Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I hope you are doing well with your eating plan, Marilyn! Have you been able to stay on it??

    Hope you're doing well, Bren!

    I'm doing alright. Not sure about walking today, unless the weather warms up some! I'll just amble about though to see if that helps with my knees, they are a mess! LOL! Eating has been okay, not as good as I'd like, so will work on that this week. I have said "NO" to some offers of a treat but still indulged in a couple of mini muffins over the weekend.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Had a power outage Sunday, due to a house fire on the next block that made 4 young men homeless, burned the car, destroyed power lines. My computer acted wonky afterwards and all day yesterday. Then we've had 178 wild fires in the surrounding areas, wiping out the small town of Carbon in Eastland Co. So very sad. Farmers lost their hay and are having to depend on donations to feed livestock. It's just so very sad and tragic. So many left homeless and devastated. Such things are a rarity to this extent in my area. Then tornadoes spring up in various places. A sad start to spring here.

    I think my computer is righting itself...I have no idea what the wifi password is, or any other reconnect things, it's been so long since I had to fool with any of that. I know I wrote it down somewhere but only God knows where those things are now.

    My foot is so much better. I still have some pain in the toe joint but the swelling and major pain are reduced. That's a blessing for sure!
    I had a U-turn once the tummy issues stopped and had 3 days of high FBS because of it. I ate too many carby things and paid the piper....dearly. Back on board today. Now that I'm feeling better, I will apply some efforts to my home chores and self care regimen. I don't think I've even had a regimen for 3 weeks!

    Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Am doing ok - feeling tired right now so might need to take a power nap.

    Today was my weigh in day - gained 2 pounds but that is ok as I know what I was doing - and that has now stopped and next week with good eating in place I should have that 2 pounds plus a little more off.

    Be blessed everyone
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. Life just got in the way.

    To answer the Tart Cherry question - it is mainly for uric acid and gout. Cranberry is good for kidneys. Of course uric acid can cause kidney issues and kidney stones, so they go hand-in-hand.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I take two cranberry capsules a day and also drink 8 oz. of 100% Cranberry Juice (which isn't really all cranberry, but it has more than the Cranberry Juice Cocktail has). When I do that every day I found that I don't get up in the night to use the bathroom! I use the juice in a smoothie because the straight juice has too much acid for my tummy. If I don't do a smoothie I add coconut milk to it to smooth it out, works great! Thanks for the Cherry info, Connie. Not a problem about not being on!

    Marilyn, you've faced a lot lately, but I know that you have the discipline to get yourself back on track. We are rooting for you.

    You too, Bren! I loved seeing those lower numbers, so hope you are able to get back on track again.

    I talked to Barbi a couple times this week and she asked for prayer for Tina and for Missy, both are having physical issues. It's a miracle Tina is still alive with all of the cancer she's had. These are three ladies from our Spark People team.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Had a bad sleep last night - woke up at 1 am coughing and lots of acid reflex. Then this morning my nose was stuffed - was like this when I got covid - am hoping that I don't have it again as I just recovered. Don't think I do but it is bummer to be back feeling down with a stuffy nose

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good morning Ladies....yes...prayers for our Barbi as well as Tina and Missy. Missy has been thru the grinder a lot in the years behind and I too, know only God's hand on Tina has her still with us. I've lost 2 ex husbands and several loved ones/friends to cancer. It has no boundaries. That's evident in the many, precious kids that get it.

    Well I was doing the achey breaky feet song yesterday. They both had me near tears. I was feeling so much better and we know once I can do something, I often push a bit and end up with reinjury. But I am so thankful to have gotten so much done after several weeks of the bare minimum and less, due to pain.
    I got 3 more batches of items collected and given away and am loving my free space. Finally got the fridge sorted and cleaned again, did up a Bento veggie plate and 3 nice salads with boiled egg. Got the dishwasher loaded and run, trash out, vacuumed, mopped the kitchen, cooked dinner.

    Today, I will sort the freezer, get trash out...again (my new microwave came in and a lot of trash comes w/delivery), get laundry put up and do more collections. I want to do a couple of Grab Bags and a food bag. Several are collecting for the fire victims and one asked for 2x ladies clothes so I can do up a bag of those as well. I am hoping, in my sorting...that I find my tube of Voltarin. I would have used it on these poor feet last night if I knew where it was... I do have my shoes on and they offer some support and relief and much of my sorting is done sitting and that helps. I had a couple of days where I needed the cane less but am back on it....praying for continued healing....for us all!

    We are supposed to hit 93 Sunday...with 3 days over 90 ahead! I'm gonna love the 80's on the way!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is sooo funny. A 30 minute drive will get me to the top one, but right now I have plenty of the other in my yard after yesterday's rain! Can't see myself sitting beside my puddle catching rays though!

    Praise the Lord we didn't get the ugly weather so many others got. It rained off and on during the day and there was some breeziness, but nothing scary at all - God is so very good!

    Marilyn, I'm so sorry you are under the weather. Are you taking any kind of immunity boosting stuff (vit C, elderberry, vit d and e as well) I struggle with allergies quite a lot and have been waking up with headaches and stuffed to the gills each morning, but I am taking antihistamines as well as a supplement that is supposed to break up the histamines that do get in - but, they still get to me. Praise the Lord I've only had that feeling like I had Covid again once. It's been two years the beginning of this month since I had Covid and I am so thankful for that - but I don't go out much so I'm sure that has kept me from it.

    I hope y'all have an awesome weekend. I'll talk to you tomorrow!

    Never give in, never give up!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Feeling better today. Last night I took my regular meds plus when my hiatus hernia acts up giving lots of extra acid reflex I have a different one for that (it calms the hernia down) so took one last night before bed so slept better. And no sniffles this morning so am very grateful for that. So today I will be making an appointment for my husband and me to have blood work down next week, and when that is down we will get our booster shot for covid.

    At the begining of May we have car insurance to get - and here where we live it is very expensive - last year it was over $12000 and that is with having 40 years driving no accidents - am praying it will be a bit lower this year but am not holding my breath

    Have a good day everyone
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Not too many years back, Kim...during one of our worst drought years...our weatherman gave the area mud hole advisory instead of lake advisory. He was very funny. This would have been fitting!

    Oh no! That's nutty, Marilyn! I renew in May too and now that I am retired, I drive less than 10 miles a week. Taking trash to the dumpster and picking up groceries 3 times a month...and a random Dr.'s appt. I still have almost a quarter tank of gas from my last fill up December 15th of last year!

    My Novolog is ready for pick up and it will just have to sit there. $1195.80....WHAT??? I paid $286 last time. The pharmacist gets a bit irritated with me and my hearing issues and only "help" is to call your insurance. Well, talking to THEM is a nightmare as well so I sent a message to my endo Dr. who prescribes it. This is ridiculous. I may try to contact them tomorrow. I tried to send an e-mail but it didn't work. I'm glad I checked before driving over there!

    I baked some chicken thighs today. I thought I had ordered the boneless, skinless ones until I went to hack the first one up and ran into a bone. They will make good soup when I get around to making some.

    I fizzled out today, tho I did a great amount of decluttering...it felt good to rest my feet after yesterday's labors so I'll try again tomorrow to move forward.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, yikes. I had to read that number twice. I sure hope it goes down for you this year.

    Bren, you are doing so well, sister, keep up the good work! You are sounding better. I went walking yesterday and my puddle was nearly a lake! I thought about the meme as I walked around it - then I thought, "Hmmm, we should dig it out and make it a pond, fill it with fish! But it's at the end of the driveway and right now we are using that area for parking when we have church services! Maybe some day I can have an aquarium. We had a bunch when I was growing up, we even had a fish room in our house!

    Got a new knee brace and it's working really well. It's a pull on kind. I still have to fuss with the top edge but I am having less pain while wearing it, so I can live with the pinching at the top!

    Y'all have a blessed weekend and a very special Lord's Day tomorrow.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Rain...I love the rain....potholes...not so much! Reminds me of the time a few years back when they were working on our work streets and with heavy rain for days, those holes became craters enough to hide a small car, we joked. They did cause a lot of damages to those who hit them, not realizing how big and deep they were.

    Fish! I had an aquarium when I lived in Irving. I loved my fish! My step son gave me a 20 gallon tank so I upgraded...then had to find a home for it when I made my move to Alabama in 1992. I had two of those big tadpole looking things I named Oscar and Sam...tho they could have been female for all I know. They just "looked" mannish! I loved my Neon Tetra and my pearl Mollies...the Mollie had babies and that was neat. Thanks for the stirring of lovely memories! While I can't do or see or have...a lot of things at the moment...seeing them in pictures is refreshing!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    We bred angel fish sskb990zwert.jpg

    and guppies (we also showed these and won ribbons) z3rql784kceb.jpg

    We also had neon tetras and kissing gouramies! sduurhf9vl3h.jpg

    So much fun! I like colorful fish, like the neons. I saw a black and white fish when we were watching an Aquarium on YouTube and really liked it: I couldn't find an image of it though, so sad! It had a white front and a black back, so pretty!

    Had terrible time with my allergies yesterday, but several in Church did too. I was out quite a bit on Saturday and I think it just overwhelmed my system. Feeling somewhat better today, my cough at least has quieted and my eyes aren't as bad as yesterday too. Will stay inside today since pollen is high again today.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear! (blush) What kids will come up with.

    Breezy and chilly today so will try to do my walk in the house. I have other things to do too so will see if my energy holds out.

    I sometimes go to a site called FAMILY SEARCH which is an LDS (ick) ancestry site, and it's probably the second best that I've come across, but it's free and Ancestry costs quite a bit to use. Family Search fills in the blanks for you where you have to fill in the blanks with Ancestry. If there is a blank on Family Search it's easy to put your information into that spot and then you get a whole bunch more to your tree. I got a e-mail to see what my dad looked like in the 1950's. Well, there wasn't a picture but there was a bunch of information on dad and the family, and I could look up the places my family came from and it has percentages of my heritage. 70% came from Germany, 14% from the United States, 4% from Romania and Austria, and 1% from Poland. When I was growing up I was told that I was 1/4 French - nope, no French ancestors at all! I was also told that one of my great-mothers had been a mail order bride, but there is no indication of that when I check my ancestry. Sigh! Can't always trust family stories! LOL! My husband's dad said he has native American in him (a family story), but we can't find any indication of that either, unless a pioneer married an Indian woman. His history goes back to the 1100's! His family on both sides was in American in the 1600's. He is a true blue American. I'm a third generation American. Just so interesting. Oh, I was also told that we are somehow related to the composer Robert Schumann, but I couldn't find the connection. I do have a Robert great-uncle (my grandfather's brother) who was a musician, but he's not the guy! LOL! It's fun searching for those connections anyway. Well, that was an aside!

    Hope y'all stay warm and have an awesome day. Love ya
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member