Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Sounds yummy! We make a chicken and veggie soup, but it turns out more like the filling for chicken pot pie - and that's just how I like it! Thick and creamy!

    I am going to make a sweet potato casserole (two, one with pecans on top and one with marshmallows on top) and a broccoli salad as well. My broccoli salad will be the one that the dieters won't eat, even though it really won't have anything bad in it. Some of the recipes have mayo and sour cream, but the dressing in the one I am doing has mayo and vinegar and a wee bit of sugar, then it will have broccoli, bacon and sesame seeds and red onion and cheese on the side! The kind my SIL made didn't have cheese in it, but I saw a recipe for it that had cheese in it, so I will put that on the side, and since I can't eat onion, that will go on the side too, or I may just set a small bowl aside for me and add the onion so that flavor can meld throughout! Yeah, I think I'll do that. We are having our Resurrection Sunday meal together after our service. We are a Church of 23 people and we have invited 25 people to join us! So much fun!

    While I was spending time with the Lord this morning I remember that it was on this day 2000 some odd years ago that Jesus was going through some terrible horrific suffering - for me. He fought to get to the cross because I needed Him to be the holy sacrifice for my sin. He turned His face to Jerusalem that week before and made His triumphal entry and then a week later heard those same people cry for His crucifixion. He fought satan in the garden so He wouldn't die there but make it to the cross.
    Heb 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3  For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. 4  You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; 
    Jesus shed blood in the garden so that He could make it to the cross, despite the shame, because without His going to the cross there could be no salvation for you or I - His death and resurrection defeated satan completely! He set us free from sin and death!

    Happy Resurrection Week my friends.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 1MinuteWithTina
    1MinuteWithTina Posts: 65 Member
    Saturday was silent
    Surely it was through
    But since when has impossible
    Ever stopped You?

    Duration: 59 seconds
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 1MinuteWithTina
    1MinuteWithTina Posts: 65 Member
    For death could not hold Him captive
    Even in the grave
    Jesus is Lord
    (Happy Easter. He’s Alive)

    Duration: 52 seconds
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 1MinuteWithTina
    1MinuteWithTina Posts: 65 Member
    May we not miss the day of Jesus visitation
    Duration: 59 seconds

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Kim, your day sounds lovely with all gathered at your home after Church. My only visitors are the bug man once a month, the manager and Jesus, who is with me always.

    My brother sent me a message on FB Friday night, to let me know my step son had told him about my long time, beautiful friend's passing on Thursday. She has been my friend since we met in Chicago, when I was 18. She was my sister in law for 12 years. She will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL with her family present. Many of my favorite memories have her in them.

    I now have my brother's phone number. I had asked him for it over a year ago when I phone crashed and I lost all my contacts. He wouldn't reply to any of my messages so I am glad he at least contacted me about Deniece.

    I have a wasp in here somewhere. I hope he is alone and I hope he doesn't find me. He flew by me and has hidden so I can't spray him. Bugs...really bug me...know what I mean?

    Be blessed in this new week. Love and prayers...

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Lost my post...but I was here!
    Your after church gathering sounds lovely Kim. It's good to be able to gather again and fellowship with friends and rejoice.

    My long time friend, Dee, will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL. I met her when I was 18 and so many of my memories include her and her family. We were sister in laws for 12 years...friends always.
  • 1MinuteWithTina
    1MinuteWithTina Posts: 65 Member
    bren5535 wrote: »
    Lost my post...but I was here!
    Your after church gathering sounds lovely Kim. It's good to be able to gather again and fellowship with friends and rejoice.

    My long time friend, Dee, will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL. I met her when I was 18 and so many of my memories include her and her family. We were sister in laws for 12 years...friends always.

    So sorry for your loss.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you Tina.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Welcome Tina! Thank you so much for sharing. He is Risen Indeed!

    Bren, so sorry about the loss of your friend. Getting older is hard, and part of that is that those we love are getting older along with us and we lose some precious people along the way - if they know Jesus, they aren't lost, they have just gone home! I talked with Wade about this when Mom passed, I picture missionaries who have gone to a remote place, they can't get in touch with you (but rarely, if every) but you know they are out there somewhere and you miss them. Mom is still alive, she is just in a place we can't reach right now, but by God's mercy and grace we will when He says our time on earth is done! Hugs from me to you!

    Chilly and rainy day today. Praise the Lord yesterday was beautiful as we celebrated Jesus' resurrection and then had a wonderful time of eating and fellowship afterwards. I came home around 5 in the afternoon and just fell asleep! I took an hour nap and revived a little bit, but my poor body didn't know what to do with all the stuff I put into it. Time to hit my healthy eating plan hard again!

    Hope y'all have a safe and blessed day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim. That is so true...and one day it will be my turn. While I am certainly in no hurry...I do want to be fully prepared.

    I had a late nap so am up rumbling about at 1:45 AM.... My back gave me fits again today but it's eased off a bit at the moment. Makes daily tasks a struggle but God....is aware of all that.

    I rescheduled my endo appt. for June 15th. I'd like to say...I'll see you when I need you but it doesn't work like that if you want to stay on their roster.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yeah, they need to keep up with you and make sure that you are doing alright! Right now I don't really have a doctor, or at least no appointments in the foreseeable future. I do need to see someone about my lymphedema/lipedema and the swelling that I can't seem to get rid of despite taking two diuretics. I am going to send a note to my functional med doc and see if she has any suggestions.

    My weight is up to 242 and I think at least two or three of those pounds are water. Now that the holiday is over I am getting back on track, although I did have a mini cupcake last night - but that finishes off the treats from Sunday, so....

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Sometimes I watch cooking shows on YouTube and one of the ladies calls her subscribers her "beautiful lovelies". I like that!

    Okay, we are going to do a "Get Ready for Summer Challenge". We'll just do it right here since this is the thread we come to the most. Again, I want three short term goals, doable and specific.

    My Goals:
    One treat a week.
    Eat between 1000-1200 calories a day.
    Do at least 800 step walks each day.
    I am starting out at 241.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    My Goals
    (1) Get in 600 steps each day or more
    (2) 3 meals no snacks
    (3) no sugar no flour = this part is doing a number on me but I know I need to go this way
    Weight at this time: 258
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, I know that from what you've shared in the past, going without flour or sugar has really helped. Let me ask you a question, is it any kind of flour you can't eat or is it wheat? I can't eat wheat, but I can eat oat, coconut flour, rice flour, and there's also almond flour (which I can't eat). I haven't had much success in making a bread out of the coconut flour (adding Psyllum husk to bring it together). I have used the coconut flour and oats in my muffins and that has worked well. Hmmm, I need to make some of those for a healthy snack!

    I did well yesterday, although not quite as many steps as I had hoped. I am working on getting up and walking a couple laps around the house every hour to an hour and a half. My legs don't hurt as much when I do that. I've had a lot of swelling in the past couple of months and I know that walking has helped with that before, so... It's going to be a beautiful and warmer day today, so I will get my outside walk in today as well. I would like to get 3,000 total steps in a day. I can do that when I do my outside walk, and especially if I am walking in the house every hour or so. I did well with my eating yesterday too. I am working on polishing off the left overs from Resurrection Sunday so I've been having my sweet potato casserole and broccoli salad for lunch. Can't say either is that healthy with the added sugar in them, but they still have the nutrients those veggies offer. I need to make me some broccoli salad with my Stevia in it next time - at least I will get in my broccoli this way! LOL!

    Well, I hope you gals are doing well. Let us know you are alright, Miss Bren! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @Restfinder you asked me about flour. I am working at avoiding ALL kinds of flour because scientifically they have found it is addictive like sugar. So any thing that is ground to make flour - it is the process of making the flour that makes it not good to eat. This is information I have gotten from a researcher who has done the researcher on sugar and flour and how it affects the brain. Sugar I find no problem to not have - I know how it affect my body, there are no nutrients in it and it is just as bad for us as any drug out there that people abuse. Flour I am finding harder to get away from eating as so much of our food has some in it. But I know that when I go for 1or more months without any flour products and then save have a slice of toast - I feel the effects in my joints, I bloat, I retain water, I get brain fog and just don't feel good. If you were to give it a try the 'bread' that would be ok to eat is Ezekiel as it is sprouted. My suggestion if you have joint pain, swelling of legs and bloating to give it a try for 21 days and see how you feel - I know I felt so much better but it takes commitment to make that change - as I was told 'How important is it for me to improve my health and get this extra weight off

    Basically my food program looks like this
    (1) 3 meals a day
    (2) no snacks - all food to be eat at one of the meals in order to avoid grazing
    (3) measure all foods using a digital scale
    (4) keep a written journal of what you commit to eat - this you should complete the night before
    (5) no sugar
    (6) no flour

    Breakfast would consist of 1 serving of protein, 1 serving of grain and a fruit that weighs no more than 6 oz

    Lunch would consist of 1 serving of protein, up to 10 oz of veggs and 1 fruit weighing no more than 6 oz

    Dinner would consist of 1 serving of protein, up to 10 oz of veggs

    Total amount of veggs on the weight loss part of this program per day is 20 oz and most people divide that between lunch and dinner but you could divide it evenly between 3 meals if you wanted veggs at breakfast.

    This is a healthy plan, but could be difficult for anyone that is used to snacking and that of giving up sugar and flour. But boy do you feel better when you eat this way - and let me tell you that there is a huge amount of food that you can eat - all food is allowed EXCEPT if adding sugar and flour. I have numerous recipes for muffins, pancakes and all that do not have sugar and flour and they taste really good.

    Anyway have to run