Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Not doing well weight-wise, too many sweets over the past week (and a donut today for lunch)! I am at 238 right now. Very tired today so will probably lay down for awhile before Bible Study tonight.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Well, the snow storm went through last night. They were calling for 8-14 inches of snow. It was supposed to start last night at 9:00 (which was almost the exact time it started) and snow through noon tomorrow. It quit snowing this morning before noon, and we have a total of 2.5 inches. God is good! It is cold and supposed to get colder, but at least the really bad winter storm bypassed us.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Here too, Connie. I peeped out at 2:30 AM to a blanket of lovely snow and prayed for my former kitties. I've known the Calico for 9 years now and so many of her descendants thru the years, (too many to count)...up to and including her great, great grands...the 2 beautiful black babies and the tortie. Haven't seen the tortie in awhile. Just Bully Boy, Mama tortie and the 2 black babes.

    Finally see a lower BP, praise God! 124/73 today. I'll play in the kitchen and bedroom today and be thankful. Stay safe and comfy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Awesome, BP, Bren! Phew! Hope your kitties are doing alright. They are probably hiding in some hole or corner somewhere keeping each other warm!

    No snow expected here, not even ice, just a little bit of rain - yeehaw! So glad you got such a small amount, Connie! God is very good!

    Trying to get all of our ducks in a row to get Mom into the long term care - lots of info to find and get to the right places! Our Pastor and his wife (mom's best friend) are going to visit her today, she will like that.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Doing well. Back on track as of February 1 - so today will be day 3 of eating according to my plan. Now to wait patiently to see the scale go down.

    Talked to the doctors nurse today about my bad toe. As it is still infected (only when I wear socks does it flare up) she said he will more than likely give me meds to clear it up and then will suggest having a wedge taken out - but there is a good change that after a few months it will grow back so next Tuesday I will talk to him whether I should just go to the foot doctor and have the nail completely taken out as I really don't want to go through this again. At least I have one call set up to discuss this - will go from there

    Be blessed ladies
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim! I was so excited to see that after being out of my Amlodopine for 3 weeks and readings over 150/88 several days a week. God is awesome!
    So glad things are coming together for Mom's admittance and having them visit will be good for her...I remember my Mom being in the hospital and how much it meant to her for her Pastor to visit. They have a big job...tending their flock and showing God's love....daily.

    I have 2 more ladies in line for clothes! This has been a fun adventure and it means more to bless individuals I meet than just dropping off 3 tubs at Goodwill. I am slowly reclaiming my space and am thankful for the means to bless others with my "excess"!

    I know you're right about the critters hunkering down somewhere. I can't even count the cats that have crossed my path in the 9 years since I started feeding them but so very many are descendants of my beautiful Calico Mama who was one of the first to come. Countless litters came after...and now her great grand kids still drop by on occasion. I saw her once last month. I love them all as you well know!

    Marilyn, that's great...day 3 going down. I so empathize with you on that poor, painful toe! I have an ingrown toenail that has been a problem for at least 37 years. That was when I bought my first bottle of Outgrow...and had high expectations for it. It's so hard when we can't "fix" a source of such pain. That small part of the body...like a toothache...makes the whole body suffer. Prayers for all of us who have this issue.

    I thought my air fryer had quit on me last night! I was doing a quesadilla to go with my soup for dinner, and the green light went out. It was still ticking and warm but not "cooking". I finished it off in the toaster oven, considered ordering a new one...then instead, tried it again and the light came on so I think she has some life left.

    We didn't get above 18 all day yesterday. It's 16 this morning and by Sunday, the high is supposed to hit 42 and by Monday...hooya...56. Makes me happy! It's supposed to hit 42 tomorrow as well so I hope the ice melts off my car for my Sunday pick up at Wal-Mart.

    Have a blessed day Ladies....Take good care of yourselves. I'll do the same here.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Talking about my foot with the bad bit toe - as I mentioned we will talk about having a wedge down which is where they take out the portion of the nail that is ingrown -but these usually grow back. So I am going to see what his thoughts are on going to a foot doctor (medical will pay for it ) and have the complete removed permanently - would mean some time taking care of it to get it to heal but would never have an ingrown toenail again - therefore shoes would be comfortable once again. Tired of the toe hurting for 5 years so time to get it correctly fixed. And honestly I think the other big toe needs to be done also.

    Also on Wednesday I woke up with the foot with the sore toe - not being able to put any weight on it without lots of pain - feels like something is broken but don't believe it has as I have not stubbed the toe or banged the foot. Talked to the docs nurse this morning and she feels as I do - that it is osteo arthiritus in it (hurts from the baby toe down on that bone) - the nurse was going to text the doctor to see if it should be x-rayed but I really don't want to go to the hospital for this due to all the covid there - will only bring on more anxiety. So right now just treating it as I would do the arthiritus - guess the old saying of if it isn't one thing it is another - just thankful that I am alive - but bummed that I cant get up and move more without the foot hurting - hubby has told me not to push the 'I can't walk' to far and laughed when he said it.

    Anyway that is me for today - glad that the food is on plan and the scale has started to move down again thankfully
  • Lywyn
    Lywyn Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I went on an unscheduled trip across the room and am so thankful I only have bruises for souvenirs and no broken bones. I have no idea why I did it but would prefer to not do it again. We are cold here minus 35 with minus 42 windchills so outdoor activity is non existent and I even got my groceries delivered yesterday. Lazy me but I figured starting the car and letting it warm up for half an hour before leaving would end up costing me more than having them delivered plus well you know COLD!!! 🤣
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Lywyn, I am so glad that you weren't more seriously hurt! Might be time to have a cane with you around the house. Mom wouldn't use a cane in the house but used a walking stick whenever she went outside. Funny, she fell a number of times in the house, but had one serious fall outside and lo and behold, she wasn't using her stick! These balance implements really do help! This is for you too, Bren! I know that you use your cane now and again, but it might need to be a permanently attached to your hand now! That is my encouragement (scolding) for the day. I worry about it because when Mom reached a certain age these falls began to affect her mentally, even before we knew about her dementia.

    Not feeling good the last couple of days, very sore from all the riding in the car - knee, back, and thigh muscle killer! I've had some cold symptoms today too, so am hoping that it is just because I'm worn down rather than getting sick! Please keep me in your prayers.

    Have a blessed weekend!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited February 2022
    Oh No! ...and Yes!...Prayers for all of us in these days of fatigue, pain and trouble. So very glad nothing was broken, Lywyn... but it was sure enough to hinder function. Marilyn, my poor feet cringed in sorrow to hear of your pain. We don't realize how much we need them and use them until one goes south on us. I've cried in agony many times with mine. Be it hand, (shoulder) neck, elbow, hand, knee, ankle or foot. We need every part of our body working well...to be our best.

    Oh yes Kim...my cane is at my side 90% of the time and I am so thankful for the help it provides. I gave away one, with a surgical shoe to a lady who had had foot surgery. She was hobbling away when I thought to offer her the one I'd brought home from the office. I was so glad I could help her. I have one in the car and one in the house. She had asked for one of the boots but they had already been picked up.
    I'll be posting more items tomorrow.

    After seeing how much ice still covered and surrounded my car Friday morning, and still does this morning... I reset my Wal-Mart pick up to Tuesday instead of today. It's supposed to be about 52 today, 56 tomorrow and 62 on Tuesday! Lots of lovely sunshine but we're still refreezing at night. The handicapped parking is on the right side of the drive, gets way more shade so tho we've had 2 days of sun and above freezing weather in the afternoon, my side is still very icy and dangerous.

    My fridge has never been this empty since I moved in here I think! Yet I am fine. I have a lot of good things in the freezer and cabinet. I had delicious Tilapia, broccoli/cauliflower and onion (no margarine). For the first time, I made a LC tortilla pizza with turkey pepperoni, pasta sauce, onion and mozzarella. Third meal was a container of my 15 bean soup w/ham hock and fried okra.Yum!

    Not only am I eating better, more "cooked" meals rather than wholly processed, but my sleep patterns are changing. I am still napping each day but it's been an hour rather than 3 the past few days and I'm up way later than I had been.

    Todays stats:
    Wt: 233.2 (a nice surprise as I was at 234.6 for several days after hitting 239 again
    BP: 135/83 68
    FBS: 188
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Boy have I missed a lot. Marilyn - The toe hurting on waking up actually sounds a bit like gout. It is most prominent in toes (especially the big toe) but can be in any joint. It is caused by high uric acid. Try tart cherry and see if that helps! Gout is nothing to sneeze at. That's what caused the issue with hubby's toe that had to be amputated. People don't realize that it can be serious, not just painful. One of Bill's triggers is red meat (especially beef), but there are lots of meats that can be triggers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Feeling a wee bit better this morning, not coughing as much. The cough is like the one I had before, dry and hacking, probably from the congestion in my head - but with bad stuff going around I'm quarantining myself from neighbors and going to see Mom. Had a situation over the weekend so we are trying to get mom moved over to the place that we really want her to be at. I don't understand this though, if the place we want her to be in didn't have a positive Covid test they would have taken her right away, but now they want her to go through rehab. They can rehab her there which is what we would like. The place she is at is very institutional and Mom isn't happy there. If we can't get her into the place we want her in very quickly, this week, we will bring her home until that can happen - so please be praying for us, that they will be able to get her in there quickly.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Continued prayers in your situation Kim.

    I almost had an awful accident. I tripped on my rug that was wadded up and came much too close to burying my face on the sharp corner of the counter. I did injure my hand but didn't break anything. Praising God for looking after me!

    I posted new items to give away this morning, made another new friend and had a very nice chat with her and she offered to come mop my kitchen and bathroom for me when I am ready. She had asked on her way if I needed anything from the store but I have an HEB delivery coming this afternoon between 2-3. but that was very nice of her to offer! I have a lady coming for 2 tubs of items today and the kitchen box has been picked up. My bedroom still looks like a hoarder is in residence but I'm making great progress!

    The electrician guys are back, painting the wall in there so it won't be too ugly. LOL I had another visitor as well. Queen Bee...the manager's cat came in and waddled around. I had to pick her up to put her back outside. She's a beautiful, hefty and well loved girl.

    It's lunch time but I don't want to mess around in the kitchen with the boyz coming in and out. I can't go anywhere yet as it's still iced up out there and a danger to my old bones. I'll go check later and hope the ice is melting away. I have my big order at Wal-Mart to pick up tomorrow, assuming it's clear and safe to do so. Loving the sunshine and milder temps and praising God for it all! It's 46 out there at the moment.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Perfect timing for that quote Marilyn...for me! It's 2:20 and I just had lunch! Loving it, as I waited for true hunger, didn't order fast food, cleaned my kitchen and put on a Tilapia filet and veggies in my toaster oven instead. Absolutely delicious. I used garlic powder on the veggies and no salt seafood type shake on the fish. Only one filet as my pan was small so it was half protein and half veggies. The filets are big...and one was enough! (broccoli/cauliflower and onion again) Yum!

    Someone scraped the ice at the sidewalk exit (praise God!) so I was able to get my trash in the trunk of the car and will drive it to the dumpster later today or in the morning. It's 51 and supposed to stay above freezing tonight. I am so happy! The ice sliding off my trunk aimed at my feet but didn't get a good lick in. Hooya! One accident a day is sufficient.

    My HEB delivery came as I was going out to the car so I had him put my bags in the laundry cart I'd set by the door. I'm glad I thought of that as bending and picking things up really cranks my back up quickly. I wheel things in...still have to unload but that's one step closer. It was SO worth the $10 delivery fee! I don't do that often at all, maybe twice a year, so having it done today made me happy and I now have my salad goods, margarine and eggs and a pork steak for dinner tonight.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Add on PM. I am in so much pain and just figured out it was from the hard jarring from my tumble into the counter! From my neck to my feet....I hurt. I did break 4 nails and injured a finger, hurt my shoulder and 3 fingers are stiff and painful when I bend them. I'm so thankful God caught me....and I didn't fall or break something.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren! I'm so sorry you are hurting. They put a cervical collar on Mom after her face dive from the wheel chair. She didn't have anything broken, but it wouldn't surprise me if she got a bit of whip lash. You may have that too! She sprained some muscles in her neck with one fall - so - maybe a call to the doctor would be in order or you could be hurting for quite awhile. She may be able to give you something that you can safely take to keep the pain under control! If you could get in and out of the tub (which I can't do - I can't even get in and out of the shower safely) you could take an epsom salts bath - heehee! There's always wrapping yourself up in bubble wrap! I think I like that idea, I don't like to hear of you hurting like this! You are in my prayers.

    Mom fell again today, she tried to get out of bed. The nurse came in a few minutes after she'd been in the room to check on her and found her on the floor trying to climb back up into the bed. She is on IV fluids today as well. We've talked about bringing her home until the place we want her to go can take her, but we can't give her IV's to help her get her fluids! Right after this call the place we want her to go called and said they are ready to take her as soon as she is discharged from the place she is in - hallelujah!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @Bren - so sorry to hear about you falling and getting hurt - thankfully no broken bones but it might be a good idea to have a doctor visit to see re whiplas

    @Restfinder - thinking of you and your mom - I remember those days - my sweet mom passed away 11 years ago but her last couple of months in the home we had her in was good but not so good. Mom had lost most of her sight (she was legally blind so reading or watching tv was out of the questions and she could not hear well unless things were very loud which bothered all the other residents). What did her in was after the nurse had gotten her comfortable (the nurse checked on here every 20 minutes), mom got up to go to the bathroom but she bend over to put on her slippers and down she went. At this time she was only 80 pounds (normally she was 98 - 100 pounds) but she lay there for 10 minutes until they found her and she had broke her him -she was 93 at this time - so the doctors gave her strong meds and waited a few days as they were unsure if she would survive the operation - but the eventually did the operation and she lived for 1 week after and then her heart just could not go any further. But she was ready - every morning she would wake and say 'Lord I am ready to come home, why haven't you taken me yet?' Gosh if she was alive she would be 104 and dad would be 110 - miss them a lot.

    Am getting ready to go to the doctor re my food - want him to look at it - I know I need meds to get the infection out then I am thinking I will need to see a foot doctor to have the big toenails of both feet completely removed as I keep getting ingrown toenails and with diabetes this has to stop. And have to see about the callus I keep getting - have been soaking the foot with epson salts and peppermint essential oil and then with a wet face cloth working at rubbing some of the callus off - my feet are very sensistive therefore don't handle anyone touching them so am hoping that with the soaking 2x a day that the callus will become soft enough to be rubbed off.

    Anyway that is me for now -

    Marilyn <3