Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Those numbers look really good, Marilyn.

    You will get your numbers back down again, Bren. You know how to do it, it's just implementing it.

    Marilyn, in the verse you posted about Jesus' baptism and the baptism that He brings, this is what we believe it tells us:
    Mt. 3:11
    for repentance = metanoia which means change of mind.
    As you said, water baptism doesn't do anything as far as our salvation, but it is an outward sign of an inward change. You are telling the world that you have died to sin and are being raised alive to Christ.
    Everyone, at salvation, receives the Holy Spirit, but not the fulness of the Holy Spirit, that comes with our sanctification, or our dying to the old man, the sinful nature and being fully obedient to Jesus, which is the fire with which Jesus baptizes us. On the day of Pentecost the tongues of fire represented the Holy Spirit and they received sanctification that day, the fullness of the Spirit - that was the sign of Pentecost, not the speaking in tongues (which were known languages so that the truth of Christ could be shared with all who came). John's baptism was a sign of salvation, Jesus' is a sign of our cleansing from the sinful nature and being filled with His Spirit. Not many people believe this any more, sadly, but the Word is saturated with this truth.

    I haven't done a lot of exercising lately and am going to have to put on my thigh brace. That leg has buckled on me a couple of times, just a wee bit, not enough to take me to the floor, but I can tell it isn't doing well. I am trying to do some walking around the house, but the rower will have to wait until the leg gets stronger.

    My doctor in Hickory told me to do a high protein/low carb diet (despite knowing about my being on the edge of kidney disease). I also have to watch my water intake because of my lymphedema. If I take in more than 48 oz a day, my lymph system just soaks it in and I swell up. I've been swelling more lately because I have been drinking more because of the heat. It's a real balancing act. I'm sure that I am somewhat dehydrated because I do have the dry skin and the cramping, but I am also prone to low potassium so I take that every day. The only thing on my legs that get twitchy is the front of my thigh and I have been using a pain cream on it and my knees when I go to bed so that has helped a lot. I am going to work on getting less protein though. I will go into my nutrition and see how much I have down to get each day and try to cut that in half. We do watch how much sodium we are getting in the things we eat, but it hasn't been a priority. I will also work on not adding more to whatever I am eating. I have to watch so much right now because of stomach issues and migraines, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot I can eat that I like! I am going to start taking a digestive enzyme before each meal and see if that helps with the gas and bloating that I struggle with. Something isn't digesting right and leaving air in my gut, so I am hoping that this will help digest whatever I eat and everything will even out again. I had it evened out before Covid, but in the two years since I haven't been able to get my gut under control again.

    Thank you both so much for your encouragement and wisdom! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Thinking of all of you ladies and praying for you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thanks, Marilyn!

    I got my new glasses today. It will take some getting used to. I went from progressive to bifocal (with the line). My vision is definitely better, I just have to get used to not having that middle distance.

    Weight is up again but I am pretty much swollen all over. Okay, here is a question for you - how do you pronounce swollen. Everyone I know around me says it with a long O sound, I pronounce it with a short O sound (or like it's a uh sound). I grew up in the North, and that is how everyone I knew said it up there! I just haven't ever gotten out of the habit of saying it that way even though I've been in the South for nearly 43 years, and in the North just 20 years.

    Well, it's lunch time so I am going to make my smoothie now. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Restfinder -swollen I prounced (I am from Canada) like the sound of oh - that is how we say it here

    My food has been drastically different since Thursday when I got word about my kidneys. As I sit here typing this my left foot looks swollen but when we measured it it seems the big toe is what is really showing larger though the top of the foot looks puffy. Also putting any weigh on the toes hurts so guess I have done damage - will call the doc and talk to his nurse to see if I should do anything different - am thinking I might need a boot to wear for a bit due to the toe and the planter fascitis. It has been this was all weekend and of course with it being a long weekend here couldn't talk to the doctor and I won't go to the Emergency unless it is a life threating thing.

    I will go to the weight thread and put my weight there - but from May 8 (a Sunday) till today (2 weeks 2 days) I have lost 6.1 pounds so am making the right choices. Generally feeling so much better - my blood re diabetes is good today - just before starting super it was 6.1 (109.8 US number) so good there. This morning when I got up I tested it before eating and having not eaten since 6 last nigh and it came out at 7.1 (127.8 US numbers) so feel ok about it.

    So here is my menu for today

    nothing as I was going to my TOPS meeting at breakfast time

    1/2 order of Denny's 55+ Scrambled Eggs (good but due to the numbers on it won't have it again)

    Salad consisting of
    -- 3 oz loose leaf letuce
    -- 1 medium tomato
    -- 3 oz cucumber
    -- 3 oz shredded carrots
    -- 1 oz yellow bell pepper
    -- 1/2 teaspoon Epicture Italian Dressing
    -- 1 orange

    Calories - 630
    Carbs 69 g - pleased with that
    Fat - 29 g
    Protein - 24 g ( most of it from the lunch)
    Cholesterol - 308 mg (over the limit of 300 mg and not happy as this is damaging my kidneys)
    Sodium - 1300 mg (definitely note happy with that 40 mg came from dinner and the rest was my lunc)
    Sugar - 29
    Fiber - 17 g

    Be blessed ladies
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, Marilyn, that calorie count is quite low. I'm not sure with your restrictions how you can add much more though!

    Today's numbers for me:
    Calories: 1221
    Carbs: 109
    Sat Fat: 11
    Protein: 72
    Sodium: 1153
    Potassium: 1172

    My weight this morning was 239.5

    What I put down today is a little bit less than what I normally eat, so I have been around the 1500 cal a day mark. I am going to work on staying at this 1100-1300 range and see how I do at that.

    Y'all have an awesome day. Prayers for you! Hope they find some help for your foot, Marilyn.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    But more than that, make sure that it's God's will! Cuz, not everything God asks you to do is going to bring happiness, like confronting sin in someone's life, or giving up pretty much everything you have to go and live in a little trailer or 12 X 12 house without running water or electricity - very hard, but also satisfying to be in God's will.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Just a note - realized we have 23 members - and when I looked at the list - sadly many have not posted in a long time - how about everyone taking a few minutes to check in to let us all know you are still with MFP and interested in this group - it is a great group and would be even better if everyone participated some.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I've been having a bit of a struggle for several days...2 with really high sugar: a 423 start one day, 323 the next and spent the day monitoring and getting it back down.

    At 2 AM this morning, I bit my poor tongue in my sleep for the 4the time in one week and this was a bad bleeder. It took 30 minutes to get the heavy bleeding stopped and 3 more hours before I could go back to sleep. I have another bite on the left side of my cheek and the swelling then gets in the way of my teeth and triggers more bites. They are so painful. I'll be rinsing with salt water and eating soft foods for several days. I'll order some Ambesol, gauze pads and applesauce today. Perhaps my sugar will come down some with more care. I'll have more Doctors saying "what am I going to do with you?"

    Week Two stats:
    227.8 -4.2 (not sure I trust that scale?)
    138/84 76
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, Thanks for that encouragement for members to participate. Sure would like to hear from folks! Thanks for the pictures too from both of you ladies.

    Bren, so sorry things have been so hard lately. I was hoping they would get better when you retired. Have you ever tried a mouth guard. I goes over the teeth. You soak it in hot water and then fit it to your teeth. It's something that is supposed to help with not gnashing your teeth at night, which is something I had a problem with for awhile. I didn't bite anything, just ground my teeth. https://smile.amazon.com/Guard-Grinding-Teeth-Clenching-Eliminates/dp/B09Z1X9G12 You may have a problem with your tongue being too big for the space it rests in (I have a wee bit of a problem with that and have very gnarly looking edges on my tongue from biting them so much). Something like this might help.

    What an awesome thing to remember, Bren, that Jesus came to save us and all we have to do is have faith (believe) in Him and repent! I love the next verse too: Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.  Way too many preachers are telling folks today that we can't be good, we can't do right, and especially not to be holy or righteous, yet God's Word is so clear - He expects these things from us, that's why He saved us, so we wouldn't be doing the devil's work, but God's work. How amazing it is!

    I hope that y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day. Love you. You are in my prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim....I looked at those and did I ever mention that I am uhm....LAZY? I can't see me making good use of them! It would not be the first thing I ever got that I didn't use though. I am praying I don't bite it anymore while it's in a fragile state. I'd prefer never again. It sure makes for a rude awakening for sure.

    I am at the end of my retirement "bonus" of $4215 the boss gave me and it's gone to insulin and groceries. I have my savings set aside and won't dig into that unless I absolutely have to. For some reason, my insulin is costing me about triple what it did just last year. $745 for a 30 day supply! That's insane! I was getting a 90 day supply last year for half that amount. I know I need to contact my insurance but with the run around and non-answers I get and the hearing issues I just don't want to deal with it. I need an advocate to do the wrangling for me.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    PS: Retirement is such a blessing considering how many trials I've faced this past 5 months. Five months today! There's no way I could have worked with many of them...like the two feet south at once and being bed ridden a full week...even this tongue thing...made talking extremely difficult! I know because I talk out loud to God ad myself!
    Overall.....I am OK and am very happy. I just need to push myself to stay on track and out of trouble to the best of my ability. Love you....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Have you ever checked to see if your medication has a savings program. My Emgality was $450 the first time I got it and I saw it would have been $650 this time, but I had gone to the company on-line and found their savings program so for the rest of the year it will be free. I know that the Aimovig had that too and I took advantage of that for about 16 months, then it ran out and you had to fill out all of this paperwork with an outside entity to get financial help - I didn't want to do that. With Emgality I just had to give them very basic information and they gave me the card and I gave the information to my pharmacy and it all worked out great for me! Wade is retiring in August so I will need all the help I can get! I would be happy to check it out for you if you give me the name of the med you are taking, if working on the computer is difficult for you right now!

    I'm doing pretty good, other than aches and pains. My thigh muscle won't settle down, but my knees are doing better - probably because I haven't been able to do much more than small walks around the house. I am not doing well outside in the heat, I have trouble catching my breath even when I am just standing still, and the heat just wipes me out, so I am staying in a lot - unless I go out to take care of things in the garden. The zucchini are growing, just not giving us any zucchini yet. We are harvesting some of the Romaine and find that it will take a whole lot more plants than the six we have to feed four of us. Our Pastor and his wife are part of our gardening efforts!

    I've been trying to find capris, coulottes, gauchos... anything cool that will fit my calves. I have to get the wide and flowing kind because if they have a tight leg I have to get two sizes bigger to fit my calves, but then the hips and thighs are way too big. I have a pair like that and they aren't comfortable at all. I like Johnnys brand, but they can show the lumps and bumps if I don't have a long enough t-shirt on - sigh! I have my polka dots on now, and they are quite comfortable and fit well - hmm, I need to figure out the brand so I can see if Amazon has some of them. I have three - four pair for the summer and that isn't enough since I am tending to sweat more lately! Ugh!

    Well, I've rambled on. Hope you ladies have an awesome day. Love ya
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I use Levemir flexpen and Novalog flexpen. My Dr. gave me paperwork to seek help with Tresiba but it was all very fine print and about 5 pages and I gave up. I don't qualify for extra help with my Medicare due to my savings. We are encouraged to save for retirement but the penalty comes in spending it all for medications. I only have Medicare, no advantage plans or anything. Many of those require you to have Medicaid as well and again, I have too much in savings to qualify. I am very grateful to have my savings! I worked hard for it and praise God for every dollar I could tuck away! I just don't want to use it all for drugs in my last days if I can avoid it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member