Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Right now I am going to be working on a mild diet, no wheat or dairy either. My tummy has been off for awhile now. I got some soy milk and coconut milk yogurts, some instant pudding that I'll make with my coconut milk, and some jello. I know the jello and pudding aren't "healthy" choices, but when I am trying to give my tummy easy things to digest, they work really well. I'll do my protein drinks for breakfast and lunch and then choose one of these and oatmeal for dinner and then have another one of these for my snack. Hopefully it will only take a week or two for my tummy to get back to where it was before I had Covid 18 months ago. It was great before that and it hasn't been the same since and then with all of what is happening to Mom it's gotten worse.

    Mom is in the hospital again but, praise the Lord, the Care Coordinator at the hospital got in touch with a Nursing/rehab facility just 15 minutes from us and they are willing to take her as soon as Monday when she is released from the hospital. It looks good right now, so please be praying that it will go through. It looks like a really nice facility right on the Sound! Right now Mom is pretty unresponsive to things going on around her but she did respond to me today and did the things I asked her to do. I was able to get her to eat and drink and that was such a relief and blessing. Please continue to pray that she is comfortable until it is time for her to go home and be with the Lord. God's timing is perfect and He has a reason that she is still with us, we need to be faithful so we can accomplish His will.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Continued prayers...and gratitude, Kim...for the opened doors, tender mercies and strength for each day.

    I managed, with God's help, to get my bed changed yesterday. It's always a 5 step process with my back pain and instability. I added another yesterday as I switched the mattress cover around. I seriously need to tackle some laundry but am waiting for warm and cozy days ahead for it. We will have another cold spell next week but also a couple of days in mid 70's to a whopping 81. Oh boy!

    My friend, Laura, is going to bring my memory book back today and she can see the lovely amaryllis that has bloomed! It was my retirement gift from Barbi. It bloomed 3 days ago and now has 5 fully open and more on the way. It's beautiful.

    I need to get some heat on and make my 5 item to do list for the day. Kitchen, trash, floors, tack down more rugs and self care. BTW...the two sided carpet tape I got from Amazon works great! I tacked down just one corner for testing on the one I tripped up on 12 days ago. It hasn't budged a bit. I will finish it, my 2 runners and the one at the bathroom.

    Love you ladies....be blessed today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh boy, that is an ambitious list, Bren! I am contemplating taking a walk, but the back and knee pain from just standing up makes me ponder that plan! LOL! I feel alright once I'm up and going (most of the time), but getting up sure is painful sometimes!

    Wade went in to see Mom today, she is about the same as she was yesterday. We are hoping that we understood right about the new place taking her on Monday, we haven't heard anything different anyway. We got her things from the far away nursing facility this morning after visiting Mom, so we hope all goes through as it should. Giving everything a good wash and will repack her bags so they are ready to go with her.

    Beautiful day here. Started out chilly but has gone up 11 degrees, so I might be able to handle a walk outside!

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Just checking in. I realized that it has been several days since I posted. All going fairly well, but Bill is very quiet. Oh, well....at least he seems content. Need to get off of here and get things rounded around, get Bill up and ready for church.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Has been some difficult days - Wednesday daughter came home from respite unable to talk (she is special needs - has Down Syndrome) - she cried and said her throat hurt and she would only whisper - and an hour later the snot came pouring out. Her worker brought over a rapid test re covid on Friday - and yes she has tested positive. Has been very stressful - especially Wednesday as I have never seen her sick like that. We have gone through heart surgery, only one working kidney and daily seizures and numerous colds but what I saw on Wednesday really scared me. As my hubby and worker said, the anxiety set in bad. But she seems on the mend -throat is still sore but she it trying to talk - and a couple of times a day needs help clearing her nose from all the mucous. No fever though. So am thankful that she has had her shots as I am sure she would have ended up in the hospital which would have been horrible because if she was there in the covid ward I would not be able to be with her. We will retest her again on Wednesday to make sure it is going negative - and am thankful so far neither my hubby or I have got it. Now we need to wait for 2 weeks so we can get our booster.

    Otherwise things are ok

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    So sorry about your daughter! Glad that she is on the mend. Praying for you, your hubby and daughter.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, praise the Lord she is on the mend! I'm so sorry that she had to suffer with that, but I'm so glad that she didn't have any set backs. God is good. Will be praying you and your husband stay clear of the Covid!

    Mom isn't doing well. They have her in the oncology ward at the hospital, which makes me believe that they believe what is wrong with her liver is cancer! She probably wouldn't survive doing a biopsy, but even if we knew for sure we wouldn't do anything about it, she wouldn't be able to handle going through cancer treatments. I'm amazed that she is still with us, she's lost so much weight! I know she wouldn't want to continue on in this condition, but the Lord's timing is perfect!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for peace in this time of turmoil. I know this is very difficult for you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Mom is in hospice care at the hospital. She was quite active yesterday but just slept while we were there today. She wouldn't wake up, so we are sure that yesterday was her rally day and now it's just waiting until she goes home to be with Jesus. It's very hard to see her like this. She's lost so much weight her cheeks are sunken in. Makes me very sad to see her going through this, but I know that soon she will be able to sing praises to Jesus, something she has missed being able to do since she had her thyroid surgery! That makes me happy!

    I hope y'all are doing well. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh Marilyn! I'm so sorry your daughter is sick and praying for a complete recovery very soon...and as Kim said...praying that you and hubby don't go a round, even with mild symptoms.

    Kim...you are so right...she couldn't handle and wouldn't want treatments. Prayers for her comfort and for strength and peace for you and Wade in the time ahead. God's love and mercy will see us all thru the sorrows that come and we know where we are going when we leave here.

    Connie...prayers for you and Bill as well in this winter....as he head toward spring and warmer, more comfortable days.

    Our cold front moved in last night and it's 22 right now with bitter winds. I need to take trash out again but it may just wait! Tho I could put a jacket on, I don't want to hit any ice patches or thaw my car to do it at the moment. I can wait for sunshine and 41.

    I didn't get all my list done...so it carries over until I do. That day, I managed the dishwasher, trash out, vacuumed and cleaned the bathroom somewhat. My foot is still swollen and painful, back pain has been really bad and the right knee out since my stumble 2 weeks ago Monday. It was a year the 19th that I fell on the ice and injured this shoulder.

    I had gotten some veggie/sauce blends from HEB. A new product being tested before the price jumps to $5.95 for a 2 cup container. So for 3 days, I've had some lovely veggies, chicken thighs and fish filets and no nuggets and tots. I have one more container to use today, tho I only used one sauce packet so far. The Pesto they had subbed...not a fan. The other is a garlic sauce but high sodium so not sure I'll use it...unless I add it to a pot of soup. BTW...nobody in their right mind would pay full price for this product!

    I had maintenance come Monday to change 2 more bulbs for me. The LED bulb package says "lasts up to 18 years"....should say in small print..."as long as they stay in this package". LOL

    I need coffee and then will see what things need to make my to do list for today. Be blessed Ladies...best where needed most today. Love and prayers for this new day God gave us.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited February 2022
    Bren, keep going a little at a time, but take care of yourself!

    Kim - Your entire family is in our prayers. I know this is very difficult for you. Your Mom will be singing in heaven, but you will feel her loss here on earth.

    I had a friend from high school that laid down in bed the other night with her husband to have their evening prayers and she just quit breathing. I ache for her family, but what a wonderful way to go - with prayers on her heart.
  • Lywyn
    Lywyn Posts: 32 Member
    Having a difficult time getting my oomph going. It's February a time of cold and snow and that closed in feeling. But I'll be successful if it kills me. I look in the mirror and have no idea if I look like I've lost 60 pounds or not. My tops tell me I have but my pants tell me a totally different story.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I always have the opposite issue. I am "busty" and it seems that doesn't change. You are doing great as long as the scales say so! Be encouraged.

    I'm sure your winter is much worse than ours, but it seems like we are seeing snow almost every week. I am so looking forward to spring and a better weather outlook. We love to travel, but I know that my husband's health is fragile and there can't be long distance travel, but we are hoping for a few trips to Branson and maybe Mountain View, Arkansas (OLD music...over 100 years old). These are fairly easy trips for us, hopefully will work out.

    We really need to get to Texas to see his family, but I just don't know how we can easily do it. If we go, we will be splitting up the trip down and back into two days each, then stopping in East Texas for one sister, and on to Houston area for the other sister. Probably back through East Texas on the way home. It would be a hard trip, so I just don't know... and a lot of one night hotel stays (it is much easier to stay a few nights in one spot).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Connie, I know that with Mom's dementia, any kind of stressful situation or anything out of what she was used to would set her back, she would become more incoherent and anxious. I don't know if a trip like that would be "too much" for Bill and bring on more confusion. I understand with Alzheimer's, the patients like what's normal, what they are used to. I know more about dementia than I do Alzheimer's though, so I may be off point - just a thought.

    We are keeping Mom in palliative care. The Care Coordinator called about moving her to a hospice center (which the one we have is very nice), but she is so frail, and we don't want a huge change like that to confuse her. She is getting incredible care where she is and it really can't be that much longer before she goes home to be with Jesus. It's farther for us, but we'll do that so she can get the best care possible. We spend an hour or two with her each morning, and the trip there and back takes us around three hours, so it really takes the whole morning to go and visit her - our joy and blessing!

    Marilyn, how is your daughter doing??? How are you and your husband doing?
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited February 2022
    Good morning ladies...I still have to ask myself what day it is on occasion. I am so looking forward to spring and consistent warmer, sunny days. I'm looking for my first robin already. We are supposed to have more freezing rain early today and I'm waiting for sunshine to do laundry and get trash out. That's supposed to happen by tomorrow at 58 and sunny skies...yippee!

    I had the worst night I've had in a long time. So much pain, the foot being in spasm mode which jerked me awake every 3 minutes. A couple of times the stomach and back joined in the fray. I had tummy issues until midnight...got up for awhile. Then had nightmares once I went back to bed at 3 AM....I had injured the foot with my tumble, back on the 7th and it's been really swollen and troublesome, tho I've had a couple of glimpses of normality. I have an appointment with my PCP on Wednesday and hope to be feeling much better by then.

    I did some broth last night, to be easy on my tummy...and tho the beef bullion was very yummy...it was very salty! I thought I had the Herb Ox no salt version but it's regular! Only the chicken is no salt. I have a jar of the Knorr tomato chicken which is regular as well and very good. I usually mix a bit with the chicken packet. I updated my meds list with my PCP to remove that pantoprazole but have been having quite a bit up upset without it. I've been using some of the Tums chews type stuff.

    I need some coffee and I'll keep my To Do list light and bright today and focus more on self care as that's a priority at the moment.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear, Bren! I hope tonight is much better. Good sleep helps a lot. Don't forget to ask your PCP to look at that foot, you could have damaged something in there for it to be so bad for so long. I went with Ranatidine for awhile, trying to get away from the proton pump inhibitors (acid reducers) because they rob you of nutrients, but then that was taken off the shelves and off the market so I'm on Famotidine right now. Like you, the acid just came back in spades when I went off of my stuff. Praise the Lord, the generic stuff didn't use to work but it does now, so I'm very happy with that.

    Mom is hanging in there. We keep expecting her to go home to Jesus, but each day she is about the same, although she is losing a lot of weight. I wouldn't be surprised if she is down close to 100 lbs. She weighed a little more than 150 at Christmas! She is getting water off of a small sponge so she doesn't choke. She seems to enjoy getting her water that way. She bites the stem that the sponge is on and won't let go until she's sucked it dry! LOL! Seeing her like this is so hard. I know that she didn't want to leave this world like this, but the Lord knows the moment she is to go.

    Well, we got some cold weather, in the 40's! We've had lots of flowers coming up and the trees are starting to bud. There are several of the flowering trees that have bloomed already, so I hope we don't get down so low they are affected! It's getting beautiful here. I miss the colors of Spring and Summer!

    Y'all have a wonderful weekend. Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - still praying for your Mom, you and Wade. I know that none of this is easy.

    Bren - Really outline all of the health issues that you are having before your PCP visit this week. They really need to help you get to the bottom of this so that you can get out of the pain and discomfort.

    Today the weather is supposed to be delightful. I am ready for sunshine and warmer weather. Yesterday it was about 40 with sunshine and most of our snow is gone again....except for the huge piles from the snow plow. It seems like we finally get them all melted away and along come winter again. I said that it may be Memorial Day before these huge piles are gone, but I hope I exaggerated.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    We are looking for 62 and beautiful sunshine today and then 4 days in mid-high 70's. Makes me happy!

    I'm up at 3 AM, getting some laundry done at last. I still have a lot of pain but the foot is better and the knee is quieter this morning. I have a grocery order to pick up at 9:00...and will clean the kitchen again and that will need to be enough today.

    I got two more tack down spots yesterday, on my runner and need 4-5 more spots of tape to snug them all up. I use them to cover the worst spots on my carpet as it's 20 years old and the last time I paid to have it cleaned, was told it's really beyond cleaning anymore. I'm very pleased with the tape's performance, I just had to be up to the task of tack down. A piece or two every few days will still get it done.

    I have 4 more loads of laundry to deal with. One run is all sheets and bath mats...and about half the sheets will be gifted. I have some that are not the deep pocket that fit my humongous mattress. I've read of using flats only and wish I'd considered that years back when I was uhm...stocking up to avoid doing laundry? I just bought 2 dozen wash cloths for that reason. Once I get caught up, it won't be such a huge task. I'll try to train myself....since nobody has shown up yet to do it for me.

    I look forward to more paring down and clearing out in the time ahead. The Buy Nothing group is great! Admin is making some changes to our forum and we will have a prayer thread added! It's a great "meeting place"....and I am thankful for a way to bless others and make some friends along the way. I hope to feel up to playing eventually! LOL.....it's been awhile since I played with other people. Am I too old for that?
    Wishing you all a blessed day....prayers for provision, protection and peace...sweet rest and comfort in our Savior.