Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I don't do much flour at all in my diet, flour of any kind. It's almost impossible to find something that doesn't have wheat or almond flour in it. I've looked at the Ezekiel Bread and it has wheat in it, and some of the breads also have almond, I believe. I have found wheat free bread, but it isn't pleasant to eat and costs a fortune, so I just do without. I tried to make some flat bread using coconut flour and psyllium husk, but it didn't work out. I did have some pancakes at IHop this morning that were called Protein Pancakes and they were made with oats, rye, barley, flax and chia seeds. They were delicious. I got the blueberry/lemon ricotta ones. I could only eat two of the four that came with the order and I had two slices of bacon as well. I did have wheat and cheese for our Resurrection meal and am still feeling the side effects of that even though I haven't had either since Sunday! Finding a dairy replacement isn't as hard for me as finding a wheat replacement that tastes good and is affordable, but I just don't eat sandwiches any more! I do need snacks because I can't eat very much in one sitting so I am hungry every two or three hours. I watch friends eat during corporate meals and they have a salad beforehand and then have their meal - well, the salad would fill me up and have to be my meal, I couldn't eat the rest without getting beyond full. And that 10 oz. of veggies would put a frown on my face! I did buy some broccoli today to make a broccoli salad, I really liked the one I made for the dinner Sunday, but this time I'm doing it with broccoli, carrot, cranberries, sesame seeds and real bacon bits. I have left over sauce but I think I will make some new stuff and use my Stevia instead of using sugar.

    I was down two pounds this morning, that felt so good. I've been working on doing my walking around the house every 1-1.5 hours and also taking my normal walk outside, when it is warm enough.

    I sent a note to a surgery center and asked if they did liposuction and then skin tucks. This place didn't but they gave me the name of a doctor who might. I tried them today but they aren't in the office, so I'll try again on Monday. I would like to get an idea of the cost and see if I can do my legs since I am having so much trouble with swelling and pain (thigh pain), despite taking two diuretics - crazy!

    Love y'all. Keep working hard.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I'm OK Kim...have had some sleep issues of late and my night "normal" cycle is way off so I haven't been my best for over a week but I'll work on that.
    Kudos on getting some walking in in spite of the swelling issues...inspires me to get up and go some.

    I went out for my pick up order this morning, got gas in the car and had to walk in to pay because I forgot my debit pin #. Had to do it as credit. I'll call the bank. I probably just have it reversed. I haven't tanked up since December 15th! I still had a quarter tank left. That tells you how much I am driving these days and I am fine with that. At this rate, I'll fill up 3 times a year. I called my insurance Co. and asked them to find me a lower rate since I am retired and drive 30 miles a month or less now.

    I want to push myself a bit this weekend, to get some laundry done. I'm tired of looking at it. And I am down to one pair of shorts that fits well. LOL

    Today's stats were good...
    weight: 227.6
    BP: 126/88 70
    FBS: 163

    I rescheduled my cardiologist appt .too...so I see my endo Doc June 15 ad cardi guy June 21. I will be working in that time get myself together somewhat. It's SO hard for me to push myself to move thru the pain. I need some discipline and drive up in here. Nobody yet has volunteered to come do PT while I nap.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited April 2022
    Marilyn, what a great comeback on the salad/steak picture!

    Weight is pretty much staying the same, up just a few ounces. I haven't been staying away from treats, but I haven't been going overboard either. I bought some candy from CVS using my "free" money from there and so I have a tiny cup that I fill and eat from (less than 1/4 C) once a day. I did split my cream cheese danish over two days rather than eating it all at once though. I know Marilyn! Don't scold me! LOL!

    We went shopping on Friday and Saturday and I got around 3500-3800 steps each of those days. I will have to work to get that much today. I had about 2800 yesterday.

    Bren, I love those numbers and that you've gotten yourself under 230 - woohoo for you! found this picture since they don't have a dancer in the emoticons! I call it "Dance of Joy" j402mrpp4dkp.jpg

    Have a happy and blessed day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you Kim! I like that! Dance of Joy! I need to do some of that in my spot. Your steps impress me. I remember my dancing days when I'd get the 10,000....until the Meniere's put a halt to all of that. Like back in 2001.

    Today...at 2 AM...I am up and have laundry in. As always, I pray for God's strength and will, to do this heavy task. I carry my phone in case trouble comes and pray it never does. My BP and FBS was high this morning so I am off to a rocky start but feeling better. I had way too much sodium/carbs yesterday and it showed up.

    I got trash out yesterday, picked up my meds...love the drive thru at Wal-Greens! It's right across from my grocery store too. I snagged my grocery order after. I was wanting salads enough to place a second order and they look lovely. I got the packaged ones and a container of baby spinach and field greens. I got one with turkey cranberry salad on it, one cobb and one Chef's salad. Shhh.....I know...I am supposed to limit greens and this is kind of doing that? It's sad when such things are a limited or avoidance food due to physical conditions.

    My son had been calling...like 15 times in a row to my cell. I finally took a call and it's a free 20 second call. You can say hi, bye, I love you in 20 seconds and it's a trick to lure you into joining the call service, paying to maintain it for your inmate and each call after running out of time is .60 a minute PLUS, all my phone minutes gobbled up....so I hung up during the middle of that long squawk. He knows I have hearing issues and that too is a deterrent besides the money. They want $25 for the initial set up to "hook you". He is restricted from any packages right now and I am limited in what I will send him. From what I read, he has to have 6 months good time to receive packages. My circus, my monkey?

    Have a blessed day Ladies....and enjoy it as the gift that it is!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    NOOOO! We are now down to ONE puny dryer that works. Meant another round trip to the laundry room, dragging the still wet load out and transferring to the one dryer and doing drying in shifts. I will see if I can lift my carts and take the other two rounds to a laundromat and be done with it.
    The laundry room has not been maintained at all since the third party company put their machines in. We have 4 washers/dryers and the two bottom ones have been out over a year, the right one over 2 years and now one of the top ones isn't heating. I marked on it with a dry erase NO HEAT!! for the next one to need it. I've complained 3 times myself, to no avail....twice, directly to the company that owns the machines.

    Oh well...round one is finished, I am thankful, God is GREAT and I am OK....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I like that post Marilyn. I know I miss the mark quite often...but I won't quit!

    We got notice yesterday that due to the higher costs, our complex will no longer pay basic cable as of May 1. I ordered a Roku thing-ee and per a 70 year old lady's review...it should be easy to connect and use? I know you guys do the streaming thing, Kim....and another friend on FB (the Christian author) has used it for 8 years and is very happy. I have my phone/internet with Suddenlink who robs us monthly and cable would be an additional fee. Cable is now $142 itself. Certainly not worth it to this girl, considering how little I watch TV anyway.

    I'm about ready for a nap...another night of being up since midnight...and it's now 9:00. I think I'll do breakfast first as I am hungry!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, we do use the Roku and it's pretty easy. You need to have a USB hook up on the back of your TV. You hook the Roku up and then you can go through and choose the different channels that you want to be hooked up to. Some you do pay, but others are free. One of the ones, I believe, is the Dove channel and that's Christian shows (like Sue Thomas, FBeye). We still have Spectrum but are going to be dropping the TV part and until we can find a cheaper Internet we will still have to use them for that, but that should be anywhere from $85-$95 a month. I saw on my bill they are charging us $16.99 for the local channels - say what! That solidified our desire to get rid of it. We also do YouTube and watch old movies and TV shows on it as well. I like to watch cooking stuff and archeology stuff as well. So we will probably just go with that and broadcast TV. There is so little on any more worth watching. Almost all of the cooking and decorating shows are chock full of homosexuals that it's uncomfortable to watch, and even Hallmark is having more and more of that in their movies - even without that, they are basically the same story over and over again just a different title slapped on to it! LOL! Vent over!

    Eating well. It's cooled down quite a bit so I'm not walking outside right now, but getting between 2,000 and 2,500 steps in a day. I don't even have 1,000 yet today! Yikes! We even went out to the bank to finish up some of Mom's stuff. She had put Wade on her account and made her accounts go to him after she passed, so we are just leaving them where they are will take care of what we need to through her bank. She really did a good job of pre-planning!

    I called a couple of plastic surgery places about having liposuction done but one place didn't have a plastic surgeon right now and the other one wouldn't do it because of the lymphedema so I will have to go farther afield. I'm just wanting to find out what the cost of it would be, but I guess I will have to use Google to figure out if it's a possibility. I'm pretty sure insurance won't pay for it because lipedema isn't a recognized disease by the AMA.

    Y'all have an awesome rest of your day. God bless.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I have Roku on one TV and Fire on two. They work basically the same and hook up easily. We have Amazon Prime and the the free stations Imbd, Crackle, Peacock etc. We don't use it often since Bill isn't able to navigate it himself. We also have one of the new antennas on the TV in our guest room...and it gets over 50 channels clearly (doesn't work well in the master bedroom, though). Of course we aren't far from Kansas City (7 or 8 miles) so we have a lot available.

    Luckily our landline, cable and internet are under $150 a month, and will bargain with us when contracts end.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks for the info and tips, ladies! I hope it's all easy peasy and I have fun with it. Kim, I agree...the trashy stuff on so many programs that is totally unnecessary and nobody needs to see that.

    My pain has really jacked up since laundry day. My feet are tormenting me and my back has screaming fits. Ack! It has to be done tho...so I'll do it again. I'm so thankful I don't have stairs to climb.

    I went to make coffee and I had left my pot on yesterday. Oops. I have one of those bottle brush things and it does a good job cleaning it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    My coffee pot desperately needs cleaning! I need to get my dishwasher emptied so I can get my sink emptied! Sigh! I'll feel up to it one of these days - LOL!

    Bren, can you use Epsom salts on your feet?

    Went to the doctor for my 6 month check up, nothing new! I'll do blood work next time.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Great discussion on the cost of tv and internet. In Canada we pay a lot more than what you ladies have mentioned. Our internet cost us $100 and our tv (which includes youtube) costs us $86. Then there is our cell phones (we don't have landline now to help with finances but the cost of 2 cells phones cost $125 a month - we can call anywhere in Canada no charge but if we call to the US we get dinged - therefore I use messanger (through facebook) to call friends in the US as it doesn't cost anything. As far a tv shows I do watch cooking shows, though never thought about whether the people cooking were homosexuals or not as none of the ones I have watched have talked or shown any indication as to their choice of lifestyle - but the ones I have watched are great chefs and I like how they show some tips that I never thought of doing. As I am somewhat homebound (more during the pandemic when we were told to stay home) but do have function that I get out to. Though we don't need to wear masks as a family we still do and will continue to do so as we are seeing to many of our friends (especially ones with little children) getting sick with covid and now the flu season has hit - they are telling it is rare that we see so many suffering with the flu at this time of the year but with everyone wearing a mask over the winter we and keeping a distance, and staying home when they had a cold, well the flu did not hit - now everyone has taken off their masks, meeting in large groups without any sign of keeping a distance and going to work when they have a cold - isn't life great!!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I don't like to watch the shows that do have the homosexuals on it because that lifestyle is abhorrent to God. He loved them so much He sent His Son to die and rise again for them, but that doesn't mean He accepts their sinful choices.

    We are having a beautiful day here today. I am hoping to get out and get a walk, but a couple of other things have come up so that may have to wait until later in the day.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @Restfinder I agree I don't enjoy watching shows that focus on homosexuals - but I also don't like watching shows that men and women who are supposed to be married, doing things in the bedroom either, let alone the language in most. As a believer I do take care of what I am watching but must admit that the cooking shows I watch I wouldn't know if the chef is 'straight' or otherwise. I have watched many a good movie that showed no sex or foul language and then years later read that the people who were in the movie were homosexuals. For instance I loved watching old movies with Rock Hudson but it wasn't till many years after his death that I learned that he was a homosexual. Same as listening to Liberace - he was unbelievably talented on the piano but was a homosexual - and I must say that back in the days when he wore a black tux and played I watched with awe - not in his personal lifestyle but on how talented he was. I also have a cousin who just turned 68 and is a lesbian - don't agree with her lifestyle, she has been with the same 'partner' since she was 20, I enjoy visiting with her but she knows that when she comes and brings her partner that she is welcome to come into the house but will not be allowed to sleep in the same room. I also don't believe in 'common-in-law' and it looks like my only son is about to go down that road though he was brought up to know that it is not correct in the eyes of the Lord. I have friends that have disowned their children for such things - I couldn't and wouldn't do such a thing, I will always love my children, but they know where I stand on how they live their lives and they show respect in that regard.

    Anyway have a great day ladies
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Kim, I can...use Epsom salts and have a bag. Right now, I am unable to walk or drive and for 3 days, have only been in the kitchen for more iced water, and coffee.
    I do have a good soak on my agenda ASAP.
    I've been very weak, since I am not able to do much meal wise. I did cook a couple of eggs this morning and lunch was 2.5 meatballs with pasta sauce. I never thought of my protein shakes until 11 PM tonight! That would have been a great time to make use of them. My sugar has been running high in spite of not eating, due to the pain. I've been staying in the bed and sleeping a LOT....I found my Voltaran again so will use that. I have some stop pain roll on and used that twice. With both feet out at the same time, I am really in agony. Praying for recovery very soon.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member