Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, I agree! My aunt was actually the president of Liberace's fan club. Jim Neighbor's (Gomer Pyle) was gay as well as the actor who plays Perry Mason. Now, I can watch Perry Mason because he doesn't act gay, but I can't watch Gomer Pyle, for some reason it bothers me that such a wholesome character turned out to be not wholesome. I'm with you. We don't watch anything with cussing or sex in it - which nowadays limits what you can watch that's new. I like to watch the Hallmark Mysteries, as long as they don't slip in a gay couple, and then we watch old movies on YouTube. I really like Charlie Chan movies and Mr. Moto movies. We have a channel on our Roku that plays old TV shows. Wade likes to watch the old Mission Impossible and the show where Steve McQueen is a bounty hunter, the name of it escapes me right now.

    Bren, oh my sweet friend. I am so sorry you are going through this! I hope that Voltaran helps you. You are in my prayers!

    Got our garden planted this morning. We have blueberry bushes, one black berry, some okra, peppers, tomato, zucchini, romaine lettuce and spinach. Sounds healthy! Now, to get them to grow! LOL!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am sorry to have been MIA. I have been "lurking", but decided I needed to pop in with a comment to let you know I am still here.

    I am just not a TV watcher, but love the old sit-coms if I watch. I loved the Brady Bunch, but the Dad on that series was gay, as well. I have worked with so many over the years (especially when I worked in the beauty supply industry). I have learned to love the sinner and hate the sin! They all knew me, my life and what I stand for. But, as one of my friends so eloquently said, "It just isn't any of my business what goes on behind closed doors."

    Bren - Praying for you. I know pain, but I just can't imagine what you are currently going through. Thankfully, most of my pain was either relieved with surgeries or retirement. My body kind of fell apart when I was 50 and during the time from 50-60 I had both knees worked on, my rotator cuff scraped, lower back surgery, neck surgery and two surgeries at the same time on my left foot. I had a new doctor ask me one time if I had ever had any "normal" surgeries. I looked at her funny and she said she meant every surgery that I had listed was due to skeletal issues and wondered if I had anything like tonsils, gall bladder, etc. Luckily, NOPE! I'm as healthy as a horse!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    For those who know me:
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you Connie for your input! I find myself thinking, since these episodes normally last 2-3 weeks...I am 7 days closer to recovery. I am so thankful for you ladies...who care, support, encourage and pray for me.

    I asked my manager to check my mail today since I haven't been able to walk down there in 6 days. I will get another surgical shoe, since I needed two this round. I got my electrolyte water in my delivered order from HEB. There's no way I can drive, do pick up and haul things in at the moment. Perhaps by The 10th?

    I need to get to my Insurance office to do another application, get pictures of my car and seek a lower rate. I think I should pay for the days I drive it? LOL That would be 4 times a month?

    I've had 720 calories today so the extreme weakness isn't hounding me at the moment. My stats today were 224.6 131/79 82 and 120. I want to adhere to the lower end of calories once I am recovered. I'm glad that I don't have appointments until mid June and I can get delivery from HEB, pharmacy and Amazon. We know I don't have any trouble hiding away in my Woman Cave with Jesus!

    Loe you ladies...and am so glad you're here. Be blessed!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Loved the bee picture!

    I'm the opposite, Connie, I've had the "normal" surgeries but not the skeletal! LOL! I could sure use a couple of new SI joints though. I can't do any kind of shopping right now without having a lot of pain about half way through. I was walking around Roses today, looking for tank tops to go under my slightly too low tops, and my back just started killing me, and then my right leg also gets week and I get that numbness along the whole right side of my leg. That's why I do most of my shopping on-line, I just can't walk the stores any more! I mentioned my knees to my doctor on my last visit, but she just suggested physical therapy - and I can't get anyone to the house and since I don't drive it would put others out to get me there one or two times a week. She thought that my rowing machine might help, so Wade is going to set that up for me.

    I got some more zucchini today, the ones we planted look kind of wilty. We are going to keep them in and see how they do, but now we have to find somewhere to plant these new ones. Everything is still looking good today, it's just going to take a few more days for them to get established and then start thriving! One of our blueberries is turning purple - woohoo! Hope a bird doesn't get it before we get the netting up!

    Y'all have an awesome evening. Love ya
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I spoke with my friend, ex co-worker Sharon and she said I should have called 9-1-1 already! LOL She's precious but did "make me go" to the hospital twice before. I told her other than IV hydration they would only hurt me every 30 minutes while I was trying to sleep. I was scared a couple of times, what with my diabetes and heart issues but I'll be OK.

    Two of my precious new friends in my Buy Nothing group came to my rescue after I posted and Ask for service yesterday. Tho I was still bedridden, I left the door unlocked for Carrie and will do the same for Laura on Friday. Carrie cleaned my kitchen, got my trash out, wiped down the storm door and checked my mail. Laura will do the same Friday. I am praying for complete healing and proper walking very soon. I am so thankful for them....and their servant's hearts.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I wish I lived closer to you, Bren, I would be able to just stay with you! I have experience now in caring for someone who can't do for themselves! I hate that this is happening and I can't help! But, Jesus knows and I am praying for you! Please, don't hesitate to go to the hospital if this goes on much longer. Something could be going on with your feet because of the diabetes and the sooner you have it taken care of the less chance it will be something catastrophic! Love you, sister!

    Doing well here. Still working on Mom's monetary stuff and getting all of that figured out. Things just keep popping up and I'm not sure how to take care of it! LOL! She had her hands in a lot of pots, that mama did! It's amazing to see how she had spent a lifetime planning.

    Hoping for rain this afternoon or evening to water the garden. We haven't had any for awhile and we really need it. I haven't gone out today to water the plants, but the cloudy sky makes me hope I won't need to this evening! LOL!

    Y'all have a wonderful day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim! Prayer in my behalf has been such a blessing and knowing I have you and others in the gap for me means so much! Yep...I'll keep that hospital thing in the far back of my mind. Having dealt with these hinky feet for 15 years or so, I know there's nothing to speed heal them other than God's hand! It's just the both out at once that's an anomaly and made this episode so severe.

    The Mama's planning sure helps when these times come. My Mama didn't have a lot of pots but her advance planning sure helped me when needed and set a great example for me. God was with me in all I had to do in her behalf.

    I rested well today and I think I am near ready to rejoin society in a limited amount! I did a very little amount of puttering today, still need my walker but am gaining ground and the pain is lessening, praise God!

    Today, I put in a pick up order for my 2 carts of laundry that will get me caught up, halleluiah! It's costly but so worth it to me. Then I can do my final sort for give away and clear my closets of excess. They will pick up at 7:30 next Wednesday and return to me the next day, washed and folded and bringing joy at seeing clear space again! My goal hereafter, is to do laundry every two weeks and stay on top of it.

    I am considering getting a beside potty from the medical supply and seeing if they will deliver. Now that I am clearing out my closet, I'd have space for it in the clothes closet when not needed. However, it's only about 25 steps from my bed to the bathroom and back so I'll give it more thought for a bit. That's an advantage of apartment living...closer quarters, walls to use for support and the like.

    Oh! I hope your blueberries doe wonderfully and the birds find things a couple miles past you place to gnaw on. I remember them attacking our lovely tomatoes!
    Be blessed ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wade put the bird netting on last night because there was a mocking bird eyeing those blueberries! We ate the first four ripe ones this morning. They could have stood a couple more days to sweeten them up a bit, but they were big and yummy!

    I'm so glad you are doing better, Bren. Praise the Lord! Having that porta john by mom's bed was a huge help to us. When you are suffering so much pain it really helps to not have to go far, especially when you have to up a couple of times in the night. It might also save you from a fall if all you have to do is stand up and do a half turn rather than taking a short walk. If you do decide to go that route, I really liked Tidy Care commode liners https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N94VVFQ, they come with the bag separate from the absorbent liner and they just worked so much easier than the other kind. We kept a lidded garbage can right beside her chair and just dumped the bags in there so no messes to clean out of the potty container. Just some helpful hints from a veteran of that sort of thing! LOL! I thought about that yesterday when you were saying how hard it was for you to get up and move.

    I went and got my Emgality yesterday. Very expensive but am hoping that is because of the limited deductable that is on it and maybe next time it will be cheaper. I am going to pay the price and use my HSA until it runs out, and also hopefully be able to use it for two months and then wait one month and then use it for two months... I couldn't use my HSA card yesterday, it had expired five days prior to that - ugh!!! Praise the Lord, He provides.

    I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim! My Mom had one of the potty things, sitting over the toilet. I tried to get her to use it by her bed but she wouldn't. She fell a lot, trying to go to the bathroom. Broke my heart for her. Yes...you did...have some experience with these things!

    I managed to go to the mailbox at 2:30 AM....a slow shuffle but I did it. First time since a week ago Tuesday.
    Oh, I am praising God for more recovery! I was able to get my bed stripped before Laura came this morning and she helped me get my sheet/cover and pillow cases back on. Felt wonderful. I only have the one flat sheet until my 2 sets come in from Amazon...as all are in the wash! I will be so thankful to get that taken care of next week.

    Laura brought me flowers (Mother's Day), 2 Gatorade Zero and a bag of salad....and another bowl of soup. That was so sweet! She put my tubs in the closet for me to free up space until I am able to work on my collections again. I had to have free reign of the apartment for the walker.

    Sunday, I should be able to drive again and will go get my Lisinopril at Walgreens. Tho I whined seriously, having to change pharmacies...I am loving the convenience of the drive thru, and it's less than half way that it was, to drive to Wal-Mart.

    I'm going to get back to bed....nighty night!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, how wonderful, a trip to the mailbox - that is definitely a good sign. Praise the Lord. What a wonderful friend you have there too. Give her and your other friend hugs from me since I can't be there for you!

    A beautiful day here today. I'm going to need to water the garden this afternoon. I did such a good job the first day I haven't had to water for three days! LOL! It's looking good though.

    Not much else going on with me. I did some vacuuming and have a load in the washer, ready for the dryer. Wade will be home soon with a chicken sandwich for lunch. I'll take away one of the buns since that would be way too much wheat with the coating on the chicken. I asked for chicken nuggets, but he said we have those here at the house so pick something we don't have - oookaaay! It's been awhile since I've had the sandwich, and it is sooo good!

    Well, y'all have a very good weekend. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited May 2022
    Yes it was! Getting mail was one of my Mom's only highlights of the day and wrestling nights! LOL I think I'd mentioned, after she passed, I still watched it, until the popcorn was gone, then I'd turn it off. It took a bit to realize I only watched as an excuse to eat popcorn and as an adult type person...I can have popcorn when I want it! In the years she's been gone, it's become so much more "stupid"...and I wonder if she would have ever grown tired of it?

    I had a laugh yesterday...well more than one but one was this...on my 4 item request of things to do was unload/reload dishwasher...leave plastics. Which meant leave the plastics in the washer because they never really get clean...Carrie loaded silverware, cups and saucers...but washed my sink full of "plastics" by hand! Bless her!kbdoo9urbmy8.jpg

    Mine wasn't quite that bad but if feels like it at times!
    I got good hugs from Laura yesterday so one was for you! I treasure these ladies and Carrie made the comment that they would take care of me..... made my heart smile.

    It feels wonderful to be moving back to edge of mobility, strength and healing! God is so good to this old girl! Less pain certainly renews my joy factor!
    OH...chicken sandwich! I had one last week with a couple of nice strips I had in the freezer. I don't remember if those were my last two, but they were yummy. I've really been wanting wings but they, like most things are so expensive it will need to wait until my birthday to be "justified"!

    I have many fond memories of former gardens. I loved working in the dirt, watching God's gifts of abundance springing forth! It's amazing! I remember Missies' pics on her page of some of her bounty!

    I got another order placed for HEB and will pick it up when I go to WalGreens for meds in the morning. Days pass rather quickly...whether I do anything constructive or not!
    Have a blessed rest of the weekend my friend! Love you!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member