Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I ended up rescheduling after all. My back was better this morning but my right foot was puffed up, painful and had me hobbled. Oh well....I see my PCP next month. Some days getting dressed is more effort than I want to make!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Starting to see some results of improvement re my change of lifestyle. Not having any salt at all except that which is natural in the vegetables I eat - I have been able to lower my water pill to 1/2. Was only 2.5 mg so not much of a water pill and am so happy that I have made this improvement. My one foot (left one) was swelling a lot and hurt so bad it felt like it was broken but doc said it was because of the water and it was stretching the skin. Well after 3 weeks no salt foot is not swelling like it was - still a bit but not at all like it was before. Am looking forward to seeing lots of changes in August when I get my next blood work done. If I can't get off any by that time even to have them lowered would please me.

    But where the pain is in my back - have had this condition since birth and it is really is acting up now especially since having covid - wakes me up and wont let me sleep so 2 night a week I don't sleep at all. Go to bed at 10 pm one night and don't sleep till after 10 pm the next night. Did that on the weekend and then again on Monday. Called doc to ask about that as it is so frustrating as tynelol isn't working so he gave me a prescribed med for pain only to be taken if necessary as it can be addictive. Also am back on meds for my stomach/hiatus hernia - it has decided to flare up and when it does it gives pain the same as a heart attack so it is really frustrating. Have meds for that for the next week - gosh I dislike taking meds but there are times I need them and am praying that the Lord wants me to be off them also and will give me the knowledge and strength to make these changes.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I take Tramadol when I just can't get away from the pain. I have a large backside, and when I lay down my lower back doesn't touch the bed, so I got a wedge to put under my lower back and that has helped immensely! I use, probably, 1/3 of the Tramadol that I used to use. Don't know if your situation is similar, but... Of course, when you were young that would not have been a problem so...

    Started another round of Emgality. Was supposed to be a double dose but my insurance wouldn't cover both doses and I'm not about to pay $700 for one shot! So far I'm not real impressed. The Aimovig worked on all of my headaches, but maybe the Emgality only targets migraines and what I am having isn't a migraine. I woke with another headache (at 4:30) this morning. Twinges of pain starting up. Praise the Lord my pain doesn't debilitate me!

    Well, y'all stay on track and trust the Lord! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited June 2022
    OMG! $700 for 1 shot...oh how that hurts and is ridiculous! Praying for you Sister....I have always been so thankful that headaches of any kind are not on my list of issues! I might have one twice a year....

    The pharmacy (or my Doctor?) missed my request for the refill on pain meds. Oh well...the arthritis strength Tylenol does about the same as far as results go. I love how I can place my requests on the portal for their attention. Finally got that billing issue taken care of! I paid it in February, as soon as I got the notice, and here 4 months later, they were getting ready to give me to collections! I argued the point at my appt. last week, she printed off info, showed my payment went to my endo guy, not my kidney Dr. and the SAME amount was due on that appt. balance....took her a bit to help me understand and when she first asked if I wanted to pay it I said "absolutely not!"...and showed her my bank print out where the amount cleared Feb. 4th...I never got a statement for the first balance due. My deductible is now paid and I should be OK the rest of the year with just my co-pays.

    I got up at 2 AM...was very chilled. I keep my AC on 73, run a fan by the bed every night and have a nice, comfy blanket I snuggle under....just could not get comfortable. Thought about putting some fuzzy socks on...decided to get up instead.

    Since my foot is better, I got trash out, unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, have played a bit online, placed a Wal-Mart order and am dressed to shoes for all of that.
    I want to make some soup today from a pic I saw on Fat Secret....I got chicken meatballs and a bundle of kale and some pre-chopped onion since I need to be simple and quick. I miss my normal unsalted broth but have the Herb Ox no salt packets and will use some of those and the Better than Bullion, even tho it's high sodium...since I didn't get more broth in my order yesterday. It looks like this and I hope it will be yummy...and resemble it somewhat. I have 4 gold taters to use as well.

    I didn't get more bananas or milk either....trying to reign myself in and those spike me. I did get some NSA canned pineapple, cottage cheese, and have some light yogurt on hand. I have a kitchen full of lovely things...just need the energy to put things together for decent meals. I had sugar readings over 340 about 4 times this week...took extra Novalog and monitored it but don't want to make a habit of that. Beans....yummy beans and my loaded toast were the culprits.

    Wishing you all a blessed day as we prepare to enter a new weekend....Time flies.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yikes, that number is high! Glad you have it figured out. I like when you give us numbers under 200! LOL! Can't say that soup looks as yummy to me as it does to you, but it does sound very healthy - yeah for you!

    Very happy Roe V Wade has been overturned. Now to pray for the places that are trying to help women keep their babies alive!

    A/C guy is coming out today to let us know if our HVAC system has any life left in it. When we turn on the AC it comes out cold, then starts blowing hot. Sometimes it just starts out hot. The thermostat hasn't ever given us a correct temp either. We'll just go portable if it gives up the ghost!

    Have a great weekend. Love ya
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    My opinion is rather than have abortions on demand, keep your pants on. Just like everything else in the world....loud, angry, foolish protests will fill the streets. They've already shown on a news segment here, a place women can cross the border into Mexico for an abortion and his services are in high demand.

    Your opinion on my soup choice is the same as Sharon's was more than once on my veggie filled yumminess! She'd say...."oh, that looks good! I wouldn't eat it, but it looks good! She did eat a salad now and then, no tomatoes or cucumbers....fried okra...can't remember many other veggies at all. Tho she didn't eat fresh tomatoes, she would eat tomato sauce with macaroni!

    Oh no! AC issues! Hope it can be fixed or replaced tho I know both are costly.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Me and Sharon know what we are talking about! LOL! A/C is sorta fixed. Right now it will only cool, but the guy is coming back Monday to put in a new thermostat because this one keeps telling the gas to come and and turns on the heat! Hmmm??? Good thing I don't believe in ghosts. He thought he had it fixed and while he was doing the paperwork he could hear it click back to heat, so he took it apart and found that problem. Yippee! Nice and cool now.

    Yeah, these pro-death protestors are really confused. I don't say pro-choice because they aren't - they are destroying places where women have made the choice to keep their babies - so they aren't for choice, they are just for death. It's amazing to me how evil people can be - but the Word says that in the last days their love will grow cold and their hearts will be darkened, and as it was in Sodom, the intent of their thoughts was only evil continually! Crazy! Not a surprise to God though, but how it must break His heart.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hope y'all had a good weekend and are doing well today. My headaches seem to have backed off some. Oh, Bren, you would not have liked my Emgality this time - it was not one of those plungers, where you set it on your leg and then hit the button, no, this one had an open needle and I ended up just inserting it in my tummy! I'm glad I'd done the B12 shots on myself because that would have scared me! LOL! It seems to be working even though I wasn't able to take the double shot.

    Haven't been doing much exercise-wise, just a wee bit of stuff now and again. I've been trying to get back into doing my squats while brushing my teeth. Can't get very low with my bad knees, but I can still feel that it is doing something in my thighs.

    I need to get some laundry done, so will talk to you soon. Love ya
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    My motto here is: Never Give Up, Never Give In. Even though it's hard, keep going. You don't want to get six months down the road and stand on the scale and find you have to re-lose all that weight and probably more because you gave up. Don't give in to discouragement, to temptations that can derail you. If you want a treat, have a treat, but make it fit into your calorie limitations and make those calories extra meaningful. I had a treat last night because I just wanted something cold and comforting. Today I will make up for that treat last night. I know that you can't indulge in treats, Marilyn, but your way isn't an easy one, so just keep working on your plan one day at a time, one step at a time and rejoice in the victories!

    Not much going on with me. Watching our country implode is sad! I read something today from an author and she said that about 20% of the country fought for our freedom from Britain in the Revolutionary War - and won. Don't know if it's true, but it gives those of us who hate the direction this country is going in hope. With God all things are possible, but we have to be sure that it's in God's plan. In the Scriptures, the US of A isn't mentioned, we are a non-entity - and I think Biden is trying his hardest to bring us to non-entity status. I don't think we can turn this country around and bring it back to being a country founded on Biblical principles, it isn't any more and too many powerful people don't want it to be any more, but we can be faithful in our little corner of the world and reach as many people as we can for Jesus, that should be our focus anyway, reaching the lost and bringing them to Christ!

    Well, I love y'all and hope you have a great day!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amen to that!

    Feeling very fatigued today, not sure why. I'll try and get a nap this afternoon so I will be alert for Bible Study tonight.

    Missing you, Bren, hope you are alright! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Me too Kim...feeling really fatigued and my back has been squealing all day. I did more yesterday, had a good day and it seems the cost is paid today. That's OK....as long as God keeps giving me days...I will plug along.

    I agree...turning this nation back to God is not likely to happen as Christ's return requires the fulfillment of scriptures being played out in this time of sorrow and grief..
    Our government has failed and fallen so very far and each election gets more farcical and allows more evil to triumph for the votes. All the "special interest" groups, LBGT's, illegals, rioters....shout with the loudest voices, get the most air time and considerations...sure....let's allow same sex marriage and if you won't make them a cake, you are sued. They have rights....yours don't matter. Pride events are allowed but prayer on the field or flag pole at school is not. You can carry a rainbow flag and flaunt your sin but you....leave that Bible at home!

    Reparations for those ancestors of slaves...sure...why not! tear down all those evil historical landmarks and allow an image erected for followers of satan. After all...their rights have been trampled but while you're at it, pull down the ten commandments and any allusion to prayer and Christianly as that offends us.
    Biden pulling billions upon billions from thin air while destroying our economy and our status as a free nation. Paying people NOT to work....stumbling and bumbling about like the puppet he is so we have no leadership from the white house.
    Let's have porous borders for the terrorists, drug cartels, sex traffickers and the like to swarm our cities and create more havoc daily. Oh wait...they need housing, medical, supplies and let's give them money while our vets and elderly are left to flounder and do without. Let's create a shortage of everything from medication to gas to groceries for our citizens...oh wait...I found another 3 Trillion in my desk drawer....Let's send it overseas! Ack! Outside of God's intervention, there is no hope or help for this sin sick and hell bound world.
    OK...I am done...that's my five dollar's worth.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I wish there was a clapping hands emoji! You are so right - welcome to the last days. That's scary for a lot of people, because if you don't make it in the rapture you have no hope - if you've heard the truth of Christ and rejected it. Another thing I thought about is that the whole world has to start going down the drain, ripe for the anti-Christ to come in and proclaim that he can make it all better! I'm so grateful for the grace of Jesus that I won't be here for the tribulation! If now is scary, what will the terror of the tribulation be like!?!

    Well, the A/C guy came today and put in a new thermostat. So far it's only been cooling! Praise the Lord. It took quite a bit to get it running right, but it's still running, and we are very happy about that.

    Down to 235.4 this morning. A surprise, but a very welcome one! So, about four pounds lost over the last two months. Any weight loss for me is a win - I'll take it! Praise the Lord for His kindness.

    I've been working on getting all of my Pastor's Blog posts saved to the computer and then edited (removing the formatting and setting it up to make it easy to read). I will then put them on memory sticks for each of the families in the Church. There is a lot of very good learning opportunities in the blogs. It's been a blessing going through them. 2009-2022! Lots to do. I've been working on relearning my memory verses too. I'm surprised at how much is coming back, but if I don't go over it every couple of days, I lose a step, so I have picked two bigger passages to go through and try and get them to where I don't have to try and figure out what comes next. Glad I learned them at a younger age when this was easier so now I just have to try and wake up those brain cells and get it back! LOL!

    Hope y'all have a very blessed and happy day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    lwuiq153j75f.jpg Here we go!
    Welcome to July! Hooya!

    Me too, Kim! I am closer to my homegoing than ever before! We who belong to Christ have the assurance of eternity with Him and no matter what this world rolls out...God is still on the throne, His love never changes and He is our hope in every circumstance.

    Oh yay...AC again! I have had mine on since March, set at 73-75 and am very comfy, tho I need my recliner blanket on occasion when I get chilled. We've had weeks of over 100 and at 94, that's a cold front moving in.

    I am on day 3 (for the third time) with my back. I guess I could google something. My functional minutes are dropping it seems tho I push to the screaming point when cleaning, putting groceries away etc. Makes me think I will hire the laundry service again when it's time to be done. It's worth it to me to save myself some agony!

    I have my to do list at the ready and will see what I can accomplish today. I will play with my budget and have coffee first....some things I can do sitting.

    Have a blessed day, Ladies! Love y'all!hhp6spe8gbwu.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That picture reminds me of the view from the restaurant at Sea Ranch Resort, a hotel we like to stay at when we go to the Outer Banks! Gorgeous. We are wanting to go again for our anniversary, but the costs have gone up and we may have to try somewhere different. It's been at least three years since we've been to the Outer Banks. Where we live now, we are just a few hours from there - but it means a ferry ride - :s - time for Dramimine! LOL!

    We are keeping the A/C at 80 right now. I find that the air blowing out of the system is very cold when it is blowing on me, so the 80 feels good, especially when it's in the 90's outside. It's also not such a shock to the system when you are going from 80 to 90 rather than 70 to 90!

    Still very sleepy. Took a wee nap this morning and may have to later as well. I just feel like I can't stay awake! Crazy! I got about 6.5 hours of sleep last night, my bladder woke me at around 6:45 this morning. I ordered some 100% cranberry powder and hope that it helps a wee bit more than the 100% juice with cranberry in it does. I hate when they put it on the bottle like you are getting 100% cranberry juice when it's really a sugar free punch! Sigh.

    I hope that y'all have a great day. Love you.