you are gone! Paula, I’m happy that your van passed inspection! My last van went to slightly over 200,000 miles.
    I had my van in for an oil change and tire rotation. Then back in because there was vibration in the right front tire on the freeway, so they balanced the tires ( more $$) . They said I would need new tires before winter but could wait for a sale (October). Today I got a text that said I didn’t complete a recommended service. I texted back and asked what they were referring to….no reply. I will call them tomorrow because I’m very irritated by their text.
    I am again making a 2 month commitment to walk the dog, even though her behavior is embarrassing around bicycles. I plan to try to go earlier to avoid them.
    My eating has been ok but progress is slow. Have a great week!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Hope your van issues get resolved. So difficult with costs so high. I, too, would be irritated by that text! Great going with the dog walking commitment. What does your girl do around bikes???

    Today was very productive for me with my to do list. My monthly cleaning service comes tomorrow so I had to pre-clean, meaning straighten up to make the actual cleaning go more smoothly for the service. I tend to have a lot of "stuff" around simply because I need so much in reach due to my limited mobilty and pain levels. So before the service comes, I do my best to minimize the extraneous stuff so that they can clean more thoroughly.

    I didn't do as well with WW today as I have been doing on other recent days. John was having a treat that he asked for (something someone gave him that was in our freezer). I shared in with him in enjoying the treat. The WW point value was very high. And that put me over for the entire day. I ate a supper with more points than I should have so I will have to be very careful for the rest of the week for sure. We had a great Bible study class tonight. Very inspirational and helpful.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! Just a quick note since we are packing and hoping to get out the door by noon. I hope WW has been going well!! I had another walk with my dog this morning but not as long as I’d hoped due to bicycles. My girl has focused her prey drive on the moving bikes. When she sees them, she pulls very hard and screams repeatedly. She spins at the end of the leash and wants to chase them. I have tried many things to no avail. Interestingly, we see rabbits, squirrels, cats and she pays them no mind. Only bicycles…
    I have an MRI of my Achilles tendon on 8/10. I’m supposed to be wearing a boot on that foot and I can’t on walks but try the rest of the time. Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Very interesting DW how your gal reacts to bikes. I haven't ever heard of such. Keep us posted on your Achilles tendon. I am sure it can be very painful! Does the boot help with the pain?

    I had a good day today with my WW points well within my range. I got a few things done today, including a little work for the inter church group, but it was very easy stuff to do. I got a little behind this week in my reading for our Thursday night Zoom class, but I caught up today and even managed to squeeze in a refreshing 30 minute nap before class. Tomorrow is my favorite kind of day....very low demands, a short to do list, and no where that I must go. I will take it easy and enjoy and also focus on staying on track.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Just a quick check in while we wait for the pool to open. I was able to catch up on all of the news above. There is hope to train your dog DW. Moe used to be crazy on walks and with determination and consistent training, we go there. He gets in the herding mode when a car drives onto the property and is hyper focused. His bark changes and he runs around the vehicle. I have him trained to "go home" when I drive up, but DH hasn't mastered the training for when he encounters Moe when he is in his car. Moe isn't outside much on his own, so it isn't too big of a risk. I always he will get run over.

    My eating is horrible. I will have some hard work ahead.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Good to hear from you Shari. Sounds wonderful..."waiting for the pool to open." It is fine to enjoy the food while away. I bet you are burning some of it off. As I understand it, Las Vegas usually involves a lot of walking.

    I enjoyed today but did end up doing more than I anticipated. It is a good feeling to have some of these loose ends tied up, and I had the time to do it. I did well with my WW again today. I still haven't weighed it but am going to try to do so soon. This week I saw a woman I hadn't seen in 2 months, and out of the blue she commented that I looked like I lost weight. I hope she is right.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member

    Happy Monday!

    Below is a link to register for a free webinar from WebMD about how menopause affects weight loss. I have registered for WebMD webinars in the past. If you cannot "attend" while it is live, you can still watch it at your convenience as they send you a link via email after the webinar has taken place. I copied and pasted the info below from an email I got from WebMD. Just sharing in case you are interested.


    You're Invited to Our Free Webinar
    Topic: How Menopause Affects Your Weight
    Date: Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023
    Time: 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT
    Expert: Beverly Tchang, MD

    \In this live webinar, Beverly Tchang, MD, tackles one of our most-requested topics: menopause and weight gain. She'll explain why menopause causes unwanted weight and body changes, the role of hormones, and why diet and exercise are essential to managing your weight. She’ll also cover the latest in weight loss medications and how to know if they’re right for you. There will be time at the end for your questions.

    Beverly Tchang, MD, is an internist, endocrinologist, and obesity medicine specialist. She’s an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, program director of Cornell's obesity medicine fellowship, and co-founder of the nonprofit Tri-State Obesity Society.

    Even if you can’t join live, register now to receive the replay link.