Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    I like those, Marilyn! Now to implement that second one! LOL!

    Bren, I like the cactus and the succulents I have, I don't have to worry about them dying if I forget them for a little while. We have a couple of plants left from the display that her Church sent to her funeral. Wow, they are hardy because I keep forgetting about them and they keep living. A bird had made a nest out of the moss that was in it and laid an egg in there. No bird, no egg when I cleaned it out, so I guess things worked out! We'll see if it survives on the porch this winter.

    We found an app for our TV that will filter out the bad language from TV shows or movies, but you do have to have a subscription streaming service and you can only watch the ones that your service carries. We have Amazon Prime so we are able to watch shows they support. They also have shows through Freevee and YouTube. I always liked the show Scorpion, four geniuses helping out the government with problems that they can't solve. It's based on a real person. There are a few others that I would like to watch again, but I don't have the service that they are based with, so... It's a lot cheaper than cable and I don't have to listen to bad language. You can do the free app and sit through ads or you can pay $6/mo. and have no ads! Until we see if it's worth it we are going with the free. I actually like the ads, gives you a break to go use the bathroom - oh yeah, I forget, you can pause them! LOL!

    I've been cold today, then I went outside and was surprised at how warm it was! My watch says it was 72 for a high today. Wouldn't know it sitting in my office! I'm ready to start my little heater! Pitiful!

    Well, you ladies have a great weekend. Love you

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hello, my beautiful lovelies! I hope you had a very good weekend. We did. Praise the Lord our pastor was up to giving the sermon yesterday. So exciting and such a blessing.

    Here's the first of my Christmas pictures!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    Joyce Meyer had a saying..."when you slide into the ditch, don't set up housekeeping"...another one I liked was "you're so busy trying to take authority over the devil and you don't even have authority over a sink full of dirty dishes".

    That's lovely Kim! First implies there will be more! Bring them on! That's wonderful that Pastor was able to bring a message Sunday. Praying for new strength and joy each day.

    I did a lot of decluttering, have trash loaded on my cart to take out, got my laundry in the pick up bags and my pick up scheduled for tomorrow. I am praying that in the new year, I will be able to do it myself. I need this back in better condition! I was working on the mess in my clothes closet and got my "keeper" items down from four baskets to one. I've started a tub for the Buy Nothing group and will post when it's full. I've given away 4 tubs and lots of bags of things....before my body went south back in May? I consider it a blessing to be able to get some sorting and cleaning done again!

    I got a Christmas card from our Barbi. It's my first. I so rarely do snail mail anymore except for her and my son. Speaking of: I'd ordered him some shoes/socks...guessing the size since the list he'd sent was in the clutter. I found it...and I'd ordered 7.5 and he needed 8.5....oops! I can't do a return so am hoping his cell mate can use the 7.5's and I reordered for him...as his Christmas gift.

    I got my notice from SS about the increase for 2023. What a blessing! Now if insulin prices will be regulated, I'll tool along right well. I got my Tresiba but the cost was almost 3 times what was expected. I think maybe because the 200 ML pen was ordered instead of the 100?

    I'm going to get the trash out and get some coffee. I waited a bit after feeding my cats so I don't disturb them. Have a blessed day all... Take good care of yourselves! I'll do that here as well.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member

    Beware of Joyce Meyer, she isn't biblically sound or anywhere close to being biblical! Just a head's up! Same goes for James McArthur, Beth Moore, and, unfortunately, many others. They believe that God is the author of sin since He is sovereign and nothing can exist apart from Him making it exist. God created everything good and perfect! We don't even have a choice in our salvation - you are either saved or damned by God's choice; and never mind being free from sin - nope, you gotta do it every day! Sadly, too many people are falling for these lies of the devil! But I do agree - if you fall into a pit - get out, repent, and keep moving forward for Jesus!

    Let's see if I can get my computer to let me put up another picture: Nope, I have to get Wade to open the boxes that are storing the pictures! Ugh! I think I need to just get rid of whatever that is! LOL! We'll try again tomorrow.

    Lunch time! Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member

    Today was my weigh in date at TOPS = down 2.6 weighing in at 235.6 - so am on the move again. Three more weigh ins for December - wonder what I can achieve - would be nice to lose the 5.6 pounds in that time frame but will take any number that is lower.


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    Woohoo, Marilyn. You are doing awesome!

    I'm hanging out between 236 and 237. I need to get my snacking under control - the problem is, I get up at 6:30, have my protein shake. By 10:30 I'm ready for lunch. By 2:30-3 I'm ready for dinner, then I should just need a snack around 5:30, but if I don't eat something around 7 my tummy is just growling all night - sigh. But I actually have three snacks throughout the day, so I know I can at least take away one of them. I don't want to gain over the holidays, so I need to adjust NOW!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    Howdy Doody!

    Kim, I hear you! I haven't watched or listened to Joyce in about 15 years or more. I know the world is full of charlatans and those that could lead astray those in need of salvation. I would fear more, those with the prosperity message...Joel Olsteen, Creflo Dollar type.... I attended a mega church in Dallas under one of those (Robert Tilton)....but not for long! We have to be vigilant and alert....for sure!

    I cannot believe I will be 70 in 6 days! Wasn't I just 45 recently? Only God knows the number of days we get but I am so very thankful for each one of them. I look more like my Mama all the time!

    My after dinner glucose was 93...Wow! That's wonderful! I'll see where it stands in the morning. It would be awesome to finally get regulated and see my numbers in a normal, healthy range after so long in the red zone.
    Nighty night all....hope you rest well and have a wonderful day tomorrow as we head towards another weekend...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    :D I'm laughing for joy at that awesome number! Hope your morning number was just as good.

    Where did the time go? I think about my 63 and can't believe I've already reached that number! My body feels it though! LOL! Ugh, my graying brunette hair knows it too. Brunette - I feel like a traitor to my blond sisters! LOL! I think it started getting darker when I was in high school - had to happen sometime!

    Okay, here's our next Christmas picture. a6t0a6r0v7um.jpg
    I saw this one today in an e-mail by a Christian author.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    edited December 2022
    That's beautiful!

    Oh me too! That was awesome! This morning it was 112....my lowest ever FBS. I was such a happy and blessed girl. (PS) I just checked and my after lunch number is 103....after my apples stuff and sandwich! Wow!

    I got some chores done this morning before the bug man came. He waves at me as he comes in so he doesn't scare me and I've taken to leaving the door open when expecting someone since I don't normally have my hearing aid in and can't hear them knock.

    I cooked the rest of that chicken today, on the GF grill. I had a sandwich for lunch on LC bread and microwaved apples with cranberries/walnuts and some Truvia brown sugar. I overdid the Truvia and they were really sweet! I'll knock off some next time. I was lazy and didn't peel the apples but they were still OK...small Galas. I think I'll get something else next time....looking for a juicy/tart/sweet apple. the dry, almost tasteless ones spark no joy for me.

    Speaking of Joy Sparkers....LOL I had 5 cats come for breakfast! Granny,(Calico) Mama, Sister (Torties), Junior (my lovely grey/white stripe and the big beefy Tom (grey/white) who sent Junior scampering inside when I opened the door. I had to pet them all. Such beauties!

    My laundry was just returned...yay....got that done for another quarter, unless I can muster up the strength and will to do it myself as needed...2 loads at a time. I hold out hope for that!

    Kim, do you have the KindleUnlimited service? I've been thinking of trying it but $10 a month stopped me at the door. I'd like some feedback on it....like reviews?

    I'm going to shut the door and turn the AC off now that I've cooled down and laundry is in...enjoy the rest of you day, Ladies! love and prayers...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    Bren, I do have KU. I weigh how much I would spend if I had to buy the books and are they books I would buy? Right now I am not using it as much as I should. You should wait until they have a deal going though, you can get quite a bit off. Okay, here is a link to some deals: https://smile.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/ku/retail-promotions-page?mode=digitalgift
    You can try it for six months and see if it's something you would use. I have it until June of next year, but I can cancel at any time if I see I'm not using it like I thought I would. I often use it to read the first book in a series and see if it's worth it, or if I have had a book for a long time and book two is in KU, then I will borrow the second book to bring the first book back to the top! They are now putting sets together, so when you buy or get one through KU, all the books you have in that set will appear.

    I am going to the eye doctor today. Last night I got a huge floater and saw a flash of light on the outside of my eye, all along the edge of my eye whenever I moved my eyes to the right or left. That isn't as prevalent as it was last night but it's still there. I called to ask if I needed to see someone, but of course, they said yes. I have had floaters since I was in my twenties, but this is the biggest one I've ever had, and I've never had the lights on the edge of my vision, although I have had flashes, usually preceding a migraine. The girl who answered the phone said it didn't sound normal to her, but then again, they don't make money if they turn people away! LOL! I'd appreciate your prayers. I don't think it's anything, but I don't want to assume it's nothing and then it is something.....

    Phew, chilly again today. I was hot and cold yesterday, my body couldn't figure out what it wanted to be - LOL!
    Not much else going on with me. Hope you ladies have an awesome week. Will talk to you tomorrow. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    edited December 2022

    Thanks Kim for the input on KU...I'll give it some thought. Reading is my favorite pastime and we know I do have a lot of time these days.

    Oh, I am praying all is well with this new floater thing going on! I remember you mentioning that a couple of times. New things can sure be scary some times.

    I had 3 busier days last week and have now had a 3 day recovery time. Things I used to do without thinking, have my back screaming and leave me gasping for air. My back does recover quickly with rest and I am so thankful for that....

    I hit 70 today. It's also my brother's birthday...he's 69. We were just spring chickens when we first "met up" over on SP!
    I am doing very well on the Tresiba. I've only been on it a week (Sunday)...and my FBS is great! Bedtime last night was 113 and I had spaghetti for dinner. I'm mostly having 2 meals a day. FBS this morning is 135. God is so good to this old girl!

    I'm up early this morning as it's another "Do Stuff" day....and the kitchen needs attention, laundry needs to be put away and trash needs to be gathered and taken out. I'm going to have another cup of coffee and play over at Amazon....then get myself busy. Be blessed, ladies!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are still a spring chicken in my book!

    Well, praise the Lord, I had a viscous detatchment rather than a retinal detachment. They both have the same symptoms so it's good that I went in. The viscous detatchment is fairly common for folks who are getting old! LOL! He'd already had one other that morning. Just have to keep an eye out for any more large floaters and flashing lights, that could mean a retinal detachment, but he said only about 1% of people with the viscous detachment also have the retinal detachment! God is very good.

    Well, I need to straighten up the house, going to have visitors! Weehee! Love y'all.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    Awesome! Thanks for the update. YES! God is good. Thank you!....if we were as young as we "act"...I'd be a 3 year old some days...LOL

    Enjoy your day and your visitors. Love you....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hope everyone is well


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hi! Hope y'all are doing well. I'm doing good. Went to the dentist and had a good result. I need to use these little brushes to get the area around my implants better-just a hard place for the brush to reach, and the floss irritates it because I'm not gentle enough - sigh!

    Chilly and rainy today, but it's actually warmer outside than in the house - :D I got another fair of these fuzzy lounge pants that I like to wear around the house, they are toasty warm and so comfortable! I got them from Roses - $4.99! Woohoo! This is what they look like (different patterns) but a lot cheaper than the Amazon ones - https://smile.amazon.com/Jo-Bette-Womens-Regular-Printed/dp/B09GPXRGZ9

    Oh, Bren, did you send me an e-mail? I got another one from Brenda Bradshaw! It looks like it's forwarded - it starts with FW then your name! I deleted it, but can get it from the trash folder if you did send it!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    Just the thank you note....I'd not open things either! Scammers are on every block waiting for us to be careless and open a door for them.

    I might could handle such as those now that I stay chilled so much but maybe not if they are warm and cozy! I've given away pajama's and new sweat pants more than once as I'd get overheated in nothing flat.

    I cancelled my HEB order...again. Just couldn't garner the energy for handling it. I'm making do at the moment with what I have in the kitchen....and watching the weather for sunny, decent days to be out poking around.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    So true, Marilyn. God gave us one mouth and two ears for a reason - listen more than you talk! People who think they are right all the time like to let you know it! Hmmm, something to think about!

    Bren, I sometimes start out with socks on and then about an hour or two after begin in bed I end up having to take them off - my tootsies get hot! I have two blankets as well, so if I get hot I can toss one off and then when I get cold I just pull it back over me. I go back and forth during the winter months. Definitely getting the thyroid checked after the first of the year. I did open that e-mail just now and it was definitely not from you. I didn't get a thank you note though, but you are very welcome! You have been a faithful friend and sister for a lot of years, just my way of saying I appreciate you!

    We did a booklet of poems and stories that our pastor has written over the years. I got it off to the printer (on-line) yesterday - oh boy, I hope I did everything right! It's scary being responsible for something like that. I had a blast getting it ready though. I really enjoy doing this kind of stuff. I've been putting all of his blogs on the computer and that is ready so we can give everyone a memory stick with those on it this Christmas. I'm also compiling the different studies that he put in the blogs, by topic, so that we can have those to work from as well. Such a blessing to work on those. Here's a link to the site with his blogs if you are interested in checking it out. It's for 2022 but right there on the right side you can see links to all the years, from 2009 to now. https://pastordlgouldmusings2022.blogspot.com/

    Love you ladies, have a great day!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    Kim, I do that with my fuzzy socks and needed to last night. My poor feet were so cold and I was really chilled, even tho I had my warmest blanket on me and no fan. I had a restless night and didn't sleep well....was awake until about 3 AM.
    This is the first year I've ever gone any nights without my fan. I have light gowns and short pant/tank top jammies and keep a nice thro on my recliner. I do get cold wind in around the door. I'm working on a shoe habit. Some weeks I don't wear any but once or twice all week. They do provide warmth and some stability.

    Thyroid...my number was in normal range by last labs after my dosage was changed. I'd been on 50 mcg for 23 years!
    I got my paperwork for my bone scan appointment next Thursday the 22nd. It's against my will....but my Dr. wants it done as it's been 5 years about, since it was done and my back has gotten so bad. I just do not want to end up with appointments filling my clean and empty calendar as they tend to do as we age.

    I finally got my HEB order yesterday. That chore sure takes the starch out of me! Today, I need to hack up that big old Pork butt thing I got. It's about 8 pounds and was on sale for .79 a pound. I sure wanted a ham shank but this girl does NOT need 8 pounds of ham in her kitchen with her BP issues. I got bacon instead for my beans and the like, instead. Today, I'll sort the fridge while playing with the slab of pork. I'm thinking I'll put a hunk in my crock pot for BB-Q sandwiches/tacos etc. We will see.

    Praise Jesus! My FBS is 97 today! I am shocked ad so happy! I sent my Endo Doc a note the other day, letting him know we are finally on the right track and the Tresiba is doing an awesome job. He will be happy as well. I stay steady throughout the day/night as long as I behave myself. I paid dearly for the 2 times I didn't in the past 2 weeks.

    Oh Wow! What a novel "gift" with memories and love attached! I am so sure it will be just as it needs to be and will bless everyone who receives it! I will save that to my favorites and visit often!

    e-mail: I'm sorry some scammer is using my name to snag your attention. I've gotten them from my ex-coworker, Debbie that was not her at all and I mentioned the ones from "David" and he's been in heaven almost 4 years now...1/23/23 will be 4 years. YOU...have been a blessing to me for many years now and I am so thankful for you, my friend! Be richly blessed!

    I'm going to have some coffee and get cranked up for my chores today. I love you all and wish you a joy filled day in Jesus!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 987 Member
    That's funny Marilyn! I confess that I ask myself a little too often..."what am I doing, what was I thinking, why did I come in here, what did I eat for lunch and what day is this"?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,602 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oh my, that driving one was so true for Mom. I had to keep reminding her to pay attention to where she was, not thinking about where she was going! We did an early drive-by for a new appointment she had, she wanted to make sure she knew where it was before going the next day - I kept pointing out the building to her, but she had her eye on a different one and didn't hear what I was saying - yep, time to take away her license! Boy howdy, she hated that!

    Woohoo on the blood sugar, Bren! Keep up the good work!

    Going to be cold this week and our heating system decided it wants to give us trouble - heehee, of course. We have lots of little heaters though so are staying warm. Wade is going to get the gas fireplace hooked up today, so we will have that too.

    Hope you ladies have a great day, Love you
