Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    edited July 1
    Our government is such a sad state of affairs, with all the box checkers Biden put in place and himself riding on Obama's shirt tails and Michelle looking at perhaps an option for her to jump on the wagon. However....whoever is in office...our God is on the throne and nothing escapes His notice.

    Maintenance has been in and out today. I got my new burner on the stove and can cook properly...hooya! The towels/rugs were picked up...Mary will wash them and return them to me. My bathroom sink had to be replaced as it was rusted out, causing the leaking and they are doing that now. Oh yay! A big industrial fan was brought in to dry my carpet. They will pick it up tomorrow. I was glad they didn't have to pull carpet up like they have in the past. Oh...and tomorrow, they will come in and repair my ceiling in the bathroom, and replace tiles around my tub that have been loose, falling out and looking grody for a few years. I am blessed!

    Marilyn...it's so good to see you. Continued prayers for all of us here. God knows our names and needs and has us in His care. Love you all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    Oh No! I just saw that the dentist did not get all of that bottom tooth that crumbled as he was pulling it! I am NOT going back as he'd have to cut me to get what's left!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    I've been having angina issues since last month...the stress of my brother's death and the memorial service was so much beyond normal for me...and then 3 full weeks of dental issues right after that...a week of pain, a week of antibiotics and waiting and a week of healing and now to see there's still part of a tooth there...ack! I'm hoping it settles down with continued healing of the dental thing....and stops happening several times a day. It's rather disturbing.

    My nifty new sink with a swivel faucet....I like it.ln3arnpxsm67.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    oooo, pretty! So glad you are getting these upgrades. I'm sorry that you are going through so much right now and your heart isn't happy about it. I wish I could take some of this off of you! My heart has been beating faster even with my med, so I started taking an extra 1/2 a pill. I told my NP and this new prescription adds that half a pill extra! So glad. Some days even the 1/2 pill doesn't help, but overall it does. I'm doing pretty good right now even with all the things that I have that can go wrong! I am down to 238 again and so happy about that. I've cut some breakfast calories out (not always drinking my protein drink with my Aussie Bite, just having coffee with creamer. That cuts out about 150 calories! Now I just need to not add them somewhere else!

    Have a blessed day. Stop and rest and meditate on the Lord. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,529 Member
    Having a good day - though the vertigo and the 2 sores on my tailbone are getting me - but will see the doctor tomorrow to get help with them.

    Went to Tops this morning and scale showed I have lost 5 pounds = now I am at 232 and by the end of July I will be down into the 220's for sure = working now on one pound a week which is doable

    Blood pressure was good today 126 / 80 with pulse 59 Tested for diabetes (finger prick) and it was 5.2 (Canadian = for US multiply by 18) So am ok with that. Funny how my numbers re diabetic are lower then when I was taken medication - docs are now saying I was on too many meds = and now am only one ones that I truly need such as an Iron pill, something for cholesterol, baking soda for acid reflux and a needle once a week for some hormone that was not working properly.

    Kidney function is still low (now at 9) and should it get to 6 for 2 months I will have to have diaylsis ( I am in what they call end of stages re kidney failure) but the Lord has blessed me with 22 months no diaylsis and am praying that it will stay this way for a long time as the diaylis would help but the change of lifestyle with the need to be on dialysis 4 hours at a time x 3 days a week. So the more I can do to keep myself healthy the better.

    Drinking lots of water, not having food with salt is a big thing. And they are now asking me to make sure I walk for 10 minutes a day and workit up to 20 - 30 minutes that is a new goal for me.

    Big thing is no processed food - I didnt realize how much of it I was eating - and proessedd food just is not good for our organs - especially the kidneys.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks for the update Marilyn....Praying with you...that you can hold on much longer without dialysis as you're doing everything you can and trusting God for the heavy lifting. You inspire me...to do my kitchen inventory and bag up some things for the neighbor. Under duress, I've been really careless for so very long....using highly processed and sodium loaded things for "convenience" to the detriment of my health. The back pain has been so bad the past few days that it's a real push to accomplish the simplest tasks.

    Thank you, Kim! I know you would share my burden despite your own! I'm hoping I will improve with better diet, some physical activity, rest in Jesus and calming of the internal things that are stressful at the moment. I've really been off the path of late.
    I did call my dentist to let them know of the tooth remnant issue and she said to let them know right away if it causes any problems, but it should work itself out thru the gum...ack. I mentioned the money thing...and she said if he did it there would just be a small charge as I'd already paid for the extractions. $225 per tooth...plus the $169 initial visit...more stress factors! I am so thankful for my savings...but pray I don't have to do this ever again!
    Another FB friend said she had that happen and used tweezers to pull the piece out and it healed right up. I'm a big weenie....don't wanna do that!

    Mary brought my towels and rugs back. I'm waiting now for them to do the bathroom work before I put things back. I have one mat down to avoid slipping in there but know it will be messy to pull down the saggy ceiling and ratty tiles.

    I sent a note to my Endo guy for refills and that now has them all back at Walgreens instead of the mail order pharmacy my insurance switched to. I have 4 in the delivery cue at Walgreens. It costs $3.99 for delivery so I waited until the two new ones were ready to process...instead of getting two at a time...I'll get all four.

    It's nearly 1 AM...and I'll go back to bed in a bit...have a blessed day at your spots on the map....Prayers for Missy and her girl as they make ready for the baby, Blessings for all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    OOO, how about chewing a piece of gum and seeing if that will pull it out? I'm just wondering, if it doesn't come out, the gums could just grow over that piece of tooth. If there isn't any root left in it it shouldn't cause a problem! I think I had a sliver of tooth left after I had my wisdom teeth out and it finally did work its way out. Mine was below the gum line so I couldn't do the tweezers trick!
    So glad you are getting those things checked by your doctor!

    Marilyn, your numbers are looking so good. That 9, even though you are just shy of needing dialysis, is still three points above that six, and higher than some of your past numbers. Praising the Lord and praying for continued healing! Keep standing strong in doing what will help you.

    Missy, praying for strength as you are helping out with two households! How is your husband doing?

    I was able to do some walking yesterday and did some no-weight arm exercises. Am going to get some walking in today but won't do the arm stuff because I don't want to mess myself up and not be able to go to Worship Service tonight.

    Wade and I are getting close to what we are going to do for my Medicare, adding some stuff to the A and B. In the long run I will be paying less overall even though my monthly costs will be higher than I wish they were. I am especially thinking about when I initially get it and the tests that my NP wants me to have. I would love an MRI from my knees to my head, but they usually just do my back. I would also love to have my hormones checked. In the past they were tanked and that may be why my thermostat is off.

    Hope y'all have an awesome day and a blessed time of worship this evening. Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,529 Member