Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    My kitchen is starting to look like that too. I ran the dishwasher this morning and will get those dishes put away and the pile in the sink into the dishwasher later on when the drying cycle is done and the dishes cool off a little.

    Allergies had me wiped yesterday. I still have a bit of a sore throat and lots of congestion in my ears. I think being out in the wind those few days just did a job on me. It is quieter now although it looks like we might get a storm sometime today. The garden is looking so-so. There is new growth on stuff but it's going rather slowly. The blueberries look great though, and the fig trees (came with the property) are looking great!

    Don't blame you about the pool, Bren, you really struggled to get out once you were in; I can imagine things would be even harder now with the foot troubles you are having. Maybe you could sit on the side and soak your feet - ha! I thought that then thought, but how will you get back up again??? I wouldn't be able to. I have figured out how to get up from my rowing machine by placing my hands on the bar and then lifting my lower half straight, then standing up! Yeehaw! LOL! Oh dear, I need to do that today! 1

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Thought I should give an update on how I am doing

    I am now having feet problem - think that is a theme with this group. Had to go to a foot doctor due to an ingrown toenail - will not go back to him and told my regular doctor he should not refer anyone to the foot doctor as he was just horrible. So now I have a new appointment with another foot doctor but have to travel 2 hours one way to get to his office - but it will be worth it if he can help with the toenails. Also now have planter fascitis which is not nice. So having to look for open toe shoes to wear in the house as he says I need to be in shoes all day. Really don't like that as I like to go without socks but all the shoes I have I need to wear socks. But will see how this goes when I see the new foot doctor.

    Was also up to the emergency at the hospital last Thursday. When I had seen my own doctor the week before he said my ears had considerable amount of wax and he chewed me out for using cue tips to clean them as all they do is push the wax further in. So he said to put a drop of olive oil in each ear for 7 - 14 days and then come see him to see if he needs to flush them out. Well last Thursday I couldn't hear out of my right ear and it was hurting so that is why I was at the hospital. The right ear apparently was impacted so he flushed it out but said to check in with my own doctor this coming week as there might be some that still needs to be removed. And his advise was to daily put a drop of olive oil in each ear - apparently the olive oil reacts to ear wax making it disolve and fall out the ear. So that is what we are now doing.. I see my doctor on Thursday as I had blood work down and he says he needs to talk to me about that - that means something is not good as when everything is good he doesn't call to come back in. Stressing about that some.

    Talking about dishwashers - boy I would be lost without mine. We had one that decided it was not going to work so needed to replace it - which meant we hand washed dishes for 2 months till we could afford the new one. Nothing I dislike more than having dirty dishes in the sink to wash or on the counter drying - my hubby says that is because of being a 'neat freak' (I don't think I am that I just like things to be in the place where they should be). Each day I make sure after each meal that the dishes are put into the dishwasher immediately so I can wash down the counters and then after dinner I start it up - and then I empty it out every morning. It took some time for my hubby to see that if it is done right away it doesn't add up therefore causing what I feel is more work. I also do the same with the laundry. There are 3 of us so just having a shower x 3 causes a lot of towels each day to be washed. When I was single I did all my washing of clothes on Saturday. But with being married I find I can't wait that long - usually every 3 day I need to do a load of towels (that would give at least 9 towels and then the dish clothes from the kitchen - and in 3 days we have 3 days of clothes x 3 so that is another load. Then once a week I do all bed linen so one day a week I have the bed linen, towels from showers, and daily clothes which makes usualy 4 loads - and the rest of the week (usually 2x) have 1 - 2 loads. I am so thankful that I have my own washer and dryer, no steps to go up and down, just taking them from the laundry room to my bedroom where I fold and put away all as soon as they are washed. On the days that I do the laundry my mornings are rather busy though the machine is doing all the work. I find that while the clothes are washing, I get parts of the house vaccumed and when they are drying, I do the dusting. And those days I am busy all morning. My feet and back get pushed to the limit but it has to be done - and I must say that my dear husband is so good as he will help as vaccuming makes make my back go out and if he didn't help it would take me about 4 - 5 hours just to vaccum the house and we don't have that big of a house.

    Anyway what was supposed to be a short message turned long = thinking of you ladies, wishing you health and happiness
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh Marilyn! My heart and prayers go out to you in the foot and back saga...may God hold you close and comfort you in your distress. I do that too...break chores into chunks I can manage as I can stand for only 7 minutes or less before my back is screaming and the foot issues last for weeks at a time. Changing my sheets takes4 steps and it needs to be done now.

    I am so sorry you got an awful foot Doctor! That adds insult to injury! Praying number two is right on and takes good care of you.

    Kim...so sorry the allergies are knocking you about. Mine cranked up yesterday and I only took trash out!
    Oh you are right! If I get down, I need God's help to get back up! I loved the pool, when I could have it to myself but those opportunities were so far and few between that it was hardly worth suiting up for.

    I ran into a nasty problem last night about 7:00. My bathroom floor was flooded and my rug soaked, toilet wouldn't flush. I posted an online call for service and the manager and her hubby (maintenance) came at 8:00, worked until 10:00, will need the plumber, supposed to come today as he could do nothing of value last night. Later, it had flooded out into my hall, and is pushing up into my tub. ICK...this happened last September tho not to this degree. My bath mat is ruined so have a new one and some bleach on order. I hope they come early and get us back up to snuff quickly. I will check into a bed side potty today!

    I am not physically able to move so would have to hire it all done, should they ever have to transfer me. I've been here almost 26 years...5 in my first apartment, 21 here and was transferred then due to these issues! I was more fit and able back then. My Mom and brother moved most of my stuff while I was at work and were such a blessing to me. Now...I'd have to call Little Joe's Movers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren, how awful. Do you have just the one bathroom? I would definitely look into the bedside potty. It might not be a bad idea anyway, even when your bathroom is back in working order - a whole lot less steps at night.

    Marilyn, prayers for you sister (for both of you). Mom had an ingrown toenail and they told her there wasn't really anything to do for it but to keep the nails trimmed. She was able to only go that one time though. She had had half of her nail removed once before, but I don't think we would have done anything like that this time, just too weak to go through it. Praise the Lord I do not have any kind of foot problems (well, some swelling, but nothing painful) all the pain begins at the calves and goes upward from there - LOL! I used to go barefoot all the time, but I have to wear shoes all the time now. I found these for in the house: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PFH5VSP They are open so my feet don't get sweaty and I can adjust the tightness so when my feet swell they aren't tight. I would love for them to be without the strap in the back and I can just slip them on and off, but I don't think there is anything like that out there. Walmart also carries these same shoes, but they didn't have any in store when I went looking and they were pretty much the same price as Amazon but Amazon is free shipping - so...

    Voted this morning, second time in my life! Hope these people are able to do something to slow down the bad that is happening in this country because of the thoughtless policies Biden keeps passing!

    The garden is looking pretty good. Lots of blueberries starting to ripen and we have one tomato on the tomato plant (duh, it wouldn't be on the zucchini plant :)) and the Romaine is even growing, although the spinach is still pretty tiny. The okra may not make it, some kind of bug is eating the leaves, so not sure if they will make it. Praise the Lord, we may get something out of it this year! Woohoo!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I'd bought a pair of similar shoes and couldn't get them on. I need XXW and not many styles fit me. I do have some good shoes and I too, need to wear them most of the time.

    I ordered a bedside potty from the Medical Supply place and they will deliver it today! Oh yay! I ordered some bags too, like you recommended, Kim.

    The plumbing part is done, now the carpet cleaners are to come sometime today to get up all the water and clean. Even my kitchen was flooded. It's going to be a booger to clean it all up. I did get my bleach and the new bath mat so once the carpet folks are done, I can clean the bathroom and kitchen. I was well and truly swamped!

    I hope the garden takes off and makes well! I miss fresh stuff....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Woohoo. Do you think you will be able to do the cleanup without hurting yourself more? I hope so. When we first moved into the house our septic tank gave us trouble and we were all happy to have that porta potty! LOL! But it was a huge help for Mom.

    The garden is looking good. Yesterday we had one tomato, today there are four on there! I still say yeehaw even though I don't like tomatoes! We got about 10 ripe blueberries yesterday and will have even more than that tomorrow! Can't wait to put some in my smoothie.

    Went to talk to a CPA today about some annuities that Mom had - do not get an annuity that you are planning to leave to your children - no taxes when you set it up, but it leaves the tax burden to your kids, and that can be huge! Nothing else she left was taxed because in NC we don't have inheritance or estate taxes, but this will be taxed. The CPA said that young people aren't doing them any more but he sees this from quite a few of his elderly clients or their parents having left them one and it is hard to figure out especially since every company does it differently. Who knew??

    Well, I'm going to get some lunch and then when Wade gets up for work I will get my time on the rower done! I did six minutes yesterday when my knees and back started hurting, so I am hoping to eek out seven minutes today. It was funny, in the middle of my rowing my watch vibrated and told me - "It looks like you are using a rowing machine" and it gave me my time and the calories I've burned - hmmm? Too smart watch?! But it was nice to have the time because it's broken on the machine! LOL!

    Have a blessed Wednesday, y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @Restfinder - thanks for the info re shoes - I looked at the link - have seen those but can't wear them due to my toes -I need open toes otherwise my toes hit the end of the shoe causing more nail problems. The big toenail that the foot doctor (the one I wont go back to and who has been reported to the medical association not by me but others due to his handling of patients) seems to be looking better but should I bump the toe - well 'ouch' is saying it politely. And the other big toe that I mentioned to him having an ingrown toenail and which he commented on 'it is not bad enough to fix' is in bad shape now. Also have planter fascitis which he would not address. So I am going to be calling the other foot doctor to get a consult with (he is 2 hours away so it would be a 4 hour drive to go to him). My regular doctor said the one that I did see (who he recommended though he didn't know him) is getting a lot of bad reports on. All the foot doctor would have had to do is to be considerate of the patient - as my husband said when we left -'I think he is in it for the money as he didn't seem to care'. But it is going to be 4 - 6 weeks to see the other foot doctor which is ok. Gives me time to look for open end shoes that have a good arch support and are easy to slip on and off - getting old and having these problems is not nice but am grateful that I am still alive - I am of the age where a lot of friends are passing away - so just grateful that the Lord is giving me more time here with my husband and family. Go to see my regular doctor tomorrow re blood work results - not sure what he found as he doesn't usually call me back unless there is a problem. But need him to look at my legs as the cellitus on them needs attention and the swelling is more today - husband says he can't see the swelling but I can as I can feel it in my legs. I know I need to where my compression socks but haven't been due to my toes but guess I will have to start to wear them anyway and put up with them being uncomfortable until the swelling goes down - 2 to 3 days of wearing them and the swelling will be gone. Have had this condition for 5 years now and don't like it. Was always told that my legs and feet looked so good - even the lady that fitted me with the compression socks said 'my goodness you have such small ankles - so when I see swelling it is not nice. Need to get this weight off as it is not helping them at all - my doctor warned me 6 years ago that the next thing to go wrong for me would be my legs and feet unless I got off all the weight - guess what, I haven't gotten the weight off and am now dealing with this problem. So I am now needing to get serious otherwise will probably end up using a wheel chair - it is bad enough to have to use a walker whenever I leave the house. I never thought this would happen to me - neither did my sister who are old and don't have these issues though my older sister has issues but none of them are brought on due to weight issues. So I feel I have been given a second change to make amends

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20
    Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

    That Scriptures says a lot - we belong to God, our body was bought with a price- we need to honor God and one way is to take care of the body He has given us - I can hear him 'weeping' over the fact that we haven't done so. We need to make amends for what we have done to our body. I am saying 'we' but I am really meaning 'me' but I say 'we' as I know that there are many believers that have abused there body with food and lack of exercise and think nothing of it - we (I) need to make amends for this - and I have started as of May 8 to seriously make changes.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Good Thursday morning ladies. Time is slip sliding away!

    I got up at 2 AM...doing the wet, smelly tub of laundry from the flooding...rugs, towels and the like. Hope they clean up well. It was very heavy and the carpet guy stuffed the cart inside my empty cart that my short, favorite grabber was in and almost broke it. It still works...but I said "I wish you hadn't done that!"

    I turned those big fans off at 4 PM yesterday, thought they would come for them but they didn't so they should come this morning sometime. I figure they left them for at least 36 hours. I could hear the TV (with my aid) last night instead of just reading the dialog.

    Oh, Kim...that is/was my concern as well! I haven't tackled the tub and floors yet! I did get the ruined bath mat in the trash, sprinkled cleanser all about as step one and will give it some scrub action today. I am praying I don't hurt myself! This old girl is weak! I will probably do 4 stages of the scrubbing...like my 4 stages when changing sheets. I can't do it all at once.

    Porta potty! I am happy to see it in it's spot...and so glad to have it! I need to raise it another couple of notches I think. It will make my next episode with these feet a bit more comfy. I did order the bag things, I think I mentioned, from Amazon. I'm glad you recommended them! Yes...I remember your septic issues when you guys first moved there!

    We have had over 100 for 10 days...yesterday hit 106 and boy did I feel it when I went for my mail. My heart hurts for those without the comforts of home or inadequate supply of basic needs....and I am so very thankful for God's provision. A well functioning cooling system, good water, comfy bed. The list is long.

    I think my son may be a tad miffed and I don't care. Since he is banned for at least 6 months from receiving packages/gifts, he wanted me to skirt the system and send things to his pod mate/friend instead. I told him no. He will get what I send, money wise and will make do or not. He signed up for this, by his actions...Mama did not!

    I noticed my note on the dryer is gone so hoping that means it's fixed and I can get both loads dried at once. Maybe I'll go down for a nap once this task is done.

    Love and prayers for us all...be blessed best where most needed today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amazing what folks think they are entitled to. I agree, Bren, he got himself where he is and he broke the rules, so now he needs to take his punishment like a man! I hope that dryer is fixed as well, makes it so much easier for you. Yeah, the porta potty bags make it so much easier. Why just use the pot and then have to go to the bathroom to empty and clean it - doesn't make sense to me! Pull out the bag and throw it in the trash, put a new one in and climb back into bed. You don't even have to do more than the steps back and forth from the bed! We didn't even tuck the bag around the potty, just put the lid on top of it to hold it in place, went a lot faster that way.

    Marilyn, I had an aha moment when you mentioned the closed toes - so right, not good for you at all! It is so hard to find comfortable shoes that will actually do us good. Mom was at an age where she was losing a lot of her friends and family as well. She lost two sisters and a brother before she passed and her best friend and several church friends, she also lost her oldest son to cancer. It was hard watching her sorrow. God bless you as you face these days.

    Love you both!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh yay...the bottom dryer was fixed, I used them both, much easier on me, tho the right one did not dry well....I let it go as it was the raggedy towels the manager uses for the soak ups mostly and I left them outside the office on a bench for her. She still has my bath towel in her mix. My bath mat towel thing, once white, 20 years ago was way beyond help so I donated it to her pile and ordered a pair from Amazon, to match my shower curtain colors.

    The tub...I was near despair, as scrubbing was far beyond me. I gave it a wee go, to my detriment...I rinsed all the cleanser out, used the lid to a condiment cup as a stopper (the lever thing doesn't work), ran hot water to cover the stains and poured the 1/3 bottle of bleach I had left and prayed it would help. I came back 15 minutes later and Voila'....Oh joy! What a blessing! It looks better than it has in years! I'll put my new mat in place later. I intended to giver her a second bleaching but needed more bleach....to get free online shopping, I have to order $35 of stuff and I don't need anything else at the moment.

    I need to clean the edges of the tub, beside and around the toilet and floor, to spiff up and I'll be done. My rugs came out great in the wash and I have the kitchen ones back down.
    I'm still waiting for the carpet guys to come for these fans and put my file cabinet and other things they moved, back in place and tack the rug back down at the bathroom door. I have both sets of bathroom rugs washed again, and one of them is in Mary's batch as well as my bath towel.

    I've taken 3 small naps today, after getting up so early. If everyone would get their things, give me mine, so I can lock everyone out...I'll get in my gown!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    So I went to see the doctor today - had blood work done last week and he wanted to talk to me. We talked a little about my legs re the cellitis and how dry my skin is. He looked into my ears said they looked ok and that the pain in on is the tube that goes from the ear to the throat is swollen a little causing some pressure. Hubby has the same problem. He told me what we can do to help this but unfortunately for hubby it hasn't helped. So we will see if it does for me.

    Then we talked about my blood work. He said that the A1C was good - 6.1so am handling the diabetis well. And it will only get better with the changes I know have to make.

    He then said my cholesterol levels should be at 1.4 or lower and mine is at 2.2 down from 2.4. So need to work on that in order to get of that med.

    Then he talked about my kidneys. Thought that would be the issue. The magic healthy number is '60' and last time he told me it was at 45 - up 5 from a low of 40. This time the blood report said it has gone down to 34 which is not good at all as he said much lower and I will be in kidney failure. Sooooo the said that the following has be done immediately (1) at least 6 glasses of water meaning at least 48 ounces but would be better if I could get down 7 - 8 glasses. (2) absolutely no salt - said a lot of food has salt in it and to watch what I am eating to keep the number down as low as possible and (3) said I am eating way to much protein. I have been having protein with breakfast (was 2 eggs now 8 oz of milk) and for lunch 1 hard boiled egg and dinner 4 oz of chicken or beef. Said that that is way to much and is to hard on the kidneys. He wants me to have no more than 2 oz of protein a day working on getting all red meat off my eating plan and using fish or chicken sparingly. I did a bit of tracking to see what the difference in the fish and chicken would be and found that 2 oz of chicken was lower in sodium than the fish which was surprising. He said I am to work on mainly lots of vegetables (finding ones that I can have that don't cause IBS problems or other digestive problems), fruit and grains. Said nuts and seeds would be ok but to watch then also as a little goes a long way and they could cause problems with the IBS. So I am back to day 1 of working up my food plan, working at keeping the amount of sodium around 500 mg and definitely below 1,000 mg -going through all the food I enjoy to eat looking for (1) cholesterol level and (2) sodium level. I am so grateful for my husband as he sat with me and looked at the numbers to help out - he said that there is no way he is going to let me eat foods that are going to give me to much sodium or cholesterol. The doctor said that if I don't get this down right away I could be in kidney failure and on diaylis and I definitely don't want that. So I have no choice to make changes.

    I have my next blood work in August and with the Lords help the numbers will improve. As the doctor said 'through out the salt you have in the house so you aren't tempted - you don't need to add it to any food as most vegetables and meats have some sodium in it and that is enough - just need to watch the amount of food I consume to make sure I don't have much.

    So saying that just before I went to see the doctor, for lunch I had an egg salad sandwich (686 mg of sodium - 2 eggs so cholesterol was up too) and the vegetable juice I have been drinking has 585 mg of sodium. So won't be having egg salad any more and as for the vegetable juice I am going to look into making my own again - the brand we have bought is Western Family and one 8 oz glass has more than I want to have. I am going to have to look at the difference between juicing the vegetables and making the vegetables into a smoothie (to see the difference re sodium)

    So for my breakfast I am going to have to look at having oatmeal without milk but add a banana and some frozen strawberries and possibly some chia seeds which I need to go tomorrow and get a few. I have never tried them before but I know that they expand and you need to make sure you drink lots of water when you have them. One serving of chia seeds is 1 teaspoon so when making the oatmeal will had more water (when cooked I can have 4 oz) then add the chia seeds to help soak up the excess water along with the fruit. Tomorrow will just have the oatmeal, 4 oz of frozen strawberries and a banana- not sure how it will go but hopefully it will taste ok - might need to add some cinnamon but will see how it goes.

    Anyway that is where I am - working on not having kidney failure.

    Psalm 41:4
    As for me, I said, "O Lord, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you

    NOTE re the verse just above - when we eat and become overweight we have sinned as our body is His temple and we are to take care of it.

    Here is another one

    Psalm 103:2-3
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.

    James 5:116
    Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited May 2022
    Wow! That was definitely "the Talk"....yikes! That's what scares me as well....and there are so many things to watch that it can be overwhelming. Praying for you, Marilyn....as you make the adjustments needed.


    My surrounding area is battling major, out of control fires and has been for several days. A couple days back we had 7 fire fighters trapped and 15 homes destroyed and it's only 5% contained. Almost 11,000 acres destroyed already. Praying for rain and the cooler temps projected for the weekend...and prayers for safety for all involved. Breaks my heart.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Yes, I have been MIA again. We had company for several days. They left yesterday, and I was wiped out! Bill's youngest sister and her husband were here from Houston. Her hubby is having issues with memory, and gets lost at night. He does fairly well during the day, but panics at night (even at home). Her is also legally blind, so that doesn't help. Bill does well at night, thank goodness. It was good having time to chat with her since we are going through so many of the same things.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, I just looked up the protein in different kinds of milk. Almond milk has 2g of protein in 8 OZ, and coconut milk has none. It mentioned the unsweetened milk for both which is what I use. I just ordered some Soy milk for my smoothies (cheaper than the coconut by a lot) but it has 7 g per 8 OZ. My last kidney numbers had me at 3A which is one step away from kidney disease. I eat a lot of protein, so maybe I need to rethink that! I added chicken to my broccoli salad, but maybe I should just eat my broccoli salad without any meat attached to it at all! And add quite a bit less of the protein powder to my smoothie than I have been adding. I don't know that I need to go as low as you are, but getting less should be helpful. Thanks for that information. We'd be happy for you to put what you are eating each day down here holding you accountable. I'd be happy to put down my daily intake as well. I think I will start on Monday!

    Bren, so happy you figured out how to get that tub clean without having to hurt yourself - way to use that noggin, Kid! Praying for Abilene, but you especially

    Connie, so good to hear from you. I was hoping that it wasn't something happening with Bill. How great to talk to someone who is going through something so like yourself. I called our insurance guy the other day and he mentioned that his wife's father has cancer and she wants to bring him home to take care of him. I told him what a blessing it had been for us to be able to take care of Mom and we have no regrets because we did all that we could. We talked for a bit, then he said that it was no coincidence that I had called because it was much on his mind and he now felt much better. Praise the Lord! It really does help to talk to someone who's been there. I pray for you both!

    Went out to lunch today and had a steak and mashed potatoes. I almost ordered fries but saw that they were about 350 calories more than the mashed potatoes. My tummy isn't real happy with the little bit of garlic in them (could hardly taste it) though.

    I ordered some digestive enzymes today and hope that will help me with the bloating and gas problems that I am having. Even when I don't eat wheat or dairy I have these problems, and my IBS just won't reverse itself. Before I got covid two years ago my IBS was under control - since then it hasn't been and I can't seem to get it back there even though I am doing the things I did before to get it under control. Boohoo! Jesus knows and He will give me the wisdom I need.

    Have an awesome weekend, y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Marilyn, I just read your post on low/no sodium. I have to read labels constantly! Just to let you know, there are recipes online for EVERYTHING! Bill should watch protein a bit closer, but with eliminating red meat, he still eats one good sized serving a day.

    My go-to seasoning is no-salt Cavendar's Greek Seasoning. I use a ton of it. My grocery store used to carry it, but I have to buy from Amazon, now. Also, MSG (or Accent) has 60% less sodium than salt and will season most savory foods well. Bill doesn't have to go as low as you, so I use it in a lot of items.

    Also, just an FYI frozen chicken and/or turkey has a lot of sodium. Fresh doesn't. Any seasoning mixes like taco, meatloaf, salad dressings are loaded with sodium (but have found recipes and you can just leave out salt). I also found a similar recipe to cream of chicken soup. I don't how how good it would be to actually eat, but it works well in recipes. Another sodium hog is cold cereal (shredded wheat has become Bill's friend).

    Another sodium hog is Mayo or Salad Dressing. I found that sour cream (although it does have protein) is much lower in sodium and can be substituted in a lot of things. I also have a great French dressing recipe (very easy!) for lettuce salad.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    You've been working hard, Connie! Lots of great ideas for reducing Sodium. I don't eat a lot of salads any more so I don't think about what is in the dressing that I use. I have been eating quite a bit of broccoli salad instead. I use mayo, lemon juice, and some Pyure for the dressing for it. I put broccoli, dried cranberries, about a Tbsp of real bacon bacon bits, and sesame seeds (although this time I tried pistachios and it didn't work, they got mushy). Last time I also added some shredded carrot, but it went bad so I didn't have it for this batch. You can pretty easily make your own mayo even just using the yolks to save on protein:
    Makes about 3/4 cup
    1 large egg yolk*
    1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
    1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
    1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
    1/2 teaspoon salt plus more to taste (I supposed you could leave this out all together or use the stuff Connie mentioned)
    3/4 cup canola oil, divided (You can substitute EVOO instead, or maybe even try MCT oil).
    Step 1

    Combine egg yolk, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in medium bowl. Whisk until blended and bright yellow, about 30 seconds.
    Step 2

    Using 1/4 teaspoon measure and whisking constantly, add 1/4 cup oil to yolk mixture, a few drops at a time, about 4 minutes. Gradually add remaining 1/2 cup oil in very slow thin stream, whisking constantly, until mayonnaise is thick, about 8 minutes (mayonnaise will be lighter in color). Cover and chill. do ahead Can be made up to 2 days ahead. Keep chilled.

    I am going to try and make my own one of these days! I wonder if there is a recipe for Miracle Whip out there. I grew up on that but Wade grew up on Mayo, so we eat Mayo! I've grown used to it.

    Well, I'll let y'all go and hope you have a very blessed Lord's Day tomorrow.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Thanks for all the support re low/no sodium and low protein. It is quite the adjustment. Yesterday I got 15 g of protein and 654 of sodium. Todays looks about the same. Need to work on getting the sodium lower as I would like it under 500 mg - so many things have salt in it. For instance celery is loaded with salt - couldn't believe it but checked it out. So that is something I am eliminating. As for salad dressings I think I am going to have to go back to making my own. Have a couple of recipes so will make some up this week. @Restfinder you mentioned trouble with kidneys - I would encourage you go work at getting really low on the protein and cutting back on all salt - as my doctor said 'absolutely no salt to be added to your food - nada, no salt as so many foods in their natural state has salt. And the drinking of water is so important. I just read that if a person is having cramps in the feet or legs or 'body twitches' it can mean they are dehydrated. Also dry skin is a sign of not enough water. I have all of those problems so Thursday and Friday I increased my water and I have noticed a difference already. Last night my feet cramped a bit and my body did not twitch when relaxing and going to sleep. So that is definitely something I will be doing - lots of water - at least 64 oz but going for 90.

    Matthew 3;11
    I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

    Study Notes re this verse
    Three types of baptism are referred to here
    (1) with water for repentance = John's baptism symbolized cleansing
    (2) with the Holy Spirit = All believers in Christ are Spirit baptized (1 Cor 12:13)
    (3) with fire = Because fire is used through this context as a means of judgment ( Matthew 3:10, 12) this must speak of a baptism of judgment upon the unrepentant

    Be blessed ladies
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm following you ladies and thankful too, for all the info. I've often said they'd put sodium in the air we breathe if possible. I very rarely add salt to my food but most of what I eat is dosed heavily already. That's a major issue for me, along with all the kidney troubles....to which some of my meds have contributed. I was on Actos for a couple of years until it was taken off the market due to cancer reports. I gained 35 pounds in the first 6 months and never lost much of it as well.

    I admit, I do not manage well the majority of the time. In needing to watch protein, potassium, sodium and carbs.... I know I can do much better and need to be willing to do the work. I haven't used the tracker thing in a long time now, due to the frustration of 85% of items not having the stats necessary. Many have no sodium or potassium listed and doing a long string trying to find those that did...tried my patience sorely!

    Kim, I will commit to tracking...again...to gain control....of portion size and choices. ow that I'm mostly mobile again after that 3 weeks down, I think I gained most back that I'd lost. I will post stats and start tracking tomorrow. I know what to do and just need to get it done!

    Thanks Ladies...all of you...for encouragement and support as we move along on our journey! Love and prayers~
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Yikes! Today's stats are:
    Weight: 232
    BP: 154/82 79
    FBS: 253

    I have work to do and will get to it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Thought I would give my stats today and will do it again on Sundays

    Weight 258.5 (loss of 4.5 since May 8 which is 2 weeks)
    BP: 122/60 pulse 59
    Blood check 1 hour after eating: 7.5 (USA Number would be 135)