Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Well, my one appointment is down and done. He didn't fuss at me but he should have perhaps.Since I am taking over 200 units of insulin daily, he wanted me to try the Humulin R500 concentrated insulin but it's $307 a month with my insurance...then he tried Tresiba...that's $400 for 45 days and both are out of reach.
    What do folks without insurance do? I told him I'd just refilled my Levemir at $615 for a 90 day supply. He said that was way too much. I agree. Until my deductible is paid,I can't even try anything new....except...alter my food and activity. So that's the plan.

    I see my kidney Dr. today and will get her input and get on the wagon as it swings back around. I'll google some things today, see if I can find a pedometer. My initial steps will be pitiful but some is better than none and will improve stability, balance and strength. A couple of nights ago I did some Leslie Sansone type steps when I'd get up...holding onto the sink and door in the bathroom for 15 steps in place. That's a start.

    Prayers for us all in this new day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Lywyn
    Lywyn Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi, I just joined the group today. I was on Spark People and FP but had a stroke and had to quit everything as I wasn't able to concentrate on written words nor tv. I am back now, used to be Wyndyc. I have about 150 pounds to lose. My highest was 311 and am now 253. Having lots of difficulty getting down to 250 but with Gods help I will get there soon and be off this plateau. Just have to figure out what God is trying to teach me other than quit being impatient. I haven't figured out how to put the newest message up first but I will. 😁
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hey ladies! Bren, I know that you can do what needs to be done - you've done it in the past. One day at a time, sister!

    I did lose 2 pounds. I didn't eat a lot yesterday while in the ER with Mom. They admitted her and are going to keep her until they can get her to the level she was at when she was having a "good day". That wasn't that long ago - about a week - then she got sick with what we thought was a UTI, but now the doctor says that may not be what she had. Sigh. They are going to try and help us find a place for her right from the hospital. That would be wonderful. I called the place that we are most likely to get her into and left him a message hoping he could get in touch with their care coordinator, or I could ask that person to get in touch with him. He has most of the information that he needs, so it should go quickly. I think this is really what he needed to be able to take her. Please be praying for us during this transition, and for Mom too.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello Lywyn! Welcome aboard.

    Thanks Kim! I had another "good" appointment yesterday. My kidney Dr. wanted me to come off that pantoprazole stuff...she told me 6 months back to try to do without it and I promptly forgot. I'm so used to taking it AM with my thyroid pill...so now have the bottle tucked in a drawer out of sight...after taking one. It has something negative to do with my BP and kidney function.
    She faxed in a new order for my Amlodopine that I've tried to get for over 2 weeks. It's ready and I asked them to mail it to me.
    She was more concerned with my BP than my cardiologist has been it seems....as that has a lot to do with my kidney numbers. I miss so much...the face to face conversations of old, where I could read lips and not have to ask for repeats of things that double the time they have to spend with me.

    Oh Kim! I didn't know Mom was back in the hospital! Praying they can place her and get things settled quickly for her...and you guys. I can't imagine the complex and difficult task this all has been. My heart goes out to you all.

    I started my food journal Monday ...I'll do up a chart to use. I'll miss the access to a copier some days but I'll work around it. Maybe take things I need a copy of to the office when Sharon is there and have a wee visit?....after all the Covid thing is done? Lonnie is in the hospital, in bad shape. His wife had it first and is better, she can't see him in the Hospital. The new lady brought this in and Chris has been out for a full week too. I was so very thankful I only worked with her for 2 days before she got sick.

    I was so glad to see NO ice, snow or bitter cold this morning. It's 28 but dry. We have another cold front coming with snow/ice expected but I am thankful for each day we don't get it...and even more thankful to be at home, safe and comfy...if we do get it! No more of this....praise God!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Lywyn - so good to have you join us. Hopefully you are recuperating well from the stroke.

    Bren- sounding like your doctor is trying to get to the bottom of your issues. Also, if the doctor puts you on something you can't afford, they can usually get with the manufacturer and get you discounts that are cheaper than insurance. They have done that with my step-daughter on a couple drugs, and with my Dad.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Lywyn
    Lywyn Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi, just a quick note to say I posted a pic of my front yard in the picture category. 🤣
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Lywyn, welcome! Plateau's are no fun! I've been on one for a couple of years! LOL! I go down two I go up two, kind of makes me sea sick! You have done awesome so far and to get from 311 to 250's is great! You will lose those two or three pounds to get to 250 before you know it. Switch something up in your diet, like taking in a bit more protein and a little bit less carbs. It just sounds like your body needs a shake up to get it moving again. If you are like many of us you have to stay away from some stuff and eat other stuff and it's hard to make changes, but even if it is a small change, it's enough to get your body rethinking.

    Mom is doing better since being in the hospital. They still aren't sure what was causing the bloody urine, but there is bacteria showing up now, so it really may be a UTI. They have found other things wrong and we are still waiting for MRI results that could be the catalyst to get her into one of the places that we are wanting to get her into. I've left a couple of messages there but haven't heard back - the waiting to know something is hard. Thank you so much for your prayers, they are being heard. Mom appreciates them very much too. I told her the other day lots of people were praying for her and she said, "Lots of prayers going up for me." She understood!

    It is soooo cold! Have I ever told you, I hate being cold! :D Oh yeah, me no likey!!! (I stole that from you, Bren).

    Be strong, stay on track, and trust God in everything! He loves you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bren: When I saw this, I thought of you. God bless you through your trials and health issues. You seem to live your life by this....
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Love that! Thanks Connie! That thinking was behind my 5-20 minute chore chart I did years back.There's almost always "something" I can do at any given time.

    Kim, I get you! I am chilled a lot more lately and I look at my thermostat and it says 74....LOL This morning it was 68 so I have the heat on. It's 31 outside and I'm so glad I don't have to go out. So glad she's doing better in the hospital and hope they get her back up to snuff quickly...and hope you hear from the care center with admission orders!

    Lywyn...I am so very thankful that is not MY yard! Oh my....here in the middle of Texas, we've so far only had a bit of frost and an 18 low...no ice and snow. I am beyond grateful to be retired! Monday will mark a month since my last work day. Hooya!

    The electricians finally came yesterday afternoon to tear up my kitchen and install a new breaker box. I console myself with the fact that all my neighbors now have the same ugly kitchen wall. Of course I was napping when Mary came in to let me know they were here...so my apartment looked like rather "hoardy"...LOL

    I had a bad run of indigestion last night and wonder if not taking the pantoprazole would have that effect so quickly? I had a bottle of Esomeprazole Magnesium I'd bought last year and took one of those. They are not "fast acting" it says. I was quite miserable. I finally settled down around 11:00.

    Have a blessed weekend all...I'll get my to do list ready in a bit, do my charting and devotionals and have a grand day! Love and prayers for us all.
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 756 Member
    Good morning, I'm praying that I am back for good. I realized that I haven't posted since July. I'm sorry about not being in communication. Things here have not been easy. Between me dealing with a major flare up of my AS(ankylosing spondylitis), my middle child moving 5 hours away and my work load tripling it has been hard. We also had to say goodbye to 2 of our fur family this year, MOD our 15 year old cat had a second stroke and lost the use of her hind leg. Then last weekend we had to take my Charlie Bear into the vet for a final time. He didn't quite make his 16 birthday.

    So I am happy to report that even with all the stress of this past fall I didn't gain weight back. I haven't really lost and my exercise plan has gone the way of the dodo bird but I didn't gain. We also added 2 kittens to our household, Shadow and Hunter, named by our youngest. They are brother and sister, they are giving us lots of laughs and cuddles.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Majork29 - woohoo. You at least don't have to go back and re-lose, you can start right back in and make some progress! Life sometimes gets in the way, it has for me recently, but we do what we can do (like the post above talked about) and keep moving forward. So good to see you and hope we can be an encouragement and help!

    Last I weighed I had lost two pounds - several cookies and donuts later I have no idea. I need to start doing my house walking since I am no longer running around doing for Mom. My steps have gone way down again! Gotta make myself do that. We do go to the hospital most days so I get a little bit of walking in there. She is being moved to long term care tomorrow, closer to home, and others will be able to visit her too, which I think she will love - she isn't very responsive, so it's hard to tell! Please continue praying for us and for her, she's facing a lot.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Ah, so that is my problem! Gotta break up this friendship! LOL!

    Mom is being transferred to a different facility than the one we are hoping will be her long term facility - they had a positive covid test this week and can't admit anyone until they get negative test results. This seems like a nice facility but is over an hour away. She is there as a re-hab patient so her insurance will pay for this! Woohoo! I hope that they are able to get her moving again and doing things for herself. We are trusting the Lord in all of this!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello ladies...and welcome back Majork29...it's good to "see" you!

    I was up doing laundry at 3 AM yesterday, had hoped to do another round today before the storm hits this afternoon but I'll play inside instead. It was considered hard labor. I pray it will get easier, once I am to the point of twice monthly runs at it. I joked about only needing 5 gowns and 2 pair of shorts now that I'm retired. I do have a "retirement closet" plan but there's a few other things on it as well.

    I let a lot of things go Mon/Tue and it was great! Met four new, precious ladies, have almost cleared my corner. I've found that I truly didn't know how much I had until I started releasing some of it! I'm enjoying the journey. I am nowhere done on the clothes situation but am making progress weekly! I need to work on my bedroom today and put away yesterday's laundry.

    Kim, I'm glad Mom is in Rehab until the transfer and I pray every door is opened as the need arises...and pray for rest, peace and provision for you all. I'm so glad too, that you are near your Church team and have the spiritual and some physical back up.

    I have a Wal-Mart order done for Sunday pick up, once the storm has abated and the sun will shine and all. It's supposed to be around 49 for a high that day. We had 74 yesterday! I have enjoyed the milder temps and am so grateful to be home...every day!

    I am back down 4.4 from my recent gain. Goal one is to see 230 again. Am 234.6 today. I did finally get my amlodopine so hope that helps with the BP. My kidney Dr. is concerned about the trend of high readings as it makes my kidneys work so hard and they are in trouble. It's 142/81 today. FBS 202.

    I need my coffee, and will get started on my chores list. I hope to have order restored before the bug man comes this month. I was embarrassed to have the electricians in last week when things were looking rather dubious! LOL
    Be blessed today...best where most needed...Love and prayers~