Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amen, Marilyn, and in this confused world today people forget that they are also responsible for their choice to sin. Bren and I have talked about this before. Sin is a choice, not something that happens to you. Temptation is not sin, it's the beginning, but God made a way of escape so that we can choose to do what is right rather than what is wrong. Hardly anybody believes that any more!

    Realized last night that I didn't put my allergy med in my pill keepers! I took some last night and this morning and am not having as much congestion or coughing (although I still have that throat tickle that makes me cough sometimes). Tired because I also had a migraine last night and the meds for that keep me awake.

    I bought a couple of cookies, rather expensive ones from Trim Healthy Mama. Can't say that I will buy any more because of the cost factor and because there is a touch of Almond flour in them. One cookie is 240 calories as well, that's a meal for me, not a snack (although lately my snacks and gone that high and higher, which stops today!) I can't understand why I didn't look into them more closely. They did send a return envelope with the cookies - hmmmm??? but I made the mistake, I'll pay for it. I think I just want to find some healthy for me snack to eat since I can't find a protein bar I can eat - but as it turns out these aren't what I need either. Oh well, I'll eat these and keep looking.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I have been out of commission (computer wise) for a day and a half...starting from scratch with lost passwords, log ins, friends, facebook stuff, had to redo a yahoo mail account as I forgot my password long ago....so will now have to find and reload things. Waaah! My hard drive went out in the middle of my post yesterday morning. I am exhausted, hungry and will play catch up ASAP. Your mention of a black and white fish reminded me of another fish I had...the black skirt Tetras. I'll look at some aquariums on YT....can't go to "Jail" for that I reckon!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited March 2022
    I had an awful night Tuesday, much pain, very little rest. I rested much better last night but was/still am...in a great deal of pain. Most from sitting so long, getting my computer back up to snuff. I LOVE it! I have used Computer Guyz for many years...tho it had been many since my last visit. They worked on 3, sold me one used one and go above and beyond in my estimation. He even put a beautiful screen saver on for me that I hadn't been able to do. I likey...a lot!

    Fish: Yes...I am loving the pics...I had never considered raising them for anything other than my immense enjoyment! That is awesome...winning ribbons! Hooya! I look forward to some play time.

    Today's Stats:
    weight: 231
    BP: 117/70 73...hooya!
    FBS: 225

    This morning, I am doing my 5x15 moves again: have done 2 sets so far, (some with 2 pound weights... The 3 pound feel like 5 at the moment! )and doing steps in place, using my walker for stability since my back and feet have been complaining loudly. Time to visit Bob and Brad again I suppose.
    I need to use some things I have in there...like my Premier shakes, frozen veggies, fish, liver and the like. I don't get excited about cooking much at all since I can only stand about 7 minutes until my back is screaming and I have to sit down. I believe improvement is possible...so I will do what I can daily...until I can do more.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Will get outside for a walk today since the weather is warm and I'm taking my allergy meds now. Sigh, I can't believe I didn't think to check if they were in the pill keeper. I did have one in the section I took this morning, but I think it was from one I missed from last time I filled it! LOL! Growing old can be funny sometimes too!

    Hope your pain gets under control quickly my sweet friend!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you my friend! I got up at 2:30 this morning so went down for a nap at 7:30...and realized why the pain was more than normal. My computer guyz has 4 steps up/down and I did 3 sets yesterday since I went in the wrong store and had to drive down a way...I don't DO stairs! I did take my pain reliever, had a nice nap and will rest some more for recovery's sake.

    I didn't eat until dinner time yesterday so I missed my AM dose of meds. I am surprised my BP was so good this morning, considering.

    Have a blessed day all...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    I was catching up on some of the messages and thought I should update.

    Am feeling much better, getting back the strength I lost from having Covid - it hit my back problem and the arthritus so that pain was with me for the time of covid plus 4 weeks but is much better - always have the back pain but it is now tolerable. Now just looking at getting my toes fixed - needing to have 2 toenails removed and it is costly - and with inflation I have put off the appointment 2x now because needed the money for food rather than my foot. But it is time to get the foot done as I really can't wait much longer.

    Was weighed on Tuesday at TOPS - down 6.8 for the week. Yes I said 6.8 - it suprised me - I asked if the scale was not working but no one else thought it was off so will see what this coming Tuesday says. I do believe I am down but was thinking it was 2 - 3 pounds not 6. So am really watching my food intake this week so that I don't have a gain - would be happy with staying the same and would be over the moon if I lost a little. I don't want to be obsessed with watching the food but need to eat health for so many reasons.

    One of the messages I read (think it was from Restfinder) was talking about cookies and snacks. Have you considered working on giving up snacks. I did this many years ago and this is what I did. I looked at what I was having for a snack and worked out what the calorie level for that food was. I incorporated that into my daily meal - so when I track my meals I work at getting it to 1200 calories for a low day and no more than 1500 for a high day. With the total of 1200 I divide that by 3 for the 3 meals and get a goal of 400 calories per meal. It works well - but must admit it took some time getting there. So for the 1st 3 weeks I would have 400 calories for breakfast, no snack, then lunch 300 calories with a snack mid afternoon of 100 calories, and dinner 400 calories no snack. With writing down my food the night before that I would eat the next day really helped - now I write it down 1st thing in the morning before I eat anything. After I did that and got 21 days on track with it, I cut out the afternoon snack adding the 100 calories to my lunch. Not easy when you are used to eating whenever but honestly it is so much more freeing not to always be putting something in my mouth and then thinking 'did that fit into my food program for the day.' I have talked with numerous people that were 'grazers / snackers' who now don't eat between meals and they say it has been a lifesaver. Of course it is your choice but might be something to really try.

    Have a good day ladies -
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Marilyn, it's good to see that you have some recovery going on after such an extended period. I sure feel for you with the toe issues. Praying you can have that taken care of very soon. I have an ingrown toenail on my right foot that has pained me at various levels for 40 years. I remember my poor daddy, having do much pain with his, digging at it with his pocket knife...he had gout too, and would go to work on crutches.

    I've been told I should do 5-6 mini-meals a day but I don't think so. I don't trust myself to eat something every 2 hours. I normally do 2 meals a day. Some days vary, depending on my pain and fatigue level. I am really working to lighten up my dinner, carb wise and otherwise because of my diabetes numbers. It's a slow process but as long as God gives me days...I won't quit trying and moving on.

    I need to print out that picture, like many others and pop it on my fridge. I laminate things to use as bookmarks etc. too. It's a truth for this girl!

    Wishing you all a blessed day at your spots. Love and prayers...

    Anyone remember these melamine percolators from like the 70's? This one is a mini, that I found at Goodwill about 20 years ago, new and still in the box, for $1.99. One of the many blessings God has provided. I've only made coffee in it a couple of times, when my regular pot quit...and now us it to heat water quickly for tea or broth. Just a bit of something from my spot....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I do the snacks so I have five "meals" a day which keeps up the metabolism. It's that midnight snack I have with Wade that is the biggest problem. He gets off work at midnight and wants a snack - I just need to say no! I tracked my food for today and it was 1180 calories, that's three meals and two snacks. I can't eat a lot for a meal, my tummy just can't take it, so my meal portions are small. It's the extra snacks that are getting to me. I will say "NO" today to any snack that is not on my list for today. I think one of the snacks that I chose from the list is less calories than it says because it's the small snack size rather than the bigger snack bags too - the Smart Food White Cheddar popcorn. It's a very small portion size, so I think I will have less calories than that.

    I am going to need to do an inside walk today. I did one outside yesterday and my allergies are bad today, so until this pollen settles down I'm not going outside for long periods of time - boohoo!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, I forgot to congratulate you on your tremendous loss this week! Keep up the good work!

    I'm going nowhere but am carrying quite a bit of fluid despite taking two diuretics. My hands and feet pretty much stay swollen right now, some days more than others, but... I am looking for a pair of shoes to walk in that will fit even when my feet are quite swollen, which I expect to happen during the summer heat. I've been looking at sandal type walking/hiking shoes so that the air can get to my feet and they are stuffed into a hot shoe. There were times last summer I couldn't get my walking shoes on at all. I have a pair of mules I got for Sunday, when my sandals won't close (even though they have velcro closures, I swell past their ability). If I'm not swollen they other shoes are loose, so having both should help!

    Got my hair cut yesterday, my precious neighbor/friend/pastor's wife so graciously does my hair now. I wish it didn't grow so quickly, then I wouldn't have to take up her time so often! But she is so gracious and such a good friend, very much what a Christian woman ought to be.

    It is just a little bit chilly here this morning with a slight breeze. I went out on the back porch and got chilly, went out onto the opposite side porch and was warm! LOL! I think I like the warm porch!

    Y'all have a blessed weekend. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am back! We went to my mom's for a few days and I didn't really do anything on MFP. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Marilyn - That is a little bit too true! I ordered Bill's peanut butter the other day and it went up 68 cents for a small jar!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    A friend bought a bag of frozen cherries yesterday that were $10.00! Yikes! We love our peanut butter in this house. Wade keeps a jar by his computer for when he is working. He likes to just take a spoonful and eat it that way. I put peanut butter powder in my smoothies. I ordered a peanut butter protein bar from Orgain. All the ingredients looked like I could eat it without getting a migraine and the reviews said they tasted really good, so we will see. It's hard to find a bar that doesn't have almonds in it!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh my! $10 for a bag of cherries! That is SO sad! I do that too, with the peanut butter. Not often but I like it on a spoon.

    I had a good, productive day today and am so glad. I'd been feeling really rough and whipped for about 4 days and woke up with a headache this morning. That's a rarity for me and I am thankful! I took my Tylenol and went about my business. Got my cabinet sorted, fridge kind of sorted, trash collected to take out in the morning and 2 bags of things collected for my Buy Nothing group. I only had a 45 minute nap and that's a new thing!

    I had my 2 meals and a nice, crisp apple. Aiming for more balance in my meal plan. I made a list of simple fixes for the month.
    My friend, Laura, offered me some Boost shakes and I was all excited until I saw the label...260 calories and 56 G carbs...so I had to regretfully decline. Someone else will be blessed with them. I have my Premier shakes in there, with only 1 G of sugar and 160 calories. I need to use those. I should print a picture of them and put it on the fridge as a reminder? This is cute...and creative, don't you think? I can only dream of such things....in my quest for recovery.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What an adorable cake! I had a piece of birthday cake on Sunday. Our pastor celebrated his 75 year and his entrance into his 76th year! Yeah, confusing. He's 75 years old and has lived for 75 years, he is now entering his 76th year of life! We tease him about it. His cake even had 75/76 on it! It was yummy though. I have been eating well Mon. through today and limiting my eating to five small meals and nothing after 7 PM! Hasn't helped yet, but that's okay, if I stay the course it will work!

    Beautiful day, getting ready to take my walk. Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I had an early am dentist appointment. After I got home I was tethered to the house due to waiting on new phone. I was told it would arrive between 8am and 9pm. It finally got here while I was cooking dinner. I think I will like it.