Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I had to go out this morning, against my will somewhat as I'm still needing better walk about ability.
    I got my insurance renewed, found out my rate is the "cheapest" regardless of the fact I drive less than 50 miles a month. Oh well...it's done and now I know not to expect concessions tho it's my opinion I should get a few.
    I got trash out, my meds at WalGreens, my order at HEB and am in for the day now...Going to put some pork on to cook for BBQ I think....I'll see how that goes.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Great pictures, ladies, thank you! I think change also takes a submissive heart! We have to let go of our will and give it over to God.

    Doing well, down a pound, we'll see if that holds. I had three headaches yesterday, but we have a very strong weather front going through and it has cooled things down A LOT!

    Well, time to go and transplant some okra and peppers and zucchini. Wade made a second raised bed so they can go in there and have room to spread out!

    Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    HAHAHAHA!!! So true!

    I can't believe the wind we are having, add to that chilly temps and it feels like Fall rather than almost Summer! Brrrr!

    Went to town this morning and ran into a wreck on the way home, that's the third one on our road in the past week. Hmmm, people need to slow down!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    We have strong winds here as well...but heat in high 90's to over 100. Makes me so very thankful for AC, fans, good water....and the comforts of home.
    I read an article just now about the horrid heat and lack of water in India, folks dying of heat stroke...so very sad. Two of my Doctors are from India and I'm sure their hearts break for their country.

    I have my laundry ready for pick up this morning. I have my door open so I can see them when they come, since I can't hear them. I will be so happy to be caught up for the first time in 2 years.

    One of the manager's kitties was outside at 6:30 this morning! I got to pet her and questioned her as to her presence so early in the day. One of my kitties was coming in hope of food, I'm sure and she slapped at the sweet kitty who was only trying to be friendly. Naughty girl.

    I need to clean my kitchen and sort my fridge today. My feet still hurt but I can pace myself and get some things done. I look forward to full healing once again!

    I put my kitchen bulletin board back up last night. It's been down since February, when they did electrical work in there. I got some pretty butterfly thumb tack things to play with... Will put my chore list and meal plan on the board.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday. Love and prayers....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, how wonderful you got to enjoy the kitties! Praise the Lord for His healing touch.

    Oh for some warm weather. I'm in a sweatshirt right now, it's kind of chilly! The wind seems to have died down some, so maybe a warm front will come in soon.

    Well, I'm hungry again! Time for lunch - a smoothie if I can drum up the energy! If not, it will be something I can just pop in the microwave, like chicken nuggets. Sigh. So tired today and I even had a good night's sleep, about 7.5 hours. How do those people who wake up on commercials get that "refreshed" feeling. I don't think I've ever woken up feeling refreshed - I just want to roll over and sleep more, even when I've had 9 hours of sleep! LOL! Must be in the genes!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am here! Just trolling, again. We live in Kansas and it is known for wind, but this spring has been really windy! When I first moved here, I said that whoever named Chicago the Windy City had never lived in Kansas. The other day I was bringing in groceries and my hair (chin length) was standing straight up! I should have saved the video from my video doorbell. It cracked me up!

    I worked on painting patio furniture and working at moving some worn out stuff off of the patios (we have 3). Yesterday, my arms were hurting and I had problems when I tried to play the piano. Today they are really sore. Hopefully they will ease off so I can practice a bit before Sunday. Luckily I only play the closing hymns, during prayer, and as people leave. Our pastor's wife plays during service, but they greet everyone on the way out of the church, so closing is my responsibility.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I hope your arms and hands feel better by then, Connie. I'll be praying. We've been incredibly windy as well. I didn't feel well yesterday and I think it's because I had been out in the wind several times and it just played havoc with my allergies.

    We've been busy continuing to close things out for Mom, there is a lot to do. I'm tired! LOL!

    One of the girls in our Church just turned 10, so we will be going to a birthday party for her this Saturday - so fun! Wade and I both see the eye doctor tomorrow. I've had a checkup within the past year, but since he was able to get int to see her I thought I would go ahead and get my eyes checked again now since Wade is considering retiring in August and insurance will be our responsibility after that! Gulp! I do occasionally have blurriness in my left eye, and last night my right eye was acting up - allergies (I hope).

    Y'all have an awesome rest of your day. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I need hugs!

    It's just over two weeks with the foot thing now. The right foot is near healing but the left is dragging about with extreme pain running up the back from the heel to the calf, making toddling about really difficult so I had another bed day today.

    I got my laundry back today and that was the best $100 I've spent on myself in some time! To be totally caught up and all things folded to just tuck away in the next few days as I feel up to it. I really thought I'd have 100 pounds or more but it was only 55 pounds. Wow!

    Since I've been bed bound today, I'm feeling weak...and a bit hungry. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast and am thinking I'll do beans and rice for dinner. I have a package to pop in the microwave. I had hoped to be up to making chicken soup today but that didn't happen so I'll aim for Sunday for that.

    Have a good evening, ladies!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Feeling so much better today. I was up at 3 AM, put a pot of soup on that I'd been wanting for a week. I did cheat and used frozen veggies but it's still a lovely soup. 3 boneless, skinless thighs, a half bag of seasoning blend, a full bag of lovely soup veggies, a box of LS broth, a can of diced, no salt tomatoes and 2 TBS of Better than Bullion, roasted chicken...and a scoop of minced garlic with added water for more broth.
    I had some for breakfast and it was really good. I'd like more tomato flavor so will add a can of no salt tomato sauce. That bullion stuff is heavy on sodium and pricey but I do like it. This is my first time to use any.
    I normally do all my hacking, dicing, chopping and slicing but until I am fully stable, time savers are helpful! This was quick, easy and very tasty.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Sounds healthy too, Bren. So glad you bounced back quickly and were able to make your soup.

    What a lovely hug that was - thank you Marilyn!

    Went for an eye appointment today and even though it hasn't been a year my vision had changed some in both eyes, he also worked to help my eyes work better together. My left eye, even with my glasses on was blurry so I found myself closing that eye more frequently than is good so I could see better. Hopefully these glasses will do that. I went with the bifocals again this time since I don't use my middle vision that much. I lean forward into my computer to work on it and use the reader part of the glasses so even then I don't use that part of the gasses like they are meant to be used. I don't shop that much any more so needing it to see prices in a store setting isn't really that important. Hopefully I won't be having as much trouble when these come in. The freckle on my right eye is still there. He says it's a beauty mark and shouldn't cause any kind of problem! That's me, a beauty mark in my eye! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Me too, Marilyn! I may stumble, fall and utterly fail on occasion but I won't give up!

    Wow Kim! You are unique! Glad it's nothing to worry over at all. I hear you on the vision issues. I've only bought glasses twice and theirs were not viable. One young man at the eyeglass place was mad and acted badly because I asked to have them redone. He gave the order to another person there and wouldn't deal with me. After that...I just chose to use readers and have gone up in strength twice in 25 years. My right eye is my weak one. I skipped my eye exam last year...should probably have it done soon. I hope your new glasses will do just what you need!

    I had more of my soup for lunch and it was very good. I don't add pasta (tho I love it) or rice so all my carbs are in the veggies. It's been awhile since I made something I really liked....tho I recently made very carb heavy, refried bean enchiladas! LOL I would NOT do that often if ever again tho it was yummy!

    Thank you! I'm still using the walker but should be able to park it about Tuesday and get about my business. I'm so thankful to have it!

    Have a blessed day Ladies.......love and prayers for us all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    How sweet, big tough doggie carrying around his pooh bear! Boy, some days I need one too! I do have several stuffed dogs and a stuffed moose!

    Went to a birthday party this afternoon for one of the girls in the Church, so special. She had a candy themed party. I didn't know the theme, but got her a bag of Birthday Cake Kisses to go with her card (and cash). Lots of people and lots of good Christian conversation. At whatever I felt like. Dinner tonight will be a smoothie!

    Allergies have been knocking me around lately, but praise the Lord was doing alright today. Our weather has been really weird too. Rain, wind, and then sunshine - rain, sunshine - thunderstorm, sunshine... God has been so very good and my headaches have all been mild when this kind of weather usually gives me migraines.

    Loving the picture messages, ladies! Thanks!

    Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    LOL! Me too...tho mine are Teddy Bears. I gave most away after Mom passed. I used to get them for us both as we loved them and I'd take a couple with me when I went to her place. She had a big bag full when she passed away and I kept maybe 3....put the rest in the laundry room for someone else to love. I still need a soft cuddle on occasion.

    We've had a bit of rain and stormy things the past few days but more wind than anything. My allergies are fairly mild since I am inside most of the time these days. I do go out early morning to check mail for the prior day and visit my kitty and then on pick up days/trash and appointment days.

    Our pool opened for the season yesterday. I didn't bother signing off on the pool rules to obtain access. We were closed most of the past two years due to Covid restrictions and with my health restrictions if I want to play in the water I guess I'll just snag a shower or wash some dishes.

    Did I mention setting off the smoke alarm with my soup yesterday? I had the lid on, it boiled over and had fire under my pot which shot soot up all around it. So I had to switch pots, reduce heat and go again once the fire was out. Guess I'll play in the water cleaning that pot up. I'd say that picture from a few days back, looks even more like my little kitchen at the moment. I had 2 pots....and now 2 sinks full of dishes? How does that happen?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member