Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited March 2022
    It's so very true, Kim. Heartbreaking but true. I console myself with the fact that God knows it all, sees it all and no matter what I may "feel" about the evils of this world...nothing is done that He's unaware of. These things will usher in the return of our Savior and King.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yes, I am proud to be a female and offended that there are people out there in the world who don't want me to be. How come I can offend them but they can't offend me? That world you were talking about, Bren - what we can expect in these last days (which could last another 200 years, but I somehow don't think so - only the Father knows).

    Rainy here today and the temps are dropping. It started out at 70 and is now 63. Thought I might try to walk if the rain quits, but it doesn't look like it.

    I'll be starting right eating on Monday! Still too much going on. Gotta convince Wade to stop bringing in sweets, at least during the week! LOL!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Well, our 4 inches of snow is about gone, except our front porch - it is about the last place in the area to melt.

    I think I will go ahead and change clocks. I did the bedroom ones this morning when I made the bed. I figured that is what I will get up by, so didn't want to forget them. If I change them now, I should go to bed somewhat early.

    I have never been in facebook "jail". I really don't post very much except in Christian readers groups. It could definitely happen, though. If it isn't about books, it is always something Christian.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Our Pastor had several groups on Facebook and each one is a Christian group where he posts Christian messages. Pastor David L Gould (make sure the L is in there or you might get the other David Gould and his stuff isn't very Christian). Here's a link to his blogs: https://pastordlgouldmusings2022.blogspot.com/

    I got a walk in today while it was fairly warm, around 50 degrees this morning with just a sweatshirt! Can't believe I thought 50 degrees was warm!!!

    I got my compression gloves from Amazon today - I had a pair but lost the right hand glove which is my worst hand - I ended up getting two pair, not remembering that I had ordered the first pair four days prior. That one must have accepted my points because it was free. I'll see if my friend can use them since she has trouble with arthritis in her hands as well. I had quite a bit of trouble ordering from the the last two or three days. I hope I don't get four or five cases of coconut milk!!! It wouldn't take my remaining points to help pay for that though, it kept saying it was out of stock when I tried to use my points but finally took it when I gave up on the points - sigh!

    Well, time to inventory my pantries! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Well...my appointment was a sad affair. I was in so much pain...and she told me until I get my A1C down to 6.2 and my FBS down to 100....she is very limited in ways to help me. She can't give me a steroid shot because of my 8.2 A1C, can't give me something else due to the kidney issues, the foot and pain issues are related to my diabetes and she wants labs done to check for uric acid...thinking it's maybe gout but I was told after an MRI on my foot, that it was arthritis in the big toe joints.
    I could have gone next door and done labs today but I was really struggling and in extreme pain so will wait until I can walk again without agony. All my Doctors are stalled....and I can't afford more expensive drugs to try. God knows what's up and will help me do what I need to do.
    She did say to go back on the pantaprazole when I told her of that distress since I stopped taking it. My kidney Dr. took me off it, due to more kidney issues.
    I got a nice nap after lunch and was glad, since I did not rest well at all last night. I'm feeling somewhat better and will improve as the pain decreases and I can clean my kitchen again! That alone is a big task.
    I'll apply some energy to my housekeeping tomorrow.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So many different issues make things doubly hard. I pray that you are able to get things under control - it's purely selfish, I need you around, my friend!!!

    My weight is up, all my bad eating over the past two months has caught up to me. I'm at around 240 and don't want to go any higher. I am watching what I eat and walking, so hopefully that will start coming off.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Me too Kim...I know what to do and will apply myself to doing my part. I have good things in my kitchen to eat and will plan simple meals that have more nutrition than tots and nuggets. My dinner the past week has been on the really light side since I was having the reflux issues and didn't want to eat much at all. A can of soup some nights. Last night my sugar at bedtime was that illusive 100..and this morning 145. I am very happy with that. Last week's average was 173...down from 272 the week before.

    My weight is 232.6 and I've done the yo-yo thing for too long. I will make the effort needed to correct my course and see some recovery up in here. Prayers for us all as we move into spring!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bren - my hubby has uric acid issues (actually had to have a toe amputated due to gout) and is stage 3b kidney disease. He uses Tart Cherry capsules from Amazon. He takes one of these a day and it really helps him from having an attack. Seafood, asparagus, and red meat are huge triggers. Bill can get by with a little pork (about once a week), but beef is pretty much a once a month thing...eating out.

    The last time he went to the doctor I talked to him about alopurinol. It reduces uric acid and sometimes will actually improve kidney function. The doctor said that he didn't know why they hadn't already put Bill on it. He wanted to test it for 3 months, then make a determination. He goes next month for that test.

    Amazon link to Max strength tart cherry.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Seems we are all having a lot of flare ups re our health. I got covid 5 weeks ago and am just now starting to feel human again - today was my 2nd time out of the house (Sunday was at church for first time in 4 weeks) so it felt good that way but I still wore my mask though no one else was at TOPS but just not sure about taking if off yet as I dont know where the covid came from so being pretty cautious.

    Bren you mention acid reflux - are you taking any meds for that. I have meds for it - take on tablet in the morning and one at night and I also have on hand Gavison which helps if the prescribed meds take a bit to get working. I also sleep with my head a lot higher then the rest of my body. I have had some nights during covid where I woke up with the throat on fire - feels like my throat is burning - at that time I take the Gavison. I also have a hiatul hernia and when it goes south my acid reflect gets really bad so am really careful to keep it calm. Fun isn't it having so many health issues.

    You mention kidneys - about 2 years ago my doctor told me that my kidney function was showing signs of being under strain - number re blood that is 'normal' is 60 and mine went down to 40. Really scared me. He has not given me any meds but his advised was that I needed to increase my water intake a lot - so I did so getting in 90 oz a day now and have been able to bring the number up to 45 which he said was good and just keep doing that.

    At any rate it has been 5 weeks since covid hit our house - am negative on the test now but still have the side effects - worst side effect is covid decided that it was going to hit my arthritus and boy has it flared up causing me not to sleep well and to take pain meds during the day and oh how I don't like doing that. Have been doing a lot of praying that the inflammation from the arthritus will settle soon as it is getting 'old' not being able to sit or lay down. But am grateful that I am alive and will just have to keep pushing forward.

    Went to my TOPS meeting today - 1st one in 4 weeks and am down 3 pounds which is 1.4 pounds more than my goal for today so not to bad at all. To reach my goal for the last weigh in for March (2 weeks today) I need to lose 3.8 pounds and that is doable. Means I should lose 1.9 a week for 2 weeks and I know I can do that so am working on that as I really would like to meet that goa.

    Be blessed ladies
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Connie, that's one of the meds she prescribed for me....allopurinol and the colchicine. She told me to start my pantoprozole again as I am having such awful reflux issues after my kidney Doc had me come off it in January. I've been on it for 5 years or more, after a hospital run with internal bleeding. You asked about that, Marilyn.

    She checked my foot (worst one) and asked what that red scar looking streak was and did I have surgery! I told her it was from my tight shoe, digging in. She saw no signs of any infection, praise God. I remember Bill's issues with his poor feet! Yikes! Thanks for the list of troublemakers! I just did a run on asparagus and pork. I'll investigate the others I may have in my kitchen....and do up another food bag gift for my group!
    Gout...my poor daddy suffered terribly with it and still got up and went to work...on crutches. Me..in a walking boot and later, the surgical shoe with my cane and on occasion...my walker.

    Wow...that's a good report Marilyn. 1.9 a week to hit goal is a good number and totally doable. Yes, it seems we've all had rounds of something coming to our doors.

    My FBS is 147 this morning and I am so very blessed. My goal for the next 4 months is to lose 7 pounds a month before I see my PCP again, and get myself and my numbers under much better control. I'm doing lighter dinners which is a big help. Last night was a bag of steamable cauliflower rice/veggies with added veggies and an apple. I had my protein at breakfast and lunch. I have to watch carbs, sodium, potassium and protein. Doing the dual/multi issues is a balancing game and I have fumbled badly for too many years. Praying my last ones will be somewhat improved.

    Today's Stats: Praising God!
    Weight: 230.6 (-2)
    BP: 124/77 72
    FBS: 147....amazing...for ME!

    I am happy, blessed and as soon as I can walk again without the major foot pain....I'll do a lap around the pool or my apartment "block" just to remember what walking on purpose entails. Prayers for us all in this new day. Love you precious ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, so happy to see those lower sugar numbers, praise the Lord! You can do it!

    Connie, does the tart cherry help with just uric acid, or does it help with the kidney disease as well? I am 3A, just on the safe side of kidney disease but can feel some of the symptoms of kidney disease. I take cranberry capsules as well as drink a cup of cranberry juice a day. I know that helps my bladder and hope it helps my kidneys as well.

    Got a fair walk in yesterday, was struggling to catch my breath so quit about a lap earlier than I wanted to. Will give it a go again this afternoon. Did well through dinner but the evening eating got me. I made some jello with cream cheese in it and had some of that and then I had a goodly portion of pistachios later on. I have one more serving of the jello so will finish that this afternoon. My meals are good though.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I meant to ask that as well, Kim. I know cherries are supposed to be beneficial...I'll look into that as well. I'm limited in what supplements I can use but that may be a safe one.
    Thank you! I am blessed and I know it! God is merciful to this old girl! Today's FBS is 145...so my average will be much better, soon if I adhere to some guidelines and stay on the right path. Kudos to you in your journey...The Jello sounds good. My cream cheese on hand is the jalapeno and chives...for the LC wraps I do, with roast beef or deli ham.

    I'm going to get my coffee going and take the trash out, then work up a meal/activity plan for the rest of the week. I got a new item yesterday...fish filets in panko...Rather small but with my lovely lunch salad, the 2 were sufficient and delicious with a dab of tartar sauce. They would make good fish tacos with my LC tortillas. I'm going to aim for the 1200 calories a day and see how close I can get.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Like the picture, Marilyn!

    Bren, so glad that your FBS was low again - praise the Lord.

    Got two walks in yesterday but will only do one today, my legs are hurting and I don't want to overdo, but I need to walk to keep the swelling in my feet down!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member