Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank y'all so much for your prayers. Mom went home to be with the Lord last night between 8-9 PM. We had been there for several hours during the afternoon with our Pastor and his wife and had left around 6:15. We knew that she could go at any time and just prayed that it would be in God's perfect time - and it was. We rejoice in her home-going and in her being strong and able to do things that she hadn't been able to do in many years - like sing and move freely without the fear of falling! We're doing well. God is very good!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - It is a blessing to know that she is with Jesus, but there will be a hole in your lives for a while. Praying for you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Continued prayers for you and Wade in the time ahead. I know Heaven rejoices at her arrival....and it's a blessing she knew such love and care from you guys before her home-going.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you so much for your prayers. There is a peace in my heart that can only come from Jesus.

    Beautiful day today. I'm going to go take a walk as soon as I finish here! I like to do some of my Bible memorization while I'm walking - takes my mind off of how many steps I've done and hopefully will do more than I wanted to! LOL!

    Exciting times we are living in. Come Lord Jesus!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    One thing that consoled me in my Mom's passing was the absolute knowing that God was with me...in all the details...and that many had walked this journey before me and many would come behind. A co-workers Mom passed away the very next day and a month later my friend Cissys's Mom passed. I'm so thankful for the memories made and the love shared in the time we had. Joy still comes in the morning!

    Am praying more...many more...hearts turn towards God in these last days. We can't look to the bumbling, stumbling "leadership" of this world for direction. GOD is fully aware of all those details as well as the resident evil in man's heart.

    Years ago, Kim, I read somewhere about making our exercise time a "sacrifice of praise" to God and I need to remember and practice that again. The less I do...the less I'll be able to do! Thanks for the reminder with your walking note. I will get out of my box today! (and out of my bed!)

    I bought a swiffer mop finally. Just need to put it together and use it after I vacuum. With my 2 small spaces, that will be sufficient. It will be a month on the 7th, since my last "injury" that laid me out. I should be seeing more recovery soon.

    I rescheduled my PCP appointment for the 14th as I've been hacking and snorting around for the past 3-4 days and just didn't want to go. That would require getting dressed and all you know.

    Please pray for my friend Sharon. The new woman is another entitled, demeaning, demanding person, causing so much trouble with not doing invoicing, credit card input, making negative notes on our long term tenants, wanting to be the Matriarch of that location and Shaunie from the NW office is into Stonegate's business daily, as the original Matriarch. I rejoice that I made my exit when I did as ownership had "New Changes" in mind at that time...making Shaunie head of operations it seems. Pam has/shows no respect at all for Sharon's work/input, tattles on Chris if he's 5 minutes late, and the two together are making work life miserable. Shaunie remotely goes into the system, doubling up and questioning everything and making sure Sharon never doubts she's in charge! Sharon is 72, had hope of retiring this year or next...and needs prayer on the home front as well. My heart hurts for my precious friend.

    Be blessed and strengthened in this new day. Love and prayers for us all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Quick update - as previously mentioned my daughter Priscilla got covid - she we retested for the 3rd time on Tuesday and this one came negative. That showed she was actually really sick for 21 days. Hubby and I have been tested 2x - both still positive but though hubby is positive he is now showing no symptons I am still having lots of symptons - have a call with the doctor tomorrow as it has been a horrible 14 days of lots of pain re my back and lots of headache. Need to figure out what to do with the back pain and I personally think covid has brought on a track of it hurting so bad - no pain meds during the day as at night I am now using a muscle relaxer so having to deal with the pain with out meds and just essential oils. Am hoping the doctor can give me a time frame before all of this will settle down as usually with the muscle relaxer after 2 nights taking it my back relaxed enough not to cause pain and I can go on with life. So far it looks like I am going to have 4 - 5 nights and this bothers me because I don't like taking the meds. But that is life.

    Don't let anyone tell you that covid is just like having a bad cold - it is much worse but with being vaccinated I have been able to stay out of the hospital but where the covid is hitting in the body I now believe depends on your health issues - mind it went right to my back and to my sinus causing horrendous headaches.

    But this too will end - am feeling better but still have a road of recovery.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh no Marilyn! Praying for a speedy end to this current trial by fire. Sounds truly awful with the unmanaged, chronic pain.

    I had a really bad GERD episode w/vomiting when I got up from my afternoon nap. I'll do the broth thing again for dinner. I swigged some Pepto...and will rest easy until bedtime.

    I went to send my son some money and commissary packs and he was gone from the facility. I had no notice of his transfer to prison but after e-mailing the jail, got his current location and have tracked him down. Can't do a package thing at the moment but sent him some money and have his stats and address. He was transferred Feb. 11th and release date is 6/15/41. So most likely I will never see him again. It's already been 25 years since I left Alabama and moved back home to Texas. The world (and our prisons) are filled to overflow with folks just like him...lost, in pain and in dire need of Jesus.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bren- my heart goes out to you! Praying for your son.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you Connie. Prayer is always needed and so appreciated. When I came home in 1996, I gave him the option of coming with me and he chose to stay. He has two kids and has been apart from them for 3 years or so. As many as there are, there are hearts broken, lives shattered and hope lost without our Savior.

    I managed a day...ONE so far without the horrid reflux issues. Thanking God. I do need to investigate the safe foods list and put some effort into adherence to a plan of action. I know some things I will not be compliant with but I can reduce the amounts I use...and save a little misery perhaps?

    Prayers for us all in this new day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, I hope you are feeling better by this time! So glad your daughter and hubby are doing better!

    Bren, I pray that you are feeling better too. Keep this appointment!

    Mom's funeral was yesterday. It was beautiful. Wade officiated and he did an awesome job. He read a eulogy from his younger brother who wasn't able to travel and from our pastor as well as adding his own eulogy. So beautiful. He read a passage and said a prayer at the grave side, and we talked for a bit with family before heading home. A family from our church here was able to be there. The two young girls (9 and 12) were very close to Mom, played games with her and sang to her or would just sit with her and hold her hand. So special. They each place flowers on her casket at the graveside, along with the pall bearers leaving their boutineers on her casket. That was a special moment. We had to identify her before the casket was closed, that was difficult. I just wanted to give her a hug, or see her take a breath - but then, I wouldn't wish her back here for anything this world has to offer. She is whole, strong physically and mentally, and is praising God in song! Yeah, Mom! She got to see Jesus first, and her body back with her soul will come out of her grave with Dad on the day Jesus calls us in the rapture before we get to go and meet Him in the air - how awesome is that?? God is so very good!

    Kind of crazy weather here this week. We have rain chances every day and it will be getting chillier after having had temps in the 70's. I am going to begin my healthier eating tomorrow (got snacks I need to finish so temptation is out of the way) which will be a 1000-1200 calorie diet, low carb/high protein. Lord willing we will lose some weight with that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @Restfinder - so sorry to hear about your mom passing - know that I will be praying for you and your family during this time of grieving

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn. I am doing surprisingly well. I have moments, but overall I am just so happy for Mom that it's hard to be sad for myself. She has met Jesus face to face, she has been able to see her husband and oldest son again, and maybe even our precious dogs that I like to believe got to be in heaven! LOL! And she is strong, vital, and able to sing to her heart's content!

    Chilly today so I will probably just do an inside walk. Lots to do going through all of Mom's things but I make time to be with the Lord and the do my exercising. I did start the day off eating well, but grumbles in my tummy gave me an excuse to eat some pretzels last night! Wade doesn't like to listen to my stomach gurgling when he's trying to sleep - so it was for him! (LOL!)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    AARG. I am totally tired of snow. We don't usually have all that much snow here, but it seems like we are seeing it every Thursday. We got about 2 5 inches today with more tonight. I am hoping this is the end of it for this winter.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Wow, Kim...that service sounds so beautiful and Wade officiating...what an awesome home going she had! My Mom was a singer too....Just the memories make my heart smile.

    I will...keep the appt. Monday. This week, my right foot is swollen and really painful but it will be OK. I have been resting a lot and enjoying it. My pain is relieved in rest a great deal.

    Our temps have wild swings here. It's 28 this morning with snow expected. I'm hoping we don't get that. Then back up to the 60-70's range. Hooya! I saw on the news that there is talk of doing away with the time change thing.

    I'm in FB jail...again. Third offense so "punishment " is harsher...2 days, NO posting, 6 days no group posts and 29 days of my group posts being sent to the bottom of the cue. Wonder what they'd do if I said what I REALLY thought? They will allow vile videos of 6-8 thugs attacking a woman in a wheelchair for trying to stop them from leaving with stolen goods, saying she was stabbing them...what? They couldn't get away from her? SO...while that is allowed...my opinion is not. I need to scroll quickly by....keep my opinions to myself or delete from MY feed, as many of those evil things as I can. Bren-Duh needs to find other means to entertain herself.

    It's coffee time...and then I'll set my to-do list and get after it. Blessings to all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    It is getting harder and harder to promote righteousness and godliness these days. People don't want to hear what Jesus would do or say - how incredibly sad but not surprising. Jesus told us their love would grow cold and it has.